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Banjar Traditional House

Hearing the name of the Bubungan Tinggi house, you also have to be prepared with the term
"Banjar house" / "Rumah Ba'anjung". Both refer to the traditional house of South Kalimantan. It is called
the Banjar house, because indeed the majority of the tribes in South Kalimantan are the Banjar tribe.
The houses they inhabit are spread throughout the South Kalimantan region. Therefore he was named
the traditional house of the province. The term "Rumah Bubungan Tinggi" refers to the form of the
traditional house itself, which is indeed a high and taper section that forms an angle of 45 degrees.

It is said that the traditional house of South Kalimantan has been around since the 16th century,
precisely during the reign of Prince Samudera or also known as Sultan Suriansyah. At the beginning of its
construction, the Banjar traditional house was equipped with a simple rectangular-shaped construction
that tended to extend from front to back. However, over time, the Banjar traditional house was later
modified according to the owner's needs by adding parts of the house to the left and right. The term
used for the traditional Banjar house added to that particular part is "sprinkled". Padamulanya, Banjar
traditional house can only be found in the Banjar palace environment. But over time, we people also
helped build houses by adopting buildings in the palace environment so that the distribution is evenly
distributed even to Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.

Just like other traditional houses, the making of a Banjar traditional house is also not arbitrary,
mainly the construction of house fiction. The materials used were combined with the beliefs adopted
and the physical factors of the land in the Banjar kingdom at that time. Detailed explanation as follows:

1. The foundation, the pole also sticks at the Banjar house must be high because the Banjar land used to
tend to be swampy. The wood that is used ideally is Galam wood or also known as Naga Lime Wood.

2. The house frame in the Banjar house uses an odd traditional fathom because it is believed to have
magical and sacred elements. The sections include the implants made of ironwood, girder made of
belangiran also dammar white, the floor is composed of ironwood boards with a thickness of 3 cm, the
door frame is also a window made of boards as well as ironwood beams and others.

3. The floor section of the Banjar traditional house is also known as the Rare Floor. He is generally
located in Surambi Muka, Ruang Padu and also Anjung Jurai.

4.The walls of the Banjar house are arranged in a standing board position so Balabad and Turus Tawing
are needed to be attached.

5. The roof of the Banjar house is the most prominent signatur. This roof is a symbol of power. He was
made to soar high into the sky.
Philosophical and Religious Value of Banjar Houses

Just like other traditional houses in the archipelago, this South Kalimantan traditional house also has its
own value system. In the past, it was the Dayaks who had converted to Islam that came to be known as
the Banjar Tribe. Therefore, the influence of Islam on this tribal house is quite thick. Just look at the
carvings on the body of the house that symbolizes brotherhood, fertility and unity. If you are observant,
you can also find carved words of the Shahada, Salawat, the names of the Khalifah and Qur'anic verses in
certain parts of the Banjar house. However, it is not impossible for us to find a Banjar house with the
influence of Hinduism and Buddhism which is still thick.

In addition to Islamic values, in the Banjar house, philosophical values are also found, including:

1.The universal unity, namely the belief that the home is a sacred place because the gods also inhabit
that place. Although vague, but these elements are still legible clearly. Please just refer to the existence
of a vague dragon carving on the body of the house. He is a symbol of the underworld. Meanwhile, the
Engraving of the Ivory Hornbill symbolizes the nature above.

2.Tree of life. The Banjar house is identical with its soaring roof. It is a symbol of the Hayat tree which
soars into the sky. The Hayat tree itself is a cosmic symbol that is a reflection of the various dimensions
that unite the universe.

3. Umbrella. At first glance, the roof of a traditional house in South Kalimantan is also similar to paying.
In the past, paying was considered a symbol of power orientation. He is also a symbol of nobility. In the
past, the yellow umbrella was even considered as one of the royal devices that could not be lost in
various traditional events.

4.Symmetrical. This is a symbol of a balanced life. The Banjar House was symmetrical to show a
balanced system of government of the Banjar kingdom.

5. Head-Body-Leg. The shape of the Banjar house or the Bubungan Tinggi house depicts humans divided
into 3 major parts namely the head, body and legs. The right and left platforms represent the right and
left sides of humans.

6. Spatial. The traditional home of Bubungan Tinggi, especially in the scope of the kingdom, is divided
into several parts. One part is the semi-public room that is the porch or what is locally called Surambi.
This room is tiered with the first chronological surmabi face, welcome surambi and surambi pamedangan
directly adjacent to the main door of the house (Lawang Hadapan). Entering the part of the traditional
house, will also be found the same hierarchical, namely the existence of a leveled floor, among others,
Small Penampik, Middle Penampik and Big Penampuk. Each of these floors reflects the social status of
the Banjar of its time. Hiriarkis is a symbol of thick karma.

7. Tawing Halat. In this South Kalimantan traditional house you can also find Tawing Halat or a dividing
wall that divides the two semi-private and private rooms. This is intended so that the king can see
clearly his neighbors while guests can only guess the state of the king in the semi-private room.
8. Bird Scanning Plan. Is a floor plan on the Banjar house that forms the symbol plus (+). He is a piece of
the axle of the building towards the front towards the back and the right direction to the left. If
examined, this pattern is the same as Cacak Burung which is considered sacred.

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