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Background :
On a chilly morning in February 2009, state police found 26-year-old Kenzie Houk in her bed
with a bullet though her head. She was eight months pregnant. The search for her killer ended
with the most surprising murder suspect residents of Wampum, Pennsylvania, had ever seen:
11-year-old Jordan Brown, the son of the victim's fiancé. He is one of the youngest suspects in
the country to be charged with homicide, legal experts say. There are two counts of homicide,
one covering the fetus.
Fifteen-year-old Nehemiah Griego shot his family in Albuquerque in January 2013. Griego
loved guns and apparently also loved to dress up in military fatigues and walk around the house.
He was homeschooled by his parents along with his siblings. On that Saturday, by his own
account, his mother had annoyed him. In response, he picked up a gun and shot her in the head.
Most children involve crime because inspiration from the bad environtment, especially in their
home. From televison children can watch much bad contain like porn, crime and many others.
Children do from what their watch.
Parent : A person who has a child / a person who is a father or mother
Responsibel :taking care of something or someone
Children :a young human being below the age of puberty (0-17 years old)
Crime :an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government, like kill
or rob
Parent just responsible toward their children crime for children undre 17 years old.

1.Parents have big contribution action to control their children and be role model to their
Parents should take responding for their children and for consequnies of their action, because
parents have big contribution to control their children action, the bad action from children is
influenced by society around them, the parent have taught the children about right and wrong
behavior. Parents must be role model for their children because if parents can give good
example for their childre. And it can make children will be succes person for the future.
Lets we imangine every children absolutly need caring from the parent. The parent not
supposseed to show negative emotion to their children. Inability every parent to control their
emotion make children be tempramental and have bad behavior. As a result parents cant be a
role model to their children for control the children.

2. Children are not capabel of making rational decision

Childeren are not fully capabel of making rational decisionc and need limits, which should
be enforced by their parents. Studies of the human brain have shown that children cant
making rational decision. Childeren have more amygdala rather than frontal lobe activity.
The amygdala is the more primitive part of the brain where “fight or flight” decisions are
made. This means that children are less able to process information and are more likely to use
emotional responses to problems. Parental rulemaking and rule enforcing is key to giving
children the tools to make good decisions. When a choice violates a rule, the decision is
much clearer for the children and the consequences are understood.
3. Children have guarented human right
Children have guaranteed human rights under the “Conventions of the Rights of the Child”
which must be protected. This is especially clear in the area of child labor laws. A society,
which expects children to have adult responsibilities, has lead to unsafe working conditions,
exploitation, sweatshops and child labor abuses. In the United States, laws such as the Fair
Labor Standards Act (FLSA) carefully regulate the nature, length and times during which
children are allowed to work. Children who are considered available for adult work and
“responsibility” can be recruited as child soldiers or as sex workers or other forms of work,
which violate the United Nations “Conventions on the Rights of the Child” . Under this
convention, which has been ratified by all United Nations countries except for the United
States and Somalia, the ultimate responsibility for the actions of the child rest with the parent.
Parents can serve as safety checks on potential sources of exploitation by carefully reviewing
and monitoring the legal and contractual aspects of their teen’s life.
4. Punished can make children be trauma
If every mistake from the children must give a punish. How the children can explore the
world and their self. The children can be anti social and make a future from the children be
broken. Why always punish ?. If we are a parent, we must give advices from their mistake if
they do a fatal mistake we can give punish like Giving children extra homework assignment.
And do not allow children to do their favorite activity for a while. For example, not allowed
to play on the internet and watch TV for a week. And its make children be wary to mistake.
This is as said by Sri Lestari (2012),
RAHEEMA: Journal of Gender and Child Studies 27
based on Susenas 2006, which put the number of victims of child abuse reaches 2.29 million
(3%) with the number of cases in rural areas is higher than in urban areas. When viewed from
the side of the perpetrators of the violence, it amounted to 61.4% made by the parent. The
trauma experience occurs when the traumatizing event interacts with human nature,
Accordingly, as a result of this trauma stored form emotional wounds and potentially biting
someone in doing positive things. The effect is a person's life can be not recorded properly
and even became melancholy.

Negative Side:
1.Children should learn to be heald accountabel for their own action
Children should learn to be held accountable for their own actions, and cannot do so if they
constantly have a parent there to bail them out. Most of us grow up learning that if things get
tough, mom and dad will find a way to bail you out, taking all the pressure off ourselves. This
can be truly dangerous, and as a result children can easily become dependent.
If a child of yours were to steal something such as a diamond ring, which would be
considered theft, or robbery. Now they get caught, as a parent are you responsible for them
stealing a ring while they did on their very own free will? Personally I would think this would
make a parent angry and disappointed at their child, however most parents will comprehend
that in the end, it was their child’s decision to steal that ring.
2. Mistake for the children not fully mistake for the parent
Most parents raise their children the best that they can. You can teach a child right and
wrong, and you can give punishments where you see fit. However, when a child grows up
and starts to spread his/her wings, their choices are no longer entirely in control of a parent.
Or the environtment from the children like school
cases of violence in children, also reaching the formal education sector started elementary to
college level. Though this is the most desirable institution become the frontline, cultivation of
moral values, character and religion in life. Hadi Supeno (2010: 95) states that: From news
national newspaper compiled KPAI during 2007, of 555 child abuse that appeared in
newspapers, 11.8% occurred in schools, even when performed recalculation by the same
method in 2008, the figure has not decreased but rather increased to 39%.
The trauma experience occurs when the traumatizing event interacts with human nature,
Accordingly, as a result of this trauma stored form emotional wounds and potentially biting
someone in doing positive things. The effect is a person's life can be not recorded properly
and even became melancholy.
3. Childrean are capabel to making a rational desission
Children should be fully responsible for their bad actions.Why should parents be responsible
for their child action when the child have his/her own brain.An if parents take children
responsibility the child will not Learn from his/her own mistakes so the child will continue to
doing their wrong. So their for parents should not be accountable for their child actions. The
children can diferent wrong and right because parent ever taught their children about it.

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