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Guided by: Mr. Yulius Irham, S.Pd., M.Pd

Member of Group 3
1. Dwi Siska (1601470039)
2. Vita Puspita Windiyanti (1601470038)
3. Ike Kamilatul Izzah (1601470042)
4. Asrori Anwar (16014700xx)
5. Dinda Dyah Larasati (16014700xx)
6. Lailatul Fitria (16014700xx)
7. Nia Agustina (1601470041)
8. MillaThalia (16014700xx)
9. Syamsul Hadi (16014700xx)
10. Alifia Fitrah Rahmawati (16014700xx)
11. Ardyah Dwi Pramesti (16014700xx)
12. Vela Latifah (16014700xx)
13. Hanifa Safitri (16014700xx)


Agustus 2019
Opening Scene :
Hello guys assalamualaikum welcome to our vlog, we are from group 3. Now we
are in Purwodadi National Park, Here we want to talk about myth and fact about
health. Before that we want introduce our self.

Content :
Oke guys so many myth or fact in our comunity about health and also many
people trust if myth is true. Because of that, here we want to explain some myth
and fact. So, cek it out..
1. Miyt or fact if combus can be cured with toothpaste?
(Ask to Vita and Ardyah)
Asrori : Myth or Fact if combus can be cured with toothpaste?
Ardyah :Myth. Because doctor ever said if you got combus you must
handle with water.
Vita : Fact, because the toothpaste feel cold. And if using for combus it
can healing it.
Asrori : Are you sure? Oke.. lets check this video.
(Drama Scene) (Dinda Dyah and Fitri)
Fitri : Help me, please! Someone please help me! I’ts hurt.
Dinda : OMG, what happen with you? Are you burn?
Fitri : Yes, please help me.
Dinda : It’s ok, I wanna to smear you the tootpaste
Profesor (Mila) : Combustio is skin tissue damage because of extrime high
and low temperatures, electricity, or chemicals.Combus
can be cured with toothpaste is just a myth, I don't
recommend it because the content in toothpaste such as
bleach, coloring and other substances that can be
dangerous, cause infections and inhibits the healing
process. So you can to do wash combustio with water
that flow.
2. Myth or fact if drink cold water when you get shore throat will make it worse
Drama scene ( scene milla and vela)
milla : uugghh my throat is sick. (sambil memegang tenggorokan)
vela : Are you ok?
milla : No, I think I have a soar throat.
vela : Try to drink my ice, It will make you better.
Profesor ( alifia): until now there is no scientific that’s find about this
correlation cold or ice water and shore throat. Drinking
cold water when you get shore throat make your flu
getting worse and can caused allergy and your immunity

3. myth or fact if spicy taste will disappear with milk

Asrori : Myth or Fact if spicy taste will disappear with milk?
Nia : i dont know, but after eat spicy food i will drink cold water
Siska : noo, that will make it worse, but i never heard about drink milk
after eat spicy food
Drama scene ( scene hany and ike)
Ike : Huhaaaaa.. This noodle is very spicy, I need water.
Hany : Don’t drink water. Drink milk is better.
Ike : Really? How can?
Hany : Milk will relieve spicy quickly. Try it!
Profesor (hadi): cold water less precise for increase spicy taste. Cold water
can spread spicy taste on tongue. Drink milk after eat spicy
taste being a good choice to make spicytaste disappeared
and hot taste on tongue, because milk contain fat that can
absorb spicy taste on the tongue and intestine

4. myth or facts bending the legs after excercise causes varicose veins
Asrori : Myth or Fact if bending the legs after excercise causes varicose
Dinda : facts because the veins are hampered so the veins will swell
Ike : i dont know because i never do excercise
Drama scene ( hadi and alifia)
Alifia : Why you look tired?
Hadi : I’m tired because I ran around the field four times. (Kelelahan)
Alifia : Sit here and drink water.
Hadi : I’m very tired maybe because I never exercise. (duduk bersila)
Alifia : Hey, don’t bending your legs. it will make legs varicose.
Profesor ( ardyah) : Varicose veins are conditions that swell and dilate veins
that commonly occur in the legs due to the build up of
blood.Actually, why do legs need to be stretched or stretched
after exercise not because it can cause varicose veins. The
expert said, the suggestion or position is a cooling phase so
that you don't experience pain or cramps after exercising. In
short, so straightening the legs after exercise is not directly
related to the emergence of leg varicose veins.exercise that is
too heavy and excessive can cause varicose veins. This
strenuous activity or exercise can increase blood supply to
veins.this can later cause veins to not be able to drain blood
back to the heart so that the blood vessels become congested,
dilated, and enlarged.

5. myth or facts hiccups can stop when starled

asrori : Myth or Fact if hiccups can stop when starled
Fitri : myth because there is no correlation
Alifia : myth too, because there is no correlation between that
Drama scene ( siska and vita)
Vita : Hik…. Hik….
Siska : (shocking Vita)
Vita : you make me shock
Siska : im sorry
Vita : hey but my hiccup was gone
Professor (dinda dyah): Many people think this method is a myth, but the fact
is this method can make our hiccups stop. Because,
surprise can actually surprise the vagus nerve and
hiccup finally stops

6. myth or fact if kerokan can increase of colds

Drama scene ( siska and vita)
Asrori : My belly is sick, haiiiikkk (bersendawa)
Nia : Come here, I will doing kerokan to your back.
Asrori : I feel better
Profesor ( siska): medically said scrape or in Indonesia we know as a kerokan
have a positive impact for our health. Rubbed coin will
produce hot and make our temperature increase. Icrease of
our body temperature will make our blood vessel widened
and expedite our blood circulation. Red scratch is sign of
inflammation that signify if our blood circulation widened
so this is can relieve and ease pain. But you have to
remember if to many kerokan will make our pore-pore open
and vulnerable to bacteria and viruses enter.

Oke guys message from this vlog is dont believe in myth before knowing the
truth, because this is can be dangerous for our health

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