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Performance can be greatly influenced by one’s behavior. What is behavior? Behavior is

defined as the manner in which a person conducts himself/herself in various circumstances.
When a person is behaving intelligently, he/she is said to manifest 14 behaviors or dispositions.

The following are 14 intelligent behaviors indicative of an efficient and effective


1. Persistence

- It means not giving up when the answer to a problem is not immediately known.

2. Overcoming impulsiveness

- It involves planning, clarifying goals, exploring alternative strategies and considering

consequences before one begins a task.

3. Listening to others

- Some cognitive psychologists think that the ability to listen to another person and understand
their point of view is one of the highest forms of intelligent behavior.

4. Flexibility in thinking

- It is when one considers other points of view rather than running with the first thought that
comes to mind.

5. Metacognition

- It refers to the awareness of how one is thinking or the knowledge of what is going on in one’s

6. Checking for accuracy and precision

- It is the behavior of not letting speed surpass the desire for craftsmanship.

7. Questioning and Problem-posing

- It means asking questions and finding out problems for oneself.

8. Applying past knowledge to new situations

- It refers to the act of calling upon one’s store of knowledge and experience as a source of data,
theories or processes to solve each new challenge.

9. Precision of language and thought

- A person with this behavior uses descriptive terms to distinguish objects, and provide criteria
for value judgments.

10. Using all the senses

- The senses of feeling, seeing, hearing or even tasting are utilized to solve problems more

11. Creativity

- it means applying ingenuity, originality and insight.

- Creativity develops one’s capacity to generate original, unique, clever or useful products
solutions and techniques.

12. Living with a sense of wonderment

- Involved in this behavior are inquisitiveness, curiosity and openness to beauty, intricacy,
complexity and simplicity.

13. Cooperation

- It refers to taking advantage of the knowledge and insights that can only come as a result of
social relationships.

14. Sense of Humor

- It refers to being able to look at situations, opportunities, problems and relationships with
nonchalance and fun.
The development of the individual is caused by two interacting forces: Heredity and

 Heredity (nature) is the transmission of traits or characteristics from parents to offspring.

 It provides the raw materials of which the individual is made up.
 Through the genes, hereditary potentials like physical, mental, social, emotional and
moral traits are passed down to generations.
 Environment (nurture) is the sum total of the forces or experiences that a person
undergoes from conception to old age.
 It also includes family, friends, school, nutrition and other agencies one is in contact with.


 Fertilization: refers to the meeting of the female sex cell and the male sex cell.
 These sex cells are developed in the reproductive organs called GONADS.
 SPERMATOZOA – Male Sex Cells
 TESTES – Male Gonads
 OVA – Female sex cells
 OVARIES – Female Gonads
 ZYGOTE – Fertilized Egg Cell
o Contains all the hereditary potentials from the parents.
o This zygote goes to the uterus and continues to grow during the Gestation Period
of about 280 days or 360 weeks or 9 calendar months.
 A male parent may pass either an X or a Y chromosome
 Female always gives the X chromosome.
XX- indicates Female Offspring
XY- indicates Male Offspring
 Genes- Small particles in a string-like formation. They are true carriers of hereditary
characteristics of the parents.
 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) – A substance within a gene.
- Contains information and instructions about the newly created
organism and programs the traits that should be inherited.
 Maturation – is the unfolding of the inherent traits.


To keep fit and healthy, one needs to have a balance diet. Eating a balanced diet means
consuming the right kind of food at the right and in the right proportion.



Carbohydrates For supplying heat Starchy food, bread, 1 to 1 ¼ cup of rice
and energy to the rice, tubers, cereals, 1 to 2 pieces of corn
body and their products in cob
Protein For building and Legumes and by- ½ to ¾ cup
repairing broken or products; meat, fish, 2 to 3 pieces of meat
worn-out tissues poultry and by- 1 glass of milk
products; milk and
milk products
Fats For maintaining heat Margarine, nuts, oil, 1 tablespoon of
and energy for the butter, cheese and vegetable oil and its
body by-products equivalent
Vitamins and For healthy skin and All kinds of fruits ¾ to 1 cup of
Minerals hair, as well as for and vegetables; vegetables
aiding the normal internal organs like 1 slice of big fruit
functioning of the liver, gizzard, spleen, 1 piece of small fruit
body etc.

 An individual should drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

 It allows the body to function efficiently.
 It also washes away wastes to keep the skin clear and healthy.
 With a high- protein diet, the body utilizes the water properly and avoids water retention.
 Liquids such as coffee, tea or milk should not be counted as water.
 Although they contain lots of water, there is also a build-up of caffeine, acid or fat.


 Sleep gives the bones, muscles and the mind time to recover.
 An individual needs eight or more hours of sleep a day.
 One very important requirement for a refreshing sleep is a firm mattress.
 If one sleeps in a slumped, uncomfortable position in a mattress that is too soft, body
aches may develop.
 A soft and lumpy mattress should be replaced with a firmer one.
 Another way to improve the bed is to raise the lower part of the mattress so as to
elevate the feet.
 Moreover, sleeping on one’s stomach can help prevent varicose veins from
developing as well as other circulatory problems.

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