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CPG- English-S2 (Pä) The United Kingdom - diverse and disunited?

A colonial heritage and a multicultural present

(Clive Myrie)
1. Read the information in the box and note down the main aspects about the British Empire.
2. Research which countries were part of the British Empire and why it was called the “Empire
on which the sun never sets“.





CPG- English-S2 (Pä) The United Kingdom - diverse and disunited?

3. Watch the video by British journalist Clive Myrie about the heritage of the Empire.

BBC Clive Myrie on Bristol history july 2020 report - YouTube

Take notes on the following topics:

a) three pieces of information about the speaker

b) two facts about the connection between Bristol and the slave trade
c) two things Asher Craig intends to do
d) two reasons why West Indians came to the UK after WW2
e) three pieces of information about Mike Lord’s life in Britain
f) two things Mercy Muroki says about history

4. Post-viewing assignment:

The video discusses the two questions of who owns history and who dictates memory.
Based on the info box, the video and your own understanding, brainstorm in small groups
why these questions are relevant when assessing the legacy of the British Empire.

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