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1) Council members are the mediators between students and school management.

What were the occasions when you heard students' problems and helped them solve
the same or atleast take it up with higher authorities?

2) Leaders are supposed to be the ambassadors of the school rules. Here we have the
council members breaking most of the school rules. What is the stand council is
taking regarding this accusation?

3) It was observed, even when council members were in rounds for uniform checking
and guiding others to follow full uniform, they were not in full uniform themselves.
How do the council respond to this?

4) What action did the Council take to ensure clean and hygienic washrooms being
provided to all the students, or did they raise the issue with the management to work
with them to make things better?

5) Live Kitchen and International food days were initiated last year. At least some of the
elected members are serving second year as council members, what steps did they
take to keep the tradition going? Did you make any additional suggestions for the

6) What initiative did you take to hear about the concerns of juniors or how often did you
make yourself accessible for them to share their concerns, views or ideas?

7) Did anyone from the school council observe the fact that we have a set of AC buses
and Non-AC buses, did anyone take any steps in ensuring equality?

8) Is the school council a popularity contest?

9) Will there be a School magazine or yearbook this year? What steps are taken to
make it happen?

10) Though the number of participants in sports events has considerably increased this
year, is this the maximum we can do? What steps did the sports captain take to
ensure equal opportunity to all and encourage participation?

11) Event days, especially cultural ones, are when there is laughter and excitement in
the air. It has always helped students to forget differences and feel like they are one
big family and community; what are the specific steps taken by the cultural secretary
for ensuring the same?

12) There are accusations against the SPL that; a leader, who is expected to be
exemplary in his behaviour, who is supposed to end the fights or raise voice against
them, had been part of gang fights. What is your response to this?

13) Cleanliness drive was initiated by the school council in the first month of the
academic year, did you monitor the same? If so, what were the checkpoints that you
followed up on and what is your perspective on the current cleanliness level of the

14) A leader is expected to be approachable, but there is an opinion that most of the
council members are rude and inconsiderate to others. How do you justify this

15) House leaders, what contribution are you proud of? Did you really ensure equal
opportunities for all your house members, heard their opinions, included them and
ensured maximum participation in both Sadhbhavarasa and Sports day? What
challenges did you face throughout the process?

16) What was the unique or brand new initiative taken by the council which makes them
stand apart from the previous years?

17) Which areas do you feel you have done good and were able to meet your own

18) Which areas did you struggle to meet goals and why?

19) What other plans do you have in the list, yet to be implemented this year?

20) What are the challenges that you faced this year?

21) What is your advice/message to the next set of candidates?

22) What do you have to say to all the voters?

From Council members to opposition

1) How would you have handled each of the situations and done differently from us?

From Moderator to Audience

1) What are the skill sets required to be a council member?

2) What qualities should a voter consider before casting your votes?

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