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Linear and quadratic equations

Questions for Neophytes:

1) If √𝑥 + √𝑥 + √𝑥 + √𝑥 + ⋯ = 4, Find the value of x.

2) If 9a-2/3a+4=81a-11, find 3a-8+3a-6?

a) 720 b) 810
c) 120 d) 850

3) The sides of a right angled triangle are x+1, 6x and 5x+11 in increasing order. Given that, x+1
is prime number. Find all the sides.

4) Find the number of pairs of positive integers x and y that satisfy this equations?
a. 3x+4y=96
b. 7x+3y=126

5) 3x+4|y|=33. How many integer values of (x, y) are possible?

a) 6 b) Less than 6
c) More than 6 d) 5

6) Ben opened his history book, and noticed that the product of the two pages in front of him
was equal to 1122. What were the numbers of those pages?

7) Jerry is faster than Tom. Tom and jerry each run 24 km. The sum of their speeds is 14 kmph and the
sum of time taken by them is 7 hrs. Then, what is Jerry’s speed

a) 7 b) 8
c) 6 d) 4

Questions for Hotshots:

1) The cost of 10 pears, 8 guavas and 6 mangoes costs Rs.44, whereas the cost for 5 pears, 4
guavas and 3 mangoes was Rs.22. Find the cost of 4 mangoes and 3 grapes, if the cost of each
of the items is distinct. (PS: You don’t get anything for free)
a) Rs.17 b) Rs.18
c) Rs.14 d) Cannot be determined

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2) There is a two-digit number whose digits are the same, and has got the following property:
When squared, it produces a four-digit number, whose first two digits are the same and equal
to the original number minus eleven, and whose last two digits are the same and equal to the
half of the original’s. Find that number.

3) Find the area of the region bounded by the curves 3|x|+ 4|y| = 12

4) If [x] represents the greatest integer less than or equal to x, then

[3151/3]+[ 3161/3]+[ 3171/3]+……..+[ 5141/3]+[ 5151/3]=?

5) Find the equation whose roots are reciprocal of the roots of the given equation
a). 1152x2 +1531x +1356441=0 b). 1052x2 +1531x +1456512=0
c). 1352x2 +1531x +1175161=0 d). 1052x2 +1531x +1356441=0

6) a, b, c, d and e are five consecutive integers a<b<c<d<e and a2+b2+c2=d2+e2, what are the
possible values for a, b, c, d and e ?

7) Ranguski the mosquito along with its team went on a hunt. A fifth of them were attracted to
a Sana, a third to Vaseegaran, three times the difference between the number of mosquitoes
that went to Vaseegaran and Sana, went to professor Bohra. Ranguski alone went to Chitti.
In all, how many were successful in the hunt.
a) 14 b) 16
c) 15 d) 27

Whirl Wind questions:

1) Identify the nature of the roots of the following quadratic equations:
I. X2 + 5X +6 = 0
II. 9X2 + 7X + 12 =0
III. 25X2 + 40X + 16=0

2) Without actually solving, check for the consistency of the following pairs of linear equations
in two variables
I. 2X + 3Y = 5 , 4X + 7Y = 5
II. 11X + 33Y = 5, 4X + 12Y = 9
III. X + 3Y = 5 , 7X + 21Y = 35

3) Three years back Malar was 24 years older than Celine. At present Malar is 5times as old as
Celine. How old will Malar be 7 years from now?

a) 43 b) 39
c) 37 d) 36

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4) If x-1+y=0, what will be the value of x3+y3+3xy=?

5) Match the following graphs with their equations.

a) Y=|x| b) Y=x3
c) Y=3√x d) Y=x2

Are you there at the Crescendo?

Five actors Abhishek, Vijay, Nivin, Siddarth and Prabhas have donated a sum of Rs.47 crores
for Chennai flood relief, but the records for contribution of individual actors is lost. But it is well
known from the social media sites that Abhishek and Vijay together has contributed a sum of Rs.37
crores. In how many possible ways the contribution could have been made, if each actor donated an
amount which is a crore value of a natural number.

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