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Title of the Project:

Shopping Website with Payment Gateway

2. Objective of the Project:

To develop a Web application this depicts online Shopping
of products and purchasing using Payment Gateway.

3. Any other information:

The definition and maintenance of the Database is done through the SQLSERVER 2005

4. Future scope of the Project:

User Friendly screen dialogs for the definition and maintenance of the Database

Fully Graphical User Interface.

Secure Shopping with pay pal Payment Gateway Service.

Software Requirements Specification

This document fully and formally describes the requirements of the proposed
said project system. It sets out the functional and non-functional
requirements and includes a description of the user interface and
documentation and training requirements.

Internet is attracting all type people day by day. The users are increased to
20 million in India alone. As it gets popularity there are many sites offering
products online. People have the choice to buy the product online. But all the
business segment people can’t able to sell the product online because the
technology problem. Here we made an attempt to provide generalized
program to suit all the people to sell their products.
Proposed System
This general Online shopping site program will help many people who want to
sell their product online. This is general product. Each business people can
customize this program according to their requirement. So it help the many
people to sell their product online with their own site.

Hardware Requirements
Client system requirements:
 Pentium II 400 MHz or faster.
 Microsoft Windows 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6,
Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
 128MB of RAM (256MB or more recommended).
 120MB of hard disk space.
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.
 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0 or later (optional).
 VGA or higher monitor resolution.
 Mouse or other pointing device.

Server system requirements:

Pentium III 1GHz or faster (Pentium IV 2.8 GHz with Hyper-Threading recommended).
 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3,
Windows XP Service Pack 1 or Windows Server 2003. Note that Windows Server
editions (Windows NT 4.0 Server, Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server
2003) rather than Professional ones are recommended. For information on
working under Windows XP Service Pack 2
 Microsoft SQL Server 8.0 or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Desktop Engine (MSDE
 Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.x-6.x (optional).
 Memory: 512MB of RAM (2GB or more recommended).
 1GB hard disk space (2GB or more recommended).
 Swap file: 1GB or more.
 VGA or higher resolution monitor.
 Mouse or other pointing device.

Software Requirements
1.Project Category:


2. Language(s) to be used:


Functional Specification
The Functional Specification is created after the Software Requirements
Document. It provides more detail on selected items originally described in
the Software Requirements Document. Some software development
organizations combine these two documents into a single document.

The Functional Specification describes the features of the software product. It

describes the product's behavior as seen by an external observer, and
contains the technical information and data needed for the design. The
Functional Specification defines what the functionality will be, but not how
that functionality will be implemented.

The software engineer uses the Functional Specification document to create a

detailed design document that explains in detail how the software will be
designed and developed. The detailed design work may further decompose
and translate the functional requirements into pseudocode, and from there
into a computer module or program.

The functional specification translates the Software Requirements Document

into a technical description that:
 Ensures that the product feature requirements are correctly
understood before moving into the next step, the software design
 Clearly and unambiguously provides all the information necessary to
design the software.

Developing Functional Specification Contents

The Functional Specification contents are determined by the project

manager, the software developer, and typical end-users.

The end-users are important members of this team, because they will help
ensure the software will meet the business and engineering needs of those
who will use the software. The project's user group is a good source for
information and review. For guidance on drafting a functional specification,
please see the links in the Background Material and Examples section below.
Functional Specification Scope

The Functional Specification includes specific information about each

functional requirement of the software. The Functional Specification should
describe, for each functional requirement:
 Purpose - What the function is intended to accomplish.
 Input - What inputs will be accepted, in what format the inputs arrive,
sources for the inputs, and other input characteristics.
 Process -The steps to be performed, algorithms, formulas, or
techniques to be used. Software implementation details are not
included, however.
 Output - Desired outcomes such as the output form (e.g. report
layout), the destination of the output, output volume and timing, error
handling procedures, and units of measure.

Usability items need to be included in the Functional Specification. These are

features that ensure user friendliness of the software. Examples include clear
error messages, input range checking as soon as entries are made, and order
of choices and screens corresponding to user preferences.

The problem under study is being divided into several

modules/functions discussed below to understand the approach to the
solution in the broader way:

Main and Login Page : The main page, neatly designed page, here
login option is provided to login. Also new signup option is provided to
for new user to signup.

Product Category Display page : This screen display all the main
categories from this point user can select any category and they can
proceed to select the products in this category.

Product Selection Screen : This search screen. Option must be

provide to select the product based on name. select product based on
the category and based on the company. Etc.,

Product search result screen : This screen shows all the products
under the search criteria. If there are no products under this search
criteria then system will give the message that there are no products
found under this category. Also option is provided to select the

View Cart Screen : View cart screen shows all the selected items,
here quantity as to be entered. And also option is provided to deselect
the products.

Order Details Screen : This screen shows the final products in the
view cart. This gives product list, quantity, Total Amount etc., So user
will get the clear information that how much is the total amount of this

Order Confirmation Screen : This is the final screen in buying

process. Here customer as confirm the order.
Software Design Specification
The Software Design Specification (SDS) given in this outline are guidelines to the
contents of your SDS. The document should present the conceptual and detailed
technical design of the software/module that you are developing.

Purpose of this Document

This Software Design Specification (SDS) document contains a statement of the

design of the above title project. In an SDS, the designers are supposed to provide
an unambiguous design of the product. The design should contain an explanation of
a way to carry out each of the product specifications written in the Software
Requirements Specification (SRS). The design then serves as a guide to the
developers who write the code and actually create the product. The SDS discusses
how the program is separated into modules, how the modules interact with each
other, and how users see the program. The SDS also looks into several design
considerations, including design tradeoffs and code reusability.

Scope of the Development Project

The project Tool is a new project which creates an interactive and easy program. The
package serve to the end user customers. Eventually, we hope to reach a broader

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

 Action Script - Action Script is a tool used to write the code that controls the
actions in animated Flash presentations.
 – Microsoft web based project development tool
 C, C++ - The names of two object oriented programming languages
commonly used in industry.
 CEO - Chief Executive Officer.
 Form – is object holder in Visual Basic Language. Defines single screen.
 HTML - Hypertext Markup Language. A language used to create Web
 IIS – Internet Information Server 5.0
 Internet Explorer – Microsoft Internet Browser version 6.0
 MS Access – Microsoft developed Database Program.
 Oracle – Oracle Corporation RDBMS database program.
 SDS - Software Design Specification document.
 SQL Server – Microsoft RDBMS software.
 SRS - Software Requirements Specification document.
 Visual Basic 6.0 – Programming Language
 – Microsoft dot net Programming tool
System architecture description
Document Outline
Online shopping is the process consumers go through to
purchase products or services over the Internet. A Shopping application that typically
runs on the computer where your Web site is located (the Web server), and allows
your customers to do things such as viewing the product in your store catalog, adding
a selected product to a basket, and placing an order for it.

Online shoppers commonly use credit card or debit card to make
payments, Here we are using Paypal Payment Security For Customers

Features of Paypal:

Pay pal is an incredibly popular way of sending and receiving money over
the Internet. Thousands of people use the service to pay for items bought on shoping site and
for a variety of other goods over the Internet, making it one of the most convenient as well as
the most popular ways to send and receive money online

Most Secure

Free User Registration.

Product delivery:
Once a payment has been accepted the goods or
services can be delivered in the following ways.

Shipping: The product is shipped to the customer's address.

Shopping cart systems:

A type of program that represents a virtual shopping cart,
similar to a real shopping cart. Shopping carts are an important component of e-
commerce sites such as online shops or merchant storefronts. Program that runs on a
website to collect and record purchasing decisions of a visitor. The visitor adds items to
their cart for purchase until they are ready to “check out” and pay for those items. ...

Here we can Add the item, delete the item and also change the quantity of the item in cart.

Admin And Users:

This Shoping Site includes two components: the User screen which is
what your customers will see (the item name, price, category), and the administration
area, which is what you will use to manage the store

Admin Module:

Admin having Login Screen for Security

Way to easily set general store settings such as the way products should be displayed, Adding,
Deleting and Updating the Items.

Admin manage orders effectively (pending, shipped).

Admin can view the All the information in such as User information and Transaction etc;

User Module:

User having login screen for Security

← A store catalog that is easy to browse and that presents product information is a way that is both
useful and graphically pleasing.

← Special pages where customers can easily find products that are on sale, featured products,
products that belong to the same brand, etc.

← Sophisticated shopping cart systems like Product Cart include hundreds of other storefront
Detailed description of

Main and Login Page : The main page, neatly designed page, here
login option is provided to login. Also new signup option is provided to
for new user to signup.

Product Category Display page : This screen display all the main
categories from this point user can select any category and they can
proceed to select the products in this category.

Product Selection Screen : This search screen. Option must be

provide to select the product based on name. select product based on
the category and based on the company. Etc.,

Product search result screen : This screen shows all the products
under the search criteria. If there are no products under this search
criteria then system will give the message that there are no products
found under this category. Also option is provided to select the

View Cart Screen : View cart screen shows all the selected items,
here quantity as to be entered. And also option is provided to deselect
the products.

Order Details Screen : This screen shows the final products in the
view cart. This gives product list, quantity, Total Amount etc., So user
will get the clear information that how much is the total amount of this

Order Confirmation Screen : This is the final screen in buying

process. Here customer as confirm the order.

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