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“What are Nouns?

2nd Grade English Lesson Plan
Kristen La Rue

Audience Second Grade Students in English/Language

Objectives After a lesson on nouns the students will play a game to practice
what they learned and then they will be able to complete a quiz on

State of Indiana Standards 2.64 Grammar: Identify and correctly write various parts of speech,
including nouns (words that name people, places, or things) and
verbs (words that express action or help make a statement).

Materials Chalkboard and chalk

Computers for each student
Procedures 1. The teacher will present a lesson to the students on nouns. She
will explain to them that nouns are people, places, and things. She
will write a number or sentences on the board and have the
students tell her which words are the nouns. She will then circle
the nouns so the students can clearly see what word is the noun.
2. She then will explain to them that proper nouns are specific
people, places, or things. For example, the names of people,
restaurants or stores.
3. As a class they will change the sentences that were on the
board with regular nouns to sentences with proper nouns.
Ex: With just a noun: “The teacher told the class they
were doing a great job listening.”
With a proper noun: “Miss LaRue told the class they were
doing a great job listening”
4. Then, the class will stand up and push in their desk chairs in
preparation for the game.
5. The teacher will explain to the students the rules of the game.
She will designate each corner of the room as either “person”
“place” “thing” or “none.” Then, she will say a word, such as
“apple,” and the students will walk to the corner that describes
what an apple is. So, hopefully they walk to the “thing” corner. If
the word said is not a noun, for example “run”, then the students
will walk to the “none” corner.
6. After the students have all gone to a corner she will ask a
student from each of the occupied corners why they chose to
stand there. Then, explain which corner is correct.
7. Play this for about 5-7 minutes.
8. After game is over, have students line up at the door to go to
the computer lab to take the test.
9. Once the students are in the computer lab they will take an
online test using the WiZiQ program.
10. Prior to this lesson the teacher would have used WiziQ to
create a test using their own questions and format. The teacher
can write your own instructions and then select a time limit for
assessment. The teacher can also use WiziQ to check and
compare student performances.
11. The test can be a variety of sections. There can be a section
with sentences and the students are responsible for typing in the
noun in each sentence. Another section could be for the students
to read list of nouns and write a proper noun to go with it. (For
example, “restaurant-McDonalds.”)
12. The goal is that the class will be able to score an average of
an 80% on the test.

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