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Practice #9: Pumps in

Series and in Parallel

Hydraulics Lab

Professor: Jose Manuel Molano Martínez

Ana Fernanda González – A01363861

Jonathan Álvarez Suárez – A01204937
Rogelio Tovar Medel - A01701398
Alonso García Roa – A01207701
Campus Querétaro


PRACTICE 9. Pumps in Series and in Parallel



To understand how pump characteristic curves are derived and how different parameters,
such as efficiency, head, and power vary according to the present flow rate.


1. Present the collected data in a table with an easy-readable format.

Table #1: Pump Data at 80% Speed

Pump Flow Pump 1 Combined Pump 1 Overall
Sample Setting Rate Total Total Mechanical Efficiency
Number S Q Head Head Power Egr
[%] [l/s] [m] [m] [W] [%]
1 80 0.076 5.90 5.90 67.6 6.5
2 80 0.000 5.78 5.78 67.4 0.0
3 80 0.094 5.70 5.70 70.2 7.5
4 80 0.227 5.61 5.61 73.4 16.9
5 80 0.396 5.55 5.55 77.4 27.8
6 80 0.584 5.40 5.40 83.2 37.0
7 80 0.736 5.15 5.15 88.1 42.0
8 80 0.887 5.15 5.15 93.0 48.0
9 80 0.961 4.67 4.67 97.4 45.1
10 80 1.037 4.72 4.72 99.8 48.0
11 80 1.094 4.57 4.57 102.1 47.9
12 80 1.170 4.55 4.55 102.6 50.7
13 80 1.170 4.46 4.46 101.9 50.0
14 80 1.227 4.31 4.31 99.5 52.0
15 80 1.227 4.19 4.19 100.5 50.0
16 80 1.244 4.34 4.34 102.6 51.5
17 80 1.264 4.30 4.30 104.7 50.8
18 80 1.264 4.17 4.17 102.6 50.2
19 80 1.244 4.34 4.34 104.9 50.3
20 80 1.301 4.32 4.32 101.9 54.0
21 80 1.283 4.07 4.07 104.2 49.0
22 80 1.283 4.24 4.24 103.7 51.3
23 80 1.301 4.15 4.15 104.7 50.5
24 80 1.283 4.20 4.20 106.1 49.7

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Campus Querétaro

Table #2: Pump Data at 60% Speed

Pump Flow Pump 1 Combined Pump 1 Overall
Sample Setting Rate Total Total Mechanical Efficiency
Number S Q Head Head Power Egr
[%] [l/s] [m] [m] [W] [%]
1 60 0.000 3.20 3.20 25.35 0.0
2 60 0.000 3.24 3.24 24.30 0.0
3 60 0.020 3.13 3.13 26.05 2.3
4 60 0.150 3.08 3.08 25.35 17.8
5 60 0.301 3.06 3.06 29.02 31.0
6 60 0.434 2.91 2.91 32.00 38.6
7 60 0.547 2.86 2.86 33.57 45.5
8 60 0.641 2.77 2.77 36.19 48.0
9 60 0.717 2.63 2.63 37.24 49.5
10 60 0.773 2.55 2.55 36.89 52.3
11 60 0.793 2.44 2.44 37.59 50.2
12 60 0.850 2.47 2.47 36.72 55.9
13 60 0.867 2.35 2.35 36.19 55.0
14 60 0.887 2.37 2.37 37.59 54.7
15 60 0.904 2.38 2.38 36.54 57.5
16 60 0.904 2.26 2.26 37.94 52.5
17 60 0.904 2.33 2.33 39.16 52.6
18 60 0.904 2.18 2.18 39.16 49.3
19 60 0.943 2.25 2.25 39.69 52.2
20 60 0.943 2.16 2.16 38.99 51.2
21 60 0.943 2.24 2.24 38.99 53.0
22 60 0.943 2.33 2.33 38.46 55.9
23 60 0.924 2.27 2.27 38.11 53.8
24 60 0.961 2.29 2.29 39.51 54.3

2. Plot graph of Head against flowrate, with the 2 runs in the same plot.
Flow Rate Vs. Head
Pump Speed 80% Pump Speed 60%



Head (m)





0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400
Flow Rate (dm3/s)

3 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

3. Plot a graph of mechanical power against flowrate on one axis (primary axis-Y),
and efficiency against flowrate on the secondary axis-Y, with the 2 runs in the
same plot.

Flow Rate Vs. Mechanical Power and Efficiency

Power Curve Pump Speed 80% Power Curve Pump Speed 60%
Efficiency Curve Pump Speed 80% Efficiency Curve Pump Speed 60%
120.0 70.0


Mechanical Power (W)

Efficiency (%)





0.0 0.0
0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400
Flow Rate (dm3/s)

4 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

4. Plot a graph of head against flowrate on one axis, and mechanical power against
flowrate against flowrate on the secondary axis, with the 2 runs in the same plot.
Flow Rate Vs. Head and Mechanical Power
Head Curve Pump Speed 80% Head Curve Pump Speed 60%
Power Curve Pump Speed 80% Power Curve Pump Speed 60%
7.00 120.0



Head (m)




0.00 0.0
0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400
Flow Rate (dm3/s)

5. For the results with the pump at 80%, examine and describe the shapes of the
graphs obtained, relating this to the flowrate.

As it can be observed in the obtained results and the graphical representations,

whenever flowrate suffers a change, naturally efficiency, head, and power vary as well.
At higher flowrates, head decreases, while power and efficiency tend to increase. Such
relationships observed make sense as a higher flow will require more energy yet
allowing higher efficiency in the process. It is important to notice that the data obtained
presents a certain amount of error, which can be observed in the data dispersion as
well as the overall shape of the relationships, which should be more curved rather than
straight or linear for all cases.

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Campus Querétaro

6. For the results with the pump at 80%, determine the maximum efficiency and the
flowrate at which it occurs.

The maximum efficiency value with the pump speed at 80% is 54%, occurring at a
flowrate of 1.301 dm3/s.



To understand the use of pumps in series and in parallel, and the effect that each
configuration has over head and flowrate.


7. Present the collected data in a table with an easy-readable format.

Table #3: Pumps in Series
Flow Pump 1 Pump 2 Combined
Sample Rate Total Total Total
Number Q Head Head Head
[l/s] [m] [m] [m]
1 1.35742188 1.49096516 3.54636205 5.03732721
2 1.33984375 1.56021872 3.53110858 5.0913273
3 1.33984375 1.48533497 3.63215387 5.11748884
4 1.35742188 1.62277718 3.49280165 5.11557883
5 1.30078125 1.49736249 3.64026319 5.13762568
6 1.37695313 1.60114249 3.70242701 5.3035695
7 1.33984375 1.60166405 3.7025857 5.30424975
8 1.30078125 1.56985639 3.67765503 5.24751142
9 1.3203125 1.59849617 3.73187338 5.33036955
10 1.30078125 1.63455336 3.51540896 5.14996232
11 1.26367188 1.5841327 3.82215938 5.40629208
12 1.28320313 1.56806324 4.0452447 5.61330794
13 1.26367188 1.81677478 3.82243981 5.63921459
14 1.2265625 1.76040976 4.31872284 6.0791326
15 1.1875 1.85021226 4.10943789 5.95965015
16 1.13085938 1.89422327 4.78687432 6.68109759
17 1.13085938 2.0985264 5.04321202 7.14173842
18 1 2.26984239 5.48339659 7.75323898
19 0.84960938 2.46473056 6.2203932 8.68512376
20 0.69726563 2.67523131 6.95226443 9.62749574
21 0.43359375 2.91467046 7.51307674 10.4277472
22 0.26367188 3.05167086 7.77901446 10.8306853
23 0.09375 3.15159117 8.05551391 11.2071051
24 0.07617188 3.16565681 8.50120702 11.6668638

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Campus Querétaro

Table #4: Pumps in Parallel

Flow Pump 1 Pump 2 Combined
Sample Rate Total Total Total
Number Q Head Head Head
[l/s] [m] [m] [m]
1 2.07421875 5.27373797 6.27946111 5.77659954
2 2.09375 5.21376218 6.28670589 5.75023403
3 2.09375 5.34855622 6.21473378 5.781645
4 2.07421875 5.28456882 6.30591414 5.79524148
5 2.0546875 5.33181155 6.23164359 5.78172757
6 2.07421875 5.34892678 6.34176847 5.84534762
7 2.03710938 5.33628461 6.27747371 5.80687916
8 2 5.38088121 6.2755695 5.82822536
9 1.94335938 5.398606 6.43294375 5.91577487
10 1.92382813 5.49325684 6.40091643 5.94708664
11 1.81054688 5.44410186 6.4137935 5.92894768
12 1.7734375 5.52481983 6.52298678 6.02390331
13 1.71679688 5.5723256 6.61705547 6.09469054
14 1.58398438 5.70540814 6.72185191 6.21363003
15 1.43359375 5.76000153 6.82293297 6.29146725
16 1.3203125 5.73888088 6.81227582 6.27557835
17 1.13085938 5.75340986 6.92250507 6.33795747
18 0.9609375 5.92912602 6.94039705 6.43476153
19 0.79296875 6.28049141 7.15476805 6.71762973
20 0.56640625 6.68638678 7.29426124 6.99032401
21 0.4140625 7.01776293 7.51439345 7.26607819
22 0.18945313 7.55074395 7.94391604 7.74732999
23 0.07617188 7.6656269 7.99156674 7.82859682
24 0 7.70095752 8.12002303 7.91049027

8. Plot a graph of total head against discharge for a single pump (data from section
A) and for two pumps connected in series, both at 60%.

7 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

Flow Rate Vs. Head Single and in Series

Single Pump Two Pumps in Series



Head (m)





0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600
Flow Rate (dm3/s)

9. Calculate the head gain by connecting 2 pumps in series.

Table #5: Head Gain

Type Head (m) Maximum Flowrate (dm3/s)

Single 4.32 1.301

Parallel 5.776599539 2.07421875
Total flowrate gain (dm3/s) 0.77

10. Which would be the reason to connect 2 pumps in series?

Connecting two pumps in series can be useful when there is no single pump available
to reach a certain needed head, or when such single pump is too expensive. Flowrate
remains constant but head increases in order to meet a required altitude where water
has to be moved.

11. Plot a graph of total head against discharge for a single pump and for two pumps
connected in parallel, both at 80%.

8 Practice from Armfield Manual

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Flow Rate Vs. Head Single and in Parallel

Single Two Pumps in Parallel




Head (m)






0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500
Flow Rate (dm3/s)

12. Calculate the flowrate gain by connecting 2 pumps in parallel.

Table #6: Flowrate Gain

Type Head (m) Maximum Flowrate (dm3/s)

Single 4.32 1.301

Parallel 5.776599539 2.07421875
Total flowrate gain (dm3/s) 0.77

13. Which would be the reason to connect 2 pumps in parallel?

Pumps in parallel can become useful when an increase in flowrate is needed, without
compromising or increasing the total head. For example, if a community expands and
the population increases dramatically, a higher design flowrate will be needed.
Therefore, pumps in parallel could serve to satisfy demand of a changing flow system
without increasing the head, which would remain constant.

9 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

14. Compare the graphs for pumps in series and in parallel, and describe the
similarities and/or differences

As observed, in this case both graphs look relatively similar, since the data obtained
is not fully free of error. In theory, they should display the same look as figures 1 and
2. In Figure 1, pumps in parallel have a constant head with an increase in the discharge
value, while in figure 2, pumps in series present an increase in overall head with a
constant discharge value.

Fig.1: Pumps in Parallel Fig.2: Pumps in Series

Nonetheless, due to random errors generated during the measuring process and lack
of precision when allowing the system of pumps to fully stabilize, the data distribution
does not have the same precise shapes as both figures shown before. Still, It can be
seen that the values of head an discharge suffer changes due to the application of a
new pump in two different configurations.


PRACTICE 9. Pumps in Series and in Parallel

Rúbrica de Evaluación
Presentó la tabla con los datos Presentó la
No presentó la tabla con los
resumidos, en un formato fácil tabla con los
de leer de la pregunta 1 datos
0 puntos
5 puntos 2.5 puntos

10 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

Realizó correctamente las No realizó correctamente las
las gráficas de
gráficas de la pregunta 2, con gráficas de la pregunta 2, y no
la pregunta 2,
títulos y unidades contienen títulos ni unidades
sin títulos y
5 puntos 0 puntos
2.5 puntos
Realizó correctamente las No realizó correctamente las
las gráficas de
gráficas de la pregunta 3, con gráficas de la pregunta 3, y no
la pregunta 3,
títulos y unidades contienen títulos ni unidades
sin títulos y
5 puntos 0 puntos
2.5 puntos
Realizó correctamente las No realizó correctamente las
las gráficas de
gráficas de la pregunta 4, con gráficas de la pregunta 4, y no
la pregunta 4,
títulos y unidades contienen títulos ni unidades
sin títulos y
5 puntos 0 puntos
2.5 puntos

Respondió No Respondió correctamente

correctamente la pregunta 5 la pregunta 5
10 puntos 0 puntos

Respondió No Respondió correctamente

correctamente la pregunta 6 la pregunta 6
10 puntos 0 puntos

Presentó la tabla con los datos Presentó la

No presentó la tabla con los
resumidos, en un formato fácil tabla con los
de leer de la pregunta 7 datos
0 puntos
5 puntos 2.5 puntos

Realizó correctamente las No realizó correctamente las
las gráficas de
gráficas de la pregunta 8, con gráficas de la pregunta 8, y no
la pregunta 8,
títulos y unidades contienen títulos ni unidades
sin títulos y
5 puntos 0 puntos
2.5 puntos

11 Practice from Armfield Manual

Campus Querétaro

Respondió No Respondió correctamente

correctamente la pregunta 9 la pregunta 9
5 puntos 0 puntos

Respondió No Respondió correctamente

correctamente la pregunta 10 la pregunta 10
10 puntos 0 puntos

Realizó correctamente las No realizó correctamente las
las gráficas de
gráficas de la pregunta 11, con gráficas de la pregunta 8, y no
la pregunta 8,
títulos y unidades contienen títulos ni unidades
sin títulos y
5 puntos 0 puntos
2.5 puntos

Respondió No Respondió correctamente

correctamente la pregunta 12 la pregunta 12
5 puntos 0 puntos
Respondió No Respondió correctamente
correctamente la pregunta 13 la pregunta 13
10 puntos 0 puntos
Respondió No Respondió correctamente
correctamente la pregunta 14 la pregunta 14
5 puntos 0 puntos
Realizó Realizó Realizó Realizó Realizó
conclusiones conclusiones conclusiones conclusiones conclusiones
objetivas, poco objetivas, poco objetivas, poco objetivas, subjetivas, sin
comparando comparando comparando sin comparar comparar
resultados resultados resultados resultados resultados
obtenidos, y obtenidos, y obtenidos, y obtenidos, y obtenidos, y no
demostró demostró demostró poco demostró poco demostró
aprendizaje del aprendizaje del aprendizaje del aprendizaje del aprendizaje del
objetivo de la objetivo de la objetivo de la objetivo de la objetivo de la
práctica práctica práctica práctica práctica
10 puntos 7.5 puntos 5 puntos 2.5 puntos 0 puntos

12 Practice from Armfield Manual

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