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1. What has been the hardest part about moving your classes online? 2.

What has been

the biggest challenge and why? 3. How do you think your students have adapted? 4.
How much work has it been moving your classes online? 5. What do you miss about
teaching in person? 6. What are your biggest concerns about online teaching? 7. Are
there any requirements for physical education, and how will educators help students
meet those requirements? 8. What pieces of technology or programs do you think
would be most beneficial to teachers dealing with this situation? 9. What do you say
about the problem of students who don’t have the same access to the technology and
equipment necessary for online education? 10. Do you foresee a crisis like this making
online education more palatable or appealing to teachers? 11. What kind of effect is the
current learning model having on your social-emotional well-being? 12. How difficult or
easy has it been for you to implement the COVID-related safety measures and protocols
in your building? 13.How difficult or easy is it to support other people in your life
(family, friends, loved ones, etc.) with the current learning model? 14. How concerned
are you about students’ social-emotional well-being right now? 15. In the past week,
how many of your students regularly participated in your virtual classes? (Instructional
staff only) 16. In the past week, how engaged have students been in your virtual classes?
What about your in-person classes? (Instructional staff only) 17. Compared to past years,
how much harder or easier is it to form relationships with your students right now? 18.
How can you manage your stress during this pandemic? 19. Before this pandemic how
can you describe your experience? 20. How helpful your [School or University] has been
offering you the resources to teach from home? 22. How helpful your co-workers have
been while teaching from home? 21. How stressful do you find teaching remotely during
the COVID-19 pandemic? 23. How was your experience teaching students from home as
compared to teaching at school? 24. How well could you maintain a work-life balance
while teaching remotely? (Consider 5 being extremely well and 1 being not at all) 25.
What kind of response have you got so far from your students? 26. How important is
face-to-face communication for you while teaching remotely? 27. How can your [School
or University] support you further? 28. How often do you have a 1-1 discussion with
your students? 29. What kind of support do you offer to students (tech support,
teacher's assistant, etc.)? 30. what are the challenges of distance learning amid the
coronavirus pandemic? What do you think is necessary/important to overcome these

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