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Duration: 1 Hour Max.

Marks: 20
Note: Answer any One full question from each Unit.

Unit – I Marks BT*

1 a Derive the strain – displacement relationship for a 2D elastic body 4 L2

b Derive stiffness matrix for a bar element by direct method 4 L3

c What are the properties of stiffness matrix. 2

2 a Explain the basic steps involved in FEM for stress analysis of elastic solid L1
bodies with an example. 5

b Derive stress strain relations for a 2D elastic body 5 L2

Unit – II

3. a 5 L5

b 3 L1

c Derive shape function for a 3 noded triangular element in natural coordinate

5 L1
system. Plot the variation of displacement.

4. What are simplex, complex and multiplex elements explain in detail. L2

b The nodal coordinates of a triangular elements are as shown in fig. 4b The

‘x’ coordinate of interior point ‘P’ is 3.3 and shape function N1=0.3.
Determine N2, N3, and ‘y’ coordinate of point ‘P’.

Fig.4b: Triangular element in 2D space

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