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Once there were two classmates pat and Tom. One day, pat went to Tom’s house to borrow a book.

On the entrance, he found a dog standing. Seeing pat, it started barking. Pat got frightened. Tom came
running and held his dog. Pat was still breathing heavily.

At this, tom said, “pat, dogs who bark never bite.”

Pat said, “you and I know this proverb, but this dog doesn’t know.”

Both the friends laughed hearthily.

The End..


Robert got a job in a landlord’s house. Once, a landlord’s friend came to his house. The landlord called
Robert and asked him to bring his binocular.

Robert quickly went to the landlord’s room and brought the binocular. After the friend left, the landlord
called Robert and scolded, “You should have asked me which binocular to bring, the one form England
or the one from London. It would signify how rich I am.”Robert nodded his head.

Few days later, another friend of the landlord came to his house. The friend saw a lion skin and asked
the landlord who had killed it. The landlord said that it was his father.

The landlord then called Robert and asked him to bring his father’s photograph. At this Robert asked,
“Which one sir- one of England or one of London,”

The End….


Once there were two brothers who were very naughty. Always they were up to some mischief. One day,
their mother asked a priest to talk to her sons and put the fear of god in them so that would mend their
ways. The priest asked her to send her sons to him one by one.

Firstly, the younger brother went to the priest and sat by his side. The priest asked him in a commanding
voice, “where is God?” the boy didn’t react. When the priest asked again, the boy ran to his elder
brother and said, “Do you know God is missing and everybody thinks that we are responsible for this.”

The End…..

One day Danny went with his father to a zoo. He was very excited to see different types of birds and
animals. After a while, they came in front of the cage of a lion. Danny’s father told him how ferocious
and strong lions are. Danny was listening very attentively.

Finally, he spoke up, “Dad, if somehow the lion comes out of the cage and eats you up, then how will I
get back home? At least tell me the route to reach home.

Danny’s father laughed at the innocent question of the son.

The End…

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