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THE GLOBE: Represents our world and the people living in it who are suffering
and deprived of mental peace and stability due to their very existence in this
Cyclic existence.

THE BODHI LEAF: To overcome our problems and to find an everlasting peace,
sincere practice is indispensable, which is represented by the Bodhi leaf.

THE DOVES: If we follow this path then the everlasting peace will surely come to
us which is symbolize by the two flying doves.

Call 0091- 9418866819

Geshe Sonam Dawa
Jamyang Choling Institute
P.O. McLeod Ganj-176219
Dharamsala, Distt Kangra
H.P. India

About the Proposed site

The proposed site for peace ling meditation center is called Zomket Lhakhang (joy together in
heaven) the place is on a rocky mountain which rises about half kilometer from the surrounding
earth an overlooking the valley. About hundred meters above Zomket Lhakhang is the Stongday
Monastery, founded by Marpa the great saint of Tibet and the teacher of Milarepa. Many trees
grow beside the site, and there is also fresh spring water. Just below the site is the retreat cave of
great yogi Marpa who is said to have meditated there during his journey from Tibet to zanskar.
Like many other Tibetan Lamas, Marpa had many miraculously powers and is believed to have
left a footprint on a stone here. Several hundred years later a nunnery called Zomket Lhakhang
was erected there. The nuns experienced an overwhelming number of visitors looking for the
footprint, and this created insurmountable obstacles in their practice, so they covered the footprint
on Zomket Lhakhang. It remains unfound to this day. It is reached by following the path to
stongdey monastery until about half way up the mountain. Taking the left fork one soon reached
to peace ling center.
Project plan and the Estimated Cost

Sr. No. Description Estimated Cost

Indian Rupees USD

1 Road access and parking* 100,000 2,222

2 Administration office, reception and shop 500,000 11,111
3 Meditation cave 50,000 1,111
4 Residential rooms 2,000,000 44,444
5 Kitchen, Canteen & open space 500,000 11,111
6 Library, dining room 500,000 11,111
7 Auditorium and museum hall 2,000,000 44,444
8 The central space 45,000 1,000
9 Water tank 1,000,000 22,222
TOTAL Rs.6,694,920 148,776

Proposed Plan

1. Road access and parking

Peace Ling Centre is located at the top of a small hill, approximately half kilometer high. As it is
presently difficult to deliver material to the site, improving road access about one kilometer from
stongdey monastery base parking to entrance of peace ling center and parking is a priority. It is
also essential to have convenient access in order to transport guests and visitors to the centre. In
front of the office and main entrance we propose to have a little space for parking. We are trying
to manage to have enough space to keep at least ten vehicles at a time.

Estimated cost Rs 100,000 ($2,222)

2. Administrative office

After entering the main gate, on the right side there will be a two storey building for the Peace
Ling Centre office. The lower part is the reception, luggage room and small shop for daily needs
and upper part is the Main office with a small veranda to rest and relax. The Peace Ling office is
the main place from where we plan to expand and accomplish the Peace Ling Centre project. The
building structure will be a combination of local handmade traditional bricks, while the roofing
material will be concrete. The window and door will be made of hardwood.
Estimated cost Rs 500,000 ($11,111)
3. Meditation cave

Just behind the administration office there is a rocky mountain about 50 m long. In front, there is
only a row of green trees, and it is far enough from other houses to be absolutely free from noise.
A special retreat cave will be built into the mountain. It will be the perfect place to pacify the mind.
Fragrant aroma of flower, natural herbs, grass and wild plant will cover the cave. Small artificial
spring water will flow from the rocky wall of caves.

Estimated cost Rs 50,000 ($1,111)

4. Residential rooms

Next to the office will be the residential rooms for the guests and visitors. The visiting season in
Zanskar is the three months of summer. During this time, Peace Ling will hold all its important
events, as the center becomes a mass gathering place. Therefore, we propose sufficient
residential rooms to provide comfortable and welcoming accommodation for all our guests. There
will be 18 rooms and each will consist of a living room, toilet and bathroom, and balcony. The
building structure will be a combination of local handmade traditional bricks, while the roofing
material will be concrete. The windows and doors will be made of hardwood.

Estimated cost for 20 Rooms Rs 2,000,000 ($44,444)

5. Kitchen, Canteen & open space

Next to the residential rooms, a canteen with a kitchen for preparing local food will be built.
Attached to it will be an open area with great views overlooking Stongday and other
Zanskar villages, as well as the great Zanskar River. Here, guests will be able to enjoy
breakfast, lunch and tea.

Estimated cost Rs 500,000 ($11,111)

6. Library and dining hall.

This building is planned to be on two levels.

Lower level
Next to the canteen and open space varanda will be the library, where guests will be able to
choose a book and come out to the open space to read, as they enjoy the view with a cup of tea.

Upper level
This place will also have a great view of the village of Stongdey, Zanskar River and other villages.
It will be the perfect place to welcome our guests for dinner or other parties and feasts.
The building structure will be a combination of local handmade traditional bricks, while the roofing
material will be concrete. The entrance door and four large windows mixed with glass for
maximum light and outside view will be made of hardwood and will be carved by local craftsmen.

Estimated cost Rs 500,000 ($11,111)

7. Auditorium and Museum hall

Next to the library will be the conference hall. This will be quite large as important assemblies,
teachings, meetings, and cultural shows etc. will be held here.

The museum will also be important as centre for archeological research. We will try as much as
possible to collect unique ancient artifacts related to the cultural history of Zanskar and its natural
environment and present them to interested researchers and other visitors. It will help us to
preserve our heritage and remember what Zangskar looked like in the past. The building structure
will be a combination of local handmade traditional bricks, while the roofing material will be
concrete. The eight large windows and entrance door will be made of hardwood.

Estimated cost Rs. 2,000,000 ($44,444)

8. Central space

In the central area of Peace Ling Centre will be a garden. With various kinds of trees, colorful and
fragrant flowers, and the pleasant sound of singing birds, visitors will get a real sense of being in
a sanctuary of peace.

Here, as guests find mental satisfaction by reading a good book, they can also satisfy their five
physical senses: their bodies can enjoy a comfortable chair, while they enjoy sweet tasting tea
and delicious vegetarian food, with lovely flowers for the eyes, fragrant aroma for the nose, and
the pleasant sound of birds for the ears.

Estimated cost Rs. 45,000 ($1,000)

9. Water supply

Establishing a reliable 24-hour water supply is most essential. Such a supply needs to be
sufficient for drinking, cooking, laundry and gardening. We are therefore planning to connect a
water pipe from a natural spring high up on the mountain about five kilometers to water tank,
which will then service the entire Centre.

Estimated cost Rs. 1,000,000 ($ 22,222)

About the projected costs
Zanskar is situated in a very remote area and the material resources are extremely scarce.
Constructing building require extensive expenditures, as virtually every requirement for the
project will have to be procured from a great distance (about two days).

In order to construct Peace Ling Centre according to our plans, we discovered that it involved
much more expense than we expected, and we are not entirely confident that our ambitions will
be fully realized. However, through strength and endeavor, we think we can accumulate the
adequate funds for this project.

This will be possible in following ways.

1) People to whom the Peace Ling Centre project appeals are encouraged to sponsor a
whole section of the project or donate as much as they can.

2) Another opportunity to raise funds is through organizing an international tour to display

different aspects of Ladakh culture such as sand mandala construction, monks' "cham"
dance, chanting etc.

3) People are invited to become active members of the center, by giving time and support to
activities such as fund raising, promotion and telling other people about the centre.

4) You can become a financial sponsor of the centre by sending us a one-off donation or
even better regular monthly donations.

5) Donate any amount to any part of project as the memorial for a deceased teacher,
parent, children, friend or relative. We will register the name in our list of sponsors and
include a mention in special prayers each month.

From Peace Ling Team

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