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Unit- 3

Important Questions with solutions.

Q 1- Explain the steps for inserting a table and modify it in a word document.

Q 2- In an MS-Excel Spreadsheet, write the formulae and steps for the following.

i) Sum ii) Average iii) Rank iv) Median v) Mode

Q 3- What is word processing? Describe the steps of mail merge in detail.

Q 4- Explain spread sheet and presentation in MS Office in detail. What are the steps for creating the

graphs in Excel?

Q 5- Steps for creating, editing and saving a document in MS-Word?

Q 6- What are the different features of Word processing software? Explain following features

a) Bold/Italic/Underline b) Inserting rows and columns c) Merging Cells d) Cut/copy/paste

Q 7- Explain the following features of spreadsheet

i) Formulas ii) functions iii) recalculation iv) what-if analysis

Q 8- Draw and Explain the diagram of Main Window in MS- Word?

Q- 9 What are the different formats that can be applied to a text in the MS-Word?

Q- 10 Write the steps to add a new slide in MS Power Point?

Q- 11 Write the steps to insert different charts in a Spread Sheet?

Q- 12 Define cell in spreadsheet.

Q-13 What for word processing software is used?

Q- 14 Write the steps to change the color of text, create, modify, and save the text in the ms word.

Q – 15 Write down shortcut keys of following.

a) Cut b) Copy c) Paste
Q- 16 Explain some of the tasks that can be done with word processor.

Q- 17 Create the marks sheet of 10 students in ms-excel in given below format and then find the Total,

Average and Rank of Them.

S No Name English Hindi Telugu Total Average Rank

Q 1- Explain the steps for inserting a table and modify it in a word document.

Ans- To insert a table:

 Open the word document in which you want to insert table.

 Place the cursor by double clicking mouse at the location in ms word where you want to insert

• click on Insert tab. Then click on Table and then Insert Table. See fig below.

• This opens up the Insert Table dialog box. (Figure ). Type in some value for the number of
columns and rows… let us type in the values 5 and 2 respectively.

• We can now see this table (Figure below) on the

page – with 5 columns and 2 rows

• Time to type in some text! We can move the insertion point from one cell to another by clicking the
mouse at the desired cell. We can also press the Tab key to move to the next cell, or Shift+Tab keys to
move to the previous one.

Q 2- In an MS-Excel Spreadsheet, write the formulae and steps for the following.

i) Sum ii) Average iii) Rank iv) Median v) Mode


For eg here to find total marks of Ankit in cell I3 type in I3, =sum(C3:H3). Here C3:H3 is passed as
argument in sum function.

Similarly for average marks of Ankit in cell J3 type =average(C3:H3).

 Formula for Rank

=RANK (number, array, [order])
number - The number to rank.
array - An array that contains the numbers to rank against.
order - [optional] Whether to rank in ascending or descending order.

For eg here to find the rank of Ankit in cell K3, type =rank(I3,I3:I6) and then press enter.

 Formula of median

=MEDIAN (number1, [number2], ...)


number1 - A number or cell reference that refers to numeric values.

number2 - [optional] A number or cell reference that refers to numeric values.

For eg here to find the median marks of Ankit in cell I3, type “=median(C3:H3)”

 Mode


The Excel MODE function returns the most frequently occurring number in a numeric data set. For
example, =MODE(1,2,4,4,5,5,5,6) returns 5.

Purpose- Get most frequently occurring number

Return value -A number representing the mode.

Syntax “=MODE (number1, *number2+, ...)”

Arguments:- number1 - A number or cell reference that refers to numeric values.

number2 - [optional] A number or cell reference that refers to numeric values.

Usage notes

The Excel MODE function returns the most frequently occurring number in a numeric data set. Numbers
can be supplied as numbers, ranges, named ranges, or cell references that contain numeric values. Up to
255 numbers can be supplied as separate arguments.

In the example shown, the formula in M4 is: “=MODE(B4:K4)”

Q 3- What is word processing? Describe the steps of mail merge in detail.


Word processing is the ability to create documents using a word processor. It can also refer to advanced
shorthand techniques, sometimes used in specialised contexts with a specially modified typewriter.
These were primarily aimed at typists, particularly in offices where other workers sent handwritten
notes to be transcribed into documents for printing which were returned for reviewing. The word

processing operators achieved considerable time saving largely due to:

• the faster typing speeds achieved as a result of electronic keyboards

• the assistance of the word processing software for functions like layout and spell check, etc.

Today, there are different word processors available; some are proprietary like Microsoft Word,
WordPerfect Office, StarOffice Writer, etc., while others are open source like Kwrite,
Writer, etc. Basic functions in all remain more or less similar and do not require advanced computer or
typing skills for use.

Six Steps to Completing a Mail-Merge

Mail merging means to plug data from an address table into form letters, e-mail messages, envelopes,
address labels, or a directory (a list or catalog, for example).

To start a mail merge, choose Mailings tabs and then Start Mail Merge Wizard and then Step by Step
Mail Merge Wizard as shown in figure to open the Mail Merge task pane.

Step 1: Select a Document Type

The first step is to select what Word calls a “document type” in the Mail Merge task pane, what kind of
mail-merge you want to undertake: form letters, e-mail messages, envelopes for mass-mailings, labels
for mass-mailings, or a directory (a list or catalog). Choose an option button and click Next at the bottom
of the task pane to goto step 2.

Step 2: Select a Starting Document

What Word calls the “starting document” is the document in which the merging takes place.

Microsoft Word now prompts for Selecting starting document. The options provided are Use the current

document, Start from a template, and Start from existing document. Select the first option. We can later
try out the others on our own!

Step 3: Select Recipients

In step 3, you tell Word where to get the data that you will merge into the starting document you
created or supplied in step 2. You can retrieve the data from a table in a Word document, an Access
database table or query, or the address book or contact list where you store your addresses. You can
also create a new list for the data if you haven’t entered the data in a file yet.

Step 4: Write/Arrange Your Document

In step 4, you insert the merge fields, the parts of the starting document that differ from recipient to
recipient. By inserting merge fields, you tell Word where to plug information from the data source into
the starting document. You also tell Word which data to take from the data source. Word offers special
tools for entering an address block – the recipient’s address, including his or her name, company, title,
street address, city, and zip code.

Step 5: Preview Your Document

In step 5, you get a chance to see what your form letters, e-mail messages, envelopes, labels, or
directory will look like after they are printed or sent. In this step, you find out what the document will
look like when real data is plugged into it. If something is amiss in the document, you can click the
Previous link to return to step 4, the Write/Arrange your document task pane, and make changes there.

Step 6: Complete the Merge

Step 6 is where you complete the merge by either printing a new document or saving the new file and
printing it later. By saving the merged data in a new file, you can edit the file before printing it. In the
case of e-mail messages, you click the Electronic Mail link to tell Word to send the e-mail messages.

Q 4- Explain spread sheet and presentation in MS Office in detail. What are the steps for creating the

graphs in Excel?

Ans- Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet is defined as a large sheet which contains data and information arranged in rows
and columns. There are different spreadsheet programs available; some are proprietary, like
microsoft excel, lotus 123, etc., others are free/open source like, gnome office spreadsheet
gnumeric, koffice kspread, calc. Spreadsheets, also known as
Worksheets, allow us to perform detailed analysis on numerical data. Data is entered in a cell,
which represents the intersection of a row and a column. The most powerful feature of a
spreadsheet is that it automatically recalculates the result of mathematical formulas if the source
data changes. A spreadsheet can help us quickly record and manipulate a large amount
Of numerical information and share it with others in a wide variety of forms.



Each speadsheet file is known as a workbook and is stored with a default extension of .xls. Each
workbook can contain many sheets, so various kinds of related information can be organised in a single

file. Each workbook can contain up to 255 worksheets, but by default it displays only three. Worksheet is
the area where the data is stored and work is
performed. Extra worksheets can be added as and when required.


The rows in a worksheet are numbered from top to bottom along the left column of the worksheet. The
columns are labeled from left to right with letters. The total number of rows in Excel are 65536 and the
total number of columns are 256. Columns are named from A to IV.
The rows are numbered from 1 to 65536.
A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. A cell is identified by an address that consists of the
column name followed by the row number. For example, the first cell is referred to as A1, which indicates
that it lies at the intersection of the column A and row 1. This is the active cell. The active cell is ready for
accepting any action or input. A small group of contiguous cells is defined as a range. The range is
referred to by writing the starting address of the cell in the range: Ending address of the cell in a range or
vice versa. For example A1:A10

An electronic presentation program is used to display information. This information is normally displayed
in the form of a slide show – the information is shown on a slide which is viewed on a computer's
monitor, or beamed on a screen using a LCD projector. A presentation can have several slides, which can
be displayed one after the other. The information presented can be an assortment of text, graphics, audio
and video.
Why do we call the screen of information a slide?
The word slide is a reference to the slide projector, which is somewhat obsolete today, thanks to
electronic presentation software. In the days of slide projectors, each slide had to be shot by a camera,
specially developed in a studio, and then placed on a slide projector for projection on a
screen. Today, however, we can just design our slide on a computer using a presentation software and
project it.
There are different types of presentations like professional (workrelated), educational and for general
communication. Presentation programs can either supplement or replace the use of older visual aid
technology, such as pamphlets, handouts, chalkboards, flip charts, posters, slides and overhead
transparencies. A commonly used presentation program is Microsoft PowerPoint, although there are
alternatives such as, Impress, Corel Presentations and Apple's Keynote. A presentation
program includes three major components: an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted; a
method for inserting graphic images, audio and video; and a slide-show system to display the final


The important components of this window are:

• Menu Bar : Provides menu options to help in designing and viewing the presentation.
• Standard Toolbar : Contains tools for standard tasks, like saving, printing, cutting, copying, pasting, etc.
• Formatting Toolbar : Provides tools for formatting like bold, italic, underline, etc.
• Task Pane : Allows options depending on the selected task. The figure 5.1 shows the options for the task
New Presentation. We can select other tasks too.
• Slide Pane : This is the place where we design the slide by typing,formatting, etc.
• Slide Sorter Pane : Allows us to decide on the order in which the slides will be shown during the slide
• Notes Pane : Allows us to type in notes that we may need while preparing for the presentation later, but
will not be shown during the slide show.
• View Buttons : Provides options to decide whether we want to view slide show, normal slide view, or
slide sorter view.
• Drawing ToolBar : Provides tools for drawing basic shapes, inserting pictures, changing colours, etc.
• Status Bar : This provides information about the current presentation, like the number of slides, the
design applied, etc.

Steps for creating graphs in Excel.

1. Select the data you wish to display in chart.

2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, select the type of chart you wish to insert
by clicking on it.

3. Select a specific chart. The following image shows the charts available if you click
the Insert Column or Bar Chart command.

4. Click the desired chart sub-type. The chart appears on the worksheet.

Q 5- Steps for creating, editing and saving a document in MS-Word?


 Steps for Creating a document in MS Word.

1- Start word document.

2- Go to File.

3- Select New.

4- Select blank Document and then click on Create.

And hence a new document gets created.

 Saving a Document in MS Word

1- Go to File.

2- Click on Save.

3- Specify the location like desktop, C drive or anywhere where you want to save
the document by scrolling in the left side.

4- Write in the file name the name of the word document with which you want to

5- Click on Save.

The document will be saved at the specified location.

Q 6- What are the different features of Word processing software? Explain

following features

a) Bold/Italic/Underline b) Inserting rows and columns c) Merging Cells

d) Cut/copy/paste

Ans- There are various types of features available in MS Word. Some of them are
discussed below.

These features are in Home tab.

a) Cut/Copy/Paste

Select the text which you want to cut or copy. Click on Cut or Copy in Clipboard
section. Then place the cursor where you want to paste. Click on paste in
Clipboard group. The text will again gets written at the specified place.

b) Text Style/ Size/ Change case/ Bold/ Italic/ Underline/ Font Color.

To change the text style select the text, and then in Font section choose the style of
text like Times New Roman, Callibri, Arial etc.

To change the font size in word click on drop down list of Font Size in Font
section and choose the size. You can also type the size in space.

To change the case, click on drop down list of Change Case in font section and
choose as per your choice the font should be in lowercase or uppercase, etc.

To apply Bold feature select the text and the click on B ie Bold in Font section.

Similarly for Italic select text and then click on I in Font section.

To change the Font Color, Select the text, and then choose drop down list of Font
Color in Font section and then select the desired color.
c) Paragraph Formatting feature.

Bullets/Numbering/Sort/Alignment/Paragraph Spacing/Shading/Borders

To insert bullets in a list of text, select the list and click on Bullets in Paragraph
section. Similarly for numbering.

To sort a list alphabetically, select the list and then click on sort. A form will
appear where specify the order as ascending or descending. And then click on OK.


To align the text in left or right or middle, place the cursor in the text and choose
alignment as per your choice in paragraph section.

Paragraph Spacing

To apply Line and Paragraph Spacing, place the cursor in start of paragraph/line
and choose drop down list of Line and Paragraph Spacing and select as per your
Place the cursor in paragraph or line to be shaded. And click on Shading in
paragraph section.
Place the cursor in paragraph or line and click on drop down list of Border in
paragraph section and choose the type of border you want to apply.
d) Find and Replace option
Click on find in editing section then a pane will appear on right side of window
screen. Write something which you want to find in entire document. Click on
Search button. It will highlight your text in entire document.
For replacing something with other text, click on replace option in editing section a
form will appear in which you have to fill find what and replace with blanks, and
then click on replace.
e) Now in Insert Tab, There are various features like you can insert tables, pictures,
clip arts, different shapes, charts, header, footer, page number, text box, word art,
date & time, Equations , Symbols.

f) Similarly in page layout, there are features like watermark, Page color, Page
Border etc.
g) Similarly in Mailing tab we can apply mail merge feature to send bulk
h) In review tab there is a feature of spelling & Grammar, in which you can check
for your wrong spelling in word document and correct it accordingly.

Inserting Rows and Columns in a Table

1- Place the cursor in any cell in a table at which you want to insert rows &

2- Go to layout tab. In rows & Columns section click on insert above or insert
below for inserting rows.

And for inserting columns, click on insert right or insert left.

And hence new rows and columns get inserted.

Merging Cells in a table

Select the cells in table which you want to merge. Go to layout tab. Select merge
cells in merge section. And hence the selected cells will get merged.

Q 7- Explain the following features of spreadsheet

i) Formulas ii) functions iii) recalculation iv) what-if analysis

Ans- i) Formulas
A formula is an expression which calculates the value of a cell. For example, cell A3 below
contains a formula which adds the value of cell A2 to the value of cell A1.

Enter a Formula
To enter a formula, execute the following steps.

1. Select a cell.

2. To let Excel know that you want to enter a formula, type an equal sign (=).

3. For example, type the formula A1+A2 in cell A3, by selecting it.

ii) functions
Functions are predefined formulas and are already available in Excel. For example, cell A3 below
contains the SUM function which calculates the sum of the range A1:A2.

Insert a Function

Every function has the same structure. For example, SUM(A1:A4). The name of this function is
SUM. The part between the brackets (arguments) means we give Excel the range A1:A4 as
input. This function adds the values in cells A1, A2, A3 and A4. It's not easy to remember which
function and which arguments to use for each task. Fortunately, the Insert Function feature in
Excel helps you with this.

To insert a function, execute the following steps.

1. Select a cell.

2. Click the Insert Function button.

The 'Insert Function' dialog box appears.

3. Search for a function or select a function from a category. For example, choose COUNTIF
from the Statistical category.

4. Click OK.

The 'Function Arguments' dialog box appears.

5. Click in the Range box and select the range for eg A1:C2.

6. Click in the Criteria box and type for eg >5.

7. Click OK.

Result. The COUNTIF function counts the number of cells that are greater than 5.

iii) recalculation
Change the value of cell A1 to 3.

Excel automatically recalculates the value of cell A3. This is one of Excel's most powerful features!

iv) what-if analysis

Let’s consider a simple dataset, where the invoice amount is Rs. 10,000, on which there is 9%
CGST and 9% SGST, which thus amounts to a total of Rs. 11,800.

The customer asks you for a discount of Rs. 800 and thus the final amount should be Rs. 11,000.

Now, the equation in simple terms is, X + 18% = 11000, where X is the invoice amount, 18% is
the total GST.

To find out, how much + 18% = 11000, we will use Goal Seek in What if analysis.

 Place your cursor on the ‘Total’ cell ie B4.

 Under the ‘Data’ tab, click on ‘What-If-Analysis’, then on ‘Goal Seek’

 In ‘Set Cell’, B4 will automatically be selected as you had kept your cursor on it.

 In ‘To value’, enter the desired value, 11000 in this case.

 In ‘By changing cell’, choose the value that needs to be changed, invoice amount in this case.
Thus cell B1 is selected.
 Press Ok

Excel will reverse calculate and immediately give you the value Rs. 9,322, which + 18% equals
exactly to Rs. 11,000

Q 8- Draw and Explain the diagram of Main Window in MS- Word?


The important components of this are:

• Menu Bar : Provides menu options like File, Edit, View, etc.

• Standard Toolbar : Contains tools for standard tasks, like saving, printing, cutting, copying,
pasting, etc.
• Formatting Toolbar : Provides tools for formatting like bold, italic, underline, etc.
• View Buttons : Provides options to switch between Normal, Web Layout, Print Layout, Outline
and Reading views.
• Tab stop: A position we set for placing and aligning text on a page.
• Drawing ToolBar : Provides tools for drawing basic shapes, inserting pictures, changing colors,
• Status Bar : This provides information about the current document.

Q- 9 What are the different formats that can be applied to a text in the MS-Word?

Ans- Refer to answer of Question No- 6.

Q- 10 Write the steps to add a new slide in MS Power Point?

Ans- • Open MS- Powerpoint.

• Go to Home tab.
• Click on New Slide.
And hence a new slide gets added to the ms powerpoint.

Q- 11 Write the steps to insert different charts in a Spread Sheet?

Ans- Refer to answer of question no-4

Q- 12 Define cell in spreadsheet.

Ans- Refer to answer of question no-4

Q-13 What for word processing software is used?

Ans- Word processing software is used for following work:

• create, save and open a document using a word processor,

• format a document inserting bullets/numbering, tables, pictures, etc.,
• set custom tabs and apply styles,
• prepare a document for printing,
• enhance the features of the document inserting graphics, tables, pictures, charts, etc., and
using different formatting styles,
• modify document using various editing and formatting features within or across documents,
• produce documents for various purposes and
• apply mail merge facility to send a document to different members.

Q- 14 Write the steps to change the color of text, create, modify, and save the text in the ms word.

Ans- Refer to answer of question no- 5 and 6.

Q – 15 Write down shortcut keys of following.

a) Cut b) Copy c) Paste
Cut- ctrl+x, copy- ctrl+c, paste- ctrl+v.
Q- 16 Explain some of the tasks that can be done with word processor.

Ans- Refer to answer of question no-6

Q- 17 Create the marks sheet of 10 students in ms-excel in given below format and then find the Total,

Average and Rank of Them.

S No Name English Hindi Telugu Total Average Rank


Open ms excel and start writing in the following way as shown in figure.

To find the total marks of Shadab Quamar in cell F2, select cell F2 by placing cursor there.

Then type in F2, “=sum(C3:E3)” and press enter. Total marks of Shadab will gets calculated.

Similarly to find all other students marks, select cells F2 to F11 by simply selecting through mouse.

Now click on drop down list of fill option in editing section and select down. All students marks gets

Similarly first find average marks of Shadab by typing in cell G2, “=average(C2:E2)”. And press enter.
Select cells G2 to G11. Go to select down from drop down list of fill option in editing section. Average
marks of all students gets calculated.

Similarly to find rank of Shadab in cell H2, type “=rank(F2,$F$2:$F$11)” and press enter. Select cells G2
to G11. Go to select down from drop down list of fill option in editing section. Rank of all students gets


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