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ICT: John Mark D.


Life as a CBBA Student

Being a member of a full-time family in Christian Bible Baptist Church, I have spent my whole academic
years studying in Christian Bible Baptist Academy. I have seen and experienced many things (good and
bad), met a lot of people (most of them are already in a different school today), and have seen first-
hand the evolution of the academy since I first start going here as a five-year-old boy unto this very
moment. Today, I am now a graduating student. In all honesty, I really didn’t want to be in this
institution anymore. I have grown tired of the system and it became boring. Each year, fewer students
are enrolling and the population of the school is sinking. I wanted to experience what life is like outside
the academy. I wanted to experience freedom and stuff. Suddenly, life here as a student started
becoming boring when most of my classmates have left and changed schools until I am the only one left.
I said I didn’t want to continue my senior high school years in the academy. I debated with my family
and told them all the reasons why, but I didn’t have any other choices. My tuition here is free and it’s
only two more years left. I just have to be more patient. Also, one of the reasons why I didn’t want to be
here anymore is the fact that it’s only going to be me and Milessa in our batch unless some other
students would transfer here. And luckily, I guess, even though I don’t believe in luck, we were not
alone. Three more students enrolled in the academy and somehow made me feel excited to go to
school. Even of all the negatives I have experienced here in this academy, I am thankful to God for
bringing me here, because in here you will find teachers that are very passionate in helping and teaching
the students even without a salary. And for all of the preaching and Bible principles they have imparted
in me, I am very thankful. Now that I am a graduating student, I have no more than one year left and
after this, I will be going outside into the real world. I hope that wherever God leads me and whatever
His purpose is for me, I will be there to heed unto his calling and to obey His will.

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