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English Task

Name : Mia Citrawati

Class : XI A 7

Issue :

Depok residents demand that student brawlers be punished more severely so that
there is a deterrent effect.

Opinion :

In my opinion teachers need to provide moral education and character to their

students so that students can behave in accordance with existing norms. teachers
need to give full supervision to their students so they do not do bad deeds. I think
parents also need to pay attention to their children's relationships so they don't fall into
bad things. Because in general, adolescence is a time in which a person seeking
identity so easily influenced by many things including promiscuity therefore, parents
also need to pay attention and supervision to their children for fear the bad things.

As far as I know in Indonesia there are many cases of brawl like this so the
government needs to give strict sanctions so that the perpetrators feel the deterrent
effect. Personally, I think the government needs to provide supervision to schools so
that they can educate their students not only in academics but also in moral and moral
education. In my view there needs to be good communication between parents,
teachers, and students. From my point of view, students who fight are students who
cannot control their emotions, so students need to learn so they are not easily
provoked by emotions. Personally I think students don't have to solve problems by
fighting or fighting because it's very dangerous.

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