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Stretching Do's & Don'ts

Get Stretchy
What you should be feeling through the stretch

You should feel resistance, not pain. Mild

discomfort is ok. Sharp pain is not ok.
Stretching will evoke a mild discomfort, and
even an emotional charge of energy
(sometimes good energy, sometimes bad
energy). Note the difference between
discomfort, and a sharp, knife-like pain. If you
experience a sharp pain, I suggest you do not
continue in that particular stretch and consult
with a licensed medical professional. If you
feel discomfort then stick with it and breath –
it’ll be over soon and you will feel amazing

Why holding the stretch is more effective

Bouncing can cause micro-trauma to the

muscles, scar tissue build up, and tightness.
The exact opposite of our goal! Static
stretching, on the other hand, is the style of
stretching we will be doing for the evening
stretches, which means you are completely
still. Static stretching is more effective for
increasing your flexibility. Once we come into
a stretch pose, find stillness, and breath
deeply. Do you very best to not have any
extraneous fidgeting. Focus on your breath,
let your breath calm you down, and relax your
body into stillness.

Turn up the heat!
Why Stretching in High Heat Helps

It is preferable to stretch in a warm environment. I

suggest turning your heater on 15 minutes before
beginning your stretch. My ideal temperature is
stretching in a room above 75 degrees. Your muscles
are stronger when warm. The body shunts heat and
energy from the internal organs to the muscles and
skin during exercise. Anything that promotes this is
valuable. Your heart rate and cardiac output will
increase with these energizing morning exercises. As
your blood flow increases, nutrients from the
circulation are delivered to the working tissues. When
your body is cold, your muscles cannot stretch. The
body prevents itself from full range of motion as a
protective measure so as to not tear a muscle.
Conclusively, heating the room will result in a much
deeper, productive stretch.

How To Use Breath To Deepen Your Poses

Focus only on your breath. Imagine oxygen gently

drifting its way through your blood stream to tight
muscles. As you exhale, allow your muscles to relax.
Visualization will help ease the initial resistance to
stretching. Imagine the breath flowing from the top of
your head, through your neck, your trunk, your hips,
and then finally your legs. Take note on where there
are blocks in the movement of your breath through
your muscles. When you find a block, take another
deep breath and imagine clean air powerfully
unlocking your muscles. Visualize your breath
releasing the tightness of your muscles. Let the
chaotic world around you leave your being. Stay
focused and concentrate only on your breath.

Stay Balanced
Why It's Important To Stretch Both Sides

We tend to favor one side or the other. Make

sure that you do both sides equally with me.
Being flexible and healthy means being
balanced. Being balanced results in a
harmonious body and mind that works fluidly
together as a unit. Remember your body is as
strong as your weakest link. Do not ignore
your weaker side. 

Slow down!
Why Move Mindfully From Pose to Pose

Begin each stretch slowly and mindfully. We

are holding static stretches, which means you
are taking your muscles to its fullest length. It
is important to handle your body gently to not
tear any muscle fibers when releasing from an
intense stretch. I suggest breathing deeply,
and as you come out of the stretch, place
your hands on the ground to help move
yourself in and out of the stretch. You may
feel slightly dizzy from the rush of new blood
circulating through your muscles. If you do, lie
down to prevent from falling. If you continue
to feel dizzy after the program, please seek
advice from a licensed medical 

Abs, abs, abs!
How To Use Your Abs to Protect Your Back

Pull the lower abdominal muscles in while

stretching. Engaging your lower abdominals
protects the lower back from stretching
beyond its limits. It also allows the upper back
to remain active and open. The technique of
breathing deeply and engaging the core
simultaneously takes practice, so stick with it!

Why tention builds in the neck and shoulders, and how to fit it.

Relax your neck muscles. Because of the intense weight of your

scull, your neck muscles are constantly working on overdrive. Your
neck muscles are also a focal point of your tension. It is common
for your shoulders to rise up towards your ears in moments of
stress. As a result, it is common to feel tension in your neck. The
first step to alleviating neck tension is to be conscious of how
often you raise your shoulders up to your ears. I encourage you to
pay attention to this while you workout, while you’re driving, while
you’re sitting in front of your desk, or even while talking on the
phone! The next step in fixing neck tension is by lowering your
shoulders down. This takes practice and awareness. The last step
to fixing this is to breath. By adding my stretching program to your
daily ritual, you will feel a sense of relaxation that lasts all day.
Keep your shoulders down to alleviate unnecessary tension in
your neck while you stretch. Your mind will follow in this relaxed
posture and you will consequently feel relaxed throughout your
body and in your mind.

A Smarter You
How stretching maximizes cognitive function.

Stretching increases your body's blood circulation. Oxygen and

nutrients are delivered to your muscles and organs through your
blood. A strong circulatory system can greatly lead to a healthy
body. Stretching with my program can help promote efficient
circulation of your blood and maximize your blood flow. To give
you an example: 20% of your cardiac output is utilized by your
brain. It is vital to keep your circulation going so you can feed your
brain and have clear, powerful thoughts. When your body has
proper blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients are efficiently
carried to your organs and muscles. This allows for proper body
function, strength, movement and flexibility. As we focus on the
continuous breath, in through your nose and out through your
mouth, we are assisting with the circulatory benefits, which deliver
much needed oxygen to the muscles.

How to let opposing muscles stretch.

Do not fidget while you stretch. Make an effort to be steady and

fluid during your stretch. Holding the stretch with as much stillness
as possible is essential (and challenging!) In these extended,
quieter holds, you get to explore this concept. Your scattered mind
will tether at your attention. Follow your breath as it moves in and
out of your lungs. Find stillness as you open and expand your
muscles and body, let it relax you, and enjoy. Find stabilization by
contracting the opposing muscle the muscle that is stretching. For
example, in a simple standing forward fold, it is ideal for your
quads to be engaged and pulled up towards your hips as your
hamstrings stretch. Additionally in this pose, your abdominals, like
we talked about, are also engaged and stabilized in order for the
lumbar and thoracic spine to lengthen safely and easily.

Hack Your Sleep
How to have a better, deeper sleep.

The evening stretches will help improve your sleep.

Stretching will calm you down and put your mind at ease. When
you release from a long stretch, your body releases endorphins
and gives you a feeling of euphoria. Amazing, right? This is why our
nighttime stretches are sedative and perfect after a long day.
Stretching 30-60 minutes before bedtime may give you a deeper
sleep, resulting in a refreshing and energizing morning.

Drunk On Stretching
How stretching gives you a buzz.

You can expect a nice buzz after stretching.

Stretching releases endorphins, which make you
happier, stronger, calmer, and more confident.
Endorphins are the neurotransmitters in the brain
that elevate mood and alleviate depression.
Endorphins can even enhance the immune
system. Disclaimer: you may become addicted to
stretching ☺ 

Stress Be Gone
How stretching helps you kick butt in life.

Stretching will manage your stress. Any type of

movement, frenetic to gentle, releases endorphins.
This program helps you manage stress by giving
you energy in the morning, and calming you down
in the evening. The release of endorphins will
leave you feeling at peace. When you are at peace
with yourself, you are able to take on stress from a
point of strength. You will consequently manage
your daily stress with ease.

Mind Over Body
How to move past the initial resistance.

It is normal if the muscles initially resist the stretch.

Due to all the complexities in your life, your body
may initially resist the stretch. The discomfort you
feel can be misinterpreted as emotional stress. It
can be confusing, emotional, and uneasy. This is
normal, but don’t give in. You have me as your
guide. Use your breathing to relax and work
through the discomfort. Let yourself surrender to
your stretch and breath. If you do not surrender,
you will never benefit from the stretch. Stick with
me till the end of the video. The initial emotions
that arise are just a small hump to get over. Once
it’s over, the relaxation begins. 


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