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We live in a century when people are outlining the big amount of

different problems that people have in their life for example LGBTQ
problems or climate change, that fifty years ago would seem
undesirable and inappropriate, obviously because of the existence
of taboos and privacy as well as caring only about their blessing,
resulting from totalitarianism in which one or a smaller group of
people opinions was responsible for all people, which was most
often not in the public interests, and that leads to elderly people had
gotten scared of their own opinions. People start to believe
everything that someone says is not normal. Moreover, gen Z has
changed this. Today I will not talk about rational thinking or
generation changes but will speak about people that have no big
possibilities to talk about their problems because no one is taking
them seriously, due the fact that they are being helped does not
change anything big for them, but this help does not make their life
easier at all and does not allow them to speak out loud and be a
part of normal society, because something is done about it even if it
is unfit for use. So today's topic will be about a part of our society
who are the same people as us but with disabilities which is a
physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements
sense or activities but has more difficulties and smaller
opportunities- it can be commuting or difficulty moving or any other
health disability which is bothering them to do simple things such as
communicating or walking up the stairs. So this topic touched my
heart when I was at Roberta Metsola's discussion with young
people, only because for the first time in my 18 years of life I saw
that young people with health problems were involved in society
and their opinion was important at that moment, even if it was a
very quiet voice in a large audience. Roberta Metsola said to
disagree with everything but come to an option, so we need to
come to an option of helping involve in society those who are not
quite ready to do it by themselves. The question is are we helping
people because we just should help them or because they asked
for it or maybe because we are feeling guilty about their problems?
So the thing is that people have done soo much to give disabled
people an opportunity for a normal life but they did it just to fill out
the documents that this has been done and it is not important how
and in what quality and whether it can be used at all, not because
the people are struggling for example to use stairs they build ramps
that are too high and too short to be used without any danger of
falling. Isn't that weird? Or the fact that children and adults still
condemn people because of their health problems by pointing
fingers because the person is different or by distracting the child
because he should not see such people thence it is sick. this is very
reminiscent of the cartoon the Hunchback of Notre Dame where no
one was liking the boy because of his look so he sat all-time in the
bell room because everybody was scared of him so they laughed
and shamed his ugly face and back and he felt bad about scaring
others even if he had no opportunity to change it but inside he was
a big sweetheart. By saying all of this I mean that quite often
because of the disability, a person has, he can not enjoy his life as
every other person does. A person with anorexia will worry about
the food he eats, his appearance in the mirror, and his weight on
the scales, only the help of a psychologist can help this person, to
overcome this and other people's opinions will likely affect this
person's condition even more, on the contrary, a young person in a
wheelchair will not be able to enjoy what is enjoyed by a young
person who has the opportunity to run and jump or start working
somewhere, because many places are not suitable for wheelchairs,
for example, going to a club or the beach to swim is hardly possible
on your own in these conditions and no one wants a disabled
person working on them because people don't understand and do
not see any opportunity of a disabled person. After all, he can not
walk or hear. By surfing the internet I found some research about
how many people have a disability in Latvia at 2020 there were two
hundred thousand disabled people in our country and one hundred
and nineteen thousand of them were adults and only 27% of them
are working somewhere, there are about 10% of Latvian citizens
who have some disabilities and only about one-fourth of them are
working isn't that sad? We should make an exception for them
because disability is not something we should shame someone, on
the contrary, we should give them more opportunities to grow and
show themselves, because sitting at home all their lives is quite
painful and boring, and all this just because of society's views that
disabled people are not the same they are worse at all than a
regular person. People with disabilities can work in different areas,
based on their disability, for example, you can have autism, which
can be barely noticeable but some things you do are likely autistic
for sure you can be a cashier or shop assistant. As well as
researchers had found that people with disabilities are more likely to
get better if they found a way to show themselves by dancing
drawing, telling stories, or just being in the right company of people.
So my experience, as well as research, shows, there is a bare
minimum of opportunities for disabled people to feel included, even
if we slowly change some expectations and accept that disability is
nothing to do about personal skills and attitudes. People can learn it
all, maybe they can do a smaller amount of work but they can and
even old people are feeling better when they can somehow help
others. Traveling is another thing that people with disabilities are
facing because it's hard to get to a plane and not be stressed about
the flight, by CDC information person with disabilities before going
traveling should make an appointment with a healthcare provider to
get accepted that your health is okay for flight or traveling by any
other transport as well as, next step is to get insurance and make a
card with medical alert information so if something happens people
can know what they can do, as well as make a research about the
availability of wheelchairs and other medical equipment. This is
scary yous should prepare for all kinds of situations, for example,
you can't use a bus without any help. So to conclude my speech I
will say that people with disabilities have so many barriers to normal
life so we should be kind to them and allow feeling included and
interested in society so they can come to any community center and
feel included because they will have an opportunity to go upstairs
bu elevators and do the same that any person can do.

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