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Question: Does age matter? Explore this thought-provoking topic and share your perspective.

Discuss the significance of age in var-

ious aspects of life, such as politics, leadership, and social interactions.

Does age matter? This is the kind of question which has apparently never been able to accomplish a socially acceptable stance in so-
ciety as it has always been a statement of different arguments with varying views specially between people belonging to different
age groups. These differences in views could be blamed on these people’s upbringing in different environments, background, ethnic-
ities and the time era they grew up in. Now moving myself from this talk of backgrounds and ethnicities, or else this could turn into
more of a race stereotypical essay which may or may not offend a lot of people as I am not that well aware of these kind of things
about upbringings and stuff.

Well now time for our main part of the essay: Does age matter? If I was required share my perspective on this matter in just one
word, my answer would have been, “It depends.” It is not one word, but whatever. Now you, the reader would be asking yourself
this question of, “Depends on what?” Well, it depends on what type of situation or the aspect of life is the talk about in which the
age is required to matter, and off course the age at which one acquires the ability to know of whats right and wrong and also the
truth, the true face of this world in which we live in as a quote on quote society. Besides this, the most important question disregard-
ing the subject or the age is that if one is working towards or doing something, is he or she doing it is following his or her passion or
doing it for what society wants him or her following.

Now you may be referring as to why am I so against society. Well, the reason for my hate towards society is because the society
shows little to no interest in the opinion or the work of which our youth is capable of. This society privileges field experience over
capability and never ceases any chance to demoralise our youth who are more than capable of achieving anything than they are ex-
pected of. These thoughts slowly but surely get embedded into the minds of youth and slowly leads them to develop the fear of fail-
ure, letting the ones who believe in them down and just becoming a talk of disappointment in front of the world. These youths are
always told by society to focus on their studies rather than what they are passionate about. As we are already on the topic study and
schools, I would like to mention a serious problem about most schools who too have the same views as society and show little inter-
est in introducing their students with varying opportunities for them to explore. Focus on studying is important I will say that, but
exploring is as equally important.

I think we have ventured too much off from the real concern of our essay, its time to answer the concern of age mattering in various
aspects of life. First on our list of aspects is politics. For this aspect I would like to say that age doesn’t necessarily matter, but the
thing that matters is experience and knowledge of your country’s current economic and social conditions, the country’s past and the
country’s geographical features. It is true that all big names in politics are of people in their 40s and 50s, but that doesn’t necessarily
make young people incapable of becoming a successful political figure. However, most youngsters aren’t that much enthusiastic
about politics unless they have family connections with one who they truly look up to. But with little guidance and some ups and
down, a youngster could easily outperform many big names in politics specially in today’s world where youngsters seem to have the
most knowledge of country’s current state than any middle-aged politicians who not all, but some only enter politics with the goal of
gathering as much wealth through corrupt ways rather than entering politics for the betterment of the people and country.

The second aspect on our list is leadership. The most important factor in good leadership is experience which comes with age, this
would have been my answer if I were required to write this essay a century or two ago. But in today’s time with humanity’s techno-
logical development coming this far, my answer couldn’t have been much different. It is no lie that intellect on several different oc-
casions has proven itself far more valuable in leadership than raw strength throughout history. I guess the term or idiom “brains are
better than brawns” whatever it is, truly makes sense with the point that I am making here. Leadership doesn’t just mean leading in
battle or war but it refers to coaching, strategy, charisma, delegation and autocracy. Honestly speaking I don’t myself know most of
the terms I just had mentioned as I just saw it on the internet and thought they would just look good. As much as my mind is telling
me to explain these terms, I would much rather not than just copy paste something that I have no clue of. But at the end of the day,
age doesn’t matter in a good leader, but his ability to lead and interact with people he or she is leading is all what truly matters.

Next on our list of aspects is social interactions in which unlike our previous aspects, my answer is that age in social interactions do
matter. Now don’t get me wrong, interacting with people is an big part of our lives. To better understand what I am trying to tell you
we would have to split the aspect of social interaction into two categories; physical and non-physical. Let start with physical interac-
tions which means hanging out with people that are around you. All I want to say that besides family and close associates which in-
cludes teachers, physical interactions should always be with people of the same age groups as oneself. I don’t think theres much to
explain this point, but the main thing that I wanted to explain of this aspect is of non-physical or interaction on the internet. If I were
asked about the benefits of the internet, I would easily be able to talk about it hours at end, but if were asked about the internet’s
cons, its scary to assume but I could talk about it way more. That’s why a child shouldn’t be allowed access to internet except under
direct supervision from a parent or guardian. And on the same note, a child shouldn’t have any access whatsoever until he or she
reaches the age of eleven. Don’t get me wrong but internet is humanity’s greatest invention and is a big part of our lives as half of
this essay wouldn’t have been possible without it, but in the wrong hands the internet a whole another story.

Now lets move on towards education. And by education I don’t just mean going to school or college but what I mean is that gaining
knowledge and learning the things that are around us. By acquiring knowledge I don’t just mean memorising the whole periodic ta-
ble or learning how to use sine, cos and tan, but learning about anything which seeks one’s interests. It could be one’s own religion,
beliefs, country or anything. In this aspect age never matters whatsoever. From a toddler to a 80 year old man, everyone needs ac-
quire knowledge. I know that in some third world countries the educational system, especially for women is not acknowledged and
many drop out due to poverty. This is not fair. In my opinion education is the necessity which should be given for free for ones who
can’t seem to afford it due to poverty. On the same note, I would like to address another and our last aspect; jobs. Does age matter in
work? Yes, but not that importantly. A proper working age in my perspective is thirteen. Some might mistake it for child labour, but
it is a brilliant way to enable a child to look at the world differently. Now I am not referring to fully fledged jobs or anything, but
parents could take their child to workplace with them to sharpen their social skills from a very young age. But theres something
other left about this aspect. Is a more experienced older age person more capable at his or her job than a youngster? Well not partic-
ularly, but I can see it in most cases. Now I am not trying to say that youngsters are bad at jobs or anything, there are some young-
sters who are far more capable than most adults, but in workplace I would have to go with that age along with experience do matter
a lot.

Well you have reached the end. Nows time to ask yourself one of the most important the question of life; Pepsi or coke? or you
could also ask yourself Does age matter?

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