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Illiteracy: A major hindrance in achieving Prosperity

Good morning everyone. Good morning Sir.

Today, as I deliver my speech, I hope that you will listen to me attentively.

To begin with, let me ask you a question. In the four corners of this room how many of you can
read and write? I believe all of us, right? Henceforth, let us take this opportunity to be thankful and clap
our hands as we are very fortunate. As a matter of fact, 781 million people are said to be illiterate. This is
roughly 10% of the world’s entire population. Illiteracy refers to the inability to read and write due to lack
of education.

Just imagine how life would become if you are incapable of reading and writing. How will you
read the signages on the streets? How will you write you name on important documents? Most
importantly, how will you help in fostering innovation and communicate ideas with the people around

I strongly believe that illiteracy is one of the most important issues the world is facing today. Open
your eyes and reflect, the children are our future. With that being said, how will the world be able to
continue if there are so many illiterate children? How will we prosper if we do not cultivate the young
minds of our young learners? I believe, as one nation who strives for the triumph of all, we should act now
to destroy this problem once and for all.

Amongst the many contributory factors, child illiteracy is most commonly anchored with poverty.
Because of living an impoverished life, poor people are not given the privilege to get formal education. In
return, poverty worsens and this will have a ripple effect that may be passed on to the next generations.
Making more illiterate children as a result.

On the other hand, illiteracy is not limited to socioeconomic class only. Social barriers such as
gender discrimination and lack of family support can greatly impact education. Lack of affordable and
accessible learning facilities in remote places may also be an issue. Furthermore, demotivation and lack of
awareness with regards to the importance of education may also be a factor in increasing the rate of

You may think that illiteracy does nit affect you at all. Directly it may not, however, as a
community, this may become a hindrance in prosperity and innovation. First, this hinders social and
economic growth resulting to poverty. Education gives people opportunities and the privilege to pursue
them. Moreover, the time spent in school molds children, our future work force, in making decisions and
working with other people. Additionally, illiteracy may result to immoral practices. Illiterate people are
most likely to become vulnerable and of high risk in committing unethical doings. For instance, teenage
pregnancy, committing of social crimes, and displaying unmannered behavior may be observable in some
cases of illiteracy.

As an Ignacian-Marian student, we should value the opportunity of education. Being highly

privileged, it is our initiative to uplift the less fortunate. Help people by promoting lower educational cost,
offering subsidies and scholarships, donating books and taking matter into your own hands. Illiteracy is
the result of human ignorance and negligence. Therefore, let us become one and act now. Alone we can do
so little but together we can make a big difference. Let us help one another, specially the less fortunate in
eradicating illiteracy. Let us serve as torches that consumes itself in order to illuminate others.

Once again, Good morning and thank you for listening.

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