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The Superior Group of Colleges,

_______________________ Campus

Synopsis for the degree of B.S(CS) B.S(IT) B.S(SE)

PART-1 (to be completed by the student)

Name of Student
Semester / Section
Registration No. Date of
Name of
(i) Course Instructor
(ii) Lab- Instructor

Members of Group



Title of Project Inter Process Communication(IPC)

Signature of Student:

Summary of the Project

Inter-process communication (IPC) is set of interfaces, which is usually programmed in order

for the programs to communicate between series of processes. This allows running programs
concurrently in an Operating System. IPC is very important to the design process
for microkernels and nanokernels. Microkernels reduce the number of functionalities
provided by the kernel. Those functionalities are then obtained by communicating with
servers via IPC, increasing drastically the number of IPC compared to a regular monolithic
Introduction (What is your project?)
Inter process communication (IPC) mechanisms are used as abstract devices by programs, but
they may be implemented in any of several ways in the operating system. The mechanism used to
implement inter process communication can affect performance and energy consumption.
General-purpose operating systems use inter process communication to move large quantities of
data. IPC transfers may be heavily buffered to improve overall system performance at the
expense of transaction latency. While real-time systems may also have to push large amounts of
data through the system, they must also be optimized to meet real-time requirements.

Statement of the Problem (Why you choose this project?)

I choose this project due to I am interested this kinds of projects. The processes in the distributed
system need to change data. For transferring data from a client process to the server process the
Enea LINX inter-process communication protocol is a good solution. It is an open source
solution that uses a message based protocol.
Methodology / Tools / Techniques

These are the methods in IPC:

 Pipes (Same Process) – This allows flow of data in one direction only
 Names Pipes (Different Processes) – This is a pipe with a specific name it
can be used in processes that don't have a shared common process origin
 Message Queuing
 Semaphores
 Shared memory
 Sockets


Recommendation by the Instructor

Name _________________________ Signature _________________ Date___________

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