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Name: Mauricio Gener Alarcón.

Id: 167631
English Class
Project: Opinion Essay
Date to deliver project:

Should Marijuana be legal in México?

The use of marihuana has been a historic debate in plenty of countries in the world.
The marijuana is the most prevalent illicit drug in the world, even more than the
other ones combined. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, 2.5% of
the world population (almost 147 million people) consume marijuana.
Even when there are many countries like Canada or the Netherlands were smoking
weed in recreational ways is 100% legal, most of the countries' governments are
still in doubt when the marijuana legalization came on board.

In México Recreational uses of marijuana are still forbidden in the country,

although since 2017 the medical consume it is considered legal. The articles 478
and 479 of “La Ley General de Salud” allow having until 5 grams for personal use.
But also, this law points that if you possess more than of the 5 grams allowed, you
can get from 10 months to 3 years in prison.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of legal marijuana, but the most
attractive pro-marijuana argument is regulating all the process that marijuana
involves, since production to distribution. This regulation can help reducing crime
and violence related to getting the product or even have a more close idea of what
are you consuming.

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