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The Second Industrial Revolution Webercise

This Webercise assignment is worth 12 points. The first three links direct you to an online article.
Read the full articles and write your answers. The last link directs you to a YouTube video.
Watch the full video and write your answers. All four sources may be on future quizzes and tests.

The Second Industrial Revolution, 1870-1914 - U.S. History Scene

(1 point) 1. What needed to be built in order to cross the plains to the Pacific?
(1 point) 2. The U.S. produced_______ of the world’s industrial output.
a. Was this more than Britain, France and Germany combined? Y or N (Circle one)
(1 point) 3. The economic growth during this time was extraordinary but
(1 point) 4. Name the leading industrial figures this article addresses and their industrial
1. _____________________  ______________
2. _____________________  ______________

What Was the Second Industrial Revolution? - World Atlas

(1 point) 1. What 3 industries were revolutionized in the half-century preceding World War I?
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
(1 point) 2. What is the Bessemer process?
(1 point) 3. Name the two warfare technology this article addresses.
1. _______________________
2. _______________________

How the Second Industrial Revolution Changed Americans’ Lives - History

(1 point) 1. The shift from rural to factory life was grueling, especially for ________________.
(1 point) 2. Railroads would be replaced after World War I by the ______________________.

Ford, Cars, and a New Revolution - Crash Course

(1 point) 1. The Second Industrial Revolution ran on___________________, cars, and

communication technologies.
(1 point) 2. What was the name of Ford’s car that changed the world? __________________
(1 point) 3. Define Fordism.

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