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Quarter 1 The Scientific Method and Matter

Module 2 Matter, Its Properties and Changes

You will study the following topics in this module:

Lesson 1 – Properties, Changes and Classification of Matter

Lesson 2 - Beneficial Effects of Physical and Chemical Changes on Health and


EXPLORE Your Understanding

In this phase, you will be given an overview of matter, its properties and changes.
You will be assessed based on your understanding of matter gained from elementary

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. Which of the following is an example of matter?

a) energy
b) fire
c) heat
d) sound

2. Which is a chemical change?

a) boiling water
b) chopping of wood
c) melting of ice cream
d) souring of milk

3. Jeff placed some mothballs inside the cabinet. After some days the mothballs
disappeared. What happened to the mothballs?

a) It dissolved in the presence of air.

b) It evaporated.
c) It was replaced with air inside the cabinet.
d) It sublimed.

4. Iron bar is a solid material. This is due to:

a) The particles are far from each other.

b) The particles are very close to each other.
c) The particles have a definite shape.
d) The particles have mass.

5. The following are all properties of matter. Which one determines the phase of

a) arrangement of the particles

b) density of particles
c) mass of the particles
d) all of the above

For items 6-10, classify if physical change or chemical change.

6. melting of ice
7. rusting of iron
8. spoiling of foods
9. making of leather shoes
10. dyeing of hair

KWL Chart

Before you begin with the next part of this module, fill in the first two
columns. Fill in the last column after completing the module. Write the
answers in you notebook.

What I know What I want to know What I learned

You have just finished the first phase of this module. As you proceed to the next
activities, think of a product output that will enable you to show your understanding
on matter. This product will be presented in the last part of this module which will be
assessed based on the following criteria:

(a) innovativeness,
(b) marketability,
(c) replicability,
(d) cost effectiveness,
(d) manifestation of changes in matter, and
(e) benefits to one’s health and the environment

As you proceed with the rest of the activities, always have this question in your mind,
“How can my understanding of the changes in properties of matter become

Your understanding of changes in properties of matter will be increased as you study

the lessons and perform the activities in the FIRM UP phase.

FIRM UP Your Understanding

In this phase, varied learning experiences shall be introduced to help you understand
matter and equip you with skills and knowledge for you to be successful throughout
the topic. This involves acquiring scientific knowledge through varied source of
information focusing on matter, its properties and changes. This also involves
understanding or making meanings out of the scientific knowledge obtained.

Lesson I: Properties, Changes and Classification of Matter


Matter is a term used to describe anything that has mass and takes
up space.

States of Matter

There are three states of matter (four, if you

count plasma).

Solids - fixed shape and volume

Liquids - fairly fixed volume, but shape
varies with container
Gases - both volume and shape are variable
Plasma - ionized gas - both volume and
shape are variable

Change of phases of matter

Solid Liquid Gas Plasma

Activity 1.1
Provide the following materials:
 corn kernels
 match box

1. Fill the match box with corn kernels. Shake the box.
Describe the movement of the kernels in the box.

Of the phases of matter, which arrangement of particles does it resemble?


2. Empty the box. Then put 20 corn kernels in it. Shake the box.

Describe the movement of the kernels in the box.


Of the phases of matter, which arrangement of particles does it resemble?


3. This time, just place three corn kernels in the box and then shake.

Describe the movement of the kernels in the box.


Of the phases of matter, which arrangement of particles does it resemble?


4. What conclusion can you make from the results of the activity ?

Activity 1.2
1. Classify the following as solid, liquid or gas.
a. stone
b. oxygen
c. tree
d. mayonnaise
e. mango juice

2. How will you explain the differences in the motion of particles of the phases of

3. Can you explain why solids and liquids have high densities while gases have low

Matter can be divided into two categories:

 Substances
 Mixtures

Substances (or pure substances)

Substances cannot be separated into different types of matter by any physical

means. Atoms in a pure substance can be separated only by chemical changes.

Elements are pure substances that are made of only one type
of matter.

The smallest possible particle of an element is called an atom.

Examples: Silver, copper, oxygen, carbon (as diamond or

graphite), sulfur, etc.

Compounds are composed of more than one type of matter. The different
substances cannot be separated without changing the
The smallest possible particle of a compound that
retains the properties of a compound is called a

Pure water (H2O).
Pure sucrose or sugar (C6H12O6).
Quartz (SiO2).

Activity 1.3
Reminder: Please read the procedure carefully before starting with the activity.
Don’t forget to answer the guide questions in your notebook.

Materials needed:
table salt
two glasses

What to do:
1. Pour water into the glasses.
2. Label the glasses as glass A and glass B.
3. Put a pinch of salt in glass A and then stir.
4. Put one tablespoon of salt in glass B.
Compare the appearance of glass A and glass B. Are their appearances the
5. Pour the contents of glass A into the casserole and then heat. Continue heating
until the mixture dries up. (Note: Remove the casserole from the flame before the
mixture dries up completely!) Observe.

Describe the substance that is left on the casserole.


If you are going to heat the contents of glass B, will you be able to recover the same
substance that you have recovered from glass A? Can you name the substance?

6. Clean the casserole, then put a little amount of water in it. Heat the water.

Caution: Be careful when heating substances. Do not heat substances not included
in the procedure. Do not leave the casserole while it is being heated.

Guide Questions:

1. What do you think is happening to the water while you are heating it?

2. Upon mixing salt and water through stirring, can you still see the particles of
salt? Why or why not?


A mixture is a material made up of two or more substances. Mixtures are composed

of more than one kind of matter, or more than one pure substance. Composition can
vary between different samples. Pure substances in the mixture can be physically
separated from each other by physical changes.
There are two types of mixtures:

Homogeneous mixtures - A homogeneous mixture has two or more substances in

it, but you cannot see them. They appear to be the same throughout.
They may not look like mixtures but, if tested, they can be found to
be composed of more than one type of substance.
Examples: Cake batter (which is a mixture of butter, eggs, sugar,
and flour), soft drinks, salt water, sugar water, tap water, and brass
(which is a mixture of copper and zinc).

Salt water (or sugar water) would be a homogeneous mixture since

you cannot actually see the salt in the water. A homogeneous
mixture is sometimes called a solution.

Heterogeneous mixtures - A heterogeneous mixture has two or more substances

in it, and you can see what is inside of it. Different samples
are not necessarily the same. These are easy to spot
because they look like mixtures. They are clearly composed
of more than one type of matter, and contain regions with
different properties.

Mixtures can be separated into different types of matter by

some physical means, such as

 sorting,
 filtering,
 heating,
 cooling,
 freezing,

 melting,
 evaporation,
 settling, etc.

Examples: Trail mix (which is a mixture of raisins, peanuts, and chocolate candy m &
m's), crunchy peanut butter, chocolate chip cookies, vegetable soup, spaghetti
sauce, concrete, granite, raisin bran.

Heterogeneous mixtures that are liquid can be subdivided into two types: colloids
and suspensions.

A colloid consists of solid particles in a liquid. These particles are usually very small,
often less than 0.01 mm in diameter. A colloid is a heterogeneous mixture in which
the contents do not settle over a long time. They tend to stay combined together.
Paint, orange juice, ketchup, and most salad dressings are colloids.

A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which the contents settle over a short

period of time. Some examples of this may be muddy water or Italian salad dressing.

Activity 1.4

Match the following with their proper classification by writing the letter of the correct
match in your notebook.

_______ 1. Orange Juice A. Element

_______ 2. Apple Juice B. Compound
_______ 3. Granite Rock C. Homogeneous Mixture
_______ 4. Milk D. Heterogeneous Mixture
_______ 5. Salt Water
_______ 6. Carbon Dioxide
_______ 7. Oxygen
_______ 8. Air
_______ 9. Water


1. Differentiate element from a compound.


2. How do you separate salt from saltwater?


3. Is chocolate chip cookie an example of homogenous mixture? Why or why



Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

Physical properties: Properties that describe the look or feel of a substance.

 Color
 Hardness
 Density
 Texture
 Shape
 Size
 Phase (solid, liquid, gas)

Chemical properties: Properties that relate to the ability of a substance to react with
other substances, or to transform from one substance to another. The chemical
properties of a substance relate to its chemical composition and the way the atoms
in the molecules are chemically bonded together.

 Iron will rust.
 Methane in natural gas will react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide,
water, and heat energy.
 Baking soda will react with vinegar to produce carbon dioxide and water.

Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter

Physical change is a change in form of a

substance without a change in its identity. A
substance may change in phase (solid, liquid,
or gas), or it may change in some other
physical property, but its chemical composition
does not change.

 Boiling of water (liquid water, ice and
steam are just the liquid, solid and gas
forms of H2O)
 Freezing of water to form ice
 Chewing of food
 Sharpening of a pencil
 Crystallization of sugar from a sugar solution
 Melting of gold

Activity 1.5
Materials needed:
 ice
 two glasses
 sugar
 old newspaper
 clay

A. Crumple the old newspaper and then cut it into small pieces.
Is the crumpled paper still the old newspaper? ______________________

Did you change the composition of the newspaper when you cut it into pieces?

B. Get some clay. Mold it into different shapes.

Did you change the composition of the clay when you molded it into different

C. Put some ice in a clean glass. Examine it every 3 minutes for half an hour.

Describe what happens to the ice. __________________________________

D. Place a pinch of salt in a glass of water.

What happens to the salt? ________________________________________

As you have noticed, the following changes have happened in the different parts of
the activity:

(A) There was a change in the size and shape of the old newspaper.

(B) There was a change in the size and shape of the clay.

(C) There was a change in the phase of matter. From solid, it turned into liquid.

(D) There was change in the phase of salt. From solid, it dissolved into a liquid

Thus, the observations suggest that changes in matter described in the activity are
all physical changes.

Remember also that all phase changes are just physical changes. It therefore
follows that the processes of evaporation, condensation, melting, sublimation,
freezing and deposition are just physical changes.

On the other hand, chemical change involves a change or alteration in the

composition of matter thus it is further characterized by the formation of a new

Chemical change is a change in the identity or chemical makeup of a substance. A

change that involves a rearrangement of the way atoms are bonded is a chemical

 Digestion of food
 Combustibility = The ability to react with oxygen (e.g., burning a candle or a
match, burning of fuel). Methane reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide
and water
 Electrolysis of water (breaking up water into hydrogen and oxygen)
 Reactivity = The ability to be changed chemically because of a reaction with
another chemical substance, such as the development of a gas (e.g., from the
reaction of vinegar and baking soda)
 Formation of a precipitate (e.g., silver nitrate and salt water, or cooling a
solution of sodium nitrate and water)
 Change in color (such as burning toast, or reaction of bleaching agent to
colored cloth, or cooking of an egg)
 Oxidation (or rusting) of steel wool in water

Activity 1.6
Materials needed:
 vinegar
 baking soda
 match
 piece of paper (a small one!)
 glass
 spoon

A. Half fill the glass with vinegar. Then, place one tablespoon of baking soda.

Describe what happens when vinegar was mixed with baking soda.

B. Burn the small piece of paper. Note: Do this outside your house and in an open

Describe what happens to the paper.


Let us discuss the results of the activity.

In Part A, vinegar did not dissolve the baking soda. There was actually a chemical
change that happened between the two that resulted to the formation of some new
substances. One of the substances is carbon dioxide gas. Notice that the
composition of carbon dioxide is not the same as vinegar and baking soda. This
indicates that the change resulted to a change in the composition and, as such, it
could be identified as a chemical change.
How do we know that carbon dioxide is produced? Did you observe the formation of
bubbles? The bubbles indicate that a gas is being evolved. Evolution of gas is one of
the signs or evidences of a chemical change.

Part B involves burning of paper. Notice that, after burning, you no longer have the
paper. What you have are ashes! Is the composition of ashes the same as paper?
No, they are not the same! Thus, burning of paper is a chemical change. Other
evidences of chemical change include the production of heat and light, and these
are observed in the burning of paper.

Activity 1.7
Identify whether the given processes have undergone physical or chemical change.
Give a reason for your answer.

Physical or
Processes Chemical Reason
breaking a bone

slicing potatoes for fries

frying chicken

paper ripping

food molding (rotting)

souring of milk

charcoal heating a grill

autumn leaves changing


a hot glass cracking when

placed in cold water

melting copper metal

Activity 1.8
A. Directions: Identify whether the given process indicates physical property or
chemical property. Write the letter of your answer inside the ray of the star.

Note: The answers for each star may not always be in equivalent with the number of
rays. Answers can be more or less than five. Analyze your answers carefully.

Physical Chemical

Property Property

a) Water boils at 100 degrees e) Vinegar will react with baking

Celsius. soda.
b) Diamonds can be used for f) Yeast acts on sugar to form
cutting glass. carbon dioxide and ethanol.
c) Water can be separated by g) Wood is flammable.
electrolysis into hydrogen and h) Aluminum has a low density.
oxygen. i) Ammonia is a gas at room
d) Sugar is capable of dissolving in temperature.
water. j) Bromine has a red color.

Lesson 2 - Beneficial Effects of Physical and Chemical Changes on

Health and Environment

After firming up your understanding on scientific method, you have to deepen your
understanding by doing the following activities.

Now that you have learned the important concepts on physical and chemical change
of matter, you may be wondering about their importance in your life. Read the table
below and study the health and environmental benefits of changes in matter.

Changes in Matter Process Health Benefit Benefit to the
Physical change Freezing of water Ice can be used to Reservoir of fresh
to form ice reduce swelling water for future
(by decreasing consumption.
blood flow) and
pain by pressing it
against affected
area of the body.
Chemical change Digestion of food Nutrients from Solid human
food will be wastes can be
absorbed by the used as organic
body. fertilizer.

Activity 2.1

Copy the table below in your notebook and fill in the blank cells.

Changes in Process Health Benefit Benefit to the

matter Environment

Physical change Boiling of water

Making copper wire

from copper ore

Melting of metal

Chemical Combination of
change sodium and chlorine
to form table salt

breaking up water
into hydrogen and
Drying of leaves

Guide Questions:

1. How would you know if matter undergoes physical or chemical change? Give


2. Are changes in matter important? Why?


After firming up your understanding on matter, you have to deepen your

understanding by doing the following activities.

DEEPEN Your Understanding

Now that you have gained a better understanding of matter, you

are now ready for the next level.

To enhance further your knowledge and skills for a more meaningful study, do the
following in your notebook.

1. Make a short essay on changes in properties of matter that are beneficial or

harmful in your community.

2. Identify or classify which changes in matter are beneficial or harmful in society as

a whole.

3. Write how you feel about the effects of commercially available products
(organic and inorganic fertilizers used in farming, cyanide used in fishing) on
health and environment.

4. Connect/relate your present understanding of concepts learned on changes in

properties of matter to your future career.

Summative Test:
Answer each item in your notebook. Do not write anything on the module. Choose
the letter of the best answer to the question.

1. The following are all matter except one; which one?

a) Radio
b) Television set
c) Sound
d) Fire

2. Burning wood is a chemical change. Breaking bone is a physical change.

a) Both statements are true.

b) Both statements are false.
c) The first statement is true while the second is false.
d) The second statement is true while the first is false.

3. Evaporation is a phase change from

a) gas  liquid
b) liquid  solid
c) liquid  gas
d) solid  gas

4. Which is an example of chemical change?

a) dissolving salt in water

b) fermentation of fish
c) melting of ice cream
d) mixing coffee powder and hot water

5. Dynamite fishing is prohibited by law because

a) It harms the fisherman.

b) It poisons the people who will eat the fish.
c) It pollutes the water and living organisms.
d) All of the above

For items 6-10, classify if physical change or chemical change.

6. Crystallization of sugar from a sugar solution

7. Digestion of food
8. Formation of a precipitate
9. Melting of gold
10. Oxidation (or rusting) of steel wool in water

Now that you have gained a better understanding of scientific processes and
methods, you are now ready for the next level- transferring what you have learned.

TRANSFER Your Understanding

This part will let you transfer your learning in new settings and
use this creatively to generate new ideas, view things differently
and reengineer processes. You shall be involved in designing, constructing,
planning, producing new knowledge and/or inventing product which can contribute to
the promotion of good health and protection of the environment.

1. You will develop a product based on your interest that is beneficial to health
and the environment.

For example, preparation of homemade stain removers which come from

natural sources; preparation of nata de coco, fish sauce (patis), virgin coconut
oil, bagoong, vinegar, catsup from banana/tomato, burger from banana
peelings, etc.

2. Use the table below as your guide when you plan out the product that you will
do. Present this project plan to your teacher and ask for feedback or
Name of Product:
Product description: Health Benefits:




Ingredients / Procedure:
Materials used:

Benefits to the Environment:




Your product will be assessed based on the following criteria:

(a) innovativeness, (d) manifestation of changes in matter,

(b) marketability, and
(c) replicability, (e) benefits to one’s health and the
(d) cost effectiveness, environment

You have finished module # 2. And you are now ready to proceed to the next

Answer key:

Pre-Assessment Summative Test

1. B 1. C
2. D 2. A
3. D 3. C
4. B 4. D
5. D 5. B
6. Physical change 6. Physical change
7. Chemical change 7. Chemical change
8. Chemical change 8. Chemical change
9. Physical change 9. Physical change
10. Chemical change 10. Chemical change

References/ Weblink:


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