Jayden Dillard - Harrison Bergeron Essay Final Draft

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Jayden Dillard

English 9
October 18,2018


Do you know why Harrison Bergeron can reflect to our daily lives.? I will be telling you

all the Harrison Bergeron Comparisons. few samples that can relate to harrison bergeron and can

affect our daily lives is the mask,the glasses that george was wearing,and the earpiece. Now let

me ask you this, Why did the short story’’Harrison Bergeron’’ impact people in our daily lives?

Let me tell you a few examples and why they can impact people in our society. But first let me

explain to you simple things that you need to know about the story.The short story is about a 14

year old boy named Harrison Bergeron was taken away from his family because he was athletic

and very intelligent.The author of the short story, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. has written multiple books

and short stories. But, this is a good example of how it can affect people in our daily lives

because it can show the reader how the people in the short story live in this terrible society or in

other words a Dystopian Society. Also it can show the reader why the government can force laws

without any feedback by the people/citizens.So now I will explain to you few examples that can

relate to the short story.

1 example from the short story that can impact people in our society is the ​Mask​.This is

because in the Short story the government demanded or enforced a law for ballerinas to wear a

Mask; covering their face.This is because since the people living in the Dystopian society should

not be beautiful. So when the government observed the dancers/ballerinas they decided to cover

their face in a form of no equality towards the ballerinas.This situation can relate to mostly
Jayden Dillard


English 9

October 18,2018

women in our society.This is because people want to be beautiful and when women doubt

themselves about themselves being beautiful, they use Social Media to cover their faces so they

can get attention from other users on Social Media.Nowadays, most people hide their faces then

pretend they are a different person which they are not.Or another solution to this problem for

beauty is to get Plastic Surgery.This completely changes a person’s looks or confidence in

themselves because they can say to themselves that I have curves or big breasts and boost up

their confidence when a Guy looks at a girl with the 2 traits.Therefore, this is 1 reason why

Beauty can relate to Harrison Bergeron and can affect people in our society.

My 2 symbol that can impact our daily lives is ​Technology.​This is because in our society

you would see kids having tablets or cellphones from at least ages 3 and higher.I do not

understand why parents would ever think about giving kids phones at 3 years old.I got this idea

from a Article called,’’Technology Changing How Students learn,Teachers say’’.In that Article I

read that teachers are worried about their students failing their classes or tests.This is also

related to Harrison Bergeron. It’s because the HANDICAPS were the technology in the short

story.Technology in our society is a Double edged sword.Technology is good for school,grading

assignments,and assignments for students.But, Technology can cause mainly kids to have

addictions on technology,use social media to hide your body,and etc….Therefore,the Article

Technology, and the Handicaps from Harrison Bergeron can impact people in our Society.
Jayden Dillard


English 9

October 18,2018

My 3rd example that can affect people in our daily lives is the ​NEWS REPORTER ​from the

short story Harrison Bergeron.This is because in the short story the News reporter was not saying

words correctly and so it was hard for him that he had to let a Ballerina talk for him.This can

relate to Special people.It is because ​I AM NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE, ​ some kids could

also not talk that much or other things that most kids can do.But in our society we can accept

them for who they are.Also in Harrison Bergeron they also had to accept people who were

wearing Handicaps.

So with all these examples from Harrison Bergeron they can affect our daily lives because of the

symbols the mask,the news reporter,and technology.Like I mentioned before all these symbols

play a double edged sword especially Technology. It's because it can help student and teachers in

schools but can cause addictions from teens and maybe video games.Also the mask is important

because it influenced women in our society and the ballerinas in the short story.This is because

women were hiding their beauty so the solution to these women is Social Media.Therefore all

these symbols can affect us in our daily lives.

Jayden Dillard


English 9

October 18,2018

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