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arise arose arisen surgir

awake awoke awoken despertar(se)

bear bore borne soportar
beat beat beaten golpear
become became become convertirse en
begin began begun empezar
bend bent bent doblar(se)
bet bet bet apostar
bid bid bid pujar
bind bound bound encuadernar
bite bit bitten morder
bleed bled bled sangrar
blow blew blown soplar
break broke broken romper
breed bred bred criar
bring brought brought traer
build built built construir
burn burnt burnt quemar(se)
burst burst burst estallar
buy bought bought comprar
cast cast cast tirar
catch caught caught coger
choose chose chosen elegir
cling clung clung aferrarse
come came come venir
cost cost cost costar
creep crept crept arrastrar
cut cut cut cortar
deal dealt dealt tratar
dig dug dug cavar
do did done hacer
draw drew drawn dibujar
dream dreamt dreamt soñar
drink drank drunk beber
drive drove driven conducir
eat ate eaten comer
fall fell fallen caer(se)
feed fed fed alimentar
feel felt felt sentirse
fight fought fought pelearse
find found found encontrar
flee fled fled huir
fly flew flown volar
forbid forbade forbidden prohibir
forget forgot forgotten olvidar(se)
forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
freeze froze frozen helar(se)
get got got conseguir
give gave given dar
go went gone irse
Infinitivo Pasado Participio Traducción

1. To arise, arose, arisen, surgir

2. To awake, awoke, awoken, depertarse
3. To be, was o were, been, ser o estar
4. To bear, bore, born, soportar
5. To beat, beat, beaten, vencer
6. To become, became, become, llegar a ser o convertirse en
7. To begin, began, begun, comenzar o empezar
8. To bend, bent, bent, doblar
9. To bet, bet, bet, apostar
10. To bind, bound, bound, unirse
11. To blow, blew, blown, soplar
12. To bite, bit, bitten, morder
13. To bleed, bled, bled, sangrar
14. To break, broke, broken, romper
15. To bring, brought, brought, traer o llevar algo
16. To built, built, built, construir
17. To burn, burnt, burnt, quemar o arder
18. To burst, burst, burst, a punto de estallar
19. To buy, bought, bought, comprar
20. To cast, cast, cast, emitir o fundir
21. To catch, caught, caught, atrapar o coger
22. To come, came, come, llegar o venir
23. To choose, chose, chosen, escoger o elegir
24. To cost, cost, cost, costar
25. To cut, cut, cut, cortar
26. To creep, crept, crept, arrastrarse
27. To dare, dared, dared, atreverse
28. To deal, dealt, dealt, hacer frente
29. To do, did, done, hacer
30. To dig, dug, dug, cavar
31. To draw, drew, drawn, dibujar
32. To dream, dreamt, dremt, soñar (este verbo también se puede conjugar como
un verbo regular)
33. To drink, drank, drunk, beber
34. To drive, drove, driven, conducir un vehículo
35. To eat, ate, eaten, comer
36. To fall, fell, fallen, caer
37. To feed, fed, fed, alimentar o dar de comer
38. To feel, felt, felt, sentir
39. To fight, fought, fought, pelear o luchar
40. To find, found, found, encontrar
41. To fly, flew, flown, volar
42. To forget, forgot, forgotten, olvidar
43. To forgive, forgave, forgiven, perdonar
44. To freeze, froze, frozen, congelar o helar
45. To get, got, got o gotten, conseguir o adquirir
46. To give, gave, given, dar
47. To grind, ground, ground, moler
48. To grow, grew, grown, crecer o cultivar
49. To hung, hang, hang, colgar
50. To have, had, had, tener o haber
51. To hear, heard, heard, escuchar u oír
52. To hide, hid, hidden, esconder u ocultar
53. To hit, hit, hit, golpear
54. To hold, held, held, sostener o celebrar una reunión
55. To hurt, hurt, hurt, herir o doler
56. To keep, kept, kept, mantener o guardar
57. To know, knew, known, concocer o saber
58. To lay, laid, laid, colocar o echar
59. To lead, led, led, guiar
60. To learn, learnt, learnt, aprender
61. To leave, left, left, salir o abandonar
62. To lend, lent, lent, prestar
63. To let, let, let, dejar o permitir
64. To lie, lay, lain, echarse o tumbarse
65. To light, lit, lit, encender (este verbo también se puede conjugar como un verbo
66. To lose, lost, lost, perder
67. To make, made, made, hacer o fabricar
68. To mean, meant, meant, significar o querer decir
69. To meet, met, met, reunirse
70. To owe, owed, owed, deber
71. To pay, paid, paid, pagar
72. To put, put, put, poner o colocar
73. To quit, quit, quit, abandonar
74. To read, read, read, leer
75. To ride, rode, ridden, montar o conducir
76. To ring, rang, rung, hacer sonar
77. To rise, rose, risen, aumentar
78. To run, ran, run, correr
79. To say, said, said, decir
80. To see, saw, seen, ver
81. To seek, sought, sought, buscar
82. To sell, sold, sold, vender
83. To send, sent, sent, enviar
84. To set, set, set, colocar o ponerse
85. To shake, shook, shaken, agitar o sacudir
86. To shave, shaved, shaved, afeitarse
87. To shine, shone, shone, brillar
88. To shoot, shot, shot, disparar
89. To show, showed, shown, mostrar
90. To shut, shut, shut, cerrar
91. To shrink, shrank, shrunk, reducir
92. To sing, sang, sung, cantar
93. To sink, sank, sunk, hundir
94. To sit, sat, sat, sentarse
95. To sleep, slept, slept, dormir
96. To slide, slid, slid, deslizarse
97. To slit, slit, slit, cortar
98. To smell, smelt, smelt, oler
99. To speak, spoke, spoken, hablar
100. To speed up, sped up, sped up, apresurarse
101. To spell, spelt, spelt, deletrear
102. To spend, spent, spent, gastar dinero o tiempo
103. To spin, spun, spun, girar
104. To spoil, spoilt, spoilt, estropearse
105. To spread, spread, spread, difundir
106. To stand, stood, stood, permanecer de pie
107. To steal, stole, stolen, robar
108. To stick, stuck, stuck, pegar o adherirse
109. To sting, stung stung, picar
110. To strike, struck, struck, golpear
111. To string, strung, strung, encadenar
112. To swear, swore, sworn, jurar
113. To sweep, swept, swept, barrer
114. To swim, swam, swum, nadar
115. To take, took, taken, tomar
116. To teach, taught, taught, enseñar
117. To tear, tore, torn, rasgar
118. To tell, told, told, decir
119. To think, thought, thought, pensar
120. To throw, threw, thrown, lanzar o arrojar
121. To understand, understood, understood, entender
122. To wake, woke, woke, despertar
123. To wear, wore, worn, llevar puesta una prende de vestir
124. To weave, wove, worn, tejer
125. To wed, wed, wed, casarse
126. To weep, wept, wept, llorar
127. To wet, wet, wet, mojar
128. To win, won, won, ganar
129. To wind, wound, wound, enrollar o devanar
130. To wring, wrung, wrung, escurrir
131. To write, wrote, written, escribir

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