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Deficient fluid volume related to polyuria and dehydration AEB dry mucus membrane.

 Assess peripheral pulses, capillary refill, skin turgor and mucous membrane.
 Monitor and record Input and output
 Monitor vital signs (including monitor for orthostatic changes in blood pressure and heart
 Assess neurologic status
 Monitor the patients’ weight
 Administer fluid as indicated
 Administer medications as appropriate
 Monitor for signs of fluid overload
 Monitor laboratory test e.g.,(BUN, Serum Creatinine K,Na blood glucose test)


Guidelines to follow during periods of illness (Sick day rules)

 Take insulin or oral antidiabetic agents as usual.

 Test blood glucose and test urine ketones every 3-4 hours
 Report elevated glucose levels as specified or urine ketones to your primary provider
 If you take insulin, you may need supplemental doses of regular insulin every 3-4 hours
 If you cannot follow your usual meal plan, substitute soft foods (e.g., 1/3 cup regular gelatin, 1
cup cream soup, ½ cup custard, 3 squares graham crackers) 6-8 times/day.
 If vomiting, diarrhea or fever persists, take liquids, to prevent dehydration and to provide
 Report nausea and vomiting and diarrhea to your primary provider, because extreme fluid loss
may be dangerous.
 If you are unable to retain oral fluids, you may require hospitalization to avoid diabetic
ketoacidosis and possibly coma.

Management for Macrovascular complications

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