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These are the additions to the pre-mRNA

formed during transcription in eukaryotes
General Instructions: Try answering this practice
test in preparation for your Long Quiz 1. NO 20. Start Codon
CHEATING. Do not look in your lecture notes unless
21 – 23. Stop Codons
your finished answering all the questions. Always
check the spelling of your answers. 24. Site of Transcription in Eukaryotes
Part I. Identification / Enumeration 25. Site of Translation in Eukaryotes
1. DNA is a polymer composed of monomers 26. Site of Transcription in Prokaryotes
called _______________.
2. What are the parts of a nucleotide in DNA? 27. Site of Translation in Prokaroytes
3. This is a process involved in the central 28. A law of inheritance established by Gregor
dogma in which a messenger RNA is made Mendel stating that the presence of a dominant
from a DNA template. allele in a genotype will result to an offspring
4. This is the enzyme involved in DNA having the phenotype of the dominant allele
replication responsible for creating a primer
composed of RNA nucleotides. 29. A non-Mendelian hereditary pattern which
5. An enzyme used in transcription responsible indicates that the offspring of two homozygous
for unwinding the DNA strand and adding parents will have a phenotype that is a blend of
new nucleotides the traits of the parents
6. This is the only DNA strand used for creating 30. Coding regions in an mRNA transcript
the mRNA transcript
7. An enzyme involved in DNA replication 31. Non-coding regions in an mRNA transcript
responsible for removing primers
32. These are proteins responsible for removing
8. This is the DNA strand replicated
the non-coding regions in an mRNA transcript
discontinuously by the addition of Okazagi
Fragments 33. This a specific sequence of nucleotides in the
9. The enzyme involved in DNA replication promoter region of a gene in eukaryotes
responsible for breaking the hydrogen bonds recognized by the transcription factors before the
present between complementary base pairs RNA polymerase binds to the DNA
10. The type of bond present between two amino
34. This is a specific sequence of nucleotides in
acids in a polypeptide chain
the promoter region of a gene in prokaryotes
11. This a type of point mutation in which a
recognized by the RNA polymerase
change in a single nucleotide results to a
shortened polypeptide chain (protein) due to 35 – 36. The scientists who performed
the immediate formation of a stop codon radioactivity experiments on bacteriophage in
12. This term refers to the process of combining which they labelled DNA with phosphorous and
DNA fragments coming from two different proteins with sulfur.
individuals or organisms, which is then
37. A process in the central dogma which
inserted and replication in a host cell.
13. In which process in central dogma will a translated codons into amino acids to form a
codon be formed? polypeptide chain

38. A part of the translation initiation complex

14 – 16. Parts of a Translation Initiation Complex
having an E site, P site, and A site
17. A sequence of nucleotides found in the
transfer RNA complementary to the codon in an 39. This is the type of bond present between
complementary base pairs
mRNA transcript
40. The leading strand is the DNA strand running
from a __ to __ direction.

Part II. Problem Solving

For numbers 41 and 42, refer to the given DNA strands.



41. What is the mRNA transcript?

42. What is the sequence of amino acids based from the sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA transcript?

For numbers 43 and 44, refer to the given DNA strands.



43. What is the mRNA transcript?

44. What is the sequence of amino acids based from the sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA transcript?

45. Dog A and Dog B were mated. Both of them have the GgHh genotype. Suppose that G (G – white, g – brown)
is the gene for their fur color whose expression will be based on the expression of gene H. Hence, the hereditary
pattern will be based on epistasis. If the resulting genotype of gene H is either homozygous dominant or
heterozygous, the expression of the white or brown fur color will proceed in the offspring. Otherwise, the offspring
will have a yellow fur color. Determine the genotypes, phenotypes, genotypic ratio, and phenotypic ratio.

46. A color-blind male is married to a female carrier of the trait. They have 2 daughters and 2 sons. Determine the
genotypes and phenotypes, genotypic ratio, and phenotypic ratio of their children. The unaffected son is married
to a color-blind female. Determine the genotypes and phenotypes of their 2 sons.

47. Draw a representative pedigree of the family in number 47.

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