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Quinn, Medicine Woman

Language of the Heart

by Debby K

WARNING: This story contains graphic descriptions of war

and death at the Battle of Little Big Horn.

************ She took a deep breath, "I treasure every minute

Chapter 1 that we do, Sully."
"Me, too," he smiled. "Michaela...."

She knew something was on his mind, "What?"

"Why did you bring me out here, Sully?" Michaela
grinned slightly. "I'm leavin' t' find Cloud Dancin' t'morrow," he told
She glanced out across the landscape. Mountain
peaks in the distance, still snow covered at their "Tomorrow?" her heart sank.
crests, signaled that the summer weather had not
yet melted their icy summits. Sully had told her "Well, ya know I wanted t' leave for Montana on
that he wanted to go for a ride, but without the 25th o' June," he explained. "But Jake insisted I
specifying where, Michaela's curiosity was aroused. start on his house first. Then I stayed for the
Centennial Independence Day picnic for you an' the
"Just wanted ya t' see this view," he assisted her in kids. But now that I got some time 'fore the next
dismounting her horse. lumber shipment arrives, I thought I'd ride up t'...."

She stood transfixed for a moment, admiring the He paused, noting her expression.
Not wanting to make things more difficult for him,
Sully wrapped his arms around her, "Ain't it she rubbed his arms, "Don't worry about us."
"Sure am gonna miss ya," he leaned closer.
"Mmmm," she agreed, warmed by his touch.
She raised her hands to frame his face, drinking in
"Sometimes it's important t' stop an' admire the every bit of his handsome features, "I'll miss you,
view," he spoke near her ear. too."

She rested her arms on his chest, "I'm glad that you "I've never been real good at good-byes," he
remind me of things like that." released his hold on her and turned away.

"Plus, I wanted us t' spend a little time t'gether,"

his voice hinted at another reason.

"But you're very good at welcome homes," she She pulled back to look at him, "No, Sully. It wasn't
touched his shoulder. for nothing. Everything you did was to help."

He picked up a small stone and threw it as far as he "I made a mess," he recalled his time in hiding.
could. Michaela watched it soar, then turned to
him, noticing his expression. "It's the Army who made the mess," she countered.
"Your motives and your heart were always in the
"Sully, tell me what's bothering you," she sensed right place."
something different in him.
"How do ya do it?" he grinned.
"I'm sorta dreadin' what I might find when I reach
Cloud Dancin'," he confided. "Do what?" she smiled.

"I know what you mean," she nodded. "How do ya make me feel so good, so loved?" he
ran his hands up and down her back.
"Wish I could figure out why the world's so upside
down," he folded his arms. "Because you are so good and so loved," she
Michaela's heart reached out to her husband in his
pensive mood, "There are some things in life that "Reckon I better get ya back t' town," he sighed.
are sure and certain."
"The children love spending the time with their
"Like what?" the blue of his eyes captivated her godparents," she hesitated.
each time he gazed at her.
"That mean ya ain't in a hurry?" he grinned.
"Like us," she reminded him.
"I think a leisurely pace is just what the doctor
"We're about the only thing in life I can count on," ordered," she slipped her palm through the
he touched her cheek with his fingertips. opening of his shirt.

"That's quite a lot, you know," she smiled. Sully's pulse quickened, "I love you, Michaela."

He took a deep breath and pulled her into his arms, "I love you, too," she kissed his chest.
"Oh, Michaela."
Holding her next his heart, Sully felt an incredible
She leaned her head against his chest, "I hate peace, one that he only found in his wife's arms. He
seeing you so lost, Sully." had brought her here, hoping to feel her love. He
experienced that and more.
"I ain't lost when I'm in your arms," he cupped his
hand against the back of her head. "I can't help "Lost in thought again?" she pulled back.
thinkin' what things have come down to. Everythin'
the Cheyenne used t' have.... all gone." "Lost in you," he kissed her tenderly.

"I know," she agreed. "Why don't we sit down?" she gestured.

"I fought so long an' so hard," his voice choked. "Sure ya can spare some time?" he hoped she
"Seems like it was all for nothin'." wanted to stay.

"There is nowhere I would rather be than with you, "Yes?" she anticipated his question.
Sully," she assured him.
"I was wonderin' if maybe you an' me could....," he
There were few things in life which put her paused.
husband in a state of melancholy. Coping with
what had happened to the Indians was one of "Could what?" she smiled at his hesitation. "It's not
them. Her emotions paralleled his when it came to like you to be shy, Mr. Sully."
viewing the government's treatment of the
Cheyenne. He inhaled the pure mountain air and closed his
eyes to absorb all of the sounds around them.
Michaela sat down and patted the ground next to
her as an invitation for Sully to join her. A smile "Sully," she caressed the hair behind his ear. "What
crossed his face. He knelt down before her and is it?"
raised her hand to his lips. Then he positioned
himself beside her. "I'm havin' a real powerful desire t' love ya right
now," he revealed.
"How'd I get so lucky?" he toyed with a lock of her
hair. Michaela smiled, "That's funny."

"Good living?" she teased. "Funny?" he found her statement odd.

"Look, Michaela!" he pointed to a pair of hawks "It's funny because I have that same desire," she
soaring above them. replied. "Out here beneath the hawk and his mate
in flight."
"Look at their movements," she rested her cheek
next to his. "One moves, the other reacts. They are "Seems like we both want the same thing," he
in such perfect accord, as if they're two bodies but grinned.
one spirit."
"In certain matters," she amended.
"Like us," he smiled.
"So," he leaned closer and kissed her neck.
She placed her palm over his heart and let it linger
there. "So," she tilted her head back to relish the touch.

"What ya doin'?" he covered her hand with his. "Tell me what you're feelin'," he stroked her arms.

"Feeling the rhythm of your heart," she replied. "Oh, my," she blushed from her body's reaction to
"I'm gonna miss you an' the kids so much," his eyes
captured her soul. He held her gaze and recited:

"Nothing can break our incredible bond, Sully," "Then nature rule,
Michaela's voice was soothing to him. "Wherever And love, devoid of art,
we may travel, we are still with one another." Spoke the consenting language
of the heart."
"You're so beautiful," he placed his fingers just
beneath her chin. "I was wonderin'...." "Byron?" she could scarcely breath.

"John Gay," he noted. "So... tell me what you're "Oh, yes," her heart still leapt at the nearness of
feelin'." him.

"You know what I'm feeling," her pulse surged. "Thank you, Michaela," he spoke.

"I wanna hear ya say the words," he undid the "For loving you?" she raised an eyebrow.
button of her blouse at the neck. "Everythin' ya
feel." "For that," he smiled. "An' a million other things.
I.... I need t' ask your forgiveness."
"Why?" she kissed his palm. "We rarely talk when
we...." "For what?" she was puzzled.

"'Cause I need t' know," he continued until he "For anythin' I ever did that hurt ya," he
could lower the material off her shoulders. responded.

"I'm feeling... very warm," her voice quivered. "Sully," his request had a ring of fatalism to it, and
it frightened her. "Why would you ask that? You
Sully slid his fingers beneath the straps of her know I...."
camisole and pulled them down toward her
elbows, "An' now?" "I just wanted ya t' know I never meant t' do
anythin' that would harm you or the kids," his eyes
Her breath caught in her throat, so heightened reddened.
were her senses.
She caressed his cheek, "Listen to me. I love you,
"Now..." she tingled. "Now I feel alive and and I harbor no regrets for anything you have
overwhelmingly in love with you." Then she pulled done. We are one, remember? We just proved that
his shirt from his buckskins, and undid them. "How a few moments ago. I know in my heart that you
about you, Mr. Sully? What are you feeling?" would never do anything to hurt our children or
me. Do you understand?"
He gasped as her hand found its way to his most
sensitive place, "I'm feelin' like we're about done He nodded, and she pulled him closer for a kiss.
"I don't deserve t' be this happy," he was almost
Neither was capable of speaking another word. inaudible.
Their passionate cravings took over and
transported them beyond the realm of reason or "Sully, please don't feel guilty because of what you
logic. Sully withheld the release of his energy until have," she ran her hand down his stubbled face.
Michaela was ready to share the warmth of his "We are blissfully happy, but your Cheyenne
love. Then when it came, he so enveloped her, she brother is not. Cloud Dancing is living a life of
felt as if he had touched the very core of her being. uncertainty and perhaps even fear. But it's not
Like the hawks above them, their bodies soared because of anything you have done. On the
together as one spirit. contrary, you have moved heaven and earth to
help. Please don't think that you are undeserving. I
Michaela shivered in his arms, prompting Sully to know of no man who deserves to be happy more
drape his shirt across his wife. than you."

Tenderly he kissed her temple, "Ya okay?" "I'm afraid, Michaela," he said as his voice quaked.

"Oh, Sully," she threw her arms around him. "I "Miss Grace," Katie squashed the ground meat
know you are." between her fingers. "What ya put in the meat t'
make it loaf?"
Tears trickled down the sides of his face, "I can't
shake the feelin that Cloud Dancin's in terrible "Now, that's a secret," Grace began tossing in some
trouble." spices.

She kissed each tear, "I wish that I could go with "Ya sure cook good," the little girl grinned.
"Well, thank ya very much," the cafe owner's eyes
He reached for his belt, and withdrew his knife glistened. "An' you're a good helper."
from its encasement.
"Ka-tee," Josef tugged at his sister's hem as she
"What are you doing?" she was surprised. stood atop a chair.

************ "No, Joey," she shook her head. "Ya can't help."
Chapter 2
************ "Pwease?" he tapped her foot.

"Why have you drawn your knife, Sully?" Michaela "Miss Grace," Katie turned to her godmother. "Can
repeated. Joey help?"

"I was wonderin' if I could take a lock of your hair?" "Robert E was s'posed t' be watchin' him," she
he requested shyly. wiped her hands, then lifted the little boy.

"Of course," she pulled her long tresses around A broad grin crossed his face now that he could
from her back for him. more clearly view the proceedings, "Pokle?"

Sully cut off a snippet, then loosened his medicine "I'll get ya a pickle," Grace carried him to a jar. "Just
pouch and placed it inside. Snugly securing the a little bite, though."
ends again, he returned his knife to its sheath.
With the tasty cucumber in his mouth, the child
"Thank you," he tenderly gazed at her. was now content.

"Is there some significance in the Cheyenne "Robert E!" Grace called to her husband. "Where
culture?" she was curious. are ya? Ya were s'posed t' watch this child."

"No," he smiled. "Just significant t' me. Now, I can Out of breath, he approached, "I was watchin' him,
carry part o' you with me." woman. He got a way."

"I see," she slipped her arms about his waist. "Well, ya gotta be more careful," she charged.
"Think we might return to town now? I'm missing a
couple of little ones." "Miss Grace," Katie summoned her. "My hands are
gettin' tired."
"Me, too," he kissed her again. "Let's go."
"All right then," Grace handed Josef to Robert E.
************ "Let's get ya cleaned up, 'fore your Ma and Pa see
ya like this."

While Grace washed Katie, Robert E lifted Josef "Just helpin' make some meatloaf," Robert E
high into the air and swung him around. Upon this patted his back. "Oh, by the way. Horace brung ya
scene, Horace arrived. this telegram."

"Have ya seen Sully?" the telegraph operator asked "Thanks," Sully opened it.
"What is it?" Michaela came to his side.
"Due back soon," Robert E cradled the giggling little
boy in his arms. "Up, Papa," Josef requested.

"Gosh," Horace smiled at the child. "Don't he look "Not now, Joe," he read.
more an' more like his Pa?"
"Sully?" she became alarmed at his expression.
"Sure does," the blacksmith held up Josef. "If
there's a telegram, I can give it t' him." Suddenly Sully sank to his knees, dropping the
"Thanks," Horace handed the paper to him. "I gotta
get back t' the Depot." "Robert E," Michaela handed Josef to his
Josef reached for the paper.
Kneeling beside her husband, she placed her hand
"Nope," Robert E cautioned. "That's for your Pa." on his shoulder for support. She picked up the
telegram and read.
"Papa?" the little boy looked up hopefully.
"Oh, my God," tears welled in her eyes. Then she
"Right here, big boy," Sully's voice stirred the child. tried to assure Sully, "We don't know if Cloud
Dancing was there."
"Papa!" Josef reached for his father.
He stood up and headed off toward the meadow.
Sully kissed his cheek, "Hope he was good for ya." Michaela took a step toward him, then pulled back,
recognizing that he would prefer solitude at this
"Only got away from me once," Robert E grinned. moment.

"Mama!" the toddler spotted Michaela. "What's wrong, Dr. Mike?" Robert E asked.

Lifting him into her arms, she pulled back the hair "There's been a battle at Little Big Horn," her voice
from his eyes and kissed him, "How are you, my quivered. "An Indian village attacked by the Army.
darling?" Scores are dead."

Josef nodded, "Good." "Mama!" Josef reached for his mother, noticing her
"Where's Katie?" Sully searched.
Robert E did not know what to say as Michaela
"Grace is gettin' her cleaned up," the blacksmith took her son.
Their silence was broken by Katie's call, "Mama!"
"Did she get int' somethin'?" Sully chuckled.

With Josef in her arms, she leaned down to greet Suddenly it occurred to the reverend, "Isn't that
the little girl. where Cloud Dancing went?"

"Where's Poppy?" she wondered. "He was with one o' the tribes ridin' with Sittin'
Bull," Sully noted. "Might've been there."
"He's in the meadow," she replied. "He'll join us
soon." "I see," he lowered his head.

"Anythin' I can do, Dr. Mike?" Robert E offered. "If ya don't mind, Reverend," Sully said. "I'd like t'
be alone right now."
"Could you watch the children for a little while
longer?" she requested. "I want to go tell Dorothy. "Certainly," he set the tip of his cane to the ground.
Then.... Sully will need me soon." "I'll keep him in my prayers."

************ Watching the minister leave, Sully again sank to the

ground and found his tears came quite easily.
"Who's there?" the Reverend heard footsteps as he
prayed at the cemetery. ************

There was no response. "Dorothy," Michaela entered the Gazette office.

"Is there something I can do for you?" the minister "Back here!" her friend called from the back room.
offered to the person standing nearby. Then upon entering her front office she smiled.
"What brings ya here, Michaela?"
"It's me, Reverend," came the reply. "Sully."
"There has been some news from Montana," she
"I didn't mean t' disturb you," the blind man broached the subject.
backed away. "If you prefer to be alone with Abigail
and Hannah." "From Cloud Dancin'?" Dorothy's heart leapt.

"No," Sully touched his arm. "I just come here t' "No," Michaela searched for the right words. "Sully
think." received a telegram. There has been a battle at an
Indian encampment at Little Big Horn. Hundreds
"You sound as if something is troubling you," he were killed, including Custer."
Dorothy covered her mouth and sat down.
"Somethin' bad happened," Sully's voice cracked.
"That's all we know," Michaela concluded.
"What is it?" he was genuinely concerned.
The redhead sprang into action, "I'm gonna get
"Massacre at Little Big Horn in Montana," the over t' the Depot an' start wirin' other papers. See
mountain man informed him. "June 25th. Custer what I can find out."
attacked an Indian village."
"Let us know if you learn any more," Michaela
"Oh, no," the minister shook his head. called after her.

Sully stated, "I need t' find out more." ************

Michaela tentatively approached her husband, his "No, Sweetheart," Michaela returned the note to
back to her. He tilted his head in recognition of her its envelope.
scent. She sat down beside him on the edge of the
cemetery and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Poppy?" Katie tapped her father's arm. "Why ya
sqeeezin' so tight?"
"Dorothy is sending out telegrams to try to learn
more," she told him. "I'm sorry," he loosened his grip on her. "I just
don't wanna let go, I guess."
"I'm leavin' first light t'morrow," he said.
"Don't worry 'bout me," the little girl smiled. "I not
"I'll come with you," she vowed. gonna go 'way from home."

"No, Michaela," he turned to face her for the first "Ya may change your mind one day, Kates," he
time. "I don't want ya t' see that." kissed her cheek.

"But there will be wounded," she reasoned. "Papa," Josef pointed to a flying bug near the lamp.

"The Army'll have people treatin' the wounded," he "That's a moth, Joe," Sully lifted him a bit higher.
countered. "They like the light."

"Not for the Indians," she knew. "Don't they get burned?" Katie figured.

He took a deep breath, "After what happened the "If they get too close t' the flame," Sully nodded.
last time you an' me went up there, I... I don't want
ya comin'. That's final." "Not s'posed t' get close t' fire," she recalled
repeated warnings from her parents.
In anger, Sully stood up and began to walk toward
town. Then he stopped and paused. Pivoting "That's right," Michaela smiled.
around to face his wife he returned to her and
offered his hand to help her up. Michaela accepted "Sometimes the fire can't be avoided," Sully spoke
and rose from the ground. Silently, he continued to with a deeper meaning.
hold her hand, then led her toward the bridge
connecting to the main street. "Then what ya do, Poppy?" Katie was curious.

************ "Sully...." Michaela feared his words might frighten

"The boys will be back from Philadelphia at the end
of the week," Michaela finished reading a letter "Don't worry, sweet girl," he pulled her close again.
from them. "I'll protect ya."

"How's Colleen?" Sully leaned back against a porch She hugged him, "You the best father in the
post, his children on his lap. world!"

"Her grades are top of the class," Michaela Josef reached up, "Bes."
The lump in Sully's throat made it difficult to
"Colleen comin' home?" Katie hoped. swallow. He looked at Michaela and caught sight of
a moistness on her cheek.

"I'll tell 'em about leavin' in the mornin'," he kissed "I don't care if they permit it or not," his words
each little forehead tenderly. were bitter.

************ She held back expressing her fears. He noted the

Chapter 3 sudden tenseness in her body.
"I ain't gonna do anythin' t' get myself int' trouble,"
Dorothy had fallen asleep in a chair near her he assured her. "But I gotta find out what
printing press. Sounds from the Gold Nugget had happened."
ebbed for the night, and a calm had fallen over
Colorado Springs. At first, she did not hear the faint "I know," she was barely audible. "Sully, what if you
tapping at the window abutting the alleyway next don't find him?"
to Michaela's Clinic.
"I'll find him," he vowed.
It came again, this time louder. She woke with a
start. Who could it be? She pulled up a few stray "But what if nothing... remains?" she feared.
strands of her red locks and looked for something
to use as a weapon. Nearby was a block of wood "I'll find someone who can tell me," he did not
which she sometimes used to hold open the consider the difficulty.
window. Then she went to investigate.
"I.... I should go with you," she pleaded.
"We been through that already," he tensed. "I
"Can't sleep?" Michaela stirred and sat up. don't want ya t' see what might be out there. I
don't wanna have t' worry about ya."
Sully was standing before an open window in their
bedroom, surveying the landscape. She held her counsel, knowing it was no use
arguing with him. She preferred to hold him.
He did not turn around, "Go on back t' sleep. I'm
fine." ************

She rose from the bed and went to him, "I wish I Dorothy reached the window and tentatively
knew what I could say or do that could take away glanced out. Then she saw him lying on the ground.
your anguish." It was Cloud Dancing! With all of the speed she
could muster, she burst through the door and ran
He smiled slightly and put his arm around her, "Just to him. He was unconscious, bleeding from his side
you bein' here for me helps, Michaela." and face, but still alive.

She leaned her head against his chest, "I don't She knew she had to summon help quickly. Swiftly,
know why this happened, Sully." she raced to the home of Robert E and Grace.
Pounding on their door, she finally saw a lamp
"Custer prob'ly ran head first int' it," he tenderly light.
touched his lips to the top of her head.
"Dorothy?" Robert E wiped the sleep from his eyes.
"Do you think the Army will permit you access to "What's wrong?"
the battle site to search for...." she could not finish
the thought.

"Robert E," she kept her voice low. "It's Cloud "But each time you looked at me, touched me...."
Dancin'. He's here in town, at the Gazette, but he's she hesitated. "It was as if you reached into my
hurt bad. Do ya think ya could ride out t' fetch soul. I still feel that."
Michaela an' Sully?"
"Me, too," he nodded. "I never met anyone in my
"Sure," he became more alert. "I'll get Grace so's life more beautiful an' carin' than you. Once I knew
she can watch the children." I loved ya, I never dreamed we could share a life
"Thank you," she brushed back a tear. "He's in the
alleyway between the office an' Clinic." She was silent.

"I'll get him inside the Gazette 'fore I leave," he Sully felt a drop of moisture on his chest and knew
reentered his house to waken his wife. that his wife was crying. It broke his heart. He
hated to see Michaela cry. There had been times in
************ their lives when he had to force himself to let her
alone to work out her troubles through tears,
Michaela touched her husband's cheek, "I wish that especially after the Washita Massacre.
you could get some sleep before you leave."
Now there had been another. Another attack on
"Don't know if I can," he sighed. his Cheyenne brothers. Another government lie
and violation of treaties. He wondered if the
"Then at least lie down," she tugged gently at his history books would ever tell the truth about what
side. "For me?" had happened. He wondered, too, if his children
would even remember the Indians. Fighting back
"All right," he agreed. his own tears, his breathing quickened in anger.

They climbed back into bed and settled into one "Shhh," Michaela placed her hand over his heart.
another's arms. "We're here. Safe in our world for the moment."

"When I'm with ya like this, I don't ever wanna He pulled her hand to his lips, "I love you,
leave," he warmed at the nearness of her. Michaela."

"It's our own little world," she said. "Only you and I She lifted her head to gaze into his captivating
know what it's like here." eyes, "I love you, too."

"I like that," he grinned. "Just you an' me." They kissed sweetly.

"It's hard to believe how far we've come, Sully," "I was thinking," she pondered. "It might be better
she became philosophical. "When I think about the for me to stay in town with the children while
different worlds we came from, to have found one you're away. Until Brian and Matthew return from
another and to love like this.... well, it's incredible." Philadelphia, I'd prefer to stay at the Clinic."

"I remember how we both fought our feelin's," he "That's a good idea," he nodded. "I'm sure Robert E
linked her fingers in his. can take care o' the animals here."

"And I'll read," she turned up the corner of her


"Read?" he tilted his head. find some happiness and love in this world of
hatred and bigotry.
"I'll read to help pass the lonely nights," she
replied. She herself had been so ignorant and bigoted when
it came to the Cheyenne, and then she had written
"What ya gonna read?" he played along. the book about them. Cloud Dancing's book really.
She had merely been the one to chronicle the
"Perhaps some of your poetry books," she smiled. story. How she admired this proud man. How she
feared for his safety since the moment she gave
Pulling her nearer, he recited: her heart to him.

"If I could write the beauty of your eyes, When would Michaela arrive, she thought as she
And in fresh numbers all your graces, glanced toward her clock. Its ticking seemed to
The age to come would say, 'This poet lies; highlight the slow passage of time.
Such heavenly touches ne'er touched earthly
faces.'" ************

"Who was that?" she asked. Sully jumped when he heard the pounding on their
door. Robert E's voice called to them.
"Don't ya wanna guess?' he was surprised.
"Perhaps someone is sick," Michaela pulled on her
"Not tonight," she answered. robe. "Or it could be for Mrs. Blake. Her baby is due
any day."
"Shakespeare," he kissed her temple.
"I'll go check," he pulled on his buckskins and a
"I think I'll read some Shakespeare," she suggested. shirt.
"Romeo and Juliet might be nice."
Rushing past the nursery, he pulled the door shut
"I don't much care for the endin'," he teased. so the children would not be frightened by the
"I'll read up to the ending then," she retorted.
"Robert E? Grace?" Sully was surprised to see them
************ both. "What's wrong?"

Dorothy ministered to Cloud Dancing in her bed. Michaela reached the bottom step as their friends
She knew and trusted that Robert E would return entered the house, "Is it Mrs. Blake?"
soon with Michaela and Sully. But until they came,
she was uncertain of what to do. She covered the "No," Robert E stated. "It's Cloud Dancin'."
Cheyenne medicine man with several blankets and
gently cleaned the blood and mud from his face. "What about him?" Sully's heart nearly stopped.

She studied his face, tenderly stroking his cheek. "He's in town," the blacksmith said. "At the
His strong face, she smiled to herself.... his impish Gazette. Dorothy sent me t' fetch Dr. Mike an' you.
grin when he joked or teased with his droll sense of He's hurt real bad."
humor.... his brown eyes which gleamed when he
was happy. She hoped that she had helped him "I came t' watch the children," Grace added.

"I'll get dressed," Michaela returned up the steps. "Your heart?" she took his meaning literally. "Are
you injured there?"
"Robert E," Sully tapped his arm. "Could ya help me
saddle the horses?" He could not stay awake. Dorothy heard a
commotion and realized that Michaela and Sully
"Sure," he followed him out the door. had arrived. Robert E, too, came in to see if he
could offer help.
"Cloud Dancing!" Michaela rushed to his side.
"Dorothy," Cloud Dancing attempted to open his
eyes, one of which was swollen. Sully stood back at the doorway to the bedroom
for a moment, uncertain what he should do.
"I'm here," she clasped his hand. "Michaela's gonna
be here soon." Dorothy approached him, "Go to him."

"I...." a tear trickled down his cheek. "I don't know The mountain man sat down on the side of the bed
if I can hold on." and grasped his friend's hand. He began to speak in
Cheyenne as Michaela examined the wound to
"Just hold my hand," she grasped it more firmly. Cloud Dancing's side.
"I'll help ya."
"It appears to be from a bayonet," she assessed the
************ area. "It looks as if he tried to treat it himself."
Chapter 4
************ "How'd he get here?" Robert E wondered.

"I must tell you something before I die," Cloud "He spoke some, just before ya got here," Dorothy
Dancing struggled to remain conscious. informed them. "He was at the battle of Little Big
Horn. He... made his way here to say good-bye."
"No, please," Dorothy did not want accept his
words. "Ya can't die. Ya can't." "Good-bye?" Sully looked up.

"I have seen the death at Little Big Horn. Now I will "He says it's time for him to be with his people,"
be with my people," his breathing was labored. the redhead noted. "T' die."

"There's people here who need ya, Cloud Dancin'," "Michaela?" Sully hoped his friend was not
she caressed his face. "Sully, Michaela, their mortally wounded.
children.... Me. I need ya so much."
"I'll do what I can," she pulled out her stethoscope
"I have enjoyed our friendship very much," his from the medical bag. "I... I don't think we should
voice was fading. move him to the Clinic."

"Stay with me," she begged. "Michaela's gonna "I'll take care o' him," Dorothy assured her.
help ya get better."
Michaela began to make a list, "Sully, I need these
"She does not have medicine strong enough to heal from the Clinic."
my heart," the Cheyenne shook his head slightly.

When she completed it, he read over it, then "Your Ma an' Pa asked me t' stay here with ya for a
headed toward the door. spell," Grace replied.

"Sully," Robert E stopped him. "Do ya think the "Where are they?" a hint of fear entered her voice.
Army might come lookin' for him?"
"It's okay," Grace assured her. "They had t' go t'
"I don't know," he had not considered the town real early. They're fine."
possibility. "I reckon we better keep his presence
here a secret." "We cook somethin'?" Katie was satisfied that her
parents were all right.
"He's under the town's protection," Michaela
remembered their edict several years ago. "What would ya like?" Grace reached for some
"Now he's under my protection," Sully stated
firmly. "I won't let anythin' happen t' him." "Meatloaf?" Katie requested.

************ "For breakfast?" the cafe owner chuckled. "You an'

your brother got the strangest appetites I ever
Katie rubbed her eyes and rose from her bed. She saw."
stepped toward her brother's crib and saw that he
was still soundly sleeping. Reaching through the ************
railing posts, she pulled his blanket higher, then
decided to check to see if her parents were up. Michaela finished cleaning and dressing Cloud
Dancing's wounds. None were life threatening, but
She was pleased to see that the door to their she was concerned about his dehydrated and
bedroom was open and that she would not have to exhausted state.
knock. Entering the room, she was surprised to
discover that they were not there. Then she "It's imperative that we get him to drink water
noticed that their bed was unmade. Katie found it when he wakens," she spoke low to Sully and
very unusual. And the house was quiet. She Dorothy.
returned to her bedroom and pulled on some
slippers, then checked Josef again. "Will he be all right?" Dorothy's eyes reddened.

"Maybe Mama an' Poppy are downstairs kissin'," "I believe that his injuries will heal, but...." she
she smiled to herself. hesitated.

She giggled thinking about how they liked to do "But what?" Sully searched her face.
that when they didn't think she was watching.
Tentatively, she descended the steps. "His will to live seems to be gone," she looked
down. "What he saw, what he experienced must
"Miss Grace?" the little girl's eyes lit up. have been horrific."

"Mornin', child," Grace smiled. "Would it help t' get him t' talk about it?" Sully
"What ya doin' here?" Katie hugged her.

"It might," Michaela agreed. "He needs to know "Papa!" Josef's eyes lit up.
that we're here for him. That we care about him.
That he's safe." Sully knelt down and hugged them, "Ya okay?"

Sully's jaw tightened, "But he ain't safe." "Where's Mama?" the little girl could not contain
her curiosity.
"He's safer with us right now than he was at Little
Bighorn," Dorothy contributed. "She's takin' care o' Cloud Dancin'," he informed
Her little brow wrinkled, "He sick?"
"Robert E!" Katie saw his horse pulling up to the
homestead. Running to the door, she inquired as "'Fraid so," Sully's voice faltered.
soon as he opened it, "Ya see Mama an' Poppy?
"Where is he?" Katie sensed her father's upset.
"Sure did," he grinned. "They asked me t' bring ya
int' town." "Back there," he gestured over his shoulder.

"Good!" she hopped up and down. "We made "Can I see him?" the child asked innocently.
"I don't know, Kates," Sully said.
"How's Cloud Dancin'?" Grace pulled her husband
aside. "I think it would be a good idea," Michaela entered
the room.
"Not so good," he replied. "Dr. Mike's done all she
can, but...." "Mama!" both children ran to her.

"Shhh," she saw Katie approach. "Okay, now. Let's Michaela hugged them and smiled, "Were you
get this meatloaf ready t' take int' town." good for Grace?"

************ "Sorta," Katie hedged.

Michaela continued to monitor Cloud Dancing's "Sorta?" Sully raised an eyebrow.

condition throughout the day, but his spirit seemed
defeated. Along with Dorothy and Sully, she "Joey break a plate," she revealed.
languished over what they could do to in some way
restore his will to live. "Josef?" Michaela frowned at her son.

Grace had occupied the Sully children, but by He nodded shyly and placed his finger in his mouth.
dinnertime, having seen their parents only briefly
that morning, the little ones were anxious. Grace "Nothin' t' worry about," Grace smiled. "It was an
decided to take them to the Gazette. accident."

"Mama? Poppy?" Katie called from the office. The little girl requested, "We see Cloud Dancin'
Sully swiftly entered from the room in which Cloud
Dancing lay, "Shhh, Kates." Sully glanced at his wife. She nodded.

"Gotta talk real low, Kates," Sully took Katie's hand "Let's get over there, Brian," Matthew tapped his
and lifted his son. brother's arm. "Thanks, Horace."

Michaela turned to her friend, "Thank you, Grace." ************

"I best be gettin' back t' the Cafe, Dr. Mike," she Katie sat on the edge of the bed somewhat in awe
touched her arm. "If ya need anythin', holler." of her Cheyenne father. His eyes were closed.

"I will," Michaela replied. "Can he hear me, Mama?" she turned to Michaela.

Sully escorted his children into the back room, "I believe so," she encouraged.
silently hoping that the little ones would cheer the
spirits of the Cheyenne medicine man. Sully, with Josef in his arms, sat on the other edge
of the bed so that his son could watch.
"Cloud Dancin'," the little girl whispered. "It's me,
"Matthew! Brian!" Horace greeted the train from Katie. When ya gonna wake up?" She paused for a
Denver. "Didn't think you boys would be home 'til reaction, then continued. "I missed ya when ya
the end o' the week." went away. I like it when ya tell me stories."

Matthew glanced toward town, "We got word Katie turned to her mother as if to ask if she could
about what happened at Little Big Horn." continue. Michaela nodded.

"We wanted t' come home right away," Brian "Joey's here, too," she placed her little hand on the
contributed. "We were worried about the medicine man's arm. "He likes your stories, but he
Cheyenne." don't understand everythin'."

"Have folks here heard the news?" Matthew Josef, emboldened by the mention of his name,
wondered. crawled from his father's lap and sat next to Cloud
Dancing. Leaning over, the little boy kissed the
"Sully got a telegram yesterday," Horace nodded. Cheyenne's cheek.

"He must be real worried 'bout Cloud Dancin'," "Up!" Josef commanded. "Play."
Brian sensed.
At the doorway, Dorothy struggled to contain her
"I reckon so," the telegraph operator nodded. tears, then heard someone enter the Gazette.

"Wonderin' if he was at the battle," Matthew's Turning, she recognized the two visitors, "Brian!
eyes saddened. "Wonderin' if he was he hurt." Matthew!"

"I figure he was there," Horace speculated. Katie slipped from the bed and ran to greet her
brothers when they reached the entrance to the
"We best be gettin' home," Matthew lifted his sickroom. Hugs and kisses were exchanged among
luggage. the family, then the two young men turned their
attention to the scene before them.
"Saw your Ma an' Pa goin' int' the Gazette a while
ago," Horace pointed out. "What happened?" Matthew wondered.

"It's so terrible," Dorothy's eyes were red. "He was "That's a healthy love to have," he nodded.
at Little Big Horn. Did you boys hear what
happened?" "Think I could talk t' ya about it sometime?" Brian
"That's why we came home early," Matthew
nodded. "I would enjoy that," Kelly smiled.

"Can we do anythin' t' help, Ma?" Brian swallowed "Sure got a lot o' newspapers there," the young
hard. man pointed. "Could I help ya carry 'em?"

"Talk t' Cloud Dancin', Bran," Katie requested. "Joey "Thank you," he agreed. "I subscribe to several
an' me tried t' wake him up." papers from around the country."

In turn, both Brian and Matthew spoke softly to the "I see ya got one here from New York, one from St.
injured Cheyenne. And still, there was no response. Louis," Brian looked at the headings of the front
Finally, determining that they had done all that pages.
they could, Sully and Michaela decided to spend
the evening with their children at the Clinic. Brian "Indeed," he acknowledged.
and Matthew opted to stay at Matthew's law
office. All would be at Dorothy's call should there "They all got big stories 'bout the massacre at Little
be further developments with their friend. Big Horn," the young man noticed.

************ "I'm eager to read about it," the professor stated.

Chapter 5 "I was going over to Grace's Cafe. Would you like to
************ join me?"

"Mornin', Dr. Kelly," Horace greeted the gray- "I sure would," Brian grinned. "Thanks."
haired man. "Some newspapers come for ya."
"Thank you," he took the stack.
"No change," Michaela felt Cloud Dancing's pulse.
Brain heard the exchange and approached him,
"Are you a doctor?" "He moved very little during the night," Dorothy
informed her. "What can we do, Michaela?"
"Not a medical doctor," the twinkling eyes lit up.
"I'm a retired history professor." "I'm afraid I'm at a loss," she looked down.

"A history professor in Colorado Springs?" the Sully stepped closer, "His spirit has already gone t'
young man was pleased. be with his grandfathers."

"I taught at the University of Denver until a few "No!" Dorothy refused to listen. "As long as he's
weeks ago," he grinned. "I decided to settle here. still alive, we can't give up."
My name is Howard Kelly."
"I don't wanna give up, Dorothy," Sully's expression
Brian extended his hand, "I'm Brian Cooper. I love was pained.
history, Dr. Kelly."

"Sully," Michaela took her husband's hand. "Why "This is Dr. Kelly," he introduced the professor.
don't we go for a little walk? The children will be all
right with Grace for a bit longer." "Ya gonna help Cloud Dancin' get better?" Katie
He sighed, "Okay."
"Pardon me?" the older man was curious.
Dorothy sat down beside the Cheyenne medicine
man after they departed. She lifted his hand to her "She thinks you're a medical doctor," Brian
cheek and felt her tears begin anew. chuckled. "Katie, Dr. Kelly knows all about history."

************ "Ya do?" her eyes lit up. "What's history?"

Out of sight from the town, Michaela and Sully Grace returned with their refreshments, "Coffee
strolled along the bank of a stream. Finally, they for the professor, lemonade for Brian an' Katie...."
stopped and sat down. Neither had spoken since Then she glanced at the little boy on Brian's lap.
they left Cloud Dancing. "An' what ya think I brought you?"

Michaela reached out and lifted a lock of hair from "Pokle!" Josef reached up with his tiny hands.
her husband's face. He turned to look at her. His
was an expression of anguish. Without words, she "Right!" Grace grinned. "Anythin' else for ya?"
pulled him into her arms and kissed his temple.
Sully buried his face in her neck, no longer holding "No, thanks," Brian replied.
back his tears.
As Grace departed, the professor returned to
She had sensed his need to release his pain, and Katie's question, "History is the study of things that
she tenderly stroked his hair as his emotions burst happened in the past."
forth. Only alone with his wife, would Sully allow
himself to grieve for what had and might still "Why ya wanna study that?" the little girl was
happen. Finally, after several minutes, he regained fascinated.
his composure. She pulled a handkerchief from her
pocket and lovingly touched the moisture on his "Do you ever wonder what things were like before
cheeks. Then, cupping his face in her hands, she you were born?" he leaned closer. "Where your
gently kissed him. mother and father came from?"

************ "Yep," she nodded. "Mama an' Poppy tell me, too."

Katie and Josef saw Brian seated at a table at the "That's part of your family's history," Kelly took a
Cafe, and Grace brought them over to him. Brian sip of coffee. "I study the family history of our
pulled Josef onto his lap and helped Katie sit at one country.... of the world."
of the chairs. Grace took their orders, then left.
"That's a lot o' people," her brown eyes shone with
"This is my little sister, Katie," Brian told the wonder.
professor. "An' this is my brother Josef."
"Pleased to meet you both," the academian
winked. Sully leaned back and rested his head in his wife's
lap, "When I didn't wanna go on livin', Cloud
Dancin' brought me back from the darkness."

She ran her fingers through his hair, "And I'm contain her excitement at his touch. Sully's
eternally grateful for that." caresses made her tingle with desire. Then
Michaela encouraged him onto his back. As she
He lifted up to look in her eyes, "The love of a opened his shirt and lightly kissed his chest, he
woman makes a man wanna live." leaned his head back and closed his eyes,
transported by her ministrations.
"Dorothy loves Cloud Dancing," she said.
Finally, she positioned herself along his form, eager
"He's closed his heart t' love now," Sully for their joining. With the enthusiasm that they
speculated. "He's seen somethin' so terrible...." both relished, they shared their love. Flesh against
flesh, they clung to one another, rhythmically
"Would a sweat lodge help?" Michaela wondered. taking and giving to the other.

"It might," he warmed to the idea. "Is he well With his beloved tucked against him, Sully stroked
enough t' travel?" her back and whispered:

"I believe so," she answered. "We would not have "Now folds the lily all her sweetness up,
to take him far." And slips into the bosom of the lake.
So fold thyself, my dearest, thou,
"Later t'day be okay?" Sully inquired. And slip into my bosom and be lost in me."

"Yes," she nodded. "I am lost in you," she confessed. "Hopelessly,

totally, unconditionally."
He closed his eyes and leaned back again, only to
be roused by his wife's lips on his. He continued He kissed her again, "Don't know what I'd ever do
their kiss as he sat up and guided her back against without you, Michaela."
the soft leaves. Initially, their contact was light and
soft. Then, as their bodies began to react to the "Nor I without you," she murmured. "Was that
nearness of one another, they became more from Shakespeare?"
urgent and hungry.
"Tennyson," he kissed her again.
"Sully," she broke it off breathlessly. "Out here?"
"You started it," he teased.
From her seat at the Cafe, Katie spotted her
"I did?" she turned up the corner of her mouth in a parent's arrival, "Mama!" Lifted into her mother's
grin. embrace, the child queried, "Why ya got leaves in
your hair?"
"Ya kissed me," he ran his finger along her chin.
Michaela blushed, "Oh... ah, your father and I took
"And that....." she stopped when he spoke. a little walk and... uh."

"I love you, Michaela," his eyes burned with need. "You know how it is in the woods, Kates," Sully
kissed his daughter's cheek. "There's leaves an'
"I love you, too," she could not resist him. branches, an...."

Slowly, he undid the buttons of her blouse and "Ya kissin'?" Katie whispered in her mother's ear.
trailed kisses across her chest. Michaela could not

"Katie!" Michaela became embarrassed. "Only by reputation," Kelly smiled. "A man of great
"Ma, Pa," Brian beckoned.
"Thank you," she was moved. "You must join us for
They approached their sons. Josef reached up to dinner some time."
greet his parents and ended up tucked in his
father's embrace. "It would be my pleasure," he nodded. "If you'll
excuse me now, I'm feeling a bit tired. It's time for
"I want ya t' meet Dr. Howard Kelly," Brian said. my nap."
"He's a retired professor o' history from Denver.
This here's my Ma, Dr. Michaela Quinn an' my pa, Sully kissed his son's cheek, "Same for these two."
Byron Sully."
As the older man left them, Brian pointed out, "He
"It's a pleasure, sir," Michaela extended her hand. gets newspapers from all over the country. That
stack he's carryin' has stories about Little Big
"Your son has been telling me about you," the Horn."
professor smiled. "He speaks with great admiration
of you both." Suddenly they were brought back to the reality of
their friend's health.
"What brings ya t' Colorado Springs?" Sully shook
his hand. "Brian," Michaela said. "I want to hear all about
your trip to Philadelphia and your visit with Colleen
"The beauty of these surroundings," he took a deep as soon as possible, but first Sully and I need to
breath. "I've decided to make this my home. I help Cloud Dancing."
bought the Murdoch place."
"We're gonna try a sweat lodge," Sully touched
"I discern a Boston accent," Michaela noted. Brain's back. "Think you an' Matthew could watch
the children while we take Cloud Dancin' there?"
"I discern the same of you, Madam," he smiled. "I
taught for a number of years at Harvard." "Sure," the young man agreed.

"I'm originally from Boston," Michaela "Let's get him ready then," Sully escorted his family
acknowledged. "I practiced medicine there with my toward the Gazette. "Dorothy should come with
father until his death." us."

"Quinn," he rubbed his chin. "You go by your "I agree," Michaela said.
maiden name?"
"Yes," she stated. Chapter 6
"Was your father, by chance, Dr. Josef Quinn?" he
speculated. Sully spent most of the afternoon preparing the
sweat lodge. They wrapped Cloud Dancing in
Michaela's eyes lit up, "Why, yes. Did you know blankets to hide his identity. Then, with Robert E's
him?" assistance, he carried the medicine man to the
wagon through the rear door of the Clinic. Dorothy

sat in the back of the buckboard with him, and "You're lookin' at the enforcer," Hank tapped the
Michaela joined her husband on the seat. gun strapped to his hip.

They arrived at the site Sully had chosen. He "I'm the mayor," Jake spoke up. "What's goin' on?"
explained to Dorothy what would happen in the
ceremony. Clad in only blankets, they sat in the "We got orders t' round up any Indians in the
steaming heat of the lodge. Sully chanted and territory an' take 'em t' one o' the reservations,"
sprinkled herbs on the fire. Each took a turn the military man replied.
conveying to Cloud Dancing what he meant to
them. Then, they waited. "Ain't no Indians here," Matthew spoke up.

Finally, the medicine man opened his eyes, "My The soldier studied the faces around him, "If
friends." anyone's hidin' Indians or withholdin' information, I
got orders t' place 'em under arrest."
Michaela immediately urged him to drink some
water before talking. His lips parched, his vision "What if the Injun has papers allowin' him t' be
blurred, and his side aching, he managed to comply here?" Jake wondered.
with her wishes.
"General Sheridan has issued my orders," the man
"Good t' see ya," Sully touched his friend's arm. responded. "Those orders say all Indians."

"It is good to see all of you," his voice was weak. There was silence.
"The Spirits have heard your prayers. They have
told me I must return." "We'll be makin' camp in that field for the night,"
the soldier gestured toward the meadow by the
"Return?" Michaela was uncertain of his meaning. church. "Anyone who wants t' turn in a red man
can see us there."
"Return to you," the medicine man said. "I am to
tell the truth of what happened." The soldiers turned and retreated across the
"The first thing ya have t' do is get well," Dorothy
felt a tear on her cheek. "Anyone here see Cloud Dancin' lately?" Hank
"This I shall do," Cloud Dancing nodded. "Then I will
tell of the story of Little Big Horn." Those who knew that the medicine man had
returned held their silence.
"Better not be holdin' back," the bartender
In a cloud of dust, a troop of Army cavalry arrived cautioned. "Ain't worth goin' t' jail t' protect him."
in Colorado Springs. Most of the townsfolk
gathered in the street, curious about their arrival. ************
One of the soldiers dismounted and approached
Hank. "Matthew," Robert E pulled the young man aside.
"Ya know where Sully took him?"
"Do you have a sheriff or law enforcement officer
here?" the young man asked. "I do," he answered.

The blacksmith kept his voice low, "Better get out "And you, my friend," he replied.
there an' warn 'em not t' bring Cloud Dancin' back
t' town." "Is something wrong with one of the children?"
Michaela wondered why her son had come.
Unseen by them, Hank had been watching their
exchange. When he saw Matthew mount his horse "No, it's the Army," Matthew informed them.
and take off, he decided to follow. "They're camped in town, lookin' t' round up
Indians. Said they'll arrest anyone they catch hidin'
************ 'em."

"We gonna stay at the Clinic again t'night?" Katie "Then we gotta....." Sully suddenly stopped, having
asked her brother. heard another horse approach. "Quick, Dorothy,
Cloud Dancin', under there."
"I'm not sure," Brian rocked Josef in the chair.
"Have t' see what Ma an' Pa say." Swiftly, the duo was hidden beneath a buffalo hide.

"Bran, can ya tell me 'bout history?" the child sat at "Sully, what are we...." Michaela fell silent when
her table. her husband raised his finger to his lips.

"Like what?" he chuckled. "I'll see who it is," Matthew exited.

She shrugged, "I don't know. Tell me history story." "What ya doin' out here, Matthew?" Hank asked.

"Well," he pondered her request. "Long time ago, "Come t' see Ma an' Sully," he responded.
far away across the ocean there was an empire
ruled by the Romans." Hank dismounted, "What the hell's goin' on?"

"They lost?" she innocently asked. Matthew tried to remain calm, "Don't know what
ya mean."
"Why'd ya ask that?" he was puzzled.
"In there," Hank pointed to the sweat lodge. "Ya
"Ya said they were roamin'," she replied. hidin' someone?"

"No," he laughed. "Their capital was in Rome, an' Sully slipped out through the opening of the lodge,
they were called Romans." "What brings ya out here, Hank?"

************ "I followed Matthew," the bartender replied,

suspicious at the sight of Sully with only with a
"Sully!" Matthew's voice could be heard outside blanket around his waist. "Why ya half dressed?
the sweat lodge. What kinda Injun games ya playin' in there?"

The mountain man rose and looked out through "No Indian games," Sully answered.
the opening, "Come on in."
"Yea?" Hank approached the opening. "I'll be the
The young man dismounted and was pleased to judge of that."
see their Cheyenne friend had regained
consciousness, "Cloud Dancin', it's good t' see ya." When he stuck his head inside, he saw Michaela,
clad only in a blanket.

Ogling her, a grin appeared on Hank's face, "Well, it's dark, Michaela can bring the buckboard back
well. What have we here?" for Cloud Dancin', Matthew an' me."

"Hank," Michaela nervously pulled her blanket "Where can we take Cloud Dancing?" Michaela was
higher. uncertain.

Sully quickly led him to a conclusion, "Can't a man "The homestead," Matthew responded. "It ain't
an' his wife have a little privacy?" safe in town."

"Sure," Hank tilted his head. "Ain't this cozy." "That could be dangerous if someone gets wind o'
it," Sully shook his head.
"Yep," Sully patted his back. "Now, if you'll excuse
us. Michaela an' me got.... business t' attend to." "The cave," Michaela offered. "Where you hid from
the Army, Sully."
"Why'd Matthew interrupt ya?" Hank was still
curious. "Do ya mind, Cloud Dancin'?" he turned to his
The young man had now concluded that Hank had
seen him speaking with Robert E before riding out "I am not in a position to complain," the Cheyenne
to his parents, "Robert E told me he an' Grace smiled faintly. "The cave will be good."
couldn't watch the children t'night. I just wanted t'
let 'em know." "We gotta be careful t' make sure we ain't followed
comin' an' goin' from town," Sully cautioned. "An'
"Uh, thank you, Matthew," Michaela was regaining the fewer people who know he's here, the better."
her composure. "We'll return to town shortly."
"I'll tell folks that I'm goin' t' Denver," Dorothy said.
"Yea, well...." Hank laughed. "I reckon I got a "That way, I can tend t' Cloud Dancin' at the cave."
business t' run. You two kids have fun."
"Okay, then," Sully nodded. "Better get goin'."
"Oh, we will," Sully grinned.
Hank was soon gone.
A man pulled up to the Gold Nugget, tired and
"Think he believes ya?" Matthew put his hands on dusty from riding all day. He slid from his horse and
his hips. looked around as dusk descended on the town. He
rubbed his throbbing leg, then stepped into the
Michaela was embarrassed, "I'm not sure I like saloon.
having him assume....."
"What can I get ya?" Hank spotted him at the bar.
Dorothy poked her head out from under the hide,
"Awful warm under here." "A bottle of your finest whiskey, and a glass," the
man replied.
"Sorry, Dorothy," Sully pulled back the cover.
"Michaela, I want ya t' get back t' town an' fetch "Look like ya been ridin' a spell," Hank observed his
the kids. Take 'em home. Dorothy, ya better take appearance.
Matthew's horse, an' get back t' town, too. When

With raven hair and eyes to match, the man in his ************
late thirties wiped his parched mouth, "Mine, and Chapter 7
most of our fortunes, tonight, shall be drunk to ************
Sully awoke from a dream and tried to calm
"Huh?" Hank stopped pouring. himself. The images were so vivid. He glanced at
Michaela, then rose from the bed. Walking to the
"William Shakespeare," the stranger cited the basin, he splashed some water on his face to clear
author. his head. He had dreamed about Cloud Dancing in
the cave. The Army found out about him,
"You an' 'Will' need a room, too?" Hank joked. surrounded it, and opened fire. Wiping the water
from his face, he took a deep breath.
"Just I," the stranger replied.
"Sully?" Michaela heard him.
"Need some companionship?" Hank nodded
toward some of his prostitutes. "Just washin' my face," he spoke low. "Go back to
The man refilled his own glass, "'Company,
villainous company, hath been the spoil of me.'" She raised up on her elbow, "What time is it?"

"That Shakespeare, too?" Hank was catching on. "After midnight," he replied as he climbed back
into bed.
"Indeed," the dark eyes of the stranger gleamed.
She spooned herself against his warm body, "Cloud
"Ever speak for yourself?" the bartender joked. Dancing is going to be fine, Sully."

"The Bard's eloquence is difficult to surpass," he "Physically, I believe that," he rubbed her arm. "I
replied. ain't so sure about his state of mind."

"My name's Hank Lawson," the saloon keeper "We'll go to him tomorrow," she kissed his hand.
stated. "Need t' know your name for my hotel "He needs to talk about what happened."
"Maybe I should've stayed with him in the cave,"
"St. Helen," the man replied. "John St. Helen." Sully had second thoughts.

"Dollar a night," Hank informed him. "More if ya "Matthew's with him," she reminded him. "He
want one o' my girls." wants you to be careful with the Army in town.
They may be watching you."
Taking his bottle and glass, "Tonight, I wish to
sleep. 'To sleep, perchance to dream.'" "I know," he sighed.

"That you or Shakespeare talkin'?" Hank stepped She changed the subject, "I can only imagine what
out from behind the bar. "Come on, I'll show ya Hank must have thought about us in the sweat
your room." lodge."

He grinned, "Do you really care what he thinks?"

"Well, he's bound to tell others in town what he Dorothy told him, "The Army's camped out in the
saw," she thought. meadow by the church."

"So?" he kissed the tender skin behind her ear. "Any idea how long they intend t' stay?" Sully put
"Folks know what we feel for each other." away his weapon.

"We were hardly dressed!" she said. "No," she shook her head. "I told Loren I was goin'
t' Denver for a few days, so I can stay here now."
He ran his hand along her waist, "It was worth it t'
have him think we were bein' t'gether out there "Remember t' keep your horse hidden," Sully
rather than have him learn the truth." cautioned. "We'll supply ya with food."

"I know," she nodded. "All right," she brushed back a lock of her red
"Don't worry 'bout your reputation," he teased.
"It's safe with me." "I was thinkin'," Sully suggested. "Maybe you could
write that friend o' yours, Charles Stoddard, an' see
"I'm glad I'm in good hands," she smiled. if somethin' could be done t' protect Cloud
He pulled her closer, "Always."
"Marjorie's Uncle?" Dorothy said. "But he doesn't
************ work for Sheridan anymore."

"Brought ya breakfast," Sully entered the cave. "They're friends," Sully responded. "Nothin' t' lose
by tryin'."
"Thank you, my friend," Cloud Dancing sat up.
"You're right," she nodded. "I'll do it."
Michaela followed her husband, "I'm happy to see
you have an appetite." They entered the cave as Michaela concluded her
examination of their friend.
"I best be gettin' back t' town," Matthew donned
his hat. "I'll keep an eye on things." "Cloud Dancing," Michaela touched his arm. "Do
you want to talk about what happened to you?"
"Thank you, Matthew," Cloud Dancing smiled.
He was silent for several moments as his eyes
"You're welcome, he smiled. "Take care." welled up with tears. Michaela felt guilty for her
question until the medicine man finally spoke.
Michaela checked the Cheyenne medicine man's
injuries, "Your wound is healing nicely." "I am ready to tell what happened," he spoke
"Someone's comin'," Sully suddenly drew his
tomahawk. He rushed to the entrance and peeked ************
out. "It's Dorothy."
"Dr. Kelly!" Brian saw the professor at the Cafe.
Sully met her at the entrance and to insure that she
had not been followed. "Good morning, Brian," Kelly smiled.

"Did ya get a chance t' read those newspapers?" He paused. Sully put his hand on the medicine
the young man asked. man's back for encouragement.

"I did," he nodded. "Won't you join me?" Then Cloud Dancing went on, "The day of the
battle was sunny and hot. About forty of our
"Thanks," the young man sat down. warriors spotted Custer's men. They raced back to
the village to warn us. The people of the village
"What did ya find out?" Brian inquired. were spending the afternoon quietly. Women were
bathing in the river, children playing in the water.
"I thought you might glean much from this one," he Then came the alarm that soldiers were coming.
handed Brian a newspaper. We heard the shooting. I took the children to hide
in the bushes."
The young man read aloud, "The Bismarck Tribune.
Says here in the headlines: "Thank God you did," Dorothy clasped his hand.

Massacred. General Custer and 261 Men the Cloud Dancing went on, "From my vantage point, I
Victims. No officer or Man of 5 Companies Left. 3 could see the Army cross the river and form a
Days Desperate Fighting by Maj. Reno and the skirmish line. They began firing at the edge of our
Remainder of the Seventh. Full Details of the village. It seemed strange that there were so few of
Battle. List of Killed and Wounded. The Bismarck's them. Our warriors soon outnumbered them."
Special Correspondent Killed. Squaws Mutilate and
Rob the Dead. Victims Captured Alive. Tortured in "Why would such a small force attack a large
Most Fiendish Manner. What Will Congress Do village?" Michaela wondered.
About It? Shall This Be The Beginning of the End?"
"I believe that they were expecting
The professor began to fill in the background, reinforcements," the medicine man replied. Then
"Custer left the Rosebud on June 22 with twelve his face took on an expression of pain, "A Lakota
companies of the Seventh Cavalry and headed in bullet struck the head of Bloody Knife, one of the
the direction of Little Big Horn. On the evening of Army scouts, splattering his brains over the Army
the 24th, fresh trails were reported, and on the commander's face. The commander then ordered
morning of the 25th, an Indian village, twenty miles his troops to fall back to the grove of
above the mouth of the Little Horn was reported cottonwoods."
about three miles long and half a mile wide. It was
less than 15 miles away." "How terrible," Michaela's stomach become
"I moved the children to a different hiding place,
Cloud Dancing sipped some tea, then began his but then another attack came," Cloud Dancing said.
description, "On the night before the attack by "The sounds of the shooting multiplied. Women
Custer, Sitting Bull went to a ridge overlooking our and children were screaming. Old men were calling
camp. He made offerings to the Creator and prayed the warriors to fight. Young men were singing their
for his people in these words, 'Wakantanka, pity war songs. We heard the sounds of the battle
me. I offer you this peace-pipe. Wherever the sun, change from place to place. Then it seemed the
the moon, the earth, the four points of the wind, Army was in retreat with our warriors following
there you are always. Father, save us, I beg you. them, shooting, and beating them."
We want to live. Guard us against all misfortune.
Pity me.'" All were silent in the cave, riveted by the story.

************ "How'd ya know it was Tom Custer then?" Hank
rubbed his beard.
Two soldiers entered the Gold Nugget and
approached the bar. Matthew followed them in "He had a tattoo," Carpenter detailed. "The
and stood nearby drinking a cup of coffee as he goddess of liberty, a flag an' the initials T. W. C. "
"We buried him beside his brother George,"
"What can I get you fellers?" Hank smiled. Whitehorn nodded.

"Beers," The taller of them spoke up. "It weren't no burial, really," Carpenter shook his
head. "We just scraped dirt over the bodies from
"So, did ya find any Injuns?" the bartender poured. both sides. We weren't equipped t' bury all them
"No, but I lost some friends at Little Big Horn," the
other young man replied. "Why do you speak so ill of Custer... that he
deserved to die?" St. Helen was puzzled.
"That so?" Hank rubbed his chin. "I hear Custer got
it there." ************

"He deserved it," the taller of the two said bitterly. "Cloud Dancing," Michaela touched his arm. "This
can wait, if you prefer."
St. Helen came down the stairs and crossed to the
bar, "So wise, so young, they say, do never live "No," he resolved. "I must speak of what
long." happened. Our warriors swept after the Army,
causing a retreat toward the summit of a long, high
"Huh?" the tall soldier was clueless. ridge. I could see the legs of the men and the
horses tremble as they staggered onward. I do not
"Thinks he's Shakespeare," Hank pointed. know if it was from fatigue or from terror."

"What is your name, my good man?" St. Helen "Prob'ly both," Sully reached for his wife's hand.
"One of the warriors, Low Dog, called to his men,
The tall soldier replied, "Carpenter. This here's 'This is a good day to die; follow me,'" Cloud
Whitehorn." Dancing recalled. "At this, our men massed and
rushed at the Army."
"Carpenter and Whitehorn," St. Helen repeated the
names with dramatic flare. "Please continue with ************
your fascinating story of Custer and his men."
"Dr. Kelly," Brian was curious. "Why did Custer
Whitehorn picked up, "We was with Colonel attack such a large village?"
Gibbon. Got t' Little Big Horn on the 27th."
"That is a question that may be debated through
"Must have been a gory sight," Hank took a drink. the ages, Brian," the professor surmised. "When
Custer neared the village, he discovered that the
"I found Custer's brother, Tom," Carpenter said. Indians were moving in hot haste as if retreating.
"He'd been scalped, his abdomen cut open, an' his Custer pushed his command rapidly through. The
face so damaged, no one knew who he was." men had marched 78 miles in the previous 24

hours. Reno was ordered to take three companies like them boys under Reno's command. They was
of the 7th Cavalry and attack the village at its head, so glad t' see us. The Indians finally stopped the
while Custer with five companies went to the right attack an' deserted the village. Then we went t'
to commence a vigorous attack." look for Custer."

"It must have been a slaughter," Brian's eyes "Only one o' his men, a Crow scout lived t' tell what
widened. happened," Whitehorn informed the interested
crowd that had gathered. "All the rest o' Custer's
The professor continued, "Reno was almost men died. They had been surrounded on every side
instantly surrounded and within an hour had lost by Indians. Men an' horses lyin' everywhere. The
many men. He cut his way through to the river and bodies were stripped, except for a newspaper
gained a bluff 300 feet in height, where he correspondent. Most o' them had been mutilated,
entrenched and was soon joined by Captain like Tom Custer, but not George. No, sir. He'd been
Benteen with three companies. In the meantime, shot through the body an' head, but they left them
the Indians resumed the attack. They made long locks on him."
desperate charges and were repulsed by the Army
with great loss of life. But then the Indians gained The barroom was silent.
higher ground and with their superior weapons
were able to keep up a galling fire until nightfall." ************

************ "I'm so thankful you were spared," Dorothy wiped

Cloud Dancing's brow.
In the Gold Nugget, the soldiers continued to
drown their troubles in ale, as they poured out The medicine man went on with his account,
their hearts with the tragic story of Little Big Horn. "Scattered along the slope, Custer and his men
dismounted and tried to defend themselves by
"Custer disobeyed a written command from Terry," firing into our warriors. But one by one, his men
Whitehorn stated. "He was told t' wait until Gibbon were wiped out. His soldiers would dismount to
was in position upstream before he moved. As it fire their guns. They held onto their horses with
was, he put Reno smack dab in the middle of hell." one hand while they were shooting, but the horses
were so frightened, they pulled the men all around
"Reno's men were outnumbered ten t' one," and caused the shots to go up into the air."
Carpenter was beginning to slur. "They'd been
without water for 36 hours. One commander "How were you injured?" Michaela questioned.
decided to lead his men t' the river at all costs."
"One of our warriors began calling out that all of
Whitehorn added, "Even though the Indian the soldiers were dead," he swallowed hard. "I
sharpshooters were waitin', they got through and went to the battlefield to tend to the wounded
were able t' bring back water t' Reno's men." among our men. As I did, an injured soldier lifted
his bayonet and lunged for me."
"What about Custer?" Matthew held his silence no
more. "My God," Dorothy covered her mouth.

"It had been forty-eight hours of fighting for Reno's "One of our warriors grabbed the soldier and
men, with no word from Custer," Carpenter spit began to pound on him with his fists," Cloud
out the words. "General Terry an' our men under Dancing recounted. "The soldier lifted up in a rage
Gibbon arrived, an' I never did see grown men cry and tried to bite off his nose, but the warrior

knocked him over, shot him in the head, then in "No," she continued to wash, not looking up. "I
the heart." want to get these put away."

Sully glanced at his wife and saw tears streaming "Hey," he gently turned her to face him. "I think
down her face. He gently rubbed his thumb along the boys need t' talk about what they heard t'day,
the top of her hand. an' it wouldn't be good for Katie an' Josef t' hear.
I.... I ain't so sure it'd be good for you either."
Cloud Dancing was spent from his description, but
he was not finished, "The women went onto the "I'm fine.... really," she returned to the dishes.
battlefield and began to cut off the arms or legs of
the soldiers who were not yet dead." Sully recognized her habit of throwing herself into
busy work when she was upset, "Michaela."
Sully felt his wife's body tense.
"What!" her voice rose. Then her eyes welled up,
"What about Custer?" Dorothy had recalled with "I'm sorry, Sully. I didn't mean to...."
great disdain their encounters with him.
He could barely discern her next words as her voice
Cloud Dancing's jaw clenched, "Two Cheyenne quivered from crying. Sully encircled her in his arms
women found Custer. They pushed the point of an as she buried her face against his chest. Tenderly,
awl into each of his ears, into his head. They said he stroked the back of her head.
this was done to improve his hearing, as it seemed
he had not heard what our chiefs in the South had Then, finally composing herself, she looked up at
said when they smoked a peace pipe with him. him, "You might have been there, Sully. You could
They told him then that if ever afterward he should have been at Little Big Horn had you left when you
break that peace promise and should fight the originally...."
Cheyenne, the Everywhere Spirit surely would
cause him to be killed." Again her tears flowed.

All in the cave fell silent. "Mama?" Katie stood at the edge of the kitchen
Chapter 8 As quickly as she could, Michaela tried to calm
************ herself, "Yes, Sweetheart."

Dinner at the Sully homestead was a somber affair. "Why ya cryin'?" the little girl was frightened.
Other than the youngest children, each of them
had been touched that day by the graphic Sully wiped his wife's tears, "Mama heard some
descriptions of what had transpired at Little Big sad news t'day, sweet girl."
Horn. Sully sensed that Matthew and Brian needed
to talk about it, but he did not wish for Michaela to Katie approached and tentatively reached out to
again endure the horrific account. touch her mother's hand, "I sad, too."

"Michaela," Sully placed his hands on her shoulders Michaela lifted her up, "Why are you sad, Katie?"
as she began to wash the dishes. "Why don't ya go
on upstairs with the children? I'll clean up here." "I sad when you sad," the child answered.

Sully pulled both of them into his arms, "How 'bout He squirmed in his mother's arms, and she
you two take Josef up an' get him ready for bed?" carefully put him down to go with his sister.
Michaela turned again to Sully and with her
"I help ya, Mama," Katie touched her mother's expression, told of her love for him.
moist cheek.
"I'll be up in a little bit," he kissed her.
"I love you, Katie," Michaela kissed her. "I love you
so much." Michaela bid good night to her older sons and took
the two younger children upstairs. Sully
The little girl hugged her, "I love you, too. Let's put approached Matthew and Brian, each of whom sat
Joey t' bed." in a wing back chair.

Sully nodded in agreement, and Michaela "Here, Pa," Brian began to stand. "You can sit
acquiesced. here."

"Josef," she called out for her son. "No," Sully plopped before the fireplace and folded
his legs. "I'm comfortable here."
They heard the scurry of his little footsteps. Then
he appeared at the same spot by the fireplace that "What did Cloud Dancin' tell ya about Little Big
his sister had vacated. Wolf was by his side. Horn, Sully?" Matthew broached the subject.

"Time for bed, big boy," Sully leaned over. As he began to describe the events as seen through
the eyes of the Cheyenne medicine man, Brian and
"No!" Josef giggled and ran from the room. Matthew contributed what they had heard from
the newspaper accounts and from the soldiers who
Michaela set her daughter down, "Josef Michael had come upon the scene. The differing viewpoints
Sully." disturbed them.

Josef stopped dead in his tracks when his mother "Which version do ya think the history books will
used that tone. He pivoted around and contritely write about?" Brian put the question to them.
approached Michaela.
"Which do you think?" Sully's response was almost
"Bedtime, young man," she calmly stated. sarcastic.

"Play?" he countered. "It ain't fair, Pa," Brian shifted in the chair.
"History's only gonna call Custer a hero who died
"No," she shook her head and extended her arms. servin' his country."

The little boy rushed to her and as she lifted him "Too bad there's no one t' tell the story in the
up, he hugged her. Michaela tenderly touched his language of the heart," Sully turned to stoke the
head to her cheek. fire.

"Oh, Sully, we're so lucky," her voice choked. "Language of the heart?" Brian was puzzled.

"I know," his eyes were watering. "The language of someone who was there and felt
the pain of watchin' his people be destroyed," Sully
"Come on, Joey," Katie tugged at her brother's leg. clarified.
"We say 'night t' Bran an' Mattew."

"Maybe there is someone," Matthew offered. "Your Daddy's right," Michaela smiled. "I'm sad
because.... sometimes things happen that hurt
"Who?" Brian wondered. people."

"Miss Dorothy," the older brother responded. "Like when I fall tryin' t' get on Flash?" she
"She's already a published author. She could write remembered her injury.
a book about Cloud Dancin's version. Maybe even
interview other Indians." Michaela tenderly brushed her hand across her
daughter's cheek, "Yes, something like that."
"Who's gonna read it?" Sully turned to look him in
the eye. "Maybe if ya talk t' Poppy, it'll help you, too," Katie
"Maybe not many people right now," Brian
considered it. "But someday, folks might want "I think you're right," the mother lifted her sleeping
more than one version o' the story. Dr. Kelly says son.
that primary sources are real valuable in the study
o' history." With loving care, she placed the baby in his crib,
and stroked his auburn curls.
"Primary sources?" Sully tilted his head.
Then she returned to her daughter, "Say your
"Eyewitness accounts," Brian clarified. "Miss prayers now."
Dorothy's book could be like that, tellin' future
generations the Indian's version o' the story." Katie obeyed, adding at the end a request, "Please
help my Mama an' all the people t' not be sad."
"260 fallen men of the Seventh Cavalry an' George
Armstrong Custer," Sully clenched his fist. "That's "Thank you, Sweetheart," Michaela kissed her.
all history will wanna remember. No one will
bother t' count the Indians they killed." Katie raised her finger for an added comment, "An'
God, please make Joey stop eatin' so many
"From what I hear, Custer disobeyed orders," pickles."
Matthew said. "Don't sound like he'll be a martyr t'
me." Michaela covered her mouth to prevent her
daughter from seeing her smile.
"I wouldn't put it past the government t'
conveniently forget those orders," Sully stated. ************
"Just like they forgot all the treaties they ever
signed." "Loren, Jake," Hank motioned toward St. Helen.
"See that feller?"
Jake sipped a sarsaparilla at the bar, "Yea, what
"Mama," Katie rubbed her mother's hand as she lay about him?"
in bed.
"Thinks he's Shakespeare," Hank blew a ring of
Michaela cradled her sleeping son, "Yes?" smoke from his cigar.

"Tell me why ya sad," the little girl requested. "Shakespeare, the writer?" Loren chuckled.
"Poppy say it helps t' talk."

"No, Shakespeare the cowboy," Hank rolled his "Sully's buildin' it," Loren corrected.
eyes. "Whatever ya say, he's got some line from
Shakespeare spewin' forth outa his mouth." "Anyway, maybe I could use your services," the
barber suggested. "Ya gonna be in town very
"Let's see," Jake wanted a good laugh. "Call him long?"
"Of that, I am uncertain," St. Helen replied.
"Hey, St. Helen!" the bartender summoned. "Got a
couple o' fellers I want ya t' meet." ************

"Oh?" the dark haired man approached with an "Cloud Dancin'," Dorothy encouraged him to drink
empty glass. some water. "I was thinkin'. I'd like t' write a book
about what happened. I'd like t' tell the story of
"Here," Hank poured. "Let me freshen that up. This individuals who witnessed the battle."
here's our mayor, Jake Slicker, an' this is one of our
leadin' businessmen, Loren Bray." "I can tell you their stories," he was appreciative. "I
spoke to many after the battle."
"Gentlemen," St. Helen bowed.
"Let's do a few at a time, so we don't tire ya out,"
"Say somethin' to 'em," Hank said. she recommended. "Ya need lots o' rest, too."

"Pardon me?" the man's eyes were dark as coal. "There is one story I will tell you tonight before I
sleep," he grasped her hand.
"Somethin' from Shakespeare," the saloon keeper
chuckled. Dorothy braced herself for what was to come, "I'm
"A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!" St.
Helen spoke with impeccable elocution. "There are so many voices," he began. "So many
cries of sorrow and of war. Riding next to One Bull,
"Robert E's got horses," Loren took him literally. there was a warrior, Good Bear Boy, who was
injured. One Bull tied a lariat around him and
"Sir," the man shook his head. "That was Richard dragged him out of harm's way. When he tried to
III, Act 5, Scene 4." secure Good Bear Boy to his horse, the pony was
hit. One Bull walked them both to the rear and
"Sounded more like a want ad in the Gazette," became covered with the blood of the warrior and
Loren turned away. the horse. Then he heard a scraping sound."

"Ya look familiar t' me," Jake scratched his head. He paused, and for a moment Dorothy thought he
"We ever meet before?" had drifted off. She raised his hand to kiss it, then
reached for her tablet and pencil. She began to
"It is highly unlikely, sir," St. Helen replied. write down what he had said.

"Hum," Jake was puzzled. "What ya do for a livin'?" "I am not finished," he saw her working.

"I.... uh, I'm a house painter," he answered. "Sorry," she stopped. "Go on."

"House painter?" Jake's eyes widened. "I'm buildin'

a house."

He continued, "One Bull heard a scraping sound. "I can still picture the carnage," she was becoming
He turned and saw it came from his friend's bones faint.
rubbing together."
Sully felt her knees buckle, and lifted her into his
Dorothy felt her stomach weaken, unsure if she arms. He gently set her on the bed.
would be able to listen to these tales of horror.
Then she looked into the pained eyes of her friend. "Michaela," he kissed her forehead. "I'm gonna get
Yes, she thought. I must listen. I must hear. I must ya some tea."
"No," she reached for him. "Please don't leave me.
************ Don't ever leave me, Sully."

"Sully," Michaela sat in the rocking chair by the "I'm not leavin'," he sat beside her. "I just wanna
bedroom fireplace. "Do you think Lives in Hope help settle your stomach."
"I'll be fine," she closed her eyes. "As long as I don't
"I don't know," he washed his face. "We can ask dream."
Cloud Dancin' t'morrow."
He stroked her hair until she fell asleep. Then he
"We must be careful going to and from the cave," ran his finger along her chin.
she stared at the glowing embers. "Just like...."
"I love you, Michaela," he whispered.
Sully knew she was remembering his time in hiding.
He came to her and, kneeling down, rested his "Poppy?" it was Katie softly knocking at the door.
hands on the arms of the chair. Michaela looked at
him, then ran her fingers through his hair. He opened it and lifted his daughter, "What are
you doin' up, Kates?"
"I'm here," he said softly. "I ain't hidin' in the cave
anymore." "Wanna check on Mama," she pointed. "She
"The description of what happened at Little Big
Horn," she shook her head. "It reminded me of "She's sleepin'," he whispered. "See?"
"She's so pretty when she sleepin'," the little girl
"I know," he nodded. smiled.

Suddenly her face became pale, and she bolted "She's pretty when she's awake, too," he grinned.
from the chair. Running to the basin, she threw up. "An' ya know what?
Sully took the damp towel he had just used and
rushed to her. He rubbed her back until the nausea "What?" she loved the scent of her father.
passed, recalling her same reaction to the
massacre of Cheyenne by Custer at Washita. Then "You look just like her," he rubbed her back.
he tenderly wiped her face.
"I do?" her eyebrows rose.
"I'm sorry," she was embarrassed.
"Yep," he kissed her cheek. "Mama's gonna be
"It's okay," he wrapped his arms around her. okay, my sweet girl. Now, let's get you back t' bed."

************ Michaela yawned and stretched as the morning sun
brightened the room. She turned and ran her hand
"Paint a house?" St. Helen sat alone in his hotel along Sully's arm. He continued to sleep. She rolled
room, inebriated. "A man of my fame? A man of over onto her side and began to rise, but stopped
my greatness? Ha!" when she felt his warm palm against her back.

He poured another glass and rubbed his throbbing "Mornin'," he said.

"Good morning," she drew her face close to his.
"If they only knew who I really am!" he raised his
glass as he glanced in the mirror. "But no one must "How ya feel?" he caressed her cheek.
know. No one must ever know."
"I feel.... all right," she kissed him, then started to
************ rise.
Chapter 9
************ "Where ya goin'?" he hoped she would prefer to
stay in bed a while longer.
"Hey, Horace," Jake called just as Horace opened
his window for business. "I have patients to see, I have inventories to do, I
have...." she stopped.
"You're up awful early," the telegraph operator
yawned. "Do ya really?" Sully knew her too well.

"Got a busy day," the barber tilted back his hat. She looked down at her folded hands, "No."
"Do me a favor."
"Come here," he opened his arms to her.
"What?" Horace put on his sleeve protectors.
She lay down in his embrace and closed her eyes,
"Let me look at your wanted posters," Jake said. feeling the power of his love engulf her, calm her,
love her.
"They're on the board," he pointed.
"Oh, Sully," her voice wavered.
"I mean old ones," Jake countered.
"Tell, me what's botherin' ya, Michaela," his eyes
"How far back?" Horace opened a drawer. implored.

"How far back do they go?" he asked. She took a deep breath, then sighed, "I want to
hear what happened. I want to be there for Cloud
"Couple o' years," the telegraph operator pulled Dancing."
them from the drawer. "Who ya lookin' for
anyway?" "But, it's tearin' ya up," he recognized.

"John St. Helen," Jake answered. "If that's his real "What should I do?" she looked away.
"What does your heart tell ya?" he said softly.
"It tells me that my dear friend needs me," she
answered. "It tells me that the man who gave you

the will to live is aching for the comfort of his "Hey," he got a pouty look.
"What?" she could not help but smile at his
"An' what does your head tell ya?" he kissed her expression.
"I was sorta hopin' you'd check my condition, too,"
"My head tells me that I don't think I can bear to he tried some levity.
listen to the atrocities," she confessed.
"Your condition?" she played along. "Don't you feel
"So which do ya listen to?" he asked. well?" She felt his forehead. "Temperature's
"I don't know," she was still frustrated. "What do
you think?" "How 'bout my heart?" he lay back.

"I think it would be best for ya t' go int' town She placed her hand on his chest, "It's beating just
t'day," he stated. "See some patients, do your right."
inventories, spend time with the children."
"Just right for what?" he grinned.
"Why?" she did not expect that reaction.
"For this," she leaned forward and gave him the
"Because sometimes ya gotta step back from what kiss that he craved.
bothers ya an' do the things that make ya feel
comfortable an' safe," he counseled. Instantly, she triggered in him a consuming desire.
She immediately felt it, as well. How was it
She felt as if a weight had been lifted from her possible, each one thought, to hold so much love
heart, "You wouldn't mind?" and longing for someone?

"Mind?" he pulled her closer. "Is that what's been Michaela leaned back and pulled her husband atop
botherin ya? Thinkin' I'd mind?" her. His ability to share his strength and power in
such a tender and gentle way amazed her. Her
"I want to be there when you need me, Sully," she ability to be so vulnerable and soft in such a
touched his cheek. beguiling way totally captivated him.

"An' I wanna be there when you need me," he "I will love you all my days," he repeated the words
tenderly kissed her. "But I don't want ya gettin' of his marriage proposal.
sick, losin' sleep, or achin' in here."
"I never imagined I could be so happy," she closed
"I want to be there for Cloud Dancing, too," she felt her eyes and remembered.
"Thank you for giving me your heart," he kissed the
"Dorothy an' me will be there," he assured her. sides of her mouth.
"Let's just take things one day at a time. Who
knows? Ya may feel different t'morrow." She reached up and captured his lips in a deeper
kiss. Moved to greater passion, his body began to
"I do want to check on Cloud Dancing's condition," ache for her. She yearned to have him share his
she began to rise from the bed. love. And so in this private haven, they came

together, reaching unimagined heights, feeling "I know what my body needs," his words were
unimaginable satisfaction. biting.

She wiped the moisture from his face as he gently Dorothy looked down, stung by his tone.
let his body rest on hers, prolonging their union.
Sully peered directly into her eyes as he softly "I am sorry," his voice softened.
"I'll make ya breakfast," she hoped he would be
"From woman's eyes this doctrine I derive, able to eat.
They sparkle still the right Promethean fire;
They are the books, the arts, the academies, ************
That show, contain and nourish all the world."
"Find what you're lookin' for?" Horace asked Jake.
"Byron?" she surmised.
"No," he returned the wanted posters.
"Shakespeare," he whispered.
"Who is this St. Helen fella?" the telegraph
Katie's voice broke the intimacy of the moment, operator queried.
"Met him last night at the Gold Nugget," Jake
"Speaking of nourishment," she smiled. "I believe answered. "Real suspicious man. Acts like he's on
our little ones are hungry." stage spoutin' off words from Shakespeare. An' he
looks so familiar."
"Either that or they're int' somethin'," he joked.
"Maybe he's an actor," Horace suggested.
"I love you, Mr. Sully," she reached for her robe.
"An actor?" Jake made a face. "Why the hell ain't
"I love you, too," he kissed her. "Stomach feelin' he in a play then, 'stead o' drinkin' by himself at the
okay?" saloon?"

"Yes," she nodded. "I'd better start breakfast." "I don't know," Horace shrugged. "Just a thought."

"I'll get the horses ready," Sully pulled on his "Well, I got work t' do," Jake turned to leave.
buckskins. "Matthew said he'll watch the kids this "Thanks."
"Your recovery is progressing nicely," Michaela
"What are you doin'?" Dorothy awoke to find Cloud completed her examination of Cloud Dancing.
Dancing pacing.
"I have had good care," he smiled.
"I must move around," he said. "I cannot continue
to lie down." "He's been tellin' me more about what happened
at Little Big Horn," Dorothy held up her notes. "I'm
"But you're recoverin' from your wound," she gonna get it printed."
pulled her hair back. "Wait 'til Michaela checks ya."
"That's just what Matthew suggested last night,"
Sully commented.

"Cloud Dancing," Michaela broached the subject. "Gosh, ya must have lots of 'em," Brian's eyes
"What happened to Lives in Hope?" widened.

"He was unharmed," the medicine man's words "So, how can I help you?" the professor asked.
comforted her.
"I don't know," Brian returned his glance to the
"Thank God," Michaela closed her eyes. shelves. "What do ya think might be interestin'?"

"It is my hope that people will read Dorothy's "In history?" the older man chuckled. "Everything is
words," Cloud Dancing stated. interesting to me."

"Well...." Michaela began to feel uncomfortable at "Have ya ever written a book o' your own, Dr.
the thought of reading such an account. "I'm afraid Kelly?" Brian wondered.
I must go to the Clinic now."
"I've written papers that have been published," he
"Thank you, Michaela," Cloud Dancing understood replied. "But a book, no."
her discomfort.
"What's the most interestin' historic events t'
"You're welcome," she leaned forward to embrace you?" the young man inquired.
him. "I leave you in good hands."
"Humm," he rubbed his chin. "That's difficult to
"I know," he agreed. narrow down. I have a great deal of interest in
revolutions, I suppose."
"I'll take ya t' your horse," Sully escorted his wife to
the cave's entrance. "Like the American Revolution?" Brian offered.

"Don't let him overdo it, Sully," she advised. "He "Yes," Kelly responded. "And the French
still needs a great deal of rest." Revolution. And I have a particular fascination with
our Civil War."
"I'll see to it," he placed his hands on her shoulders.
"I'll stop by the Clinic later." "That was a revolution?" he leaned against the
"Good-bye," she kissed him.
"An attempt at one," the professor smiled. "I doubt
************ if any event in our history will ever have a more
profound impact on our country."
Brian entered the library and began to peruse the
titles of books about history. "We studied about the War an' President Lincoln,"
Brian noted.
"Looking for anything in particular?" Professor
Kelly's voice startled him. "Ah, Lincoln," Dr. Kelly's eyes saddened. "I met him
"Dr. Kelly!" the young man turned around. "What
are you doin' here?" Brian's eyes widened, "Ya did?"

"I have volunteered my services for a few days a "Yes," he said. "It was in 1863, at the height of the
week," he smiled. "I'm even loaning out some of War. Ironically, it was at Ford's Theater. I was in
my personal collection of books."

attendance of the play 'The Marble Heart.' "Why ain't that in the history books?" Brian
President Lincoln was there, too, and I introduced speculated.
myself to him afterwards."
"I suppose because history is full of so many
"I'd have loved t' have met President Lincoln," details, the writers prefer to include only the big
Brian was awe struck. events," he answered.

"An even greater irony was the star of the show," "But it's the little details that are the most
the professor stated. interestin'," Brian said.

"Who was the star?" the young man was "Think how long history books would be if they
enthralled. included every single detail," Kelly chuckled.

"John Wilkes Booth," Kelly answered. "I guess you're right," Brian smiled. "So, what book
would ya recommend for me t' read?"
"The man who shot the President?" Brian
remembered. ************

"Yes," the older man folded his arms. "The Cloud Dancing sat down, "I wish to tell the story
president was so impressed with the young now of a black man who died."
tragedian's energy and talent, he sent a note
backstage asking if he could meet him. Booth "A soldier?" Dorothy asked.
"Yes," the medicine man nodded. "Eagle Elk came
"That's real interestin'," the young man observed. upon an Indian woman standing over a black man
who had fallen from his horse as the soldiers ran
"History is full of ironies such as that," Kelly told from the woods. The dark-skinned man was
him. "Did you know that Booth came from an begging for his life. The woman called out, 'If you
acting family? His older brother Edwin is did not want to be killed, why did you not stay
considered one of the greatest actors in our home where you belong and not come to attack
nation." us?' Later I heard what happened to the body of
the dark-skinned soldier."
"I've heard of him," Brian recalled.
He stopped, and Sully gulped, knowing how painful
"Edwin once saved the life of President Lincoln's it was for his friend.
son, Robert, at a railroad station in New Jersey,"
Kelly recounted. "And Edwin gave a special Cloud Dancing then continued, "He had been shot
performance a few years later by special in the knees, his skin stripped off, his blood drained
appointment with Lincoln and the First Lady." into a bucket, and an iron picket pin driven
through..... his manhood."
"He could've shot the president, too," the young
man hypothesized. "The Indian woman did that to him?" Dorothy was
"No, Edwin was very pro-Union," the professor
countered. "I do not know," he shook his head. "But I do know
that she wanted revenge for the death of her

Sully closed his eyes, relieved that Michaela had "I believe he has dysentery," she concluded. "I
not been there to hear the description. need to get him to the Clinic at once."

************ ************
Chapter 10
"Michaela," Hank's voice was urgent. "Need ya t' ************
come t' the Gold Nugget right away."
"Madam," St. Helen's eyes tried to focus. "Who are
"What is it?" she rose from her desk. you?"

"One o' my customers is real sick," he informed "I am Dr. Michaela Quinn," she told him. "You're in
her. "Think he might be dyin'." a recovery room at my Clinic."

"I'll be right there," she reached for her medical "I am dying," he repeated the words he had spoken
bag and followed him. earlier in the Gold Nugget.

Hank led her across the street and up to the room "You have dysentery," she diagnosed. "I've given
of John St. Helen. The man was pale and burning you some medicine for it."
up with fever.
His dark eyes had a haunted look, "You don't
As she began to examine him, the man grabbed her understand who I am."
wrist, "I... I am dying."
"You're John St. Helen," she answered.
"I'll try to help you," she hoped to allay his fears.
"No," he shook his head slowly. "I have been living
He became delirious as he recited: a lie these past eleven years, and I'm so tired."

"My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, "Then you need to rest," she counseled.
And every tongue brings in a several tale,
And every tale condemns me for a villain." "I don't want to die without the truth being told,"
his hands shook.
Michaela looked up at Hank with a questioning
expression. "Ma!" Brian's voice was heard from downstairs.

He shrugged, "He's a walkin' fountain o' "Mr. St. Helen," she patted his arm. "I want you to
Shakespeare." rest right now."

St. Helen continued: He closed his eyes and began to drift off as
Michaela left to check on her son.
"I shall despair. There is no creature loves me;
And if I die no soul will pity me: ************
And wherefore should they, since that I myself
Find in myself no pity to myself?" "What is it, Brian?" she reached her office.

"I know he ain't right in the head," Hank leaned "I had the most interestin' mornin' with Dr. Kelly,"
over. "But what's physically wrong with him?" he was excited. "He's volunteerin' at the library."

"That's wonderful," she smiled.

"He told me all about John Wilkes Booth," the "A soldier and a warrior know the risk of what they
young man could not contain his exuberance. do," Cloud Dancing observed. "It is for the innocent
women and children that I grieve."
"The man who shot President Lincoln?" she
removed the soiled sheets from her examining "We can stop an' rest if ya want," Dorothy
table. understood he must be tired.

"Yep," he nodded. "Dr. Kelly even got t' meet "No," he closed his eyes and sighed. "There is the
President Lincoln once, an' saw John Wilkes Booth story of Gall, the old Hunkpapa warrior. He had
in a play." been in the valley, unable to get to the fighting.
When he returned to the village, he found it
"Goodness," Michaela understood her son's abandoned and his family missing. Gall went out to
energetic reaction. find them, and met up with Sitting Bull and One
Bull, who guarded the refugee women and
"He loaned me this book t' read, too," Brian held it children. Still he could not locate his family. Gall
up. rode back to the village, where he finally found his
two wives and children. Dead."
Before Michaela could respond, Matthew arrived
with Katie and Josef. Sully suddenly craved to be with his own family.

************ "Now, I must sleep," Cloud Dancing closed his eyes.

Cloud Dancing related another tale, "There was Dorothy looked at Sully and he nodded.
Black Elk, who was staring at the body of a white
soldier. An old warrior rode by and said, 'Boy, get "I'm goin' int' town," he said. "I'll bring ya back
off and scalp him.' Black Elk nervously slid off his some supper."
pony's back. He had never done this before. He
unsheathed his knife, knelt down and began to cut. "Here, Sully," Dorothy handed him a note. "Could
The soldier squirmed and ground his teeth in pain. ya have Horace send this t' Charles Stoddard?"
He was still alive. Black Elk swallowed hard,
finished the cut and popped off the hair. He raised "Sure," he agreed.
it high, but did not know whether to exult or to feel
sadness for the life he took. He rode back to his "I figured a telegram would be faster. I told Charles
mother to show her." t' send his reply t' Matthew," she said.

"I can't imagine seein' what you saw," Sully shook "Matthew?" Sully was puzzled. "Why?"
his head.
"I thought it best t' have someone with legal
"There is nothing glorious in war," the medicine knowledge look over what he says," Dorothy
man leaned back to rest. "All men bleed the same answered.
color blood."
"Good idea," he acknowledged.
"But the soldiers shouldn't've been there t' begin
with," Dorothy noted. "It was your land by treaty." ************

"Got a note here Miss Dorothy wants sent t' "I'd love to, Kates," he smiled. Turning to his wife,
Charles Stoddard," Sully urgently approached he asked, "Can ya join us?"
"No," she shook her head. "I have a patient
"That the uncle o' the little girl who ya found in upstairs."
Denver?" the telegraph operator asked.
"We'll be back in a little bit then," he kissed her and
"Yep," Sully replied. took his children by the hand.

"I thought Dorothy's in Denver," he opened the ************

After a brief rest, Cloud Dancing resumed his
"'Fore she left, she asked me t' send this for her," descriptions. Dorothy tried to keep up with the
Sully fibbed. many tales of horror that Cloud Dancing had
witnessed and heard. There was the story of an
"Okay," Horace began to click his telegraph. "I'll get Indian walking dizzily to the rear of a battle line, his
it out right away." jaw nearly shot off and blood dripping from his
mouth. There was the Minneconjou Hump, who
************ was shot down with his pony. When he sat down to
examine his wound, he found the bullet had torn a
"Michaela!" Sully burst into the Clinic and path from his knee, up his leg and out his hip. He
embraced his wife. lay in the dirt and watched the strangely serene
"Sully?" she could hardly breath in his arms.
"What's wrong? What happened?" "Why not take another rest?" Dorothy lay down
her pencil.
"I just needed t' be with ya," his eyes were red.
Cloud Dancing took a deep breath, "I still see the
"I'm here," her voice reassured him. blood when I close my eyes."

"Katie! Josef!" he knelt down and beckoned his She placed her hand in his, "You're safe now."
children from the anteroom.
He shivered, "No, I am not safe. Nowhere will I be
They soon responded to their father's voice and safe."
rushed to his arms. Sully lifted them and sweetly
kissed his daughter and son. "Where did Sittin' Bull take the tribes?" she asked.

"Where's Brian?" he glanced up at Michaela. "North," he replied. "They will try to make safe
passage to Canada."
"He's at Matthew's office," she placed her hand on
his shoulder. "The boys are safe, Sully." "Will you...." she paused, not knowing if she truly
wanted to know.
He stood up and drew her into his arms again, "I
love you." "Will I go to them?" he completed her thought.

"Poppy?" Katie tugged at his leg. "Wanna go t' "Yes," she caressed his cheek.
Willow Pond an' throw rocks?"

"I will go where the Spirits lead me," he responded. "'Cause sometimes ya get dirt on ya when ya play,"
he tickled her side.
Suddenly, Katie stopped laughing, spotting
"Poppy," Katie tossed a pebble into the pond and something a few yards from them, "Poppy, look."
giggled at the ripples.
It was a dead bird, ants crawling over its body.
Sully leaned back and held Josef above his head,
slowly lowering and raising the little boy to kiss "Leave it be, Kates," he attempted to divert her
him. Josef tried to grab his father's nose each time attention.
he was lowered.
"Why the ants all over it?" she could not contain
"How ya make the stones bounce on the water?" her curiosity.
Katie tapped her father's leg.
Josef now stopped to observe the object of his
Sully threw one sidearm, and it bounced as Katie sister's fascination.
counted, "One, two, three, four, five, SIX times!"
Sully pulled his children closer, "When an animal
"Stand up, an' try it, Kates," he advised. dies, it goes back t' Mother Earth."

She did as he suggested and counted, "One,.... "Just like when people die?" the little girl recalled.
that's all?"
"Right," he nodded. "We put them in a box an' bury
"Lean sideways," he recommended. 'em. But no one puts animals in a box. Mother
Earth just takes 'em back a little bit at a time. An'
Katie did and fell over as she threw the rock. Her the ants help with that."
lower lip turned under as if she were about to cry,
but she saw her father's expression and stopped. "Can we put the bird in a box, Poppy?" she
"Mama gonna be mad I got my dress dirty," she
brushed off some leaves. Sully stood up and went to the buckboard. In the
back, he found a small box containing some hinges
"Nah," he set his son down and held out his hand for Jake's doors. He emptied it and returned to his
to her. "She won't be mad." children. He placed the bird in the box. Katie and
Josef helped him dig a hole, and they buried it.
"She likes me t' stay clean, Poppy," Katie had a Then the children listened in wonder as their father
serious expression. chanted some Cheyenne words.

He pulled both of his children into his lap and ************

kissed them, "I think I'll get both o' ya as dirty as I
can." "Dr. Quinn," John St. Helen awoke to see the
doctor checking his pulse.
"Yea!" Josef cheered.
"I'm going to give you another dose," Michaela
"Why?" Katie could not believe her father's stirred some powder into a water filled glass.

"I.... I need to confess something," he tried to hold ************
his eyes open. Chapter 11
"Please drink this first," she held the glass to his
lips. "Mr. St. Helen," Michaela began to feel
apprehensive. "I.... I think...."
He did as she ordered, then returned to his
confession, "I must tell someone before I die. I am "Listen to me!" the man's voice echoed through
not John St. Helen." the room. "I killed the greatest man that ever
"You're not?" she was convinced the fever was
affecting his lucidity. "Who?" her nerves were frayed.

"No," he swallowed hard. "If I tell you who I really "Abraham Lincoln," he replied. "I am John Wilkes
am, promise me you'll notify my family of my Booth."
She was now convinced the man was mad, "John
"I promise," she saw something sinister in his coal Wilkes Booth was killed in a barn in...."
black eyes.
"I escaped from the troops who pursued me," he
"I am a murderer," he stunned her. spoke rapidly. "The man who was killed at Garrett's
farm was named Robey. On the afternoon of April
"A murderer?" she tensed. 25, 1865, I remembered that I had left my diary,
wallet and other personal effects in the marsh a
He demanded, "Get me a mirror." few miles from the farm. Robey was the caretaker
of the farm, and I asked him to retrieve them for
"A mirror?" Michaela did not know what to think of me."
the strange man.
Michaela listened incredulously to the man's story.
"Yes!" he insisted.
"I found out that the federal troops were closing in,
She left the room, to return momentarily with a so I made a hasty getaway," St. Helen detailed. "I
handheld mirror. later learned that when Robey returned with my
possessions, he discovered that I was gone and
He grasped it and gazed at his reflection, "This kept them on his person. That night, he slept in the
messenger of death is my quest, and I desire to see barn with Davy Herold, one of my comrades. When
the curtain of death fall upon this last tragic act of the government agents arrived, they set the barn
mine. I have something to tell you. I am going to on fire and killed Robey. Finding my papers on him,
die in a few minutes, and I don't believe you would they assumed they had killed John Wilkes Booth."
do anything to injure me. Did it ever occur to you
that I am anything but an ordinary painter?" Not wanting to agitate the disturbed man,
Michaela calmly spoke, "I think that you need to
get some rest now."

"When I am gone," his voice was fading. "Please

notify my brother, Edwin Booth of New York City."

She waited until he was asleep, then left the room. notion, but out of curiosity, I would like for the
Pensively, she went to her desk and sat down, professor to speak with him."
pondering the man's claims.
"Sure, I'll go get him," the young man opened the
************ door to leave.

Sully gathered dead leaves into a heap, and invited At that moment, Sully arrived with the children.
his children to jump into it. Turn after turn, the two
leapt into the cushioned pile, laughing and inviting "Afternoon, Brian," Sully patted his son's back.
him to join them. Sully watched with a full heart,
relishing these two little lives whom he and "Hi, Pa," he tickled his little brother and sister. "I
Michaela had created from their love. He took a gotta run an errand. I'll see ya later."
deep breath and let the sound of their joyous tones
play like music to his ears. "Sully!" Michaela stood up when she saw their
children. "What happened?"
Soon, they were indeed dirty from head to toe.
Neither they, nor he minded. Sully wanted to "Told ya she'd be mad," Katie glanced up at her
remember this day with them for the rest of his father.
life. When the children began to tire, he pulled
them into his embrace and kissed each soiled little "She's not mad, Kates," Sully looked at his wife. "I
cheek. let the kids jump in leaves by the pond."

"I best get you two back t' your Ma," he smiled. "They're a mess!" she did not see one square inch
on them that was clean.
"Mama not gonna like seein' us dirty," Katie
predicted. Sully pulled her into his arms, "They had a real
good time."
"Your Ma will love seein' ya, no matter how ya
look," Sully winked. "But...." she was interrupted by his kiss.

************ Katie leaned over to her brother and spoke low,

"Joey, ya might as well get used t' that. Mama an'
"Brian," Michaela greeted her son. "I want you to Poppy kiss a lot."
see if Dr. Kelly can come to the Clinic right away."
Josef clapped his little hands, "Play!"
"Why, Ma?" he was curious.
"Who is going to bathe them, Mr. Sully?" Michaela
"You won't believe this," she said. "I have a patient pulled back.
upstairs who believes he's going to die and wanted
to confess his real identity. He claims to be John "Thought we both could," he raised an eyebrow.
Wilkes Booth." "Meantime, I'm gonna take supper out t' Cloud
Dancin' an' Dorothy. I'll meet ya at home later?"
"What?" he laughed.
"Agreed," she kissed him again.
"Brian," she was serious. "He knew details that
sounded strangely feasible. I know it's an absurd Sully kissed the children and left. Michaela stood,
arms folded, looking at her offspring.

"What we gonna do now?" Katie looked up. "How is your side feelin'?" Sully asked.

"I imagine you could both use a nap after such a "I am much better," the medicine man replied.
busy afternoon," the mother smiled.
"Michaela will be back t' check ya in the mornin',"
"Ya not mad, Mama?" the little girl was relieved. Sully stated. "Anythin' I can get ya?"

"Well," she acquiesced. "This is not something I "No, my friend," his eyes seemed brighter. "You
would want you to do on a regular basis, but since have a family to return to."
you were in your father's care and he approved of
it.... no, Sweetheart, I'm not angry." Sully chuckled, "I had the kids out by Willow Pond
t'day. Got 'em all dirty."
"Joey," Katie took her brother's hand. "Poppy was
right, but now we gotta take a nap." Dorothy laughed, "What did Michaela say?"

"Okay," he thought it a good idea. "We got some cleanin' t' do t'night," he grinned.

Michaela settled the children into bed in the ************

anteroom, and returned to her office to await
Brian's return with the professor. "Professor Kelly," Michaela greeted the man. "I
know this must seem an unusual request, but I
************ appreciate your coming."

"Brought ya some supper," Sully entered the cave. "I don't mind, Dr. Quinn," he replied. "Most
certainly, these are the delusions of a disturbed
"He's sleeping," Dorothy whispered. man, but nonetheless, it is a fascinating curiosity."

Sully set down the basket and looked at his "Can I meet the man, Ma?" Brian requested.
Cheyenne brother.
"I think that would be all right," she agreed.
"What will become of him, Sully?" she asked.
Brian and the professor entered the room where
"I don't know," he shook his head. "All I know is, John St. Helen lay. Michaela stood at the door to
I'm grateful he's alive." listen if her children woke. Sensing their presence,
the sick man stirred. Kelly was immediately struck
"I am, too," she agreed. "But I fear for his safety. by the man's resemblance to Lincoln's assassin. The
How long will the Army stay in town?" hair, the eyes, the coloring.

"I doubt it will be too much longer," he replied. "Who are you?" St. Helen was uncomfortable. "Are
"But we still gotta be careful. I brought an extra you the authorities?"
horse for him, in case ya need t' make a quick
getaway." "No," Kelly assured him in a soothing voice. "I'm Dr.
Kelly, and this is Brian. We're here because...."
"That's good," Dorothy nodded.
"Because you heard who I am," the man completed
"What is good?" Cloud Dancing roused from his his thought. "Well, it's true. I am John Wilkes
rest. Booth."

He proceeded to relay the story of escape and "Sully," he approached.
mistaken identity which he had earlier provided to
Michaela. Kelly was more and more impressed with "Hank," Sully acknowledged.
his knowledge of details.
"Michaela tell ya about a patient she's got in
"Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?" there?" he asked.
Kelly requested.
"I know she's got one," Sully nodded.
"No," the man answered. "You'll soon confirm who
I am." "He's a real strange one," Hank informed him. "Got
sick at the Gold Nugget. Night before, he was in the
************ bar, quotin' from Shakespeare an' actin' all
dramatic like some actor."
"Know that Shakespeare guy that was in here last
night?" Hank leaned on the bar talking with Jake "Maybe he is an actor," Sully offered.
and Loren.
"Said he's a house painter," Hank countered. "I just
"Yea," Jake folded his arms. "I checked out some thought ya oughta know t' keep an eye on him."
old wanted posters at the Depot. He looks so
familiar. Didn't see him, though." "Thanks," Sully turned to enter the Clinic.

"Well, this mornin' he got real sick," the bartender ************

told them. "He's over at the Clinic now." Chapter 12
"Strange fella," Loren put his fingers in his vest
pockets. Michaela heard someone enter her office and left
the room of St. Helen.
"He ain't who he claims t' be," Jake said. "That's for
sure." "Sully," she saw her husband when she reached the
bottom step.
"Think he's dangerous?" Hank's brow wrinkled.
"Hank just told me that patient ya got is a strange
"I think he's crazy," Loren asserted. one," he was concerned.

"Why, Hank?" Jake wondered. Michaela relayed to him the story of St. Helen's
claim of being John Wilkes Booth and informed him
"Just thinkin' I oughta warn Michaela," he that Professor Kelly and Brian were upstairs with
speculated. him.

"Aw, Sully watches her like a hawk," Loren assured "Is he dangerous?" Sully queried.
"He's too weak to do any harm," she replied. "I
"Still," he stood up straighter. "Think I'll go over an' believe that he's mentally unbalanced, but...."
check things out."
"But what?" he noticed her expression.
As he crossed the street, Hank caught sight of the
mountain man nearing his wife's Clinic. "He knows things that suggest his claim may be
true," she stated. "That's why I asked Dr. Kelly to

see him. If anyone can corroborate his story, the Yet there was sorrow, too, for what wife, mother
professor can." or sister gives thought of victory when she finds
her own family among the killed? Too many had
"Probably just read a lot about the subject," Sully gone to the Spirit Land. There was great respect for
reasoned. the bravery of those who died, including the white
"Ma?" Brian came down the steps.
"It was a victory against the Army," Dorothy
"What is it?" she turned to her son. considered.

"Are you an' Pa goin' home soon?" he asked. "Though my people celebrate the victory, it will
only bring more soldiers," he answered.
"I was going to get Mrs. Madison to stay at the
Clinic with Mr. St. Helen tonight, then go," she said. "How many Indians lost their lives?" she wondered.
"Are you ready to leave?"
"40-50 I believe," he estimated.
"I was wonderin' if Dr. Kelly an' me could stay with
him?" he requested. "Cloud Dancin'," Dorothy reached for his hand. "If
you go to be with your people, I want to come with
"I think that would be all right," she nodded. "What you."
do you think, Sully?"
"No," he slowly lowered his head. "That is not
"I think I wanna meet this man first," he walked possible."
toward the steps.
"I know the risks," she countered. "I would rather
"Brian, please stay here in case the children be with you in that existence, than be without you,
waken," Michaela followed her husband. wondering if you're safe."

************ "Dorothy," his eyes reddened. "I do not wish to

discuss this now."
Cloud Dancing returned to his account of Little Big
Horn, "Runs The Enemy said the soldiers and ************
Indians were so mixed up, you could not tell one
from the other. When the last white man was St. Helen was sleeping when Sully and Michaela
killed, the smoke rolled up like a mountain above entered the recovery room.
our heads, and the soldiers were piled one on top
of another dead. Runs The Enemy came upon a big The professor approached, "Dr. Quinn, I know of
soldier with plump cheeks and a stubby black some distinguishing markings on the body of John
beard. Suddenly the man rose up on one elbow Wilkes Booth which I would like for you to verify."
and frightened some Indians. Soon, he lay dead,
the last man killed in the battle." "What are they?" she stepped toward the bed.

Dorothy finished writing down the narration, and Kelly recalled from his research, "Booth had an
turned to see if there was more. injury over his right eye, inflicted during sword
Cloud Dancing said, "There was joy in the village
after the battle, for a great victory had been won.

Michaela pulled back the inky black hair of the "Teresa," Jake spoke to his wife at the dinner table.
man, "He has scar tissue above his right eye that is "Ya know where I put those old newspapers I saved
consistent with that sort of injury." from the end o' the War?"

The professor continued, "Booth had an injury to "Yes," she replied. They are in the bottom drawer
his right thumb, said to have occurred when he of our bureau. Why?"
caught his hand in a windlass."
"I saw a man the other night who looks real
"Here," Michaela turned his wrist and saw the familiar," he responded. "I think it might've been in
mark. one o' them papers long time ago."

"And," Kelly concluded. "John Wilkes Booth broke "I will get them out," she nodded.
his left leg in his leap from the President's box at
Ford's Theater." She returned shortly with a stack of newspapers,
flaking off along the edges from age.
Michaela pulled back the covers to examine St.
Helen, "His left fibula has been broken and set, Jake began to sift through them, delicately
many years ago." handling them to prevent their falling apart.

"Doctor, if one of these injuries were missing from Then he suddenly stopped, "Here. Look at this."
this man, it could be concluded that this is not the
assassin of President Lincoln, but...." Kelly stopped. "It's very difficult to make out the man," Teresa
shook her head. "The photograph has turned very
"But the presence of all of them is compelling yellow."
evidence," Michaela felt a chill.
"I'm tellin' ya," he asserted. "This is the man I saw."
"I would like to stay the night here," the professor
requested. "I can question him further when he "John Wilkes Booth?" she laughed. "Jacob, he is
wakes." long dead."

"Brian wants to stay with you, Dr. Kelly," Michaela "I'm gonna talk t' Dr. Mike first thing in the
stated. "Would you mind?" mornin'," he stated. "He's in her Clinic."

"Not at all," he smiled. "I am impressed with his ************

intellect and natural curiosity."
"Josef!" Sully chased his dripping wet son through
"I'll leave some instructions for Mr. St. Helen's the living room. "Come back here!"
care," she began to write on a tablet. "If his
condition worsens, have Brian ride home to get The toddler happily ran naked between the
me." downstairs rooms, having completed his bath.
Michaela was drying off Katie, who complained of
Sully was convinced that St. Helen represented no water in her ear.
physical danger to his son or the professor, and so,
they departed. "Mama," Katie turned. "Why's Joey runnin' 'round
like that."

"I believe your brother is teasing your father," she "Uh," he looked toward his wife. "I don't think so,
chuckled. "He seems to be developing an impish Kates, but I'll take ya back t' Willow Pond again
streak." soon."

"I have an impish streak?" Katie repeated the "Time for bed now," Michaela led the way for the
phrase. steps.

The mother smiled, "You've been known to be a bit "I don't think Mama was mad, Poppy," Katie
devilish at times." whispered.

"Why?" the child inquired. "Told ya so," he grinned.

"Why are you devilish?" Michaela repeated. "I ************

suppose because a certain man encourages it on
occasion." "What can I get for you boys?" Hank smiled when
the soldiers, Carpenter and Whitehorn, entered the
"What man?" Katie's eyes widened. Gold Nugget.

"Your Daddy," Michaela leaned forward and kissed Matthew paid close attention to their
her. conversation.

Sully finally corralled his son and returned him to "Beers," Carpenter removed his hat.
the kitchen, "Don't think we need t' dry him off,
Michaela. His runnin' took care o' that." "Round up any Injuns?" the bartender smiled.

"Here," she handed Katie's nightgown to him. "Put "No," Whitehorn sipped his drink. "We've been
this on your daughter, and I'll dry his hair." ordered back t' Fort Lincoln. Leavin' t'morrow."

"Mama, Mama," Josef sang as she ran the towel "Then the beer's on the house," Hank poured
through his long locks. another round.

"What song is that, Sweetheart?" she chuckled. ************

"I been tryin' t' teach Joey songs," Katie related. "Matthew," Horace pounded on his office door.
"But he makes up his own words."
Matthew raised his suspenders and peered
Michaela diapered the little boy and lifted him up through the window, "Horace?"
to kiss him.
"Telegram just came through for ya," he answered.
"Got a couple o' sweet smellin' kids here," Sully "Sully sent it this afternoon, an' the reply's for you.
winked. Sorry t' wake ya, but I figured it's important."

"We play in the leaves again t'morrow, Poppy?" "Thanks," he yawned.

Katie requested.
Opening it, he read quickly. Then he rushed to
finish dressing.

"Gotta show this t' Sully an' Ma," he said to "I know," she smiled. "But I can think of no one
himself. better equipped to handle their questions."

************ He pulled her closer for a kiss, "Thanks."

Chapter 13
************ "I always knew you would make a wonderful
father," she rubbed his arm.
"I've never seen our children so filthy," Michaela
half scolded her husband as they prepared for bed. "How'd ya know that?" his eyes gleamed.

He did not reply, but merely washed his face. "Because you're kind," she kissed his left cheek.
"And caring," she kissed his right cheek. "And
"Did you hear me?" she brushed her hair. loving," she ran her finger along his lips.

"I heard," he opened the window. "Wonder how they'll turn out?" he contemplated.

"I'm sorry, Sully," she regretted teasing him. "I "Our children?" she drank in his handsome face.
know you had a wonderful time with them." "They will turn out perfect."

"That's okay," he leaned his elbows on the sill and "Perfect?" he chuckled. "If bath time is any
inhaled the cool night air. indication, we got our work cut out for us."

She tenderly set her palms against his shoulder "Us," she repeated the word. "It is the most
blades, then kissed his back. wonderful word, Sully. Our beautiful children here
because of 'us.'"
"Katie saw a dead bird this afternoon," he raised
his arm to encourage her to slide around to his He lightly touched her cheeks, her temples, her
side. nose, her lips as he recited:

She responded to his invitation. "Her angel's face

As the great eye of heaven shined bright,
Sully continued, "She saw ants crawlin' all over it." And made a sunshine in the shady place;
Did never mortal eye behold such heavenly grace."
"Oh, my," she knew their daughter's curiosity
would be raised. She sighed and turned to kiss his hand, "Was that
"I told her the ants help Mother Earth take back
the body o' animals," he rubbed his upper lip. "She "Edmund Spenser," he leaned in to kiss her more
knew they put dead people in a box, so we had t' deeply.
bury the bird the same way."
"When was the last time I told you how much I love
"Sounds like you handled it well," she supported you, Mr. Sully?" she felt her pulse race.
his treatment of the subject.
"Um," he looked up as if to ponder it. "Can't
"Sometimes it's hard bein' a Pa," he closed his remember."
eyes. "They ask questions that are tough t'

"Well," she ran her hand across his chest. "I do love "Jest?" Brian was surprised. "Ya look like Booth, ya
you." talk like him, an' ya...."

"Sure am glad," he grinned. "Brian," Dr. Kelly interrupted. "It appears that Mr.
St. Helen has changed his mind."
Again, he initiated a kiss. He ran his hands up and
down her sides, then pulled her so close, she could "But..." the young man sat in disbelief.
feel every contour of his body.
"Come," the professor rose from his chair. "Let us
"Oh, Sully, how I need you," she invited. leave him to rest."

"I need you, too," he lifted her into his arms. St. Helen laughed again as they departed. The
professor pulled Brian aside in the hallway.
Carrying her to their bed, he began to lower the
straps of her nightgown. His caresses fueled her "He's recanting, Brian," the older man said.
desire even further. Soon, they carried their
longings to their ultimate fruition. Sully pulled the "What's that mean?" he wondered.
sheet up to cover them. Michaela stroked the side
of his face and lightly kissed him. Soon, engulfed in "He's disavowing his statements about his
one another's arms, they fell asleep. identity," Dr. Kelly defined. "He's feeling better,
and he believes that death is no longer imminent."
"So, he's not John Wilkes Booth?" Brian concluded.
"Dr. Kelly," Brian touched the older man's arm.
"He's wakin' up." "If he is, he no longer wishes for anyone to know,"
the professor looked down.
"Mmm?" Kelly stirred.
St. Helen stared at the two beside his bed, "Why
are you still here?" Matthew entered the darkened house and found
his way to the kitchen.
"Our purpose is twofold, Mr. St. Helen," the
professor explained. "We are monitoring your "Maybe I oughta wait 'til mornin'," he said to
condition on behalf of Dr. Quinn, and we are here himself.
to question you about your claims, should you feel
up to it." "Matthew?" Sully came down the steps, tomahawk
It was at this moment that the sick man realized he
was feeling much improved. He hesitated to "Yea," he nodded as he lit a lamp.
continue with the story of his true identity.
"Somethin' wrong?" Sully feared.
"What claims?" he said.
"This telegram came for me from Charles
Kelly was puzzled, "You told us that you are John Stoddard," he handed the message to Sully.
Wilkes Booth."
"Nothin' he can do," Sully scanned it. "Sheridan's
St. Helen laughed, "Surely, you jest." ordered revenge for Custer's death."

Sully took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "We'll find a way, Sully," she tried to assure him.

"Sorry, Sully," Matthew knew how upset he was. "I ************

still believe the town edict will protect Cloud
Dancin'." Sitting Bull had reached the Land of the
Grandmother, Queen Victoria, his name for
"Federal orders would overrule whatever the town Canada. The Army sent a representative to meet
council says," Sully countered. with the great Indian leader. The general offered
Sitting Bull a full pardon on the condition that he
"Found out the Army's leavin' for Fort Lincoln settle at an agency. Sitting Bull angrily responded,
t'morrow," his son yawned. "This country is my country now, and I intend to
stay here and raise people to fill it. We did not give
"Sully?" Michaela had heard voices. "Matthew, our country to you; you stole it. You come here to
what's wrong?" tell lies; when you go home, take them with you."

"Sully sent a telegram from Miss Dorothy t' Cloud Dancing awoke from his dream and instantly
Marjorie's Uncle Charles. Stoddard replied that he felt a sense of peace.
can't help Cloud Dancin'," he summarized.
"What is it?" Dorothy heard him.
"If he goes back t' his people, there's danger he
could be captured or killed along the way," Sully "I have seen what I must do, where I must go," he
thought about it. "If he makes it safely, he could be replied.
caught up in another attack on their village. An' if
he stays here...." "Where?" she sat up.

Matthew completed, "He's either gotta stay in "I must return to my people," he calmly stated.
hidin' or always be in danger o' the Army catchin' "They will be safe."
up t' him."
"Then I'm goin' with ya," she vowed.
"Or someone turnin' him in," Sully folded his arms.
"No, Dorothy," his voice was tender. "This is not a
"What is the best option?" Michaela posed the life that I want you to live."
"I want t' be with you," her voice choked. "Cloud
"Cloud Dancin's the only one t' answer that," Sully Dancin', I never met a man like you before. I never
knew. "We can't tell him what t' do." before felt the feelin's I feel with you. When you're
away from me, I...."
"I'll look through my law books," Matthew put on
his hat. "Maybe I can find somethin', anythin' that "Dorothy," he pulled her closer. "Our worlds are
could help him." too different. I cannot ask you to live as a
Cheyenne, and you cannot expect me to live as a
"Thanks, Matthew," Sully saw him to the door. white man."

When he closed the door, Sully leaned his head "Then let's make our own world," tears streamed
against it. Then he felt Michaela's hand on his down her cheeks.

"The Spirits have spoken to me in my dream," he "He's gone," her voice bordered on crying.
wiped the moisture from her face. "I leave
tomorrow." "Gone?" he wiped the sleep from his eyes.
"Please, let me go with you," she begged.
"Here," she handed him a folded piece of paper.
"It is not possible," he responded. "He left this."

"Then let me be with you tonight," she implored. Michaela, having heard the conversations from
overhead, came downstairs.
"You are with me," he did not comprehend her
meaning. "Dorothy?" she went to her friend.

"I mean as a man and woman who love one "It's Cloud Dancin', Michaela," the redhead
another," she clarified. shivered. "He's gone."

"Dorothy," he resisted the idea. "I cannot ask that "Back t' Montana t' find Sittin' Bull," Sully
of you." continued to read.

"You're not askin'," she clasped his hand. "It's what "Come into the kitchen," Michaela wrapped her
I want." arm around Dorothy. "I'll make you some tea."

"I cannot offer you...." he stopped when she spoke. She sat down and in a low voice confided, "It's me,
Michaela. I drove him away."
"I ask nothin' from you but this night," she spoke
low. "What?" she sat beside her. "How?"

He stood up and walked to the entrance of the Dorothy turned to see that Sully was rereading the
cave. note, "I wanted t' be with him.... in an intimate way
"Where are you goin'?" she was caught off guard.
"What?" Michaela was surprised.
"I must think," he stepped into the night.
"I don't expect ya t' understand," Dorothy pulled
************ her shawl tighter. "But I'm afraid that's what
Chapter 14 caused him t' leave."
Sully stepped into the kitchen, "I'm goin' after
Sully heard the pounding at their door before him."
Michaela. He sat up and touched her arm, then
pulled on his buckskins and opened the bedroom "Sully," Michaela hoped to dissuade him.
door. Quietly, he came down the steps to find Wolf
whining at the door. When Sully opened it, there "He don't want ya to," Dorothy knew the contents
stood a frantic Dorothy. of the letter. "He don't want any of us to."

Sully swallowed hard, "Somethin' wrong with Cloud "He had a dream," Sully told his wife. "T' go t' Sittin'
Dancin'?" Bull an' live in Canada."

"Is he well enough t' travel that far, Michaela?" "I wanna do what's right for everyone," he
Dorothy asked. answered.

"He traveled here from Little Big Horn in worse "But that's not always possible," she observed.
condition," she assessed things. "Cloud Dancing is a
man of great fortitude." "True," he agreed.

Sully walked toward the door and opened it. Turning to pull her into his arms, Sully rested his
chin lightly on her head.
"Sully!" Michaela followed on his heels. "Where are
you going?" "My first obligation is t' you an' the children," he
avowed. "I put us all in jeopardy once before when
"Just t' think," he said over his shoulder. I tried t' help the Indians."

"That's the last thing Cloud Dancin' said t' me," "It was the way you tried that was unfortunate,"
Dorothy told her. Seeing the look of anguish on her she clarified. "Not the fact that you wanted to
friend's face, she encouraged, "Go t' him, Michaela. help."
I'll be fine."
"I'm still so sorry, Michaela," the guilt had never
Michaela stepped onto the porch and spotted her left him.
husband sitting on the front steps, bathed in
moonlight. She silently approached him and sat "It's all right," she rubbed his arm.
down beside him. They did not speak for several
moments. "No, it ain't," he swallowed hard. "I almost got
killed, put ya through hell while I was in hidin' all
Then Michaela slipped her hand in his, "This is those months. I missed out on so much o' Katie's
where you told me you'd be my family." growin' and...."

"An' where you said you'd be my best friend," he He fought to maintain control of his emotions. Her
recalled fondly. touch reassured him of her love.

"You've kept your part of the bargain," she leaned In a soft voice, he continued, "An' I wasn't here
closer. when ya lost the baby."

"So have you," he took a deep breath. Michaela glanced at him and saw the glistening
shape of a teardrop on his cheek. She pulled closer
"What will you do, Sully?" she finally said what was and tenderly kissed it.
troubling her.
"Don't do this to yourself," she hated to see him
"I know what I wanna do," he sighed. like this. "We're safe now.... and happy."

"What?" Michaela was uncertain if she truly "An' I don't ever wanna jeopardize that again," he
wanted to know. responded. "But, Cloud Dancin' is all alone out
"I wanna...." he stopped.
"Perhaps not," she pondered.
She squeezed his hand for support.

"What do ya mean?" he was curious. Dorothy's cheeks reddened, "Hope I didn't shock ya
with what I told ya earlier."
"I mentioned his fortitude," she answered. "Cloud
Dancing is the most spiritual person I have ever "Shock me?" she had forgotten.
met. He has endured tragedies beyond our
imagination, and through it all, he has emerged "When I told ya I wanted t' be intimate with Cloud
strong in spirit. His faith has become his Dancin'," her friend reminded her.
"I... I guess I was caught a bit off guard," Michaela's
Sully considered her words, "Faith." Victorian upbringing took effect.

She sensed his need to be alone and felt better for "All I wanted was this one night with him," Dorothy
having spoken to him, "I'll go check on Dorothy needed to talk.
Michaela placed her hand over Dorothy's, "I won't
************ judge you for that."

"Michaela?" Dorothy looked up. "The water was "Instead, he left me," she saw his letter sitting on
boilin'. I set it t' the side." the table.

"Thank you," Michaela poured them each a cup Michaela considered her words, "I think he did not
and brewed the tea. want to have the people whom he loved in
"Sully okay?" the redhead asked.
"That wouldn't have endangered him," the redhead
"He needed to be alone," she replied. was puzzled.

"Don't ever let go o' him," Dorothy urged. "Had your relationship moved to that level, it might
have made it more difficult for him to leave," she
"He must make up his own mind," she knew her continued. "Consummating the love between a
husband. "And somehow I must accept what he man and woman changes everything."
"But it changes things for the better," Dorothy
"Don't sound like the strong-willed Michaela I countered.
know," Dorothy smiled.
"As much as I loved Sully before we were married,"
"In some matters, I cannot ask my husband to do Michaela attempted to express herself. "Once
as I wish," she handed her friend a steamy cup. we.... gave ourselves to each other in that way, I
"Much as I want him here with the children and felt one with him. I worried more when he was
me, I know that he must go where his heart tells away. I.... craved that part of our relationship. He
him." became part of me."

Dorothy blew across the top of the cup to cool the "An' you're sayin' Cloud Dancin' wanted us t' not
contents, "That man loves ya more than life itself." reach that point," Dorothy was beginning to
"Cloud Dancing loves you, too," Michaela pointed

"Yes," she said. "And I believe another reason that ************
he left was to prevent Sully's having to make the Chapter 15
choice between his family and his best friend." ************

At that moment, Sully entered the house and Michaela attempted to remain calm, "What have
looked at them. His expression beckoned Michaela. you decided?"
Excusing herself, she went to him. He pulled her
around to the other side of the fireplace, hidden "I'm stayin' here," he replied.
from Dorothy's line of vision.
She could breathe again, "Are you certain?"
"Sully?" she caressed his face.
"I know this is where I belong," he pulled her
"I made up my mind," he rested his hands on her closer. "Cloud Dancin' said in his letter that I was
waist. needed here with you an' the kids. He said he
couldn't live with himself if he was the cause of
************ separatin' us again."

At the Clinic, Brian and Dr. Kelly each occupied a "Oh, Sully," she threw her arms around his neck. "I
different recovery room, as they soundly slept. love you so much."
John St. Helen sat up gingerly in bed. His strength
was not yet fully recovered, but he knew that he "I love you, too," he hugged her. "Even without his
could no longer remain in Colorado Springs. Not advice in the letter, I couldn't go away like this.
after his confession. It would be best if he changed He's my friend, my Cheyenne brother, an' I'll
his name and moved on. always pray for his safety, but... you're my heart,
Michaela. You're the reason I look forward t' each
As he pulled on his shirt, he thought about names. day."
Then he spotted a newspaper which the professor
had left on the nightstand. Opening it, St. Helen "I don't want you to have any regrets about
began to read. There was the list of fallen soldiers staying," she searched his eyes.
of the Seventh Cavalry at Little Big Horn.
"I gotta believe that Cloud Dancin' is doin' the right
"Humm," he closed his eyes. "Maybe these fellows thing for the right reasons," Sully rubbed her arms.
can be of help." "An' I know he'd want me t' take care o' Dorothy.
She's gonna have a tough time."
He pointed to a name and opened his eyes to look.
Michaela could not help but marvel at this turning
"David E. Lewis, Sergeant," St. Helen spoke the point in their relationship. She knew that Sully's
name above his finger. "Well, that's all right for a heart ached for Cloud Dancing. She was well aware
first name, but I prefer.... Why not the good leader that he would always feel the draw toward the
himself for my last name? David E. George. Yes. Cheyenne, but tonight, safe in her arms, he had put
Unobtrusive. It will do quite nicely." their relationship above all others. For that, she
closed her eyes to offer a prayer of thanks. And a
Completing the task of getting dressed, the man prayer for their friend.
made his way past his sleeping caretakers and
down the steps. "Ya okay?" he lifted her chin.

"Yes," wiped away a tear. "I'd better go help "Make the ants stop eatin' the dead aminals," the
Dorothy. I'll prepare the spare bedroom for her little girl clarified.
"No, I'm afraid not," she responded. "It's all part of
"Good," he kissed her. the cycle of life."

************ "Like Poppy's bicycle?" Katie drew a comparison.

"Mama," Katie knocked on her parents' bedroom Michaela chuckled, "Well, you've seen your Daddy
door. and Brian ride the bicycle. And did you notice that
the wheels turn around and around?"
Michaela was barely able to open her eyes from
lack of sleep, but she pulled herself up and donned "Uh-huh," she nodded.
her robe to open the door.
"Those wheels are a little like the cycle: life, death,
"Good morning, my darling," she smiled. life again," Michaela tried to draw an analogy. "All
living creatures are born, live, die, and return to
"Mornin'," Katie skipped into the room. Then she the Earth, but while they live, they produce more
lowered her voice to a whisper, "Poppy still animals to live on after them, so that life
sleepin'?" continues."

"Yes," she sat in the rocking chair and pulled her "That why you an' Poppy have Joey an' me?" she
daughter onto her lap. "We were up very late last reasoned.
"Well...." Michaela did not quite know how to
"Ya were?" the little girl leaned back. "Why?" respond. "It's a little different for people."

"Miss Dorothy came and spent the night," Michaela "Why?" Katie was not yet satisfied.
informed her. "We talked until quite late."
"Your Daddy and I had you because...." she
Katie shifted in her mother's lap. "Did ya know that hesitated.
when aminals die, they get eaten by ants?"
"Because it's one way a man an' woman show how
"Yes, I'm aware of that," Michaela slowly rocked much they love each other," Sully spoke from the
her. bed.

"It made me sick at my tummy t' see," the child "Poppy!" Katie slipped from her mother's lap and
confessed. jumped up on the bed to kiss him.

"That's a natural reaction, Sweetheart," she He rubbed his daughter's back, "We had you an'
lovingly placed her hand on her stomach. Josef 'cause o' how much we love each other. An'
lovin' you makes that love grow even more."
"Can't we do somethin' t' make 'em stop?" Katie
inquired. "The way you two love, ya oughta have lots o'
kids!" Katie concluded.
"To make what stop?" the mother was unsure.
"Katie!" Michaela blushed.

Sully laughed and pulled his little girl closer for a "And then what?" she responded. "We cannot
kiss. Suddenly, they heard the front door slam. force him to come back. We cannot prove that he
assassinated the president. He could claim that his
"Who could that be?" Michaela turned. confession was the effects of his fever."

"I go see," Katie volunteered. "What's assinated?" Katie picked up.

"No," the protective mother reminded her. "You "Assassinated," Michaela enunciated. "It's an
know that you are not permitted to open the front attack against someone by surprise. The word
door by yourself." usually refers to an attack on a prominent person
such as the president of the United States."
"Mama," Katie put her hands on her hips. "The
door was already open. Somebody shut it loud." "Dr. Kelly's thinkin' about contactin' the Booth
family," the son noted.
Brian appeared at the door, "I'm glad you're up."
"I don't know if that would be wise either," she
"Bran!" the little girl rushed to her older brother. folded her arms. "I think the man wants to be left
"Glad t' see ya!" in peace."

He lifted her into his arms, "Glad t' see you, too, "If he's really John Wilkes Booth, what kinda peace
Katie." is he gonna find?" Sully contributed. "He's always
gonna be on the run, changin' his name. He can
"Has Mr. St. Helen taken a turn for the worse?" never return t' his family."
Michaela assumed.
"But if he's Booth, he should be punished," Brian
"He left while we were sleepin'," the young man was adamant. "It means the man who killed the
stated. "Last night, he re-.... re-...." president got away with murder."

"Re- what, Bran?" Katie thought he was playing a "I doubt if we'll ever know the truth, Brian,"
game. "Re-Turn? Re-Move?" Michaela put her arm on his shoulder.

"Shhh," Sully winked at his daughter. "Then the history books could be lyin'," he looked
"Recanted," Brian suddenly remembered the word.
"He recanted his story about bein' John Wilkes "Ain't nothin' new there," Sully was sarcastic.
"When kids in the future read about what we lived
"What does Dr. Kelly think?" Sully wondered. through, it won't be the way things really were," he
felt sad.
"He thinks St. Helen was feelin' better an' no longer
thought he was gonna die," the young man set his "I reckon that's why it's important t' talk to older
sister down. "So he didn't want folks t' think he's folks," Sully figured. "They can tell us what things
really Booth. Do you think he could be?" were like in the past. Katie here wasn't around for
the Civil War, but she can talk t' us t' learn what we
"There was very compelling evidence," she nodded. went through. Then she can tell her children an'
"But not enough to alert the authorities." grandchildren someday."

"What if we tried t' find him?" Brian contemplated.

"I have grandchildren?" Katie's eyes widened. "I recall your mentioning him," Michaela answered.

"Not for a while, Kates," he grinned. "His associate, Mr. Bell, demonstrated this new
machine called a telephone," Brian's voice became
************ excited. "Ya can talk t' people real far away on a
line, like a telegraph wire."
It was sunset on the day that both Cloud Dancing
and John St. Helen had left Colorado Springs, and "How can voices be transmitted along a wire?"
both men faced uncertain futures. Michaela queried.

Michaela and Sully sat with their children on the "I'm not sure," the young man shrugged. "But it
porch of the homestead. works."

Matthew broke the stillness of the evening, "No "An' they had this real big engine," Matthew said.
luck with my law books t'day. But I'm goin' t' "2500 horsepower."
Denver next week. I'll check out some more books
there." "That's hard t' believe," Sully stroked Josef's soft
"Thanks, Matthew," Sully held Josef on his lap.
"It was all s'posed t' show how far the United
"Is Miss Dorothy gonna be okay?" Brian thought States has come in its first 100 years," Brian
about her. informed them.

"I'm certain that her book will keep her busy," "How far we've come," the mountain man shook
Michaela speculated. his head.

"I'll help her all I can with the Gazette," he offered. "Wonder what it'll be like 100 years from now?"
Matthew speculated.
"Tell 'bout your trip t' Phildelpea," Katie requested.
"1976?" Michaela spoke the year. "I can't imagine."
"Colleen an' Andrew are gettin' along real good,"
Brian began. "An' Colleen's startin' t'.... look "Bet the telephone will still be around," Brian
different." projected. "An' I bet everyone has one."

"Different?" Michaela questioned. "That's where your grandchildren come in, Kates,"
Sully looked at his daughter. "They'll be here for
"More mature," Matthew reworded it. "More like a the 200th birthday o' the United States."
grown woman."
Matthew chuckled, "Maybe one of 'em will be
Michaela felt a twinge of sadness, "She is a grown president."
woman now."
"No," Katie was certain. "Not want 'em t' be
"What about the Centennial Exhibition?" Sully assinated."
changed the subject.
"I doubt if another president will ever be
"We spent a lot o' time at Machinery Hall," assassinated," Brian reasoned. "I'm sure they'll
Matthew smiled. "Remember that man, Mr. protect him lots better by then."
Watson, we met in Boston?"

"Well," Matthew stood up. "I best be gettin' back t' He traced the outline of her jaw, as he recited:
town. 'Night."
"Love in her sunny eyes does basking play;
"And I know some children who are long overdue Love walks the pleasant mazes of her hair;
in bed," Michaela warned. "Come on." Love does on both her lips forever stray;
And sows and reaps a thousand kisses there."
"What that Herrick?" she guessed.
"Jake came to see me at the Clinic today," Michaela
brushed her hair. "Abraham Cowley," he kissed her sweetly. "Good
night, my friend."
"He not feelin' good?" Sully asked. "Or is it Miss
Teresa?" "Good night, my family," she rested her head
against his shoulder.
"No," she replied. "They're fine. He came to see me
because he had met John St. Helen and thought he As sleep began to claim them, their thoughts
resembled John Wilkes Booth." drifted to Cloud Dancing, the Cheyenne medicine
man who meant so much to them.... the friend
"What did ya tell him?" Sully removed his shirt. who was very much responsible for their being
together. He had left them, for who knew how
"I told him the man had left town," she took off her long?
robe and draped it across their bed.
Sully inhaled the scent of his wife and was suddenly
Sully climbed into bed and pulled down the covers filled with peace. At that moment, he somehow
for her. After lowering the lamp, she joined him sensed that Cloud Dancing would find his way. He
and slipped comfortably into his embrace. would be safe. How could he know this, he
wondered. Michaela had said it. Faith.
"Sully?" she spoke low.
"Mmm?" he caressed her shoulder.

"Are you all right?" her hand rested on his heart.

"I'm okay," he simply stated.

"You can tell your best friend, you know," she

curled the hair of his chest around her finger.

He ran his hand up and down her back, "I'll be fine,

Michaela. Honest."

"I wish there were something I could do or say to

take away your concern," she lifted up on her
elbow to gaze into his eyes.

"You do that every day," he smiled.

She leaned closer and kissed him, "I love you."

EPILOGUE medical men and criminalists in Chicago. The panel
concluded that all of the evidence indicated it was
The graphic descriptions of the battle of Little Big indeed John Wilkes Booth, but only tabloids
Horn were taken from actual Indian accounts. printed the conclusions, and their findings were
George Armstrong Custer disobeyed written orders discredited.
and paid no heed to reports of the extent of the
Indian encampment. Dividing his small number, he Otto Eisenschimil released a book in 1937 titled
left himself with 250 men. Attacked by Chief Gall, "Why Was Lincoln Murdered?" He produced a vast
Chief Two Moons and Crazy Horse, leading amount of documentation that suggested
somewhere between 2,000-4,000 braves, Custer Secretary of War Edwin Stanton was the ringleader
and his men were quickly annihilated. Only the of the plot to kill Lincoln and arranged for Booth's
Indian scout Curley and a horse belonging to escape. Another historical volume published that
Captain Keogh escaped alive. Among the dead, year was "This One Mad Act" by Izola Forrester, a
now buried at Arlington National Cemetery, was descendant of John Wilkes Booth. She said that her
Sgt. David E. Lewis. family was in contact with Booth for a generation
after 1865.
Custer's death might have dropped into oblivion
instead of the history books, had it not been for its In 1994, members of the Booth family and some
national repercussions. The nation was infuriated, historical researchers petitioned for the
and the Army was finally free to fight an all-out exhumation of Booth's body from The Green
war. Within a year, thanks to Custer's "last stand," Mountain Cemetery. Their petition contained
the Sioux were a broken, defeated nation. credible evidence questioning the conclusion that
he had died in 1865. In spite of a well-documented
The story of John St. Helen was true. In early 1877, legal argument, the court denied the exhumation
he thought himself near death and confessed his request. The mummy has not been seen since the
identity to a young Texas lawyer named Finis L. 1970's.
Bates. The physical similarities to Booth and his
explanation of how he escaped in "Language of the
Heart" were as Bates told them in his book.

St. Helen recovered, and by 1878, the two men

went their separate ways. In 1903, Bates received
word that a man named David E. George had
apparently committed suicide in Oklahoma. The
man's personal papers bore Bates' name, and the
word was spread that the deceased confessed to
being John Wilkes Booth. After viewing the body,
Bates declared that it was his old friend St. Helen,
and he instructed the mortician to mummify the

The mummy was later exhibited throughout the

United States during the early part of the 20th
century. Bates published a book in 1907 titled "The
Escape and Suicide of John Wilkes Booth." In 1931,
the remains of David E. George were X-rayed,
operated on and otherwise examined by a group of


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