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Today,marks the end of another amazing chapter in our lives, and many of us are already looking

forward to the next one. However, this is only the start of another journey. Life is not a book where
we can flip the page to see how much longer it will be or what happens next. Every day that goes by
is another page that we contribute to the unwritten book of life that everyone of us is living.

I am honored and heartful gratitude to have the opportunity to speak today On behalf of the
completers of the class 2022-2023 I’d like to express a warm greeting and a pleasant afternoon to
our esteemed guest__________ to our beloved Principal Mrs.Dolores T. Dahab, teachers and staff,
our dear parents, fellow completers, relatives, and friends who are with us today.

Mo Farah, one of the most successful British athletes in the history of the modern Olympics, stated
that his success didn’t come easily and that it didn’t happen immediately; rather, it was the
consequences of years of struggle and hardwork and each year, his performance became better and
better. This highlights the most fundamental aspects of life, or struggles and hardships determine
our triumph .So I want you to ask yourself this questions about how much suffering you’re ready to
put up with in order to achieve achievement and success at any costs. How much suffering are you
ready to take? What kind of suffering are you ready to put up with? Because success and happiness
are the results of our efforts. It is not just happen overnight like ghosts; rather, small amounts of
consistency over time adds up to a big results. We don’t forget the companions on our path, the
teachers who give their time to impart wisdom and teachings to us. We appreciate our loving
parents’ efforts in order to send us in school and most of all thank you God for all of your blessings
and for directing us down the successful path and here we are now moving on to the next level in
our lives.

Success is not easily given. Now you should go, get and earn it. Follow your passions and aspirations
with all of your might, but never forget to treasure the times that only come once in a lifetime. Don’t
forget to treasure yourself and be proud of the progress you have made this far. Treasure your
family, treasure your friends and classmates, treasure the route you walk each day. Be assured in
your knowledge and enthusiastic about what you don’t know. Even though it might seem a little
difficult, keep growing your own personal tree of knowledge and using it to improve the world.

With that being said, i encourage you my fellow completers to be brave on overcoming challenges in
achieving success and happiness and living up to your own measure with passion and devotion.
Don’t be hesitant to seize every opportunity to learn and grow and take a position against injustice
and discrimination.

I would like to congratulate my fellow completers for remaining tough, dedicated and faithful to
yourselves and to the lord.

After four long years of our junior high journey has finally ended and we never thought that this
would be fulfilling and as we look back to this days we can’t help but smile

And this day marks our success, together let’s celebrate our victory and look forward in concuring
new mountains and appreciate all of the people guiding us along the way and playing a major role in
shaping each one of us into the person that we are today.

Thank you to those who gathered here to witness us and very soon we shall march on this very
stage, one by one,to receive our awards and diplomas. This is Rachel Ann Cinconiegue ;with honor of
Cogon High School Evening Class . Once again, welcome to the Cogon High School Evening Class
junior high school department completion ceremony 2022-2023.

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