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Thank you for the emcee.

Good evening honored guests, family members, graduating

students, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for coming to share in the joy
and accomplishments of these graduates, and for helping to make this day a special and
memorable one for each of them.
I want to thank you for sharing these two years at the Ecole with me, and my family. It
has been an honor to bear witness to your growth and to build fine friendships full of so
many shared laughs and memories.
A graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion - the culmination of years of
hard work; the actualization of goals attained and the acknowledgement of successes
achieved. So, it is only fitting that tonight we commemorate the road that we have all
traveled together these last few years.
It has been a journey that started with tentative steps perhaps, but one that has taken
us to remarkable heights. We have encountered some trials along the way...soldiered on
and come out the stronger for them. We have experienced exceptional moments,
magical moments and created memories that will be fondly remembered in the years
Graduation implies the end of a time but commencement implies just the opposite, a
beginning, the beginning of the rest of your life.
And when I allude to your future, I don’t just mean your professional careers. Your
career is important, but remember: it is not the only thing -- perhaps it is not even the
major thing -- that matters in life.
There are families, relatives and friends, the community and the society. It's important
to keep in mind that not everything of worth has a ringgit sign affixed to it. In fact,
many of the most valuable things -- the priceless ones --do not.
In closing, I would like to leave each of you with the hope that as you make your own
choices over time, you will be able to balance your drive for achievements with a
commitment to love and to play, to family and friends, to your community and the
As you cross this stage today to receive your degrees and then step out into the world,
as a graduate and ambassador for the University of Dundee, the University community
and I wish you the very best for your future. Congratulations.

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