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Jeni, Leli, and Maya have lunch at the restaurant.

They use
their lunch time to practice by talking to each other.
Maya: Jeni, would you mind to pass the sauce, please?
Jeni: Sure, here it is.
Maya: And red pepper too, please. Thank you in advance.
Jeni: You’re welcome.
Leli: Would both of you mind if I stop by Gramedia bookstore on our
way to the movie?
Jeni: No, I think. I do not look for any book at all.
Maya: I would like to stop there also until the movie begin because I
would like to look at TOEFL book.
Jeni: Would both of you mind to go shopping after the movie finish.
I want to buy something?
Leli: No, Maybe next time. I need to go home by 6:00 o’clock.
Maya: I am available. And I will go with you if you want.
Jeni: That would be nice. I need to look for a gift for my father. His
birthday is on Friday next week. What gift would you recommend,
Maya: Just a second please. Give me time to think. Umm.. Maybe a
t-shirt for teaching since he is a teacher?
Jeni: What a brilliant suggestion! My father will love the lovely gift
from me. I hope there is a nice t-shirt for my father in the mall.
Leli: I bought too many French fries. Would anybody want it?
Jeni: Yes, I would like a little bit.
Leli: How about you, Maya?
Maya: No, thanks. I already have enough food.
Jeni: Leli, would you like some of my popcorn?
Leli: Yes, please. Just a little bit.
Jeni: Here it is.
Leli: Oh, that’s enough! No more, please.
Maya: Are we all finish? We must leave now to catch the
movie; otherwise, we’ll be late.
Leslie: I am done with it.
Jane: So am I. Ok let us go!!!

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