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Journal 1

Learn to Give – Giving is essential in any relationship. It is more important to give for your partner or peers than to
receive things from them. If you enter a relationship you should learn that anything you have is hers and everything she
have is yours.

Learn from the Challenges – every relationship has imperfection, if your purpose of having partner is to less your
problem it is not for you. Always remember that every challenge in life leaves wisdom to strengthens a relationship.

Learn to Understand – you should understand your partner to prevent an argument, in relationship it is not always
going on your will because both of you have differences that may cause trouble if your understanding for your partner is
to weak.

Communication is Important – Communication makes the relationship connected, without communication the
relationship can be destroyed because of the secrets and misunderstanding on each other.


Relationship with other gender is hard to maintain because of the challenges that may interfere, but those
challenges won’t last forever and it is also the foundation of the relationship that makes your relationship stable as time
goes by. I have a partner since Junior high, we maintain our relationship by proper time management and
understanding, we met at least once a week or if we’re busy we manage to eat outside for a very short period of time.

Journal 2
Symbol and Qualities

The Symbol of Fist represent the authority and

power of the leader towards to its member and the arrow
represents the path that of the group by the command of
the leader.

Qualities of a Good Leader

1. Brave
2. Trust-worthy
3. Motivated
4. Focus
5. Quality
Journal 3
Family Tree

No Picture

Journal 4
Movie Review
1. The main Character challenges
a. Interpersonal
The challenges that the main character encounter between his peers is that he has talent, but the
surroundings prevent him to showcase that talent and that group work as a team. he had hard time to adopt
for the commander or leader of the group because their type of sound is different.

b. Intrapersonal
The main character has different sound and that sound can create modern sounds and he has the
potential to change the group, but he has is a hardheaded and he does not comfortable on obeying rules
because he thinks that he knows the best for the group. He is selfish on the first part of the movie and being
alone in a group is not considered as part of the group. “One band, One sound”.

2. What kind of family does the main character have?

Devon the main character comes from family of Single Parent.
3. How could you relate the movie “Personal Relationship” topic?
The main character enters different relationship, his relationship with his peers are not strong enough to
make his mind different about the sound he wants. His relationship between his family won’t stop his dreams
even if he comes from a broken family. His relationship and with opposite sex and the process of engaging
relationship shows and how they manage to forgive and understand each other.

4. How does the main character deal with his/her problem?

Devon the main character deal with his problem by setting a dream for himself and pursuing what he
wants. His family problem can’t stop him for being a drummer even his dad is not supporting him by what he
wants. Devon also has his own identity that he stands until the end of the movie, Devon has his own sound and
dignity on what must be music sounds like. When he kicked in the group and knowing the intention of the
enemy group, he realize to help the group even if he is not part of it. Devon in the end learn to appreciate the
group’s victory that his victory.

5. What is the overall lesson of the movie?

The lesson of the Movie is that having a good understanding or knowing your identity will help you to
develop your own uniqueness. The development of your self will varies about your identity, building a good
identity will make a great change in your life because you know your worth and you know what you are fighting

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