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Cells in your body are constantly

getting replaced
Reasons why your body makes
more cells:
- To grow up
- To replace old cells
- To replace damaged cells

Mitosis: Is when one cell splits up

to become two cells
Each cell must have a complete set
of DNA

DNA in your body is put in a packet

called Chromatin.

The first step of mitosis is to

replicate your DNA


Phase 1 - Prophase:
The cell is getting ready for mitosis,
to split.
1) DNA is packed into
2) Nuclear membrane and
nucleolus disappear
3) Centriole begin to create
spindle fibers
Phase 2 – Metaphase
1) Centrioles are on opposite
sides of the cell
2) Chromosomes are in a straight
line in the middle of the cell
Phase 3 – Anaphase
1) Spindle fibers are shortening
2) Chromosomes are being split
apart, with each one on either
Phase 4 – Telophase
1) Spindle fibers disappear
2) Nuclear membrane and
nucleolus appear.
3) Chromosomes are unpacking
into DNA
Cell Division
Animal Cell: The nuclear
membrane pinches to make 2 new
Plant Cell: A cell plate forms and
splits the cell

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