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Key Benefits Overview

• Understand the do’s You’ve been hacked. During this major security incident, an embarrassing
and don’ts of crisis internal employee thread has been leaked to the press. Cybercriminals
communications are attacking your organization, activists are targeting you in social media
and customers are confused and worried. What you say, when, and to
• Learn the quick win
whom throughout the incident will shape the perception of your
actions you can take to
organization for years to come. Getting it wrong can result in immediate
transform your
and long-term loss of income, reputation, goodwill and operational
capability. Getting it right can create trust among your customers and
capabilities through a understanding with influencers. Now more than ever, effective critical
thorough assessment of communication capability is vital to your confidence and peace of mind.
current processes and
practices. How the Offering Works
In a one or two-day workshop, our Consultant / Trainer will help you
• Adopt and adapt crisis assess your critical communication capabilities. Then, you’ll begin
communications working together to improve that capability by learning critical
strategies and methods communication strategies and methods. Throughout the workshop,
for individuals, teams, you’ll identify action items for improvement. In the optional two-day
and the entire workshop, you’ll also participate in crisis situation scenario-driven
organization simulation rounds, where you can exercise, reflect on, and improve your
critical communication capability. The workshop concludes with an
optional CCC® Foundation certification examination.
2019 © Acceleres Corporation. All rights reserved. This data sheet is for informational purposes only.
Increasing your critical Get on the same page and improve
communication Improvement relies on a team knowing their roles and functions in a
capability takes time
crisis. This is best achieved when a broad set of participants are included
and effort. Plans tend at different levels of the organization. The workshop helps you gather
to gather dust and be teams together to discuss capability levels, pain points and action items
obsolete when you and learn and improve together before the next critical incident occurs.
need them most.
There is no substitute Acceleres provides the tools to increase
for practice and confidence and efficiency
experience where
You could work on this yourself, but why not leverage an independent,
individuals, teams and
authoritative source who has, ‘been there’ and ‘done that’ in critical
organizations have the
communications? Get a candid, clear read on your current capability with
right capability, the
the in-workshop self-assessment, simulations and optional certification
right skills, knowledge
and mindset to Deliverables
respond effectively. • A one-day Critical Communication Capability® Foundation workshop,
Acceleres’ CCC® or optionally, a two-day workshop that includes scenario-driven
Foundation workshop simulation rounds to help you practice, learn and grow as a team
provides a • A high-level critical communication capability assessment (of value
by itself, and a good starting point for the comprehensive
independent assessment we offer separately)
assessment of your
• Strategies and methods for critical communication
current capabilities to
• Captured action items for further improvement
immediately begin to
• An optional 40-question multiple choice CCC® Foundation
apply critical certification examination to capture the investment you’ve made
strategies and
Related offerings
We offer Critical Communication Capability® strategy, design, continual
methods through a
improvement, assessment/evaluation, implementation, and ongoing
series of simulations support services so you can get further, faster with help from Acceleres.
designed to prepare
you for the real thing.
Participants required for the workshops
• Leadership teams accountable for critical communication
• Individuals who contribute to critical communication

How to get started

Contact Acceleres at +12064026814 or to
learn more or schedule the workshop.

2019 © Acceleres Corporation. All rights reserved. This data sheet is for informational purposes only.

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