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Republic of the Philippines

City of Taguig
Taguig City University
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

Future trends of Philosophy in basic education

Philosophy is taught in different course can in colleges and universities, and focuses on fields

such as philosophy of ethics, man or logic. In line with the recent developments in the

government’s K to 12 Program, Philosophy will now be taught at the senior high school level.

However, this is not enough. In order for Filipinos usually the students and teachers to evolve

into critical thinkers, Philosophy should be introduced as a staple part of the basic education

curriculum as early as elementary school so that the more learning outcomes it become. In this

paper, I will argue that Philosophy should be taught to students at an early age in the Philippines

for the study of Philosophy for student’s critical thinking skills; opens the person to ideas

outside his/her socio-cultural and religious milieu; and prepares the individual to be a more

critical and analytical member of society.

Education with philosophy has a close relationship because philosophy is a view of life that

leads to the goal of education. While human beings are able to solve the problem and achieve

its goals rationally. The people in this society will have to learn, how to learn and to make their

own judgement on something and justify their thoughts. And also for us to have knowledge

even without experience.

Without philosophy, democracy would not have existed. Everyone of us should be critical

thinker, supported by logical reason, and do questions seeking for answers. In a democracy, the

power lies on the people. All of us exercised our “freedom” but it is being abused. I want to

justify in this paper the possibility that teaching philosophy in basic education as one of will be

a big help to contribute in the change of educational system and genuine Philippine democracy.

Philosophy will help all Filipinos to think optimistic and intensive change. People with

philosophy can free them in wrong beliefs in life. Finally, I will argue that it is in the nation’s best

interest to incorporate Philosophy into the country’s basic education program since it can

significantly help in nation-building.

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