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Christine E Uy


Cell Division (MITOSIS) in Animal Cells

Mitosis is a cell division that occurs in animal cells where each mother cell divides into 2
daughter cells. The number of chromosomes in the mother cell is identical to that in each
resulting daughter cell. This is why mitosis is sometimes called an” Identical Reproduction of
Below you find the phases of the mitosis and a description of the main events taking
place in each. Keep in mind that interphase is not a phase of mitosis, it is just a preparatory
phase that precedes mitosis. This phase is very important at the end of which, each chromosome
will change to have two identical sister chromatids after duplicating the DNA molecule making
up the original chromatid.

Important events
Chromosomes, in the form of chromatin, will duplicate their chromatids (DNA replication)

MITOSIS Important events

1- Chromatin condense into welldefined chromosomes.

2- Each chromosome is made up of 2 chromatids joined by a centromere.
3- The centrosomes duplicate and transform into asters.
Prophase 4- The nuclear membrane disappears.
5- A spindle of fibers forms (achromatic spindle).

Chromosomes move to the center of the cell and line up along the equator od
Metaphase the cell forming the “Equatorial Plate”.

1- The centromeres split and the sister chromatids separate. Each chromosome
is now formed of one chromatid with a centromere.
Anaphase 2- Sister chromatids move towards opposite poles of the cell. This is called
“Polar Ascension”.

1- The chromosomes de-condense and go back to the chromatin state (tall and
2- The asters become centrosomes.
3-A new nuclear membrane forms.
Telophase 4- All the spindle fibers break down and disappear.
5- The cytoplasm of the mother cell will be cleaved in half, and the cell
membrane will finish its constriction at the middle of the cell to divide the
mother cell into two separate daughter cells that enter into a new interphase.
Christine E Uy

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