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Special Series

Coverage Support Proposal

Date: September 26, 2019 RegWatch: Brent Stafford

Executive Producer / Founder

Project Title: the Whole Truth | RegWatch Special Series

What is It?

the Whole Truth is a RegWatch special series of TV news coverage designed to “make-the-case” for vaping.
Drawing on 4-years of in-depth reporting including dozens of interviews with world-leading scientists,
researchers, medical doctors, public health officials and harm reduction advocates; the Whole Truth counters
the misperceptions of vaping while extolling the benefits of this life saving technology.

This 6-part news series of short, fast-paced, engaging videos is designed to communicate a definitive pro-vaping
argument that is fact-based, and tailored to the general public; for those whose only opinion of vaping is formed
by misinformation and hysterical rhetoric emanating from tobacco-control, special interest pressure groups and
mainstream media.

the Whole Truth video series shreds opponent arguments and makes the case for vaping!

Series Content

RegWatch by is renowned for delivering big interviews and driving big stories about issues
important to vaping. While RegWatch coverage is grounded in a pro-vaping viewpoint, it is both fact-based and
credible, which is why newsmakers on all sides the debate trust RegWatch.

While the style is familiar, videos in the Whole Truth series are different from RegWatch’s longform interview
pieces as they are intended to communicate, in a compact format, the most essential facts to an audience that is
misinformed about vaping. Videos are driven by host-narration, graphics and short-clips of interviews from the

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RegWatch archive. Each video is 6-to-8 minutes in length and provides the most up-to-date information on issues
important to vaping; while challenging the distorted and inflated harms:

95% safer than smoking, no gateway, teen epidemic, teen vaping and smoking
statistics, nicotine risks to developing brains, benefits of harm reduction, vaping
works for smoking cessation, millions have quit, millions more to go, ‘think of the
children’ hysteria, nicotine is not a carcinogen, no lung damage, no cancer, Public
Health England model, detailed listing and discussion of public health statements
onside of vaping, importance of flavors, motivations behind the War on Vaping, Juul,
public health divide, anti-vaping pressure groups, legalized success stories, media
complicity, master settlement, positive economic impact of vaping, deadly impact if
access and choice is restricted, economic impact if U.S. industry destroyed by FDA

Interviews: Many issues that currently swirl about vaping today appear to be new, when in fact, many have
been addressed and dismissed years before. Using archival interviews helps place these issues in proper
historical context. Short soundbites drawn from the RegWatch interview archive support points made in
narration and via graphics. Below is a sample of available interviews. New interviews will be shot as needed:

Prof. John Britton, Chair Tobacco Advisory Group, Royal College of Physicians
Prof. Linda Bauld, Cancer Research UK & Deputy Director of The UK Centre For Tobacco and Alcohol Studies
Suzy McDonald, Director General of The Tobacco Control Directorate at Health Canada
James Van Loon, Director General of The Tobacco Control Directorate at Health Canada
Martin Dockrell, Tobacco Control Programme Lead at Public Health England
Dr. Mark Tyndall MD, Former Executive Director BC CDC, Professor of Medicine UBC, Deputy Provincial Health
Dr. David Abrams, Prof. of Social and Behavioral Sciences at NYU College of Global Public Health
Dr. Raymond Niaura, Interim Chair Dpt. of Epidemiology, Prof. of Social and Behavioral Sciences, NYU College of Global Public Health
Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, M.D., Cardiologist, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens Greece
Dr. Perry Kendall, Chief Medical Officer, Province of British Columbia
Dr. Michael Siegel MD, Professor, Community Health Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health
Dr. Sally Satel MD, Psychiatrist, Harm Reduction Advocate
Dr. Brad Rodu, Professor of Medicine, Endowed Chair, Tobacco Harm Reduction Research, University of Louisville
Dr. Geoffrey T. Fong, Professor of Psychology & Public Health, University of Waterloo
Dr. Stanton Glantz MD, Truth Initiative Distinguished Professor of Tobacco Control
Dr. Riccardo Polosa MD, Dir. Institute for Internal Medicine & Clinical Immunology, University of Catania
Dr. Lynne Dawkins, Assoc. Prof. Psychology, London South Bank University
Dr. Chris Lalonde, Prof. Psychology, University of Victoria
Dr. Gopal Bhatnagar MD, Head of Cardiovascular Surgery, Trillium Health Centre
David Sweanor, Professor of law at the University of Ottawa, Tobacco-Control Expert
Clive Bates, Former Dir. of Action on Smoking and Health (UK), Tobacco-Control Expert
Penelope Hutchison, Public Health Consultant
Louise Ross, Stop Smoking Service Manager, Leicester City Council
Chris Snowdon, Author, Velvet Glove, Iron First: A History of Anti-Smoking
Pippa Beck, Senior Policy Analyst, Non-Smokers’ Rights Association
Michael Perley, Director, Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco
Dave Bryans, CEO, Ontario Convenience Stores Association
Michelle Minton, Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Paddy Costall, Dir. Global Forum on Nicotine
Doug Elliot, Constitutional Lawyer
Audrey Boctor, Constitutional Lawyer
Azim Chowdhury, Regulatory, Public Policy Lawyer

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