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Interview Questionnaire
1. Why do you want this community service job?
2. What have you learned from mistakes on the community service job?
3. What challenges are you looking for in participating in community service position?
4. Describe a typical work week for community service position?
5. Do you do any volunteering in your spare time?
6. Do you get involved in any community service organizations?
7. Do you do any developmental activities outside of your work/school?
8. Do you have any ideas as to how we could encounter environmental issues more effectively?
9. What volunteer work have you done in the past?
10. What benefits will you get in volunteering in community service?
11. What is your insights about students doing environmental community service?
12. What do you think are the advantages of environmental community service?
13. What do you think is the most eminent environmental crisis that students can resolve these
14. What would encourage you to support and/or participate in environmental community
15. What changes would make it easier for you to perform environmental community service?
16. What do you see as the major drawbacks in performing environmental community service?
17. Why is it important to maintain the physical environment we exist in?
18. What is your motivation in doing environmental community service?
19. How far can technology help save our current environmental issue?
20. Would you encourage anyone or any of your friends to join and participate in environmental
community service?

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