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Year Level: Pre-Primary Time: 9:20-9:40am Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Date: 6-9th May, Week 2, 15-20mins each day
- Students have had previous route learning
on the CVC words.
Learning Area: English
- Students recognise each letter and knows
the sounds of each letter of the alphabet.
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Write consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words by - Students have had previous lessons and
representing some sounds with the appropriate letters, activities on sounding out words and
and blend sounds associated with letters when representing words to pictures.
reading CVC words (ACELA1820).
- Students also know their literacy groups
and can work well with their group.
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal Intercultural
competence creative behaviour and Social understandi
thinking competence ng
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures engagement with Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Recognise the CVC words and use their sounding out strategy to help them read.
 Sort and categorise their CVC words to the pictures on their bingo sheet.
 Take turns in working with their peers to complete the bingo task appropriately.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Create the CVC words that the students will - For Dilphreet, I will sit next to her and help
take turns reading. to encourage her to sound out the words
- Create the bingo sheets that appropriately with visual prompting to point at each
match the CVC words, making sure each letter, then encouraging her to match the
sheet is different. word to a picture on the bingo page.
- Gather some counters for the students to use - For the lower groups, I will help the
to cover their bingo sheets when they have the students to understand the rules, and if
matching CVC word. they are stuck on some words encourage

- Print and laminate enough bingo sheets and them to sound out.
CVC words for all students. - For the higher groups, I will pose some
- Have the assessment ready for anecdotal questions for the groups to get the
notes and knowing the lesson objectives. students thinking, for example; “If I take
out the t, in bet and replace it with a d
what would to word be?”
I will also give them an opportunity to use
the words they have of their bingo sheet to
create a sentence.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
 Could the students recognise the CVC words?
 Were students able to sound out any words they don’t know?
 Did the students take turns with each other?
 What will the students need to work on in the next lesson?
 Was the activity helpful and useful?
 What tasks did the students find difficult?

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

Anecdotal notes will be kept on:
 Were the students interested in the lesson that you presented them with?
 Did each student participate?
 Were all objectives met?
 What aspects of the lesson did the students complete?
 How can this be improved?
Take pictures of each groups learning to add into the anecdotal notes for future planning.

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the
9:20am 1. Lesson starts after the literacy warmup that the whole class segment where they will be
does on the matt, Mrs Papas will then send off the students introduced.
into their small groups for literacy activities.
2. Have each table set up with the selected activity for that
3. The teacher will explain each activity and send off each
group to each activity by calling one group at a time.
Four groups – lizards, lions, horses and hippos.
Each group goes to a desk to do something different at each table,
then the next day they go to a different table and do another
activity etc. Continues on until each group has done all activities
Monday-Thursday, then on Friday is Mrs Papas DOTT day and

the relief teacher takes over.

9:25am Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key

CVC laminated words,
laminated picture bingo
1. Once the selected group for that day is seated explain the
sheets and counters.
purpose of the activity which is to practice their skills on
their CVC words, using their sounding out strategy and
matching the words to the pictures.

2. Then explain the rules of the CVC bingo game –

“We are playing bingo with words, starting with the person left to
me pick up one of the words in the middle of the table, read out
the words as best as you can. Then everyone have a look on their
bingo sheets to see if they have the picture that matches the word.
If you do then place a counter on that picture. Continue going
around the group and the first person to have four counters in a
row calls out BINGO and wins that round.”

3. Play the game going around the circle and helping when
necessary to sound out the word, encourage the students
to do it independently.
“What sound does the word start with?”
“What sound does the word end with?”
“Try sounding out each letter.”
“What do you think the word says?”
“What does this word mean?”
Pencils and Paper.
4. For the stronger students prompt some questions for the
students to think about each of the words,
“If I take out the t, in bet and replace it with a d what would to word
be?” etc.
“What does this word mean?”
“What is another word to describe this word?”
“How would you use this word in a sentence?”
- For the stronger students I will also give them an
opportunity to use the words they have of their bingo sheet
to create a sentence.

5. Each time a student calls bingo restart the game and

continue on until the time is up for the students to go to

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

1. Review what the purpose of this activity was by restating

the lesson objectives as I did at the beginning, to practice
their skills on their CVC words, using their sounding out

strategy and matching the words to the pictures.

2. Remember to take pictures of their activity and ask the

students feedback on how they went in the activity.
“Did you enjoy this activity?”
“Was is challenging?”
“What was your favourite part?”

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

1. Mrs Papas will then call the students up wash their hands,
grab their lunchboxes and hats to go to recess by one table
at a time to eliminate any misbehaviour in the transition.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be


For this Activity the assessment will be done through taking

anecdotal notes throughout the activity to note take any important
information that may occur or any learning issues for a student.
Also, making sure each students are meeting the lesson

 Recognise the CVC words and use their sounding out

strategy to help them read.
 Sort and categorise their CVC words to the pictures on
their bingo sheet.
 Take turns in working with their peers to complete the
bingo task appropriately.

Because I am working with five or six students at a time on the

activity it will be easier to regulate if the students are meeting the
objectives, if a student did not meet an objective I will write down
on my notes which student might need extra time on working on
that certain objective.

I will also be taking pictures of the group activity to go with the

anecdotal notes to organise and visually see the activity and
assessment correlation.

This assessment will be accessible in my assessment folder for

this semester under the Literacy activities.


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