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In phrase reading material, we will explain about “what is phrase?”, “kind of

phrases”, and “reading phrases” (why shall we learn about phrase)”.

A. What is phrase?
Phrase is a group of word, which doesn’t make complete sense.1 It is supported by
Manse in Oxford dictionary, he defines phrase as a short group of words or group of
words without a verb that form part of a sentence.2
Examine the group of words “in a corner”. It makes sense, but not complete
sense. Such a group of words, which makes sense, but not completes sense, is called a
phrase.3 So, from the definition given above, it can be concluded that phrase is a group of
words that makes sense as a part of sentence.

B. Kinds of Phrase
There 3 kinds of phrase, namely:
1. Adjective Phrase
2. Adverb Phrase
3. Noun Phrase
3 phrases must be understood by the English students to make them able to read
and understand phrases better.
1. Adjective Phrase
We have seen that sometimes a group of words does the work of an adjective. 4
Where as the function of adjective is to explain the noun. So, adjective phrase is the
phrase that has condition as an adjective. Now, study the following examples.5

Jayanthi Dakshina Murthy, Contemporary English Grammar, (Delhi : Shivan printers, book Palace,
2003), page. 223
Martin H. Manser, Learners Oxford Dictionary, P. 309
Wren & Martin, High School English Grammar & Composition, P. 2
Wren and Martin, Op.Cit, p. 184
Ibid, p. 185
No. Adjectives No. Adjective Phrases
1. A golden Crown 1. A crown made of gold
2. A purple Cloak 2. A cloak of purple colour
3. A white Elephant 3. An elephant with a white skin
4. A jungle track 4. A track through the jungle
5. A blue-eyed boy 5. A boy with blue eyes
6. A deserted village 6. A village without any inhabitants
7. A blank page 7. A page with no writing on it
8. The longest day 8. The day of greatest length
9. The Spanish flag 9. The flag of Spain
10 A heavy load 10. A load of great weight.

It can be seen that golden is an adjective that modifies the word “crown”, whereas
made of gold is an adjective phrase that also modifies the word “crown”. The same
condition is also seen in example number 5 blue-eyed, it is an adjective that modifier
noun boy, while the phrase with blue eyes also modifies the word boy. The word Spanish
(in number 9). Modifies noun flag, and of the Spain modifies noun flag. It is denoted by
the noun phrases.6
We can look the examples in sentences like follows:
a. – The heads of Europe wore a golden crown
- The heads of Europe wore a crown made of gold.
b. – a white elephant is considered sacred by some people
- an elephant with a white skin is considered sacred by some people.
c. – He is a blue-eyed boy
- He is a boy with a blue eye.
2. Adverb Phrase
Just as the work of an adjective is often done by a group of words called an
adjective phrase, so the work of an adverb is often done by a group of words. An adverb
phrase is a group of words. An adverb phrase is a group of words that does the work of an
Eka Sustri Harida, Diktat Reading I, (Padangsidimpuan : State Collage for Islamic Studies, 2008-2009), p.
Wren & Martin, Op. Cit, p. 187.
No. Adverbs No. Adverb Phrases
1. Bravely 1. In a brave Manner / with bravely
2. Unwisely 2. In an unwise manner/without wisdom
3. Swiftly 3. In a swift manner / with swiftness
4. Beautifully 4. Is a beautiful style
5. Formerly 5. In former times/once upon time
6. Recently 6. Just now / at a recent date
7. Soon 7. Before very long / at an early date
8. There 8. At that place
9. Away 9. To another place
10. Abroad 10. To (in) a foreign country

We can look the examples in sentences like follows :

a. - The policemen catch the robbers bravely
- The policemen catch the robbers in brave manner
b. - The pigeon flies swiftly
- The pigeon flies in a swift manner
c. - he expects to get promotion soon
- he expects to get promotion at that place
d. - Go away!
- Go to another place!
e. - we will pitch the tents just here
- we will pitch the tents just in this place

3. Noun Phrase
A noun phrase is a group of words that does the work of a noun. 8 some words that
arranged together to make a phrases and do the work as noun or give information about
the noun it self is called noun phrase. Where noun is a word used as the name of a person,
place or thing.
Examine the following sentence:
Ibid, p. 190
1. The boy wants something
2. The boy wants to go home.
The word something is a noun and it is the object of the verb wants, in sentence 1.
Similarly the group of words, to go home, is the object of the verb wants, in sentences.
Hence this group of words does the work of a noun. The group of words, to go home is
therefore a noun phrase.
Further examples of noun phrases:
1. Early to bed is a good maxim.
2. He hopes to win the first prize.
3. We enjoy playing cricket
4. He loves to issue harsh orders
5. Did you enjoy reading this book?
6. I tried to get the sun right
7. To win a prize is my ambition
8. Standing about in cold wet wind did me no good
9. He has a strong desire to win the race
10. Fahri hates smoking cigars.

C. Reading Phrases
By recognizing the there phrases, it will make the readers easier to identify the
phrases that they read. It also will help the readers to comprehend what they have been
read. Before coming to the sentence, the readers must be able to identify the phrase first.
Look the paragraph below:
When you go to see a movie, the first thing you want to know is: “what is
it about?” as the movie begins, various characters interact. To understand this
interaction. You have to know who the characters are and understand what they
are saying. Then you have to note how the characters relate to one another. To
grasp the point the film is making, you have to realize what all of the conversation
and action, taken together, means.
By identifying the phrases from the paragraph above, the readers, can be easier to
understand the text. The groups of words such as ‘to see a movies’, ‘the first thing’,
‘various characters’, ‘this interaction’, who the characters are’, what they are saying;, to
one another’, to grasp the point the fill’, and ‘taken together’ are such kinds of phrases
that presented in the paragraph above. By understanding the phrases, making the readers,
is easier to understand the paragraph or the text.

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