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Introduction To

Unified Language Modeling

Sara Khurshid Siddiqui

 Importance of modeling
 Principles of modeling
 Object oriented modeling
 Conceptual model of the UML
 Architecture
 Software Development Life Cycle.
Classroom Code

 b8qlo3b
 Object Oriented Analysis and Design

 What is Model
 A model is a simplification of reality
 Reason
 We build models so that we can better understand the system we are
 Four Aims
 Visualize a system as it is or as want it to be.
 Permit to specify the structure or behavior of a system.
 Template that guides us in constructing a system.
 Document the decisions we have made.
Principles of Modeling

 First
 The choice of what models to create has a profound influence on how a
problem is attacked and how a solution is shaped.
 Second
 Every model may be expressed at different levels of precision
 Third
 The best models are connected to reality.
 Fourth
 No single model is enough. Every nontrivial system is best approached through a
small set of nearly independent models.
2 Modeling Approach

 Algorithm Approach
 Traditional view of software development.
 Main software is the procedure or function.
 Decomposition of larger algorithms into smaller ones.
 Object Orient Approach
 Modern view of software development
 Main software systems is the object or class.
 An object is a thing, drawn from the vocabulary of the problem space or the
solution space
 A class is a description of a set of common objects.
UML is a Language
 Provides a vocabulary and the rules for the
purpose of communication.
 Vocabulary and rules focus on the Specifying
conceptual and physical representation of
a system.
 Standard language for software blueprints

Conceptual Model of UML

 Three Basic Elements are required to Understand UML

 The UML's basic building blocks
 The rules that dictate how those building blocks may be put together
 Mechanisms
Building Block of UML

 The vocabulary of the UML covers three kinds of building blocks:

 Things
 Things are the abstractions that are first-class citizens in a model
 Relationships
 Tie these things together
 Diagrams
 Diagrams group interesting collections of things.
Building Block- Things

 There are four kinds of things in the UML:

 Structural things
 Behavioral things
 Grouping things
 Annotational things

These things are the basic object-oriented building blocks of the UML. You use
them to write well-formed models.
Things-Structure Things

 Nouns of UML models.

 Mostly static parts of a model
 Representing elements that are either conceptual or physical.
 7 kinds of structural things.
Things-Structure Things

1. Class

Class is a description of a set of objects that share the

same attributes, operations, relationships, and
Things-Structure Things

2. Interface
 Collection of operations that specify a service
of a class or component.
 Represent the complete behavior of a class or
component or only a part of that behavior.
Things-Structure Things

3. Collaboration
 Interaction
 Society of roles and other elements that
work together
 A given class might participate in
several collaborations.
Things-Structure Things

4. Use Case
Description of set of sequence of
actions that a system performs that
yields an observable result of value to
a actor.
Things-Structure Thing

5. Active class
 is a class whose objects own one or
more processes or threads
 3 elements
 Heavy Line
 Components
 Nodes
 Physical Representation
Things-Structure Thing

6. Component
is a physical and replaceable
part of a system that conforms to
and provides the realization of a
set of interfaces.
Things-Structure Thing

7. Node
 Physical element that exists at run time
and represents a computational
 Memory and often processing
 Migrate from node to node.
Thing- Behavioral Things

 Dynamic parts of UML models.

 Verbs of a model,
 Representing behavior over time and space.
 Two primary kinds of behavioral
Thing- Behavioral Things Types
 Interaction
 Comprises a set of messages exchanged among a set of
 Individual operation may be specified with an interaction.
 involves number of other
 elements, including messages, action sequences (the
behavior invoked by a message), and links (the connection
between objects).

 State Machine
 specifies the sequences of states an object or an
interaction goes through during its lifetime in response to
events, together with its responses to those events.
 The behavior of an individual class or a collaboration of
classes may be specified with a state machine.
 involves number of other
 elements, including states, transitions (the flow from state to
state), events (things that trigger a transition), and activities
(the response to a transition).
State Machine
Things- Grouping Things

 Grouping things are the organizational parts of

UML models.
 One Type- Packages
 Package
 Organizing elements into groups.
 Structural things, behavioral things, and even other
grouping things may be placed in a package.
 Components (which exist at run time), a package
is purely conceptual (meaning that it exists only at
development time).
 Graphically, a package is rendered as a tabbed
 Usually including only its name and, sometimes, its
contents, as in shown Figure.
Things- Annotational
 the comments you may apply to
describe, illuminate, and remark about
any element in a model.
 One Type - a note.
 A note is simply a symbol for rendering
constraints and comments attached to
an element or a collection of elements.
The basic relational building
blocks of the UML.

Block- Dependency
Types of Association
Relationship Relationship Generalization
Relationship – Types
 Dependency
 Semantic relationship between two things in which a change to one thing may
affect the semantics of the other thing.

 Association
 Structural relationship that describes a set of links, a link being a connection
among objects.
 Aggregation is a special kind of association, representing a structural relationship
between a whole and its part.

 Generalization
 The way in which the child shares the structure and the behavior of the parent.

 Realization
 Semantic relationship between classifiers, wherein one classifier
specifies a contract that another classifier guarantees to carry out.
 Realization relationships in two places:
 between interfaces and the classes or components that realize
 between use cases and the collaborations that realize them.
 One TO many
 Many to many
 Many to one
 one to one
 Diagram is the graphical presentation of a set of
elements, most often rendered as a connected
graph of
 vertices (things) and arcs (relationships).
 the UML includes nine diagrams:

Building  Class diagram

 Object diagram
Block-  Use case diagram

Diagrams  Sequence diagram

 Collaboration diagram
 State chart diagram
 Activity diagram
 Component diagram
 Deployment diagram
Rules of UML Rules for Semantic UML Model
Name What you can call things,
relationships, and diagrams
 Can't simply be thrown
together in a random Scope The context that gives specific
fashion. meaning to a name.
 The development of a Visibility How those names can be seen and
software-intensive system
tend to evolve and may be
used by others
viewed by many Integrity How things properly and consistently
stakeholders in different
relate to one another
ways and at different times.
 Well-formed model must Execution What it means to run or simulate a
follow some rules to show dynamic model
model are prefect
Common Mechanisms in the UML

 It is made simpler by the presence of four

common mechanisms that apply consistently
throughout the language.
 Specifications
 Adornments
 Common divisions
 Extensibility mechanisms
Common Mechanisms-Types

 Specifications
 Semantic backplane that contains all the parts/information of all the models of a system
 Each Part related to each other
 The UML's diagrams are representation of that backplane
 Each diagram revealing a specific interesting aspect of the system.
 Adornments
 Most elements in the UML have a unique and direct graphical notation that provides a
visual representation of the most important aspects of the element.
 For example, the notation for a class is intentionally designed to be easy to draw,
because classes are the most common element found in modeling object-
oriented systems. The class notation also exposes the most important aspects of a
class, namely its name, attributes, and operations.
 Every element in the UML's notation starts with a basic symbol, to which can be added a
variety of adornments specific to that symbol.
In modeling object-oriented systems  gets
divided in at a couple of ways.

1st Division of class and A class is an abstraction

An object is one concrete
object. manifestation of that abstraction.

2nd Division of interface and implementation

Common An interface declares a
implementation represents one
concrete realization of that contract,
contract, and an responsible for faithfully carrying out
Divisions the interface's complete semantics

Can model both class, object, interfaces and

their implementations
Common Mechanisms-Common
Divisions (Example)

Interface and Implementation Class and Object

Common Mechanism-Extensibility
 The UML's extensibility mechanisms include
 Stereotypes
 A stereotype extends the vocabulary of the UML,
allowing you to create new kinds of building blocks
that are derived from existing ones but that are
specific to your problem.
 Tagged values
 A tagged value extends the properties of a UML
building block, allowing you to create new
information in that element's specification.
 Constraints
 A constraint extends the semantics of a UML
building block, allowing you to add new rules or
modify existing ones.
 Important artifact
 Used to manage these different viewpoints and so control
the iterative and incremental development of a system
throughout its life cycle.
 Architecture is the set of significant decisions about
 The organization of a software system
 The selection of the structural elements and their

interfaces by which the system is composed
 Their behavior, as specified in the collaborations among
those elements
 The composition of these structural and behavioral
elements into progressively larger subsystems
 The architectural style that guides this organization: the
static and dynamic elements and their interfaces, their
collaborations, and their composition
 Concerned with structure and behavior,
 Also with usage, functionality, performance, resilience,
reuse, comprehensibility, economic and technology
constraints and trade-offs, and aesthetic concerns.
Modeling a System's Architecture
Views Encompasses Static View Dynamic Functionality
Design The classes, interfaces, and Class diagrams the services that the
collaborations that form the and Object system should provide
vocabulary of the problem and diagrams to its end users
its solution. Interaction
Implementati The components and files that Component diagrams, The configuration
on are used to assemble and diagrams State chart management of the
release the physical system diagrams, system's releases
and Activity
Deployment the nodes that form the Deployment diagrams The distribution,
system's hardware topology on diagrams delivery, and installation
which the system executes of the parts that make
up the physical system
Use Case Describe the behavior of the use case Shape the system's
system as seen by its end users, diagrams architecture
analysts, and testers
Process the threads and processes that Same as the other view but The performance,
form the system’s concurrency with active classes that scalability, and
and synchronization represent these threads and throughput of the
mechanisms processes system

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