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Submitted by:

Arvin Pelaez

Submitted to:

Mrs. Ma. Luisa Diana


Many places, including schools have taken measures to put in place new rules to ban many

technological advances or gadgets, because many of students are became addicted on it,

popolarly in cellphones. They use it in the way that they want. In my school(LNHS) the parents

organization and other school board has recently put in place a cellphone ban, which will make

it illegal to use cellphone during school hours even using it in the whole day if it is not allowed

by the teachers to use it. Using cellphone in school is not bad but it should be ban becausr some

students do not follow on the school rules in regulation.

On the otherside, banning cellphones in school may be having a great effects in the students in

the way that they live in school like they use to will be changed.

Banning cellphones in has many benifits on the school and for tje study of many of the students.

First, may students who are addicted in using cellphone in school will decreased. Instead of

using cellphones ,they pay their attention in some activities that is connected for what they

study. They can focus on their study if they don't have cellphones. Second, using cellphones in

school can change the attitude of the students. They relationship to some people may be

distract, for example that if there is someone talking to the students who play cellphone that

student ignore the person because his/her attention is in the cellphone. Instead of socializing in

his fellow friends his or her attention is on the cellphone. Lastly, students academic
performance will be change. Instead of listening to their teacher, students have their own

business with the use of their phones. As what I saw and my experience some students are

playing mobile phones while the teacher is teaching.

Using cellphones in school is not bad but we should know the limit of using it .It may contribute

good effects to the students and on the otherside it also contribute bad effect if it is not using in

the right manner. Banning cellphones at school is good for the students even in their life every

day ,because cellphone is a distraction for the student and a hindrance for them to achieve their

goal if it is not use in the rightway.

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