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1. Definition of Drug Abuse, Pcychotropics and Tranquillizer

Drug abuse is a deviant behavior in the use of drugs. According to Stuart and Sundeen
(1998), Drug Abuse is continuous use of substances even after problems occur. According to
Buddy (2018), Substance abuse or drug abuse defined as a pattern of harmful use of any
substance for mood-altering purpose. Substance abuse or drug abuse is the excessive use of
substance, such as drug or alcohol, which result in clinical and functional impairments
(Anonymous,2018). Drug abuse is a behavior where someone uses drugs not in accordance
with their functions.
Psychotropic is medicines that have psychoactive properties that can affect psychological
function. According to WHO (1996), Psychotropic are drugs that work or effect psychology,
behavior or experience. According to Law No 5 of 1997 Psychotropic is substances or drugs,
either natural or synthetic, non narcotics, which have psychoactive properties through selective
influence on the SSP which caures distinct changes in mental activity and behavior.
Psychotropic are drugs either natural or synthetic that work or effect psychology.
Tranquilizers are drugs that are used to calm patien. According to Merriam Tranquilizer is
a drug used to reduce mental disturbance such as anxiety and tension. Tranquilizer is drug that
is used to reduce anxiety, fear, tension, agitation and related states of mental disturbances
(Anonymous ,2018). Tranqulizer is drug that is used to calm and reduce mental disturbance or
reduce anxiety.

2. Type of Tranquilizer
A. Barbiturate
Barbiturates are sedatives that are used as tranquilizers or anti-anxiety. If these drugs are
given to patients without a prescription, they are considered illegal (Hattfield, 2018).
B. Benzodiazepine
Benzodiazepines are drugs used to treat anxiety and are effective in treating several other
conditions. mechanism of action by influencing neutrotransmitters in the brain (Annete, 2018).
C. Nonbarbiturate-nonbenzodiazepine Drug
A diverse group of compounds, all of which posses similiar yet different pharmacologic
and toxicologic characteristics (Glatt,1966).
3. Profile Diazepam

Chemical Structure of Diazepam

A. Definition

Diazepam was a well-known drug in 1950. it was used to treat CNS, including anxiety and
epilepsy (Nicholas,2014). Diazepam is a central nervous system sedative, which has a function
affecting the body and behavior of a person, and can change moods or feelings. (Mycek et al,

B. Indication

Indications for the treatment of diazepam in short-term use can cause insomnia, fever, and
muscle spasms. This drug is needed or used to overcome anxiety and hallucinations because of
the influence of alcohol consumption (BPOM RI, 2008).

Diazepam is a class of benzodiazepines whose reaction works quickly and is long-lasting

which is commonly used to treat anxiety disorders, as well as alcohol detoxification, acute
seizures, severe muscle spasms, andflexibility associated with neurological disorders. In the
setting of acute alcohol withdrawal, diazepam is useful for relieving symptoms of agitation,
tremor, alcohol hallucinations, and acute delirium tremens (Dhaliwal, 2019).

C. Mechanism

Mechanism of diazepam which enters the body will be metabolised with the help of
cytochcrome P 450. The work of the cytochrome P 450 enzyme in other tissues besides
erythrocytes will form superoxide. In erythrocytes superoxide is formed through auto oxidation
of hemoglobin to methemoglobin (Harper, 1979).
Diazepam is a benzodiazepine group that works in the hypothalamic region of the CNS and
can produce levels of CNS depression, including hypnosis, skeletal muscle relaxation, and
anticonvulsant activity. Recent facts show that the benzodiazepine group has an effect by
increasing the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor-benzodiazepine complex
(Annonymous, 2019).

D. Dosage

Oral doses in the treatment of anxiety disorders or to relieve symptoms of anxiety in the short

adults: 2 mg - 10 mg to 4 times per day depending on the severity of the symptoms. Use a lower
adult starting dose for weak adult patients.

Infants over 6 months, Children and Adolescents: for initial doses give 1 mg-2.5 mg up to 4
times per day. Doses can be increased as needed and tolerated (Annonymous, 2019).

E. Adverse Effects

Like most benzodiazepines, the adverse reactions of diazepam include central nerve system
(CNS) and respiratory depression, dependence, and benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.
Serious adverse effects of diazepam include Respiratory depression, Seizures, and Suicidality.
Common adverse effects of diazepam include Confusion, Depression, Headache and Tremor
(Dhaliwal, 2019).

F. Contra Indication

Contraindications caused by diazepam are liver disorders, respiratory problems, acute

pulmonary insufficiency, phobias and obsession conditions, chronic psychosis, acute narrow-
angle glaucoma, acute asthma attacks (BPOM RI, 2008).

Contraindications to diazepam include patients with severe respiratory insufficiency,

myasthenia gravis, sleep apnea syndrome, and severe hepatic insufficiency. It is permissible in
patients with open-angle glaucoma who are receiving appropriate therapy but is contraindicated
in acute narrow-angle glaucoma (Dhaliwal, 2019).

4. Abuse of Diazepam
Abuse of the drug occurs when a person for drinking. In fact diazepam it self is not a special
drug for getting drunk, but rather a sedative (Walsh et al, 2018).Drug abuse for drinking by
combining two drugs, diazepam and alhocol. Diazepam is one of the many drugs that is
combined with alcohol for various reason. Although those who mix diazepam and alcohol are
well aware of what they consider to be benefits, they may not fully know or understand the
potential negative side effects of this combination. Diazepam, in general considered a relatively
safe prescription drug, when taken as prescribed. However, when its it abused or mixed with a
subtance like alcohol, it can pose some serious risks to the body. Dangers of mixing diazepam
and alcohol can cause confusion, disorientation or dizziness, diazepam can dramatically
enhance the effect of alcohol in blood stream. This result in a euphoric feeling, which can then
lead to repeated abuse of both subtances combined, combining diazepam and alcohol can lead
to loss off consciousness and brain damage. Of course, one of the worst possible side effect of
mixing these to substances is dead.

The irony o tranquilizers is that they are prescribed for anxiety and sleep. But the longer
you take them and exceed the dose the more they increase your anxiety and distrub your sleep
(Dizon, 2017). Over time, as the body adapts to the medication’s consistent presence, the
original dose of diazepam is not able to produce the same results. This lead to the need to
increase the dose taken. Associated with complaints of insomnia (insomnia) that the drug
diazepam is not indicated to deal with this sleep disorder freely (Dizon, 2017). Its use must be
thoroughly researched and able to be accounted for (considering the principle of benefits and
risk of side effects). The patient must be aware that the diazepam if used is outside the
indications that it should be more likely to cause an increase in the possibility of side effects
that have the potential to endanger themselves and the environment. Conditions that can occur
due to the use of diazepam:. Decreasing respiratory function that can endanger oneself, sedation
deep sleepiness effects that can make yourself and others happy when dealing with certain jobs,
seizures, liver disorders, patients turn yellow, decreased memory and amnesia and addiction to
the use of this drug / dependence. If this condition occurs, patients will be encouraged to do

5. Conclusion
Drug Abuse is continuous use of substances even after problems occur. Drug abuse is a
condition a drug is used not for the purpose of treating a disease, but is used to find or achieve
certain awareness because of the influence of drug on the soul. Medical drugs that are often
misused by decommunity, namely diazepam. Type of Tranquilizer is benzodiazepines,
barbiturates, and non barbiturates - non benzodiazepine drug groups. Benzodiazepins are a
class of drugs primarily used for treating anxiety, but day also are effective in treating several
other conditions. Barbiturates are used extensively as hypnotic and alternative. Nonbarbiturate-
nonbenzodiazepine is a diverse group of compounds, all of which possess similiar yet different
pharmacologic and toxicologic characteristics.
Diazepam is a benzodiazepine group of Central Nervaous System Sedatives. Diazepam is
used for insomnia, febrile seizures, muscle spasm. Diazepam is often misused for over dose
sleeping pills. In the use of long-term diazepam can cause tolerance, dependence, and the
appearance of symptoms again if the dose is reduced.

6. Reference
Anonymous, 2013. Pengertian Psikotropika dan Golongan Psikotropika. Accessed from
psikotropika.html, on March 4, 2019.

Anonymous, 2005. Diazepam. Accessed from, on March 19, 2019.

Anonymous, 2019. Tranquilizer. Accessed from, on March 19, 2019.

Asli, Medismaya 2010. Pengertian dari Tranquilizer. Accessed from, on March 20,

Calcaterra, Nicholas E 2014. Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: Diazepam (Valium).

Accessed from, on April 15,

Norlianti, Elva 2015. Diazepam. Accessed from, on March 4, 2019.

Ogbru, Annett 2010. Benzodiazepines. Accessed from, on March 19, 2019.

Patterson, Eric 2019. Diazepam Abuse. Accessed from

https://drugabuse .com/library/diazepam, on March 21, 2019.

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