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Copyright 2012 Love Systems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

In this Chapter:



o The Fallacy Of The Man Who Woos A Woman
o The Fallacy Of The Nice Guy
o The Fallacy Of “She’s Too Special”


o The Downfall of Dinner
o The Downfall of Movies
o Not Attempting Intimacy
o Overcoming Dating Mistakes


o Run Solid Game
o Spike Attraction
o Build Comfort
o Set Frames For Fast Escalation
o Lead W ith Dominance
o Display Your W illingness To Walk Away
o Handle Logistics In Advance
o Arouse Her And Physically Escalate
o Sex: Just Go For It!



Let’s start by creating a new definition of a successful date. A successful date ends with sex for
the following reasons:

• Sex is high-level investment for most women. Once sex has occurred, you’re given
more room to maneuver and design the type of relationship that you want.

• Unresolved sexual tension, if left too long—generally two or more meet ups—can make
things awkward.

• It aids in the bonding and development of the relationship

• The risk of “fizzling out” diminishes

o When you lose momentum and investment dwindles. Life seems to get in the
way. And what could’ve been a potentially life enhancing relationship, dies a
pathetic death.

However, you’ll find as you increase your options, you’re less concerned with
having sex on the first date. It’s a strange dynamic that you’ll understand with
time and experience.

There are a few things you should do over the course of the date:

1. Emotional Stimulation

Stimulate her with the widest possible range of positive emotions (and even some contrasting
ones - more on this later). Use your words, actions and the environment you’re in. This ensures
the time spent with you will have an impact on her and stick in her mind.

2. The Physical Intimacy

You should become more intimate over the course of the date. Far too many dates end with
the awkward kiss on the doorstep or in the car due to a lack of physical progression throughout
the date.

Why is this important?

It makes it implicitly clear you have no intention of ending up in the friends’ zone. It also indi-
cates you’re a sexually confident and proactive man. Remember, a woman doesn’t want to be
responsible for her own seduction.

3. Deepening of the Emotional Connection

You should both feel as if you have dug past the superficial level and have begun to discover
each other more intimately. There should be a sense of familiarity and a closeness that comes
from spending quality time with someone where you’ve shared and received insight to each
other’s world.

4. Sexualization

This is where you verbally set the stage for a sexual relationship. By making her comfortable
with sexual topics you establish the frame “sex isn’t a big deal. It’s the most natural thing in
the world.” Like all of the steps above, this is a crucial one in developing a sexual relationship
and having a successful date.

Many of the problems men run into on dates stem from their acceptance of common dating
practices. They watch movies, read novels, hear “one-off” stories or worse… listen to women’s
romanticized advice or follow outdated or inaccurate information about how a date should be.
The “nice guy gets the girl” story, purported by Hollywood movies, feeds on our fantasy to just
be “seen for who we really are” without actually having to DO anything.

The reality is you have to be proactive on dates

If any magic is going to happen on the date, it will due to you whipping out and waving the
magic wand.




There is an overriding presumption that men are the chasers and women need to play hard to
get. While this does coincide with basic human nature, it also creates unhelpful mindsets and
frames in the dating process.

W ith this fallacy, women are seen as prizes to be won, so sex becomes a trophy that she can
give to the man who competes and wins her affections. It’s under this presumption of “chaser”
that the average guy plays, from a position of inferiority.

Attraction and intimacy are very difficult to generate when you’re the one chasing. To be hugely
successful with dating you must change this presumption. Once changed, attraction is easier
and sex occurs faster.


The average guy in modern society is afraid to be a man. He doesn’t embrace his masculinity
and he doesn’t act according to his “core” nature as a male. In this, the definition of being a
“nice guy” has been lost and altered.

You probably are a nice person, well intentioned and have a lot to offer. However, the modern
man loses his masculinity through relying on the following false pretenses:

o Social conditioning—we are told to follow social trends, adopt a more

compassionate side and put our needs second
o Social Acceptance—judging women as sluts for embracing their sexuality
o Fantasy—many times it will come through ideals—what we read in books,
romance novels, clouded by past experience. It’s never pure, normally comes
through some fictional pretense.

Women do like guys who are nice, but only after those guys have shown their attractive traits.
A guy who can display attractive traits (such as the attraction switches described in Magic Bul-
lets) is a man in touch with his masculinity. If she knows he is in touch with his “core” nature,
she won’t have to worry about him going soft on her later on. The “nice guy” adopts a feminine

stance, looking to her for direction and putting her on pedestal. This places pressure on her
and places her in a masculine role that she doesn’t want.

Nice guys become providers, neglecting themselves and not seeing a relationship as a two-way
street. Despite their good intentions of pleasing a woman, it is not fun for her if there is no give
and take. W ithout having to earn anything in the relationship, the woman cannot get in touch
with her feminine side. It’s almost insulting to her, and it’s definitely not exciting. While the nice
guys provides for her, she may be out fulfilling the gaps in the relationship with a hot flame who
meets her needs at the other end of the spectrum. Plenty of women admit to making one guy
wait for sex while they sleep with another man, despite knowing this other man for less time.

To be blunt: if you are not viewed as a lover, a man whom she can explore her sexuality with,
you’ll fall into the friend zone or the “provider” zone. These zones cripple your chances.

A guy she slots as a potential boyfriend will only see a certain side of her, and it’s often more
reserved. Meanwhile, the guy slotted as a lover freely explores the full force of her sexual de-
sire first, then he is able to decide if he wants to date her.

Be a Lover first, Provider second. Nice guys don’t finish first!

The Hot Flame/Lover Boyfriend/Provider

Excitement Security
Fantasy Provides Resources
W illingness to Walk away - Scarcity Predictable
Abundance Loyalty
Dominance Safety
Danger Protection
Unpredictability Comfortable
Sexual Experience Family and Children
Driven by passion with or without her Emotional/Financial Stability
Mystery Social Conformity
Spontaneous Acceptance


It is advantageous for a woman to assess a man’s everyday attractiveness and overall charac-
ter before hooking up with him. She can learn a lot by seeing him in his natural environment,
observing his behavior around other people. (Ex. how he treats waiting staff, shop assistants,
friends etc.) Three dates could give her sufficient time, if she knows what she’s looking for.

The problem for women lies in the fact that many men change after sex. Guys become flakey,
take longer to return text messages and generally stop pursuing in the same way they did be-
fore they had sex. This is a very real fear for women that they try to safe guard against.

No matter how many dates you have been on, the balance of a relationship shifts significantly
in the man’s favor once sex has been introduced. It’s a higher form of emotional investment for
a woman. The very act of sex produces chemicals in her body that make her want to bond with
the man she’s just slept with. Most women are aware of this biochemical change, emotionally
if not logically.

In many cases women have experienced such a negative shift in a man’s behavior post-sex that
they adopt “rules” in future encounters with men.

Simply put, the few have made it difficult for the many!

While we’re not here to be your moral guides, we do advocate honesty and openness while de-
veloping new sexual relationships. Not only does it protect the feelings of everyone involved,
it is also advantageous in creating stronger and more fulfilling sexual connections.

Women will never blame you for embracing your masculinity and being sexual.



If you take a woman on the classic “romantic” date—dinner and a movie—you’ll find it is dif-
ficult to fulfill all the above criteria above.

Even for great conversationalists, the challenges linked to these types of dates put a strain on
your conversation and hinder your chances of developing a physical relationship.


• She may become self conscious about eating in front of you

• You fit in to the category of the “average guy” that she has rejected before

• Your ability to physically escalate is restricted (often by the table)

• Increased focus and pressure is placed on your conversation

• Increased pressure is placed on impressing her with money


• No focus is placed on connecting through conversation.

• A “spotlight” is placed on every physical escalation attempt because it will be the only
form of communication between you. Therefore awareness is heightened.

• You’re at the mercy of the movie to determine her mood, if the movie is bad/sad/
boring you’re going to have an unnecessary task of changing her emotional state.

• You fit into the cliché dates category, so you have to fight to build attraction, but you
don’t have an avenue to build it.

Need we say more? Save dinner and movie dates for girls that you’re already sleeping with.
The exception to this is of course if these dates are taking place at your house. If she is coming
over for dinner or coming over to watch a movie, these are great logistically and have a differ-
ent vibe.


Unresolved sexual tension can hang negatively over a developing relationship. It influences the
way she acts and answers your questions. Similarly, it affects the way you act and answer her
questions until you’ve sleep together.

We advocate sleeping with her sooner rather than later; only then will you be able guide the
relationship in the direction of your choice, free from clouded perspectives or ulterior motives.
Although turning things sexual as early as possible speeds up the seduction process, becoming
obsessed with it and pressuring her for sex will only hinder the development of a meaningful
relationship. You must learn to calibrate your advances to the specific woman and situation.

Some women have their rules, and even the most charming man may not make her deviate from

All women have their blueprint for dropping their rules. You just have to figure it out and be the
guy she wants… without sacrificing your self-worth.


Before finding Love Systems, many men have trouble rapidly developing sexual relationships. Many
fall into the fallacy of the “three date rule” which says it take three dates before they can be-
come intimate with a woman.

While some women do consciously choose to follow a “three date rule”, you must:

1. Understand what function the rules are playing (usually a form of self-protection)

2. See yourself as the exception to any “rule” and reject any attempts to restrict you
with the rule.

3. Lead her comfortably to sex based on how well you both connect and through
sexual arousal.



By instantly displaying that you are not the average guy—you don’t buy into the common myths
of dating; that she is the one chasing you—you establish a dynamic in the relationship that
works in your favor for escalating quickly.


A firm grasp of the Love Systems Triad Model is absolutely essential.

Running solid game is the definition we use for working through to the top of the Triad Model
in the correct sequence. Attraction before comfort, comfort before seduction, etc., all while
physically escalating and a leading her to a location where you’re both comfortable having sex.

Being proficient in leading a woman through the Emotional Progression Model is vital. You
must get good at:

• Building attraction—stimulating her emotions and demonstrating higher value

• Qualifying her—getting her to demonstrate her value and showing appreciation for

more than just her looks

• Building comfort— Connecting and developing a deeper understanding of each.

• Seducing her – Turning things sexual and arousing her.

These are the foundations needed to begin a sexual relationship in the fastest possible time.

For a more in depth look at the Triad Model, view the video companion. (We can throw in Hoss’
video for SC 2011 and just cut the tails of it.)


Don’t get too serious and too deep when you’re focused on breaking the rules. Fun overrides
the logical brain and makes us more responsive to suggestions from others.

Focus on:

• Teasing her

• Misinterpreting what she says

o Start off with misinterpreting what she says as her being attracted to you
o As the night progresses the misinterpretation will become increasingly sexual

• Playing games

• Disqualifying yourself as a sexual prospect

o This is counter intuitive, but it hits hard and it’s a great way to cloak your escalation

* Focus on fun and emotional stimulation


The amount of comfort and connection needed to build a long-term relationship is larger than
the amount needed for just sex.

A woman needs to know enough about you to trust that you are who you say you are. Do this
and she will be safe going back to your house or bringing you back to her’s.

She will be assessing over the course of the date—consciously and sub-consciously–to see:

1. If you remain consistent with the attractive image that you portrayed in the initial

2. How comfortable she feels around you

3. Whether or not she can see you as a part of her life and if so, what type of role will
you play. Most of the time she’ll be sizing up your relationship potential and going too
deep into comfort will increase your relationship potential and hinder the speed at
which things turn sexual.

W ith this in mind, you should display that what she discovered about you at the initial meeting

was just the tip of the iceberg, and that there’s way more depth and attractiveness to you.

The best comfort builder in this sense is revealing your passions and your purpose. These are

the things that get you to jump out of bed in the morning. When you talk about them, there

should be passion in your voice—not because you’re trying to seem enthused, but because you

can’t help but be enthused. It’s controlled and genuine. Your passion/purpose should be the

driving force of your life.

As you’re weaving the above into your conversation, use it as an opportunity to show both sides

of your personality. If you were high-energy and witty during your first meet, sprinkle in bits of

your intellectual side. She’ll love the intrigue, and she wants to see your full emotional range.

By seeing this range, she can better gauge who you are away from her.

An interesting comfort builder is giving your unique view of the world. This means you tell her

how you see the world, as you filter it through the attraction switches in your stories. Here is

an example from Vercetti:

For example:
Vercetti: I read something that really resonated with me today…

Sylvia: What?

Vercetti: What are you scared of?

Sylvia: I don’t know, I hate spiders.

Vercetti: You’re adorable, I mean in your life… This guy said something really interesting
he said it’s ok to be scared, when taking on something new being a little scared is natural
and can inspire you to prepare well and do your best. It’s Fear that we have to watch out for.

Fear is paralyzing and stops you from taking chances in life. I thought that was a great
way to look at it and when I think back to the crazy things I’ve done recently, I’ve been
scared but taken action anyway and it’s always pushed me to stay sharp and work even
harder, and things have turned out great.

These are the active comfort builders, ones you steer the conversation toward. However, just as
much comfort can be built passively.

Passively built comfort comes from absorbing opportunities that come your way. These include
leading, such as when you open a door for her, order, etc. You can also do it by making her feel
safe, such as holding her hand when you cross the street or through crowds.

It’s man stuff—give her the feeling that you are looking out for her and that she can rely on you
because of it. Holding her hand as you lead her through a crowd doesn’t just mean you don’t
want her to get lost. It signals that you think about her as you amble through life and she’ll
have a special place in it and not be tossed aside. It’s subtle, but women work in subtleties
and subcommunications. Always ask yourself what your subcommunicating, not just what you’re
directly communicating.

Lastly, you will want to turn things sexual. This in itself indicates a sense of trust between you
and her.

The danger of the comfort phase is the power to paint you as boyfriend material. By sexualizing
things you keep her present and in the moment rather than fantasizing about the future with
you as an awesome boyfriend.

Verbal Examples:

• “Tell me more about why you do X. I find it intriguing, even if I wasn’t trying to get
into your pants I’d still want to know.”
• “Just listening to you explain why you X, I can feel how passionate you are about
it… that’s sexy…tell me more…in fact let’s change topic you’re making think naughty


Frames are “the underlying assumptions and emotional contexts of an interaction.” Frames ex-
ist everywhere in society. Imagine, for example, if you were in a classroom talking to a teacher.
The frame is one of student and teacher. Imagine if that teacher was instead a police officer
interviewing you. Can you picture how different that interaction would be?

Now take this concept and apply it to dating. Imagine you set the frame of being a nice, reli-
able and dependable guy who rarely pushes boundaries. You often bend to her requests and try
to impress her with gifts. These characteristics set one frame. Imagine that you set the frame

that you are an exciting, fun, ambitious, unpredictable guy who takes her on adventures. You
surprise her and test her capabilities. Imagine the difference in her emotional state around you.
These two archetypes would play different roles in her life.

If you don’t set a frame in your favor, then she will set it (unconsciously). Usually, this means the
frame won’t favor fast sexual escalation. By establishing effective frames as early as possible,
you can transform the dynamic between you and her.

For example, when you first meet, if you set frames that establish the relationship as non-
judgmental, you’ll set the foundation for a relationship unrestricted by fear of social judgment.
Similarly, if you set frames of adventure and sexual expression, then you set the stage for an
affair limited only by your imaginations. As a rule, the dominant frame in an interaction takes
precedence over the weaker one(s).

Focus on actively setting the right frames while avoiding any unhelpful frames she sets.

Establish yourself as the prize that she is working to win. Everything she does is seen as an at-
tempt to impress you, seduce you and keep you interested.

She’s trying to impress you:

• Interpret things she does and an attempt to impress you
o She wears a sweet smelling perfume:
“That smells sexy, good choice, thank you”
o She dresses up and makes an effort:
“You look incredible, I love women who dress up for me (hug her then
release with…) ok, don’t get carried away, stop trying to seduce me”

Note: These frames are set in a playful way, if you are too forceful in your attempt to set a frame
or overt you’ll come up against resistance. Women have ego’s too, and being accused outright
of trying to impress someone will cause her ego defense to kick in.

She’s sexual and dangerous

• Highlight a quality she has and link it to sexuality
o The way she walks/looks at you/talks

Example 1:
Vercetti: “I don’t feel safe around you”
Gabi: “Why, what have I done?”
Vercetti: “It’s the way you walk… It’s sexy, but it’s dangerous. Next thing I know I’ll be stripped

down naked in bed telling you I’m in love… I can already tell you’re bad for me.”

Example 2:
Vercetti: “The way you talk about nursing is sexy. I can see how passionate you are about it.
You’re a dangerous one. I’ve gotta watch myself with you. I know how this ends, it starts with
you innocently displaying what you’re passionate about next thing I’m waking up tomorrow
morning and you’ve taken my virginity. I can already tell, you just want me for my body.”
Rachel: Haha no I don’t!
Vercetti: “Oh so now you don’t find me attractive! Huh, this date is over!” (Gets up to leave
and goes to the bathroom)

Here is an example of a re-frame (She tries to set a negative frame and Braddock re-frames
it in his favor):

Her: I’m not sleeping with you

You: Whoa… where did that come from? Why are you being so serious?
Her: I’m not!
You: Listen, are you having fun?
Her: Yes.
You: So am I. Let’s just go with that.

The above example is a small frame you can set. Basically, you are saying that you aren’t taking
the date too seriously and you aren’t thinking about societal rules. You just want the two of you
to have fun.


Even the most high-powered, career-oriented woman will admit to wanting a man who can take
the lead and protect her in a relationship. Let’s clarify what we mean by protection.

In today’s world emotional protection is more important than outright physical or financial pro-
tection. By emotional protection, we mean you, as a man, are more emotionally centered and
decisive than her.

Portray the image of a man that knows what he wants and doesn’t waiver or change with the
wind. The more of a rock solid presence you can provide in a woman’s life, the more she’ll turn
to you to lead her and make decisions.

This is absolutely vital for breaking the three-date rule. If you have displayed strong, confident
leadership ability throughout the date, you can amp up the physical escalation because it’s
easier for her to trust and follow your lead.

Your track record indicates what is in store for her will follow the same path of fun, adventure
and positive emotional stimulation.

On a more scientific note, leading accesses the part of her brain, which overrides her logic. It
allows her to connect with her emotions making her much more sensitive, in the moment and
willing to go with the flow.

A woman doesn’t want to be responsible for her own seduction. For the same reason that she
has her rules, she won’t want to feel like a slut for leading the seduction. She can feel unfemi-
nine taking the lead, and this feeling causes her to lose attraction for the man.

The chances of you hooking up and turning things sexual fall drastically if you aren’t making it
happen. Leading for most men can be uncomfortable at first. The leadership muscle needs to
be developed over.

Here are a few areas you can start leading to develop the Leadership muscle:

• Physical
o When crossing the road take her by the hand to “escort” her across then
release once you get to the other side.

o When opening a door for her, placing you hand on her lower back and guide
her through.

o If you’re going through a crowded place, lightly take her hand behind you as
you lead her through the crowd.

o As a rule of thumb, initiate physical contact but also be the one to break
contact first.

• Emotional
o See yourself as a master of her emotional state. Over the course of the date
you will be leading her emotionally through the topics and themes you bring
up, but mainly by cycling her through the key stages of the emotional progression

• Conversational
o The responsibility of leading the conversation falls on you. This doesn’t mean
you spend the whole date talking about yourself but it does mean you some
what control the topics you talk about. It’s necessary to avoid negative topics
or topics which aren’t helpful to the seduction while leading her on to topics
which are helpful.

o Use role plays, cold/warm reads

o Choose topics of conversation with high emotional intensity

Dreams and Desires
Early Influences
The Future

o Cutting boring threads

Insert state breaks
Playfully say “that’s sexy” to off putting or negative topics
So basically “you’re trying to impress me?”

o Changing topics
“Well this is great first date conversation isn’t it?”
Be willing to call out inappropriate conversation in a playful dominant

• Logistical
o Progress toward your place on the date and have a plan of where to go. Be decisive.
o If you can sense the environment getting stale and you’re struggling with
conversation, it can be an ideal time to change venue.

A woman will “test” you to see how much she can get away with or to challenge your strength
of character. In the same way you are screening her for desirable qualities an attractive, an ex-
perienced woman has an idea of what she is looking for in a man.

If you fall at the hurdle by failing her tests or letting her cross boundaries, you will face an up-
hill struggle to turn the relationship sexual.

Once you have displayed that you’re a pushover, that you have weak boundaries or no stan-
dards and expectations, she will instantly lose attraction for you.

By displaying your willingness to walk away you state you’re a high-value man who is pre-select-
ed (you have other options), you have standards and expectations (you won’t accept negative
behavior) and you have not put her on the pedestal most men put attractive women on.

The only reason a guy wouldn’t display a willingness to walk away is the fact he is scared of
losing her.


Displaying your willingness to walk away creates the emotion of scarcity, which is a powerful
motivational force in advertising but also in dating. If she feels she always has access to you or
she has you completely, the challenge is over. More importantly the urgency is lost. The moti-
vational force for her to act now disappears.

Have you ever been shopping and seen a sign that says ‘SALE! Must end today’? You may have
felt the pull of urgency to at least check out what kind of bargains you could pick up. This emo-
tional pull is the kind the willingness to walk away creates. It makes a woman chase you.
A small caveat: in order for this to work effectively she must already be attracted to you and at
least see you as having sexual potential. Start small and gradually build up.

How to display your willingness to walk away:

• Takeaways
o Walking away and leaving her alone for short periods

• If you’re at an art exhibition, wonder off and look at artwork without waiting for her.

• Boundaries

• Breaking rapport
o “I don’t know you well enough, I’ll tell you later once we trust each other

more… I will tell you that I’m very close with my family, I’m very protective of
my mum and my sisters.”

• Standards and Expectations

• Playful Disqualification—find a reason why the two of you won’t work that can be


A woman may be willing to have sex with you, but if you don’t have a place to do it, closing the
deal gets complicated. (We’ll cover logistics in detail later on.)

You should set up a date with the end in mind. Ask yourself, “Where do I want to end up?” Find
the answer and plan your date backward, charting a course from a place where you can become
intimate without interruption or fear of judgment. This location can be anywhere, but for now
just understand that handling logistics is one of your key leadership responsibilities. If you
handle logistics properly, you’ll have a smoother date and limit state breaks.


Awkward, weird, invisible nervous tension will naturally present itself when meeting for a first
date. That’s life. You must break the invisible tension barrier through touching early, and then
progress the “physical conversation” in parallel with the verbal one.

Her emotions are extremely powerful once they are stimulated. They can cause her to make
decisions that she wouldn’t normally make.

By arousing her sexual desire, you engage her emotional mind, which is capable of overriding
her logical mind and its objections. In an instant, she can get swept up in your pleasure rather
than thinking about the consequences of the situation.

You must cultivate the ability to turn a woman on. If you have the ability to arouse her, she’ll
love you for it. Creating sexual attraction is not a logical process, and it takes practice, but it
can be powerful once learned and applied. Of course, every woman is different, but knowing an
arsenal of arousal techniques caters to rapidly escalating a sexual relationship.

The fortunate men who understand a woman’s sexual nature can help her to enhance it. These
men experience women in a way the average guy never will.

For more, see section on “On The Date”, in particular, the section on Physical Escalation.


The only way sex will happen is if the man leads the woman to the bedroom. This can be daunt-
ing for an inexperienced guy, but a woman will not do the work for you.

If you follow the steps in this book, you will have set up your date(s) to end with sex. This is not
trickery. If you engage her properly and run a smooth date, she will want to have sex with you.
It will seem like the most natural thing in the world and she’ll love the experience.


Dating Myths place awkward and unnatural pressure on women. However, if you adopt your
own non-judgmental beliefs about dating, you can liberate a woman from the awkward social
pressure she faces.

Before you start this book. Go to the “Introduction” workbook and complete the exercises on
prior dates.


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