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Cell Division
Cell Division—Mitosis Notes

Cell Division — process by which

a cell divides into 2 new cells

• Why do cells need to divide?

1.Living things grow by
producing more cells, NOT
because each cell increases in
2. Repair of damaged tissue
3. If cell gets too big, it cannot
get enough nutrients into the
cell and wastes out of the cell
• The original cell is called the parent cell; 2 new cells are
called daughter cells
• Before cell division occurs , the cell replicates (copies) all
of its DNA, so each daughter cell gets complete set of
genetic information from parent cell
• Each daughter cell is exactly like the parent cell – same
kind and number of chromosomes as the original cell


Parent Cell
• Many organisms, especially unicellular
organisms, reproduce by means of cell division –
called asexual reproduction – Ex: bacteria
• DNA is located in the nucleus and controls all cell
activities including cell division
• Long and thread-like DNA in a non-dividing cell is called
• Doubled, coiled, short DNA in a dividing cell is called
Consists of 2 parts: chromatid and centromere
o 2 identical “sister”
chromatids attached at
an area in the middle
called a centromere

o When cells divide,

“sister” chromatids
separate and 1 goes to
each new cell
• Chromatin to chromosomes illustration:

Coils up into
Why does DNA need to change
More efficient division
from chromatin to chromosome?
Chromosome number

• Every organism has its own specific number of

Examples: Human = 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs
Dog = 78 chromosomes or 39 pairs
Goldfish = 94 chromosomes or 47 pairs
Lettuce = 18 chromosomes or 9 pairs
All somatic (body) cells in an organism have the same
kind and number of chromosomes

Examples: Human = 46 chromosomes

Human skin cell = 46 chromosomes
Human heart cell = 46 chromosomes
Human muscle cell = 46 chromosomes

Fruit fly = 8
Fruit fly skin cell = 8
Fruit fly heart cell = 8
Fruit fly muscle cell = 8
Somatic cells account for all the cells of the body EXCEPT
reproductive cells. Other than gametes,
Ex. skin cells, stem cells and germs cells, all the cells of a
blood cells,
multicellular organism are known as
nerve cells ,
muscle cells somatic cells.
Somatic cells characteristics

• Somatic cells are responsible for the growth and

development of an organism
• They are required for repair and regeneration
• Somatic cells undergo mitosis and contain the same set
of chromosomes as the organism
• Somatic cells undergo mutation more frequently as
compared to germ cells
• Somatic cells are used for cloning by which an identical
clone of an individual is produced
• Somatic cells are used to conserve genetic information of
Cell cycle
- series of events cells go through as they grow and
• Cell grows, prepares for division, then divides to
form 2 daughter cells – each of which then begins
the cycle again
Mitosis also called “nuclear division”

The main stages of the cell cycle are gap 1, synthesis, gap 2, and
– Gap 1 (G1): cell growth and
normal functions
– DNA synthesis (S): copies
– Gap 2 (G2): additional
growth (chromatids become
replicated chromosomes)
– Mitosis (M): includes
division of the cell nucleus
(mitosis) and division of the
cell cytoplasm (cytokinesis)
• Mitosis occurs only if the cell is large enough and the DNA
Interphase—period of cell growth and development
• DNA replication (copying) occurs during Interphase
• During interphase the cell also grows, carries out
normal cell activities, replicates all other organelles
• The cell spends most of its life cycle in interphase
Mitosis – division of the nucleus into 2 nuclei,
each with the same number of chromosomes
• Mitosis occurs in all the somatic (body) cells
So each new daughter cell
Why does mitosis occur? has nucleus with a complete
set of chromosomes
Stages of mitosis Four (4) phases/stages of nuclear division
(mitosis), directed by the cell’s DNA (PMAT)
Stages of mitosis

1. Prophase
· Chromosomes coil
· Nuclear envelope
· Spindle fibers form
Stages of mitosis

2. Metaphase—(alignment)

· Chromosomes line up
in middle of cell
· Spindle fibers connect
to chromosomes
Stages of mitosis

3. Anaphase—(Apart/separate)

· Chromosome
copies divide
· Spindle fibers pull
chromosomes to
opposite poles
Stages of mitosis

4. Telophase—(Two)

· Chromosomes uncoil
· Nuclear envelopes
· 2 new nuclei are
· Spindle fibers
Four (4) phases of nuclear division (mitosis),
directed by the cell’s DNA (PMAT)
Prophase Metaphase—(Middle)

Anaphase—(Apart) Telophase—(Two)
Specimen: Onion root tip (Mitosis) –PLANT CELL
-the division of the rest of the cell (cytoplasm and
organelles) after the nucleus divides

After mitosis and cytokinesis, the cell returns to

Interphase to continue to grow and perform regular cell
Method of cytokinesis

Animal cell:
Plant cell:
Formation of cleavage
Formation of cell plate
Summary: Cell Cycle

Interphase Mitosis (PMAT) Cytokinesis

When cells become old or damaged, they die and

are replaced with new cells
Cell Division Control
• DNA controls all cell
activities including cell
• Some cells lose their ability
to control their rate of cell
division – the DNA of
these cells has become
damaged or changed
• These super-dividing cells
form masses called tumors
Phase Appearance & Location Important Events

DNA replication, cell grows

Interphase DNA copies itself; chromatin
and replicates organelles

Nuclear envelope
Prophase Chromosomes coil up disappears, spindle fibers
Chromosomes line up in Spindle fibers connect to
the middle chromosomes

Chromosome copies divide Spindle fibers pull

Anaphase and move apart chromosome copies apart
to opposite poles
Nuclear envelopes reform,
Telophase Chromosomes uncoil back
2 new nuclei are formed,
into chromatin
spindle fibers disappear
Division of the rest of the
Cytokinesis Chromatin cell: cytoplasm and
Meiosis - a process where a single cell divides twice to
produce four cells containing half the original
amount of genetic information. These cells are our
sex cells – sperm in males, eggs in females.
- Occurs in gametes only (ex. Sperm cells and egg

Meiosis can be divided into nine stages. These are

divided between the first time the cell divides (meiosis I)
and the second time it divides (meiosis II):

Meiosis 1 – also called “reductional division”

Meiosis II – also called “equational division”
When does meiosis occur in humans?
1. Males beginning at puberty
2. Females before birth – all eggs are produced before
birth and at puberty eggs mature

Prophase I

- longest phase
- Divided into 5 stages
(in order):
1. Leptotene
2. Zygotene
3. Pachytene
4. Diplotene
5. Diakinesis
Prophase I
Metaphase I Anaphase I

Telophase I
Prophase II
Prophase I

 Longest and most complex phase (90%).

 Chromosomes condense.
 Synapsis - a process: when hom. chrom.
come together, pair up, form a tetrad.
Prophase I - Synapsis
Nonsister chromatids

sister chromatids sister chromatids

Prophase I - Crossing Over

• Crossing over may

occur in the tetrad:
between nonsister
chromatids, ends
break and reattach
Crossing Over - Provides Variation
nonsister chromatids Tetrad

Chiasma: site of variation

crossing over
Metaphase I
 Shortest phase; paired homologues align.
 pairs of homologues line up independently of other pairs’
orientation toward the poles -- random. Adds variation.
Anaphase I
 Homologous chromosomes separate towards the
poles (Tetrads separate)
 Sister chromatids remain attached
Telophase I

 Each pole now has haploid set of chromosomes (however –

still doubled).
 Cytokinesis occurs: two haploid daughter cells formed.
Meiosis II
 No interphase II
( no more DNA replication)
 Remember: Meiosis II is similar to mitosis

Prophase II / Metaphase II

Anaphase II
Meiosis I
Mitosis vs Meiosis
• Mitosis • Meiosis
– Body (somatic cells) – Germ cells of gonads
– 2 daughter cells made – 4 gamete cells made
(all different)
– Each w/ same # & kind of
chrom. as parent cell – Each w/ ½ chrom. # as
– 1 division process parent cell
– 1 cytokinesis – 2 divisions
– No synapsis or crossing – 2 cytokineses events
over – Synapsis &
– Are diploid (2n) crossing over occurs
in Prophase 1
– Are haploid (n)
Mitosis vs Meiosis
Mitosis Meiosis
Results in 2 Diploid Cells 4 Haploid Cells
(2N) (N)
Cells are Genetically Genetically
Identical Different
Occurs in Somatic (Body) Sex Cells

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