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Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Lesson # 3 FORMAL Designer Name: Nicholas Anderson

Unit: Working with Word Lesson Title: Making Sentences Grade/Period: 1

(Word Work)

CCSS, Content Related State L.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
Standards (NGSS or C3 capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
framework), and Michigan
College and Career Readiness

Resources and Materials: Sentence Building and Scramble worksheet packet. Writing
(can be attached) Checklist, iPads and access to seesaw. Word cards. Teacher

Big Idea and Essential The big idea is to build sentences that make sense through use of
Question(s): sentence building and sentence scramble.
Frame big ideas as the understanding
statements. Topical or over-arching How can I put my words in an order that makes sense?
questions will lead students to explore
How will the writing checklist help me form my sentences
and understand the enduring knowledge
and skills. correctly?
How can I differentiate my work if I am having trouble with cutting
and pasting my words?

Objectives: I can: identify capital letters that are necessary to start my

What students will know and be able to sentence.
do stated in student-friendly language Identify where finger spacing is appropriate.
(use Bloom’s and DOK levels for higher
level thinking objectives)
Use punctuation to end a sentence.
Build and unscramble words to make a sentence that
makes sense.

Instruction: Sequence of Students will enter the classroom to a word scrambled on the board,
Activities: with a question asking, what is this word? SNOW (OSNW)
Provide an overview of the flow of the We will play a friendly game of grow the flower (my own idea).
lesson. Indicate what instructional Students will take guesses, hopefully solving it before the flower has
strategies will be applied in this lesson.
Should also include (a) estimates of
pacing/timing, (b) inclusive activities,
(c) the wrap-up activities, such as Students should already have the making words activity in front of
summary and reflection, and (d) them and ready to go. There will be no cutting and pasting (minus
technology integration the letters they cut out during morning work for this activity), as I
plan to have them write in the words after they have formed them
and refer to it for the SeeSaw sort assignment for later.
(Differentiated version has students drag and drop letters).

The pattern will go in the following order. I will select a word and
say it once, use it in a sentence, then say the word again. Students
should take the time to form the word and once checked write it in
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

the box. Students will need to practice time management along with
me in order to get all of the words done in our time window. We
have 12 words.

Example: No, there is no school on Saturday, No.

1. Above
2. Ken, did you see my friend, Ken? Ken
3. Open, please open the window, Open
4. Nose, reach out and touch your nose, Nose
5. So, if you say so, So
6. Pose, do you know a yoga pose, Pose
7. Spoke, I spoke to the Principal today, spoke
8. Son, the father has a son, Son
9. Pen, please do not write in pen, Pen
10. Poke, when I get a shot I feel a small poke, Poke
11. Spoken, have you spoken with your friend today? Spoken
12. Pokes, my sharp pencil pokes a hole in my bag. Pokes

It is important to keep going around the room to check students

work. Each word will be revealed after we’ve made our rounds. The
word will be on display until the next word is transitioned to. After
students are done with the writing portion of making words, we will
do a transition break before moving on to the SeeSaw activity.

Transition – GoNoodle

Students will return to their seats and be asked to get on SeeSaw.

Once on SeeSaw, I will give an example of a sort and show them
how to do it. I will model a sort for alphabetical order. The words
will be provided on the slide, and it will be a drag and drop activity.
Slide 2 will be a “sound” sort. Sort by vowel sound “e” and “o” with
long/short variations where appropriate. Slide 3 will be a silly sort.
Students will need to create a fun and jumbled sort.

Our exit ticket will be a piece of scrap paper that they can write a
word down on, and turn it in. The closing will from our lunch menu,
is there any item that has a long “o” sound or has any type of
relationship to the “o_e” from this lesson?

Assessment: Formative: I have a pet – Sentence Building worksheet

Describe both formative and summative
assessments that you will use to assess
student understanding with important
details, such as how will you grade –
quiz, test, project, paper, presentation, Summative: N/A
demonstration, etc.. Formative and
summative assessment tools should be
attached to this lesson plan.
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Accommodation and The accommodations and differentiation methods of this lesson will
Differentiation:: Describe who will be geared towards the students who cannot use scissors or glue as a
need additional or different support result of them being taken away for misuse or learning issues that
during this lesson and how you will prevent students from doing the work in a physical manner. The
support them. Create at least one
activity will be made available to the students via SeeSaw, they can
differentiation plan among five lessons.
use the drag and drop method to form their sentences in the correct
order. They can also drag the images into the correct frames to put
the picture and sentence in the correct order. This lesson should
focus on the accommodations and differentiation methods.

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