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Letter of Recommendation

To Whom It May Concern, February 11, 2019

In regards to Ms. Julie Hawkins, I find her to be of the utmost caliber both personally and
professionally. I had the pleasure of knowing and working with Julie in the College Station Summer Day
Camp Program as her supervisor. This wonderful organization goes far beyond that of an ordinary
“daycare” setting. Counselors and staff are directly involved within each activity participating right
along with the kids while also facilitating and monitoring. The camp runs the gamut in terms of genres,
from athletics and dance to crafts and projects. Counselors are required to design and implement daily
plans which not only facilitate entertainment, but also safety and learning as well. Through this process,
I was able to gather a solid perspective on Ms. Hawkins as a person and staff member.

From the onset, Julie demonstrates a strong sense of energy and genuine regard for others. You
can see it simply in her mannerisms and the way in which she conducts herself. The kids and other
counselors respond in kind. She just has that “It” factor which is difficult to find. Ms. Hawkins is highly
intuitive, both with the kids and with her work itself. She consistently discovers what needs to be done
without having to ask. However, if there is any question, Julie will inquire so as to get things
accomplished in a quality manner. Her rapport with the kids is absolutely amazing! She takes time to
point out the positives while holding them to high standards. Students who have issues throughout the
day are not overlooked. Ms. Hawkins takes the extra time to create individual life-learning
opportunities with them.

Julie already possesses the skills and diligence necessary to become a remarkable teacher. Her
caring attitude with the kids sets a positive, safe environment. She is able manage the children with
astounding efficiency utilizing a variety of different strategies. Ms. Hawkins realizes the power within
individualized adaptation, and she treats every child on a unique basis. She communicates her ideas
effectively and distinctly with the children, parents, and staff alike. Throughout any task, big or small,
Julie consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty. She often picks up the slack for others and is
that “go to” person on whom anyone can rely.

Due to the above aforementioned factors, I send my highest recommendation. I truly believe
Julie Hawkins to be a person of solid character and an excellent addition to the field of education. Thank
you for your time and consideration. Please email if you need any further information.
Take care.


Joshua Rhine
Greens Prairie Elementary, 4th Grade
CSISD Summer Day Camp, Site Director

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