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Quinn, Medicine Woman

by Debby K

"Ideals are like the stars: we never reach them, but like
the mariners of the sea, we chart our course by them."
-- Carl Schurz

************ "It's a long story," Sully shifted Katie's weight on

Chapter 1 his lap. "I disagree with the way the Bureau of
************ Indian Affairs is run an' the government's policy
toward the Indians in general."
"Oh, Sully," Michaela could not contain her
anticipation after boarding the train in New York, "I see," he nodded.
bound for Boston. "I can't wait. I simply can't wait."
"I discern an accent, Mr. Schurz," Michaela noted.
He rested his chin lightly on their sleeping "Are you German?"
daughter's head, "Me either, Michaela."
"Yes, I am," he replied. "I'm an American citizen
A gentleman sat down opposite them, "I was now, however."
stretching my legs and couldn't help but overhear
your conversation. You two sound like a couple of "Why'd ya wanna know if we followed Washington
children awaiting Christmas." politics?" Sully rubbed his lip.

"In a way we are," Michaela smiled. "You might find this an incredible coincidence,"
Schurz grinned. "But I'm the new Secretary of
"My name is Schurz," he tipped his hat. "Carl Interior."
"What?" Michaela and Sully spoke simultaneously.
"A pleasure," she nodded. "I'm Dr. Michaela Quinn.
This is my husband, Byron Sully and our daughter ************
"Colleen! Andrew!" Elizabeth called. "Where's
"She is very beautiful," he smiled. Matthew?"

"Schurz," Sully repeated the name. "Why's that Colleen approached her grandmother in the sitting
sound familiar?" room of the elegant Quinn home, "He's still
upstairs, Grandma."
"Do you follow Washington politics?" the man
crossed his legs. "I told him to be ready to leave for the train depot at
noon," Elizabeth grew more impatient.
"As little as possible," Sully spoke sarcastically. "I
used t' work for the Interior Department." "He knows," Colleen assured her.

Schurz chuckled, "Used to?"

Elizabeth held Josef on her lap, "He looks "Primarily in our home state of Colorado,"
absolutely adorable in this outfit." Michaela pointed out. "But we also saw the
aftermath of Washita."
Josef shyly placed his index finger in his mouth.
Schurz tensed, "Terrible. Just terrible."
"Thank God, good news awaited us upon our return
to America," Andrew sighed. "When Matthew "I got no use for the politicians in Washington,"
arrived in London, then your letter followed, we...." Sully's eyes were cold.

"I based my letter on the original wire I received "There's a new administration there," Schurz
from Michaela," Elizabeth interrupted. "Katie had argued. "President Hayes recognizes...."
been kidnapped, then found dead."
"How'd he get in?" Sully countered quickly.
Colleen took a deep breath, "Well, of course, we
hurried home with Matthew as quickly as possible." "Well, a committee settled the disputed election
results, and...." Schurz realized it was a rhetorical
"Matthew!" Elizabeth called again. "Five minutes! question. "At any rate, I am going to do my best to
We leave in five minutes!" improve the administration of the Indians and to
recommend other reforms, as well. I believe that
************ government jobs should be based on merit, not on
whom one knows."
Sully became sullen.
"That sounds like an encouraging start," Michaela
"I would be interested in speaking with you in tried to see the positive.
greater detail about the government's policy toward
Indians, Mr. Sully," Schurz observed. The Secretary smiled, "May I ask you something?"

"Why's that?" the mountain man attempted to gauge "Certainly," she rested her hand on her husband's
his sincerity. arm.

"Because I am in agreement with you," he replied. He inquired, "You said you're from Colorado. Why
are you bound for Boston, particularly with such
"Ya are?" Sully eyed him skeptically. anticipation?"

"I am extremely displeased with the entire Bureau Michaela smiled broadly, "We're being reunited
of Indian Affairs, not to mention its commissioner with our children."
John Q. Smith," his voice charged with energy.
He pointed, "You have more than this little one?"
"You can change the names," Sully shrugged.
"Won't change the policies." "We have three adopted older children, Matthew,
Colleen and Brian, a little boy, Josef who's two and
Michaela interjected, "Mr. Schurz, my husband and a half, and our Katie who's nearly six years old,"
I have witnessed the most heinous atrocities and she responded. "Colleen and Matthew have been in
crimes committed against humanity by our England, and Brian...."
"Got kinda borin' back there," Brian sat down
"I can see that you hold strong beliefs," the beside Carl Schurz.
Secretary stated. "Where have you witnessed this?"
She continued, "And Brian was in the back of the
rail car watching the Massachusetts countryside.

Brian, this is Mr. Schurz, the new Secretary of "We went after her an' brought her home safe an'
Interior." sound," Brian smiled.

"Nice t' meet ya, Mr. Schurz," he shook hands. "Pa "During that time, I wired my mother to look after
used t' work for...." Josef," Michaela further explained. "Initially
because we did not know if it was safe for him to
"Ah, yes," he cut in. "We've been discussing that. return, then because we were searching for Katie."
You say your older children have been in England?"
Brian picked up on it, "When Ma's mother heard
"It's rather complicated, but to summarize," she Katie was dead, she wrote t' Colleen and Andrew in
folded her hands. "Our family had been planning a England. Her letter arrived just after Matthew got
trip to Boston in February to visit my mother and there, an' they rushed back t' the United States. Then
sisters." they got word that Katie was okay. So, now we're
goin' t' see all of 'em."
"It's April," Schurz wondered. "Why the delay?"
"My goodness," Schurz's eyes widened. "You have
"Before our departure, my husband was called upon been through an ordeal. No wonder you are eager to
to do some work regarding the approval of a mining be reunited."
company in Colorado Springs," Michaela resumed.
"Josef was in need of some minor surgery on his Katie began to waken at the conversation.
trachea, and I had already made the arrangements
for his operation in Boston." Rubbing her eyes, she yawned, "Are we in Boston,
"I ain't so sure Mr. Schurz is interested in all this,
Michaela," Sully doubted. "Not yet, honey," Sully stroked her head. "Pretty
"On the contrary," the Secretary raised his hand. "I
am very interested. It's quite difficult to be ************
separated from those you love."
"Sorry, Gran'ma," Matthew bounded down the
"Our daughter Colleen and her husband Andrew steps. Spotting Josef, he tickled his side, "How ya
have been in England for several months, and doin', little brother?"
Matthew planned to go from Boston to visit them,"
Michaela continued. "With our delay in Colorado The child quickly turned away, shyly clinging to his
Springs, and Josef's surgery already scheduled, we grandmother.
decided to have Matthew take our little boy to
Boston, where my family would be with him until "Hey," Matthew leaned closer. "Aren't ya glad t' see
we could join them a week later. Matthew then me?"
proceeded on to England."
Josef did not respond.
"I'm still puzzled," Schurz wrinkled his brow. "You
said that was in February. What delayed your trip to "Why is he acting like this?" Andrew noticed.
Boston for two months?"
"Like what?" Elizabeth saw nothing out of the
"Katie was kidnapped," Brian answered. ordinary.

"It was a terrible ordeal," Michaela teared at the "Reserved," the young physician stated.
memory. "She was abducted, and we believed her to
be dead. Then we discovered that she was alive and "I believe he's merely overwhelmed by all of the
in the possession of a man in Mexico." company," the older woman rubbed his back.

"We aren't company," Matthew was hurt. "I'm his "Hello, my darling," Elizabeth caressed her hair.
brother." "It's wonderful to see you again. And I thank God
for your safe return to us."
"Come, we'll be late," Elizabeth handed Josef to his
nanny. "Diana, if he fusses, put him down for his "Where's Joey?" the child was anxious.
"We'll see him very soon," Michaela informed her.
"Yes, Ma'am," the nanny nodded. "Colleen," Michaela slipped her arm around her
daughter, "I want to hear all about England."
"Aren't we takin' him with us?" Matthew was
surprised. "It was real educational, Ma," the young woman
tilted her head against her mother's. "We'll have
"Certainly not," his grandmother turned up her plenty of time to get caught up. I'm just so happy to
nose. "Train depots are terribly filthy places. see you."
"And I you," Michaela glanced over her shoulder.
"But Ma and Sully will wanna see him, Grandma," "You, too, Andrew."
Colleen sympathized. "It's been two months."
He smiled uncomfortably and followed.
"And a little while longer won't matter," she headed
for the door. "Mr. Sully," Carl Schurz tapped his arm. "I know
that being with your family is very important to you
************ right now, but if you change your mind about the
Chapter 2 government, would you get in touch with me? I
************ would listen to your opinions with respect."

"There they are!" Colleen saw her parents stepping "I'll think about it," Sully answered. "Nice meetin'
from the train. ya."

"Ma! Sully!" Matthew rushed to them. ************

"Mattew!" Katie recognized a familiar face. Michaela burst through the doors of her old Beacon
Street home the moment Harrison opened it.
Enthusiastic hugs were exchanged as Carl Schurz
stood back observing the family's reunion. "Welcome home, Miss Michaela," he bowed.

"Mother," Michaela's eyes darted about the depot. "Where is he?" she breezed past him. "Where's my
"Where's Josef?" baby?"

"He's at home," she smiled. "I didn't think it wise to Diana stepped forward as the other members of the
bring him here with all of the noise and dirt." family entered the foyer, "He's resting, Ma'am. I
just put him down for his nap."
"Oh," her voice hinted at disappointment.
"I don't believe we've met," Michaela removed her
"Well, you will soon be reunited," Elizabeth hat.
beamed. "Let's get you home. You must be
exhausted from your trip." "I'm Diana, the young master's nanny," she curtsied.

Katie begged for attention, "Gran'ma!" "Nanny?" Michaela was surprised. "Why does my
son need a nanny?"

"Your mother, Ma'am," Diana replied. "She thought "Mother," Michaela protectively reacted. "I need to
it would be best for...." hold him."

"I suppose he was too much for Mother to handle," "And so, you have," she motioned toward the door.
Michaela smiled at Sully. Taking her husband's "Now, let him rest."
hand, she started for the stairs, "Come, we'll see
him." "I'm going to ask Harrison to move his crib in with
us," Michaela asserted.
"Michaela," Elizabeth nearly scolded. "Let him
sleep. I don't like for his routine to be disturbed." "The child has seen enough disturbance in his life,"
Elizabeth's voice rose. "I'll not permit you...."
"His routine?" Michaela was incredulous. "Mother,
we haven't seen our son in two months." "Mother!" Michaela could not hold back.

"I won't wake him, Gran'ma," Katie reassured. "Shhh," Sully took the baby from his wife's arms.
"Let's have this discussion somewhere else. I don't
"Well, I suppose just this once," Elizabeth gave in. want the kids hearin' it."

"I'll show you to his room," Diana volunteered. "Very well," Elizabeth exited.

Sully scooped Katie into his arms, as Brian and "Sully," Michaela stroked Josef's stomach as he
Michaela followed up the steps to the nursery. returned him to the crib.
There, in an elaborately ornate Victorian crib, lay
Josef, sleeping peacefully. "It'll be fine, Michaela," he pulled up the railing
"Oh, look at him, Sully," tears streamed down
Michaela's face. ************

"Gran'ma don't let Joey's hair grow," Katie noticed. Michaela and her mother resumed their argument in
the sitting room. The rest of the family occupied
Sully set his daughter down and lowered the crib Katie in the conservatory, while Sully stood near his
railing. wife.

Diana interjected, "Sir, Mrs. Quinn wouldn't...." "Now, let's be calm about this, Michaela," Elizabeth
sat down. "Josef came through his surgery well, but
Sully silenced her with a look, then lifted his son he has had to make many adjustments."
from the bed. Tenderly, he handed the little boy into
the anxious arms of his mother. Michaela gently "Mother, so have we all," the daughter folded her
planted a soft kiss on his forehead. Brian lifted hands. "Being separated from him all of these
Katie to observe her little brother. weeks has been pure torture for us, but now that
Katie is back with us and...."
"Sure has grown," the young man wrapped Josef's
fingers around his thumb. "How many times have I told you that Colorado
Springs is an unsuitable place in which to live?" the
"Yep," Sully felt a lump in his throat. mother debated. "It's all well and good that you
moved there when you were on your own, but now
Elizabeth reached the bedroom, "What are you that you have a family, I hope you've come to your
doing? Let the child sleep." senses."

"Come to my senses?" Michaela was puzzled.

"It is no place to raise your children," Elizabeth "As a matter of fact, I didn't tell him," she was
asserted. "You nearly lost your daughter, and I'll not feeling better.
let my grandson return to that...."
"What?" Michaela filled with disappointment.
"Elizabeth," Sully had heard enough. "Michaela an' "Why not?"
me can't thank ya enough for what ya done for
Josef. Knowin' he was safe here with you took a big "I told you, he's been through enough," Elizabeth
burden off our shoulders when we were searchin' stated. "Why upset him further?"
for Katie."
"Upset him?" her face flushed. "We're his parents."
"I'm happy to see that at least you agree with me,
Sully," the mother smiled slightly. Diana descended the staircase with Josef in her
arms. His hair had been neatly parted and combed.
He folded his arms, "You know that Michaela an' He held his finger in his mouth as they neared
me live in Colorado, an' that's where we're gonna Michaela and Sully.
raise our children."
"Hello, Sweetheart," Michaela stretched out her
"I must strongly object to....." Elizabeth felt short of arms to him.
The little boy turned away.
"Mother," Michaela hurried to her. "Are you all
right? "Josef," Sully tried. "How's my big boy?"

"Yes," she closed her eyes. "It's nothing." No reaction.

"What does your doctor say?" Michaela felt her Michaela stepped closer and placed her hands
pulse. around his waist.

"He says I should not have any undo stress or "No!" Josef swatted them away.
strain," she retorted.
"Sweetheart, it's me," she tried to maintain a smile.
"Elizabeth," Sully knelt down. "We're movin' "Mama."
Josef's crib in with...."
Josef shook his head no, and hugged Diana tighter.
"Sully," Michaela interrupted. "Perhaps we should
discuss this later." "Sully?" Michaela felt as if her heart would break.

"But..." his blue eyes questioned. He stepped around to face his son, "Hey, Joe, know
who's lookin' forward t' seein' ya? Katie."
Suddenly a little voice crying from above them was
heard. Again the child gave no response.

Michaela rose quickly, "It's Josef." "Mother, how long has he been like this?" Michaela
"Diana will get him," Elizabeth noted.
"He's been rather quiet for several weeks," she
"But I want him to see me when he wakens, answered.
Mother," she felt slighted. "Surely, he must have
been anticipating our return for him." "Quiet?" the doctor was upset. "He's retreated into a

"I attribute that to the change in surroundings," "It's okay, Kates," he lifted her into his arms.
Elizabeth waved her hand. "He'll adjust." "Josef's just gotta get use t' us again."

"Diana," Michaela directed. "Please ask Harrison to "Don't he love me anymore?" her eyes saddened.
put my son's crib in our room. And, while I
appreciate all that you have done for him, your "Sure he does," Sully swallowed hard.
services will no longer be needed as...."
"If you'll excuse me," Michaela could barely
"Beggin' your pardon, Ma'am," the nanny feared an contain her emotions. "I'm going upstairs to lie
argument. "But Mrs. Quinn's the one who hired down. Would you like to join me, Katie?"
"Okay, Mama," she hugged her father.
"It's all right, Diana," Elizabeth gave in. "Tell
Harrison to move the crib. I'll speak with you later." Sully set her down. Hand in hand, mother and
daughter slowly climbed to the second floor.
"What about Josef, Ma'am?" she rubbed the child's
back. "Elizabeth," Sully's jaw tensed. "We gotta talk."

"I'll take him," Michaela reached out. ************

Chapter 3
"Bring him to me," Elizabeth ignored her daughter. ************

The nanny stepped forward and set Josef on his Michaela tucked Katie beside her on the bed.
grandmother's lap. He lay back lethargically, finger Stroking her curls, the mother tilted down to kiss
still in his mouth. Michaela felt nearly faint at the her daughter's head.
sight of her child in such a state.
"Mama," Katie glanced up. "Is Joey sad or
Sully thought a different approach might work, "I'm somethin'?"
gonna go get Katie."
"Perhaps," Michaela's eyes were red.
Before he uttered another word, the little girl
skipped into the room, "Mama, Poppy, Gran'ma's "We gotta make him happy," the little girl reasoned.
got beauful flowers."
"Katie," she took a deep breath. "You'd tell me if
Elizabeth smiled, "Thank you." you had any more of those bad dreams, wouldn't
you, Sweetheart?"
"Joey!" Katie rushed to the baby. "You're awake!"
"'Bout the bad men who took me 'way?" Katie
She reached out to hold his hand, but he quickly surmised.
slapped it way.
"Yes," Michaela nodded.
"Josef!" Michaela reprimanded. "Don't hit your
sister." "I'd tell ya, Mama," the child yawned. "I don't
dream about 'em since after you an' Poppy bring me
"No!" he shouted and turned away. home."

Katie's lower lip began to quiver, and she turned to "That's good," she caressed her cheek. "Do you
her father. remember how you were very quiet for several days
and wanted us to hold you?"

"I 'member," Katie spoke low. "I thought maybe we should have some time alone
with Josef," he explained. "Just hold him, talk low,
"Perhaps that's how Josef feels," Michaela thought. let him be around us...."

There was a soft knock at the door. Michaela felt no "It could work," she searched her son's face. "He
reaction from Katie and knew that her daughter had seems so unresponsive to everything."
fallen asleep. Rising from the bed, she opened the
door. There stood Harrison. "Least he didn't cry when I picked him up this
time," he thought it hopeful.
"Where would you like the crib, Miss Michaela?"
he kept his voice down. Michaela went to her trunk and pulled out a
wrapped package, "We brought you a present,
"Right here, by my bed," she directed. Josef."

With the assistance of the footman, the butler At first, he simply stared at her, but then he reached
placed it in the bedroom and departed. out for it. Sully set the little boy on the bed. With
her husband supportively stroking her back,
************ Michaela handed their son the gift.

"Sully," Elizabeth anticipated. "I don't believe there Josef slowly tore off the paper wrapping, then
is anything physically wrong. Josef will be his old shook the box.
self soon."
"Open it, Joe," Sully encouraged.
Deciding then and there to take action, he bent
down to be eye level with his son. He reached for The child lifted the lid and beheld a wood carving
him, and this time, Josef did not balk at the idea of of a wolf, crafted by his father.
being lifted into his father's arms. Sully did not
speak at first, preferring to close his eyes and savor "Woh," Josef's voice spoke.
the feel of his son. He cradled the child in his arms
so that the baby could see about the room. "That's right," Sully smiled. "Wolf's waitin' for ya
back home."
Then, stroking his cheek, Sully calmly stated, "I'm
takin' him up t' his Ma." "Papa made it for you," she smiled.

"But..." her protest went unheard as her son-in-law Josef's mood quickly shifted, and he threw the
exited. wooden statuette onto the floor.

************ "Jo..." Michaela stopped herself and turned to her

Another soft knock came. Michaela thought perhaps
Harrison had forgotten something. She opened the "That's okay," Sully bent down to pick it up. "This
door to see Sully standing with Josef in his arms. kinda wood can be real slippery."

"Thought he could use some time with his Ma," he "Sully, he didn't...." she instantly caught herself.
stepped into the room. "Katie asleep?"
"Yes," she whispered.
"Colleen," Matthew sat beside his sister. "Did ya
Uncertain about any physical contact with the baby, see how Josef acted around Ma an' Sully?"
she folded her hands.

"I saw," she bit her lower lip. Sully held up his hand, "He was only a year old
then. We done this t' him twice in his young life
"Is there a medical reason for it?" the young man now."
attempted to discover.
She swiftly turned away to conceal her tears.
"Sorta reminds me of when Ma was shot," Brian
drew a parallel. "I'm sorry, Michaela," he realized his words had
cut. "I didn't mean it t' sound like that. It's just...."
"How so?" Andrew recalled.
"He's too young to understand why we acted as we
"How she kinda shut everyone out," he explained. did," she glanced toward their son.
"Like she didn't wanna be hurt ever again."
"I reckon all we can do is just let him see how much
Colleen remembered, as well, "How soldiers often we love him," Sully pulled her into his embrace.
experienced that sort of reaction after battle."
"But I need to hold him," she spoke of her longing.
"Right," Andrew concurred. "I need him to want me to hold him."

"But Josef's just a baby," Matthew folded his arms. "He'll come around," Sully was unsure of the truth
"Not even two an' a half." of his words. "Our kids have been through a lot in
the last few weeks, Michaela. But one thing's for
"He was, however, thrust into strange sure. They know we love 'em."
surroundings," Andrew speculated. "He was with
people he didn't know." "I pray that you're right," she rested her head against
his chest.
"With Gran'ma," Brian clarified.
"First thing I think we gotta do is get Josef back t'
"He only met her once, right after he was born," Colorado Springs," he announced.
Matthew articulated. "He ended up with servants, a
nanny, no one he knew." "But we just arrived," she pulled back. "We haven't
even had time to visit with Colleen."
"What can we do?" Brian brought home all of their
thoughts. "I think she'll understand," he stated. "I'll book us a
return trip t'morrow"
"I don't know," Matthew sighed.
"I fear Mother's reaction," she cautioned.
"That's another story," he responded.
"Sully," Michaela walked toward the fireplace in
the bedroom. "Do you remember how Josef reacted "I'd rather not mention it to her until morning," she
when we went to Montana last year?" dreaded the discussion.

"I remember," he nodded. "It's up t' you," he rubbed his chin.

"He's reverting back to that behavior," she noted. ************

"He bounced back from our absence fairly quickly
then. Perhaps...." By late evening, following a tense meal, all had
gone to bed. Sully and Michaela sat in her
childhood bedroom watching their children. Katie

had drifted off in their bed, and they were finally ************
able to get Josef down in his crib. Chapter 4
The flickers from the fireplace were nearly
hypnotic. Both parents began to feel more relaxed Josef's face began to turn beet red as his wailing
from the day's events. Michaela leaned back against echoed through the house. Sully swiftly lifted Katie
her husband's chest. Linking their fingers together, and stepped into the hallway, hoping to fend off the
they warmed at the other's touch. family members and servants who might come.

"What if Josef doesn't respond to us as he once did, Alone with her son, Michaela swayed back and
Sully?" she vocalized her innermost fear. forth holding his body against her bosom. Still, he
would not calm. She set him on the bed and began
"He's bound to, sooner or later," he assured. to examine him for any physical ailments. None
could be found, and his tears showed no signs of
She felt a moistness on her cheek, "Perhaps we ebbing.
should take him to a physician here in Boston."
In frustration, she leaned down and resting her
"Ya think somethin's physically wrong with him?" elbows on the bed beside him, began to softly hum
Sully had not considered the possibility. one of his favorite lullabies. Within a few moments,
that did the trick. The little boy's face almost
"I have done some reading on neurasthenia," she suggested a smile as he listened to the tender timbre
recalled. "It's a condition caused by a physical of his mother's voice. She gently stroked his arm
exhaustion of the nerves. Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell while continuing to hum. Josef began to glance
has created a therapy, a rest cure, to combat it. In about the room, not seeming to focus on any one
fact, his book "Fat and Blood," is all the rage. He thing.
has established an Infirmary for Nervous Diseases."
The calm prompted Sully to return with Katie.
"You sayin' we oughta take him t' some infirmary?"
Sully found the notion upsetting. "Joey stop cryin', Mama?" she held her ears just in
She sighed, "I'm simply trying to point out our
options. Colleen informed me that Mother said his "Yes," Michaela did not look up.
appetite is irregular, he has trouble sleeping, and...."
Sully was pleased, "How'd ya get him t' stop?"
"Michaela," Sully put it in simple terms. "Our boy
needs his Ma an' Pa. He needs t' be home again. His "I hummed," Michaela felt as if she had made a
recovery will come." minor breakthrough.

At that moment, they heard Josef stir. The baby "Want me t' sing for him?" Katie offered.
began to whimper low. Instantly, Michaela was at
his side. She reached down to lift him. "Not now, Kates," Sully set her down on the bed
near her brother.
"Shhh," she cupped his head to her cheek. "Mama's
here, Josef." Although his crying had ceased, Josef remained
unresponsive to his family.
Suddenly, the child burst into tears. Loud sobbing
shattered the calm of the Quinn household. "I believe it's a start, Sully," Michaela looked up

"He remembers you singin' t' him," he smiled.

Then Josef's brow wrinkled as he gazed back and "Love," she smiled and nodded. "Sweetheart, the
forth, first at his mother then at his father. His reason that you've been staying with your
breathing quickened. grandmother is because something very bad
happened to Katie. Papa and I needed to help her.
Sully positioned himself near the child, "What ya But we didn't forget about you. We thought about
thinkin' about, Joe?" you every minute."

He was silent. "Katie?" his eyes saddened.

Sully swallowed hard and stared intently at his son, She slid her hand closer to his, "She's fine now. And
"Josef. Your Ma an' me are never, ever gonna leave we're all together again."
ya again."
He pointed to the carved statuette that his father had
For a second, there was the suggestion of a reaction, made, "Woh."
but it quickly passed.
"Wolf missed you, too," she told him. "All of
"Maybe Joey wants a pickle," Katie leaned against Colorado Springs did. Miss Dorothy, Miss Grace,
her mother's arm. Robert E, everyone."

"Would ya like a pickle?" Sully raised his "We go home?" his blue eyes reminded her so much
eyebrows. of Sully's.

"Gwan'ma say no," he quietly answered. "We go home," she affirmed. "But first, how about
that pickle?"
"She didn't let ya have pickles?" Katie was
surprised. "'Kay," he agreed.

"Do ya want one?" Sully repeated. ************

Josef nodded, "Pwease?" "Andrew," Colleen stood at the doorway. "Should

we go to them?"
Michaela felt a tear tickle down her cheek. The poor
child had even been denied his favorite treat. "It appears Josef has stopped crying," he
commented. "Michaela would let us know if she
"Kates, ya feel like comin' with me t' the kitchen?" needs our help."
Sully raised up.
She sat down on the edge of the bed, "It breaks my
"Yep," she shifted toward him. heart to see my little brother like this."

They left on their mission. Michaela, eager to not Andrew nodded, "I know."
jeopardize this tiny bit of communication, said
nothing. By her presence near her son, she hoped to "It wouldn't surprise me if they wanted to take him
convey her love and support. back to Colorado Springs right away," her voice
Finally, unable to contain her counsel any longer,
she spoke softly, "What Papa said is true, Josef. Her husband picked up on it, "Would you like to go
We'll never be apart again. We love you so much, back, too? For a visit, I mean."
my darling."

"Love?" he seemed to beg for the words to be true.

"Now that my medical studies have concluded, I "If he gets back," Brian feared.
would like to return...." she hesitated. "But for
longer than just a visit." "He will," the older brother yawned. "You know Ma
an' Sully. They find a way t' overcome everythin'."
"You mean to live?" he gathered.
"Yes," she hoped he would be receptive. "What
would you think of going back to practice It was at the breakfast table the next morning that
medicine?" Michaela broke the news to her mother.

"In partnership?" Andrew pondered it. "With your "Leave?" Elizabeth was incredulous. "You've only
mother?" just arrived. What about Colleen and Andrew? You
haven't seen them all these many months?"
"You once wanted to stay there," she reminded him.
"Please don't upset yourself, Mother," Michaela
"I know," he recalled. patted her hand. "We believe it's best for Josef to
take him home immediately."
"Well?" Colleen asked.
"Best for Josef?" she waved her hand. "He and
"Can we sleep on it?" he requested. Katie could have the best of everything here.
Servants, nannies, schools, clothes."
"I guess so," she slipped under the covers. "It's just
that seeing my family all together again...." "Not meanin' t' sound disrespectful, Elizabeth,"
Sully interjected. "Those things are nice, but Josef
"You miss them terribly, don't you?" he smiled. needs t' be home now, an' that's in Colorado."

"Can you understand?" she glanced at him. Michaela for once was glad that the children were
eating in the kitchen and not within earshot of the
"Of course," he replied. "We'll talk about it debate.
"What if Andrew and I came with you?" Colleen
************ blurted.

"Matthew, did you go back t' sleep yet?" Brian "Colleen," Andrew became uncomfortable. "We
whispered. haven't fully discussed this."

"No," he squinted in the darkened room. "I know but..." she stopped when her mother spoke.

"I wonder how they got Josef t' settle down," the "Sully and I would love to have you come with us,"
younger brother voiced his concern. her eyes lit up.

"I heard someone in the hall a few minutes ago," Sully noticed Andrew's demeanor, "Elizabeth, how
Matthew mentioned. 'bout you an' Michaela continue this discussion in
the parlor."
"Do ya think there's anything we can do?" Brian
was worried. "Discussion?" Elizabeth's tone was biting. "My
daughter and granddaughter seem to have made up
"Not at the moment," he smiled. "It's gonna take a their minds already."
while t' get Josef back t' his old self."

"It's not a matter of making up my mind," Michaela Michaela stood up, "We're leaving this afternoon. I
corrected. "We're doing what's best for our son." would like for our visit to be pleasant in the
Sully sighed and stood up, "I'm gonna go check on
the kids." "Just like that," Elizabeth stiffened her back.

"If you'll excuse me," Andrew rose, as well. Michaela chose her words carefully, "I can never
repay you for all that you've done for me. You once
"I'll come with you," Colleen followed him. told me of the incredible experience I would have as
a mother, and you were right."
"So, it's just you and I, Michaela," Elizabeth's
glance was daunting. "I suppose I'm being selfish," her mother sighed.

Michaela decided on a new tact, "Mother, do you "You're being..." Michaela hesitated. "You're being
recall what you told me when Sully and I were last you, and I love you."
All rancor left Elizabeth, as she acquiesced, "You'll
"I told you many things," the mother stated. write me?"

"You told me that Katie was more special than any "I promise," she embraced her mother.
of your other grandchildren," she thought back.
"You said there is a spark in her.... a spark which ************
Sully and I put there."
"Sully," Michaela tapped her husband's arm. "Did
"I remember," Elizabeth conceded. "But what does you notice how Colleen and Andrew have barely
that have to do with this? Katie still has that said two words to one another since we boarded the
marvelous quality, and now you have Josef, too." train."

"But Josef's spark is lost," she felt her emotions rise. "I been too busy noticin' how Josef's actin'," he
"His cheery disposition is gone, and I will do replied. "He seems t' be warmin' up t' Katie again."
anything to help my son get it back. I believe the
starting point is to give him back the security of his "I think Colleen an' Andrew are fightin'," Brian
family." contributed.

"I'm not suggesting that he doesn't need you," the "Really? About what?" Michaela pried.
older woman defended. "To the contrary, I...."
"Michaela," Sully folded his arms. "It ain't our
"You're suggesting that we remain here," Michaela business."
softened her tone.
"She's our daughter," she justified.
"And what's wrong with that?" she protested.
"Only thing that can come from our meddlin' is
"There is nothing wrong with wanting to have your trouble," he came back.
family close," the daughter explained. "However,
Boston is not my home anymore, Mother. Nor is it Michaela turned her attention to their son, "Josef,
Katie's or Josef's. Please try to understand." are you enjoying the train ride?"

There was silence. "Katie play," he held up his carving of Wolf.

"I been makin' a sound like a Wolf," Katie smiled.

"Is that what that was?" Sully chuckled. "Thought it "Joey," Katie leaned closer. "Ya really oughta thank
was my stomach tellin' me it's time t' eat." Mama."

Brian returned to the topic of is sister, "How long ya "Tanks," he obeyed.

think Colleen an' Andrew will stay in Colorado
Springs?" "You're welcome," she was beginning to see a little
more of the real Josef.
"Why don't ya go ask 'em, little brother?" Matthew
nudged him. ************

"Tryin' t' get rid o' me?" Brian grinned. Brian and Matthew were instantly aware of the
tension between their sister and her husband.
"Nope," Matthew laughed. "Come on, I'll go with
ya." "Everyone in Colorado Springs is gonna be real
happy t' see ya," Brian tried to open the
The two stood and worked their way back to their conversation. "Wait 'til ya see all the changes."
sister, swaying with the movement of the train as
they walked. Suddenly, the peace of the rail car was The uncomfortable silence remained.
shaken by a mighty wail from little Josef.
"Wanna see the journal I kept when we went t'
Michaela instantly pulled him into her arms and rescue Katie?" the young man changed the topic.
stroked his head, "What's wrong Josef?"
"Maybe later, Brian," Colleen glared at her
"Wolf cut him," Katie pointed to his finger. husband.

"Cut him?" Michaela held his hand close to the "Looks like Josef's startin' t' come around,"
window for better light. Matthew informed them.

"Let me see the carvin', Kates," Sully took the "That's good," Andrew commented.
statuette. "Looks like there's a little edge I didn't
sand." "You two wanna be alone?" Brian supposed.

"I see a splinter," Michaela tried to allay the little "Not particularly," Colleen's words were as much
boy's fears. "I'll take it out, Sweetheart." for her husband as for her brothers.

"Huwt," he made a face. "For what it's worth, I know you comin' with us
means a lot t' Ma an' Pa," Brian spoke from the
Michaela opened her medical bag, retrieved some heart.
tweezers and gently removed the sliver of wood
from the child's finger. Soon she had it bandaged. "Thank you, Brian," Colleen smiled. "It means a lot
Then she kissed the dressing. to me, too."

"Is that a little smile I see there?" she indicated the "Hope ya can enjoy the rest o' the trip," he said.
corner of his mouth. "Otherwise, it'll seem a lot longer."

"Mama make ya feel better, Joe?" Sully caressed his "I'm certain it will seem very long," Andrew aimed
head. his comment at his wife.

He nodded shyly.

************ Relieved to be home after their long journey,
Chapter 5 Michaela and Sully prepared for bed that evening.
************ As his wife brushed her long tresses, Sully lay in
bed contemplating a diplomatic way of telling her
"Dr. Mike! Sully!" Horace observed the passengers what was on his mind.
disembarking from the train. "Didn't expect t' see ya
back so soon." "You seem deep in thought," she noticed. "Are you
"We felt it important to be home," Michaela smiled
as she held her son close. "Upset?" he looked up. "No."

"Colleen an' Andrew, too!" Horace greeted them. She set her brush on the vanity and removed her
"Gosh, it's good t' see ya. How long ya stayin'?" robe. Strolling to the bed, she slipped under the
sheets to snuggle against his warm form. Sully
"That's a matter for discussion," Andrew replied. instinctively pulled her closer.
"Not that we're very good at discussing things."
Michaela raised a finger to caress his jaw line,
"Look how little Josef here has grown," Horace "We're finally all together again, Sully."
leaned down. "Your Ma an' Pa sure missed ya."
"Yep," he smiled faintly.
Josef turned away.
"Aren't you happy about it?" she worried.
"He must be tired from the trip," the telegraph
operator assumed. "Where's Ka...." "Sure," he nodded. "Josef seems t' be doin' a little
better each day."
"Here, Mr. Bing," Katie jumped onto the platform
from the last step of the railway car. "Is there something else on your mind?" Michaela
toyed with a lock of his hair.
"Careful, Kates," Sully prevented her from falling.
"Sort o'," he rolled onto his side to face her.
"You always save me, Poppy," she looked up at him "Michaela, I been watchin' how ya are with
adoringly. Colleen."

Brian and Matthew were the last off the train. "How I am with Colleen?" she was puzzled.

"I'll book a room for us at the Chateau," Andrew "Ya treat her like your Ma treats you," he came out
stated to his wife. with it.

"I insist that you stay with us," Michaela overheard. "What do you mean?" she was taken aback.

"I appreciate your offer, Michaela, but..." Andrew "Ya know how your Ma tells ya what t' do, rather
was interrupted by his wife. than ask?" he began. "How she has her mind set on
how things oughta be, rather than thinkin' about
"Of course, we'll stay with you, Ma," Colleen how you might feel or want things done?"
"I know that Mother can be rather domineering,"
Soon the family departed for the homestead. she admitted. "But what does that have to do with
my relationship with Colleen?"

"Ya act like Andrew ain't even there," he specified. "I dare not ask a kiss,
"Maybe Colleen needed t' talk with him about I dare not beg a smile,
comin' here, but...." Lest having that, or this,
I might grow proud the while.
"Don't you want them here with us?" she jumped to No, not the utmost share,
conclusions. Of my desire, shall be
Only to kiss that air,
"'Course I do," he took a deep breath. "I ain't talkin' That lately kissed thee."
about them stayin' in the house. I'm talkin' about
them comin' t' Colorado Springs." "It's been a while since you recited poetry to me,
Mr. Sully," she relaxed.
"I'm afraid I don't understand, Sully," she became
defensive. "Andrew voiced no objection to their "It's been a while since I did a lot o' things for ya,"
coming here." his gaze spoke of desire.

"He didn't have the chance," her husband retorted. "Was that Keats?" she referred to the poet.

"My wanting our daughter to visit with us makes "Herrick," he informed her.
me domineering?" her temper was simmering.
Michaela played along, "What haven't you done for
"I guess I ain't sayin' this right," he sighed. "Maybe me?"
with Josef so much on your mind right now, ya can't
see what you're doin'." "You know," he played with the strap of her
"What AM I doing?" she was now angry.
"I'm sorry I haven't felt like..." her emotions soared
"I reckon you're gettin' mad at me," he knew. again.

"I'm not angry with you," she folded her arms. "Here, now," he melted. "No need t' apologize,
Michaela. We been through hell the last few weeks.
"Yes, ya are," he grinned. The last thing I'd expect us t' think about would
Her eyes watered, "Please try to understand, Sully."
"You've been so patient with me, Sully," she turned
"I do understand," he touched the first tear as it to face him. "When I blamed you for Katie's
trickled down her cheek. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't've kidnapping... when...."
said anythin'."
"I told ya it was only the hurt talkin'," he was
"If you believe that I'm acting improperly, you sincere.
should point it out to me," she stated.
"But even after bringing Katie home, I haven't been
"Improperly?" he chuckled. "No, that ain't how in the mood for us to be... intimate," she lowered
you're actin'." her voice.

"Why are you laughing?" she protested. "You were worried about Josef an'...." he paused.
"Can ya think o' any reason why we can't be....
His tone became tender: intimate now?"

"No," she turned up the corner of her mouth.

"Me either," he ran his finger along her lips. "Mind thought he was saying, "Mama, no go. Mama, no
if I kiss ya?" go!"

"Mind?" she raised an eyebrow. "I'd mind if you She tenderly placed her hand against his cheek and
didn't." spoke low, "I'm here, Josef. Mama's here."

"Think we still might remember how t' do this?" he The boy awoke with a start. Disoriented at first, he
teased. looked up. Sully lit the lamp to illuminate the room
and calm his son.
"Sully!" she tapped his side.
"Mama," Josef reached up for her.
Feather light kisses followed, and their passions
were instantly ignited. It had been weeks since they Michaela pulled the toddler into her arms, "It was
permitted themselves to be lost in their desire for only a dream, Sweetheart. Mama's here. Papa's
one another, and each caress only fueled their ardor. here."
As their pulses began to race, there came a light
tapping at the door. "No go?" he pleaded.

"Sully," Michaela knew he had not heard it. "No, Josef," she rested his head against her cheek.
"We're not going anywhere. Nor are you. We're
"Mmmm?" he trailed his kisses down her neck. together."

"The door," she tried to steady her breathing. Michaela could feel his tense body start to relax.
Placing his finger in his mouth, the weary child
"What door?" he was reaching the point of no closed his eyes.
"Maybe ya oughta take Joey in your room," Katie
"I heard someone knocking," she did not want her suggested. "He's scared."
husband to stop.
"How 'bout you, Kates?" Sully stroked her hair.
"They'll go away," her scent was driving him mad. "You okay?"

"No," she gently pushed him back. "One of the "Yep," she nodded. "But it's hard t' sleep with
children might need us." Joey."

He sighed in frustration, "I'll check." "You're a wonderful big sister, Sweetheart,"

Michaela smiled at her daughter. "Thank you for
When he opened the door, there stood Katie. letting us know that Josef was frightened."

"What's wrong, honey?" Sully knelt down. "You're welcome," Katie climbed into her bed.
"Maybe we get some sleep now?"
"I think Joey's havin' a bad dream," she whispered.
Sully tucked her under the covers, "'Night, sweet
Michaela heard her words and reached to quickly girl."
put on her robe. As Sully lifted their daughter,
Michaela rushed ahead into the nursery. There lay "Poppy," she asked. "Do I need t' say my prayers
Josef, his covers kicked off, his body steeped in again?"
perspiration and his face tormented by a nightmare.
The little boy was barely audible, but Michaela "Do ya think ya should?" he left it up to her.

"I guess I should say a couple for Joey," she folded The look of terror in the child's eyes alarmed his
her hands. parents.

"I know he'll appreciate it, Katie," Michaela "Come here, Joe," Sully reached for him.
touched her arm. "Good night, my darling."
"Mama," the little boy clutched her more tightly.
"'Night, Mama," the little girl began her prayers.
"Josef, Sweetheart," she stroked his head. "Let Papa
************ hold you."

Michaela held Josef on her lap at the breakfast "No go?" his little brow wrinkled.
"I'm right here," she nodded. "Go to Papa."
When she heard Sully descend the steps, she
informed him, "I believe he has a slight fever." Josef tentatively turned, and Sully lifted him up.

Sully felt his son's forehead, "Seems all right t' me." "That's my big boy," Sully spoke calmly. "Wanna
touch the ceilin'?"
Michaela held each spoonful of food to her son's
lips, and he lay back against her, sluggishly "No," Josef embraced him with a firm grasp.
accepting what she offered.
"All right," Sully looked at his wife with
"How ya feel, Joe?" Sully bent over to look into his questioning eyes. "What ya wanna do t'day? Your
eyes. Ma an' me will do whatever ya want."

"'Kay," he said between mouthfuls of food. "Wanna hold," he beckoned his mother.

Sully stood for a moment observing mother and Michaela stood up and went to them. Both parents
son. Michaela was beginning to pamper and baby hugged the little boy, attempting to reassure him
the child to the point that he did not have to lift a with their love. Suddenly footsteps were heard on
finger. the stairs.

"Is Katie still sleeping?" Michaela kissed Josef. "Wonder who that is?" Sully raised his eyebrows.

"Yep," he nibbled on some bacon. "Colleen an' "Mornin'," Katie reached the bottom step. Then she
Andrew, too." caught sight of her little brother. "Joey!"

"Brian went to school," she continued the small He turned his head into his father's chest.
"Mornin', Kates," Sully sat down and pulled her
Sully took a deep breath, "Wanna come help me in close.
the barn, Joe?"
"I hear fightin'," she kissed her father and mother.
Josef clutched his mother's blouse, "No, Papa. No
go." "Fighting?" Michaela prepared breakfast for the
little girl.
"Hey," Sully smiled. "It's okay. Mama'll still be here
when we come back inside." "Yep," she climbed into a chair. "Colleen an'
"No, Papa," the toddler began to fuss.

************ "They have enough on their hands with Josef right
Chapter 6 now without having to deal with our difficulties," he
************ explained.

"Will you lower your voice?" Andrew spoke Colleen paused to consider his words, "Maybe
tersely. "Surely we can have a civil conversation you're right."
without resorting to shouting."
"You'll join me at the Chateau?" he requested.
Colleen finished dressing, "A discussion involves
more than one person, Andrew. You're not willing "All right," she consented.
to listen to my viewpoint."
"Yes, I am," he was flustered.
Loren sat at his favorite table at Grace's Cafe
"Look," she put her hands on her hips. "From the enjoying his morning cup of coffee. Hank spotted
moment I saw how Dr. Mike healed folks, cared him and walked over.
about them, even tried to save my Ma's life, I
wanted to be a doctor." "Fall asleep, ol' man?" Hank quipped.

"And now you are," he pointed out. "Why must that "It's temptin' if you're gonna be talkin' t' me," Loren
be a source of disagreement?" shot back.

"Because now I want to come back home to work "Very funny," the bartender sat down. "I hear
with her... to make a difference in people's lives like Michaela an' Sully are back."
she has," she pulled her blonde tresses back.
"Yep," Loren nodded. "Colleen an' Andrew, too."
"Colleen," he shook his head. "I thought we agreed
to stay in Philadelphia." "Think they'll be expandin' the Clinic now?" Hank
"No, Andrew," she countered. "You assumed we
would do that. You never once asked my opinion." "Never thought o' that," he answered. "Ya think we
got enough sick people t' keep all them doctors
"Well, a wife should stay where her husband is," he busy?"
stated firmly. "My practice is in Philadelphia."
"Town's growin'," Hank leaned back.
"So what do we do now?" she folded her arms.
Jake saw his friends in conversation, and he carried
"I don't know," he looked down. "Perhaps I should his daughter over to chat.
get a room at the Chateau. You obviously don't
want me here." "Mornin'," the barber sat down propping up the
little girl on his lap.
"Why would you say that?" she failed to follow his
logic. "Got enough blankets around your kid?" Hank
"This is your parents' home," he sighed.
"It's kinda chilly this mornin'," he responded.
"You know they like you," she rolled her eyes.
"You know you're welcome here." "The way ya keep her bundled, it's a miracle she
don't suffocate," Loren shook his head.

"What's wrong with us?" Hank chuckled. "Time "Slavery?" Loren found it hard to believe.
was, we had a lot more interestin' things t' talk about
than Jake's kid an' her blankets." "Not out an' out slavery," Dorothy shook her head.
"That's illegal now, but I think Grace's right.
"Well, what do ya wanna talk about then?" Loren There'll be a lot o' back slidin'."
"So, anythin' excitin' comin' up accordin' t' the
"I don't know," Hank shrugged. "I leave town for a social calendar of the paper?" Hank quipped.
few weeks an' miss all the excitement."
"Why are you so hell bent on..." Loren was
"Ya mean Katie's kidnappin'?" Jake spoke up. interrupted.

"Yea," the barkeeper leaned his elbows on the table. "Don't use that kinda language around my kid,"
Jake objected.
"It sure was excitin'," Loren's eyes brightened.
"Ya think the child can hear us through all them
"You wasn't even there," Jake said. blankets?" Loren motioned.

"I was at Dr. Mike's party when she was taken," he "Never know," Jake replied.
was offended.
Loren directed his comments at Hank in a lower
"Yea, but ya wasn't buried up t' your neck in...." voice, "Why are you so he... heck bent on somethin'
Jake began. excitin' happenin'?"

"If I hear that story one more time, I'm gonna "I just am," Hank responded. "Maybe I'll make my
croak," Loren rolled his eyes. own excitement."

"Well, now that I'm back, I'm lookin' forward t' "Now ya got me worried," Jake rolled his eyes.
some more action," Hank saw Grace approach. "Not
much has been goin' on around here, an' it's gettin' ************
"Leave?" Michaela responded to her daughter's
"What would you men like?" Grace poured coffee pronouncement. "Why would you and Andrew want
for Hank and Jake. to pay Preston to stay at his Chateau when..."

She took their orders and departed, passing Dorothy "Michaela," Sully stopped her. "They got their
with her latest edition of The Gazette. The redhead reasons, an' maybe it's got nothin' t' do with us or
handed Loren a copy. with money."

"Reconstruction Ends," Loren read the headline "I only meant...." she caught herself. "I see. Well...
aloud. "What in tarnation happened?" would you at least join us for dinner this evening?"

"President Hayes pulled all the Federal Troops out Colleen looked toward her husband. He nodded.
o' the South," Dorothy summarized.
"We'd love to, Ma," she embraced Michaela.
"So, what's that mean?" Jake asked.
"I'll help ya load your trunks on the wagon," Sully
Grace returned with their eating utensils, "Prob'ly offered.
means things'll go back like they was."

The two men went upstairs, leaving Michaela with "I know ya do," he stretched out beside her. "I love
her daughter. There were no words exchanged at puttin' up with ya. I couldn't live without ya."
first. Michaela stepped away to observe Josef and
Katie playing with Wolf. Linking his fingers in her's, he pulled them to his
"Is there anything you'd like to discuss with me,
Colleen?" Michaela turned to face her. "You know, we were interrupted last night," she
was finding his touches irresistible.
"Not right now, Ma," she answered. "I need to talk
with Andrew, and it would be better if we did it "I seem t' recall that," he teased.
away from folks."
"May I offer my sincere apologies?" she smiled.
"I suppose the opportunity didn't present itself on
the train ride here," Michaela was almost sarcastic. "You may offer anythin' ya want," his intense look
Then she regretted her tone, "I'm sorry, Colleen. I awakened her desire.
shouldn't have said that."
"Why is that?" she caressed the hair behind his ears.
"It's okay, Ma," the young woman hugged her.
"We'll be back for supper. Maybe with some good "'Cause you're the most beautiful woman in the
news." world," his voice was low.

************ "I never tire of hearing you say that," she retorted.

Michaela tiptoed from the nursery after settling her He leaned so close, his lips nearly touched her ear:
children down for their naps. She was met in the
hallway by Sully. "For she was beautiful--her beauty made
The bright world dim..."
"They sleepin'?" he whispered.
"Was that Byron?" she uttered.
"Yes," she sighed.
"Shelley," he kissed her ear lobe.
"Ya sound like you could use a nap, too," he guided
her into the bedroom. Every nerve in her body tingled, "Oh, Sully. I love
you so much."
Removing her shoes, he helped her lay back on the
bed. "I love you, too," he whispered.

"Thank you, Sully," she relaxed at his ministrations. Michaela clasped his face between her hands and
passionately kissed him. Sully's blood suddenly
"Things are gonna be okay, Michaela," his voice surged through his veins like an electrical current.
was soothing. Breathlessly, they began to remove one another's
clothing until their mutual want was apparent.
She reached out for his hand, "Thank you for
putting up with me." "I need you," his urges were overwhelming.

"Humm," he looked up at the ceiling. "It's a tough "As I need you," she could not hold back.
Weeks of abstinence had created a hunger which
"I mean it," she insisted. took control of their bodies. Sweet touches
transformed into pulsating desire. The

synchronization of their movements soon "Of course, you're welcome to stay here," Preston
culminated in an energetic joining of their bodies. backed down. "I think you'll find that we compare
Wave after wave of their physical appetite was favorably with some of the establishments in
finally quenched. Philadelphia."

His tender kisses to her temple assured Michaela "Certainly not in your preregistration questions,"
that their love making was as fulfilling as ever. In Colleen could not resist.
the private ways that only they two knew, they
communicated their gratification. Preston elbowed Andrew, "You've got your hands
full here, Andrew."
"I been missin' you somethin' awful," he grinned.
Andrew cleared his throat, "If you'll excuse us."
"I noticed," she kissed his chest.
"Welcome home," Preston tipped his hat and exited.
"Based on what just happened, I'm thinkin' you feel
the same way," he joked. "How could you have ever worked for that man?"
Colleen shook her head.
"Most definitely, Mr. Sully," she kissed him again.
"He paid me well and provided me with top quality
He enfolded her in his arms, "Think ya can get that equipment," he answered.
nap now?"
"I remember when he wouldn't let you treat Mrs.
"I believe so," she shut her eyes and allowed the Morales," she thought back.
scent of him to fill her senses.
"Rest assured I treat whomever I want now," he
************ closed the topic.

"Andrew, my friend!" Preston greeted his former ************

employee. "What a pleasant surprise! And Colleen,
too." Katie knocked on her parents' bedroom door,
"Mama, Poppy."
"Preston," Andrew immediately felt uncomfortable.
Michaela yawned and saw that her husband was still
"What brings you here?" Preston dispensed with sleeping. She smiled, then rose from their bed.
She opened the door, "Up from your nap already?"
"We'd like a room," the young physician requested.
"It's Joey again," Katie informed her.
"Having a tiff with the in-laws are we?" the banker
jabbed. Swiftly Michaela went to the nursery, only to find
her son displaying the same anxiety which had
Colleen could not hold her tongue, "Is it your wakened him the previous night.
business to ask such questions of your guests?"
Sully soon joined them, "We gotta do somethin',
Preston grinned, "Like mother, like daughter." Michaela."

"Are you going to rent us a room, or shall we go "I'm at a loss to know what," she lifted the
elsewhere?" Colleen was losing patience. trembling baby into her arms.

"I got an idea," he told her.

************ Hearing the laughter of her children, she began to
Chapter 7 compose herself.
"Perhaps Sully is right," she thought aloud. "I... I
"What can we do, Sully?" Michaela placed soothing cannot be objective where Josef is concerned. I
kisses on their son. know and respect Cloud Dancing's ways."

"I wanna take him t' Cloud Dancin'," Sully said. Then she was overcome by a new wave of guilt.
Guilt for not being with her child when he most
"Cloud Dancing?" she considered the idea. "I needed her. Guilt for what had happened to Katie.
thought he returned to... you're not suggesting that Guilt for how she had pressured Colleen to return
we take him that far, are you?" with them.

"I think it would be best for you t' stay here," he Sully appeared at the doorway, "It ain't your fault,
recommended. "An' Cloud Dancin' ain't that far Michaela."
"Oh, Sully!" she rushed to him.
"You want me to stay here?" she was offended.
"Why?" He drew her into his embrace, "It's okay." Stroking
her hair, he repeated. "It's okay."
Sully stepped closer and gently rested his hand on
her shoulder, "'Cause you're too close t' things right "Perhaps he does need Cloud Dancing's help," she
now." felt safe in her husband's arms.

"What do you mean?" she stiffened. "I'm his "I'll take him t'morrow," he responded.
"Exactly," Sully noted. "Ya might not be able t' see
everythin' he needs." "Now what?" Colleen sat down in their Chateau
room. "We're here, away from my family."
"He needs me, Sully," she teared up.
Andrew stammered, "I... I think we should discuss
Josef became agitated as his parents debated, our future."
"All right," Colleen agreed. "Why don't you tell me
Sully spoke in a soothing voice, "Let's talk about what you'd like for us to do, and we'll see if there's
this later." Reaching for his son, he smiled, "Wanna some common ground?"
go find Wolf, Joe?"
"Well..." he sought to put his feelings into words. "I
"Woh," the little boy smiled. Then returning his would like for us to go into practice together. We've
glance to Michaela, his brow wrinkled, "Mama?" spent enough time apart during your days at the
"That sounds like fun, Sweetheart," she forced a
smile. "Go find Wolf." "Agreed," she nodded.

As Sully exited with the children, Michaela ran her He continued, "And... I would like for it to be where
hand along the railing of Josef's crib. Her heart we can have access to the finest equipment and
filled with remorse for what had happened to her facilities."
son. She felt a lump in her throat as she attempted to
deny her feelings of guilt, but they were too "So you prefer a city," she responded.
"I didn't say that," he raised his finger. "Poppy," Katie put her hands on her hips. "We gotta
do somethin'."
"Are you suggesting something like Preston's
Clinic?" she frowned. As Michaela stood up and carried Josef upstairs,
Sully plopped into a chair in frustration. His
"It had its advantages," he pointed out. daughter approached him and silently climbed into
his lap. Sully grinned as the child leaned her head
"Advantages?" she questioned. "You dispensed against his chest.
medicine that was mostly alcohol to rich people
who came here with nothing seriously wrong." "He just needs t' know we love him, Kates," Sully
could still hear his son's sobbing from overhead.
His temper rose uncharacteristically, "I also saved
your mother's life in that Clinic!" "Why don't he know that?" she tried to understand.

She was stunned, "I.... I'm sorry, Andrew. I know "I guess 'cause we hurt his feelin's," he confided.
that you did."
"We did?" she opened her eyes wide.
"I'm sorry, too," he looked down. "It's just that we
need to learn to discuss things before a decision is "Not you, sweet girl," he assured her. "You didn't
made. You didn't give me that opportunity before hurt him."
telling your mother we'd come here."
"Did you an' Mama?" she wondered.
"We did discuss it," she indicated.
"Without meanin' to, I think we did," he felt his
"No, we SAID we'd discuss it," he clarified. heart grow heavy.
Sighing, he returned to the subject. "So, what do
you want to do? "Ya know what ya gotta do?" she sat up straight.

************ "What?" he adored her expression.

Josef rushed to his mother when she joined the "Ya gotta tell Joey you're sorry," she instructed.
children downstairs, "Hold, Mama."
"Okay," he smiled. "We'll do that."
"I love to hold you," she smiled as she lifted him
into her lap. Katie pondered their exchange, "Poppy, are you an'
Mama gonna hurt my feelin's, too?"
"Mama," Katie approached them. "Joey poked Wolf
in his eye." He took a deep breath, "Sometimes without meanin'
to, we hurt the feelin's of the people we love the
"He did?" she raised an eyebrow. "You shouldn't do most. When that happens, we gotta remember that
that, Josef." we still love each other, an' that love'll get through
the hurt."
The gentle correction by his mother instantly
triggered an outburst of tears from the little boy. "Did Joey forget we love him?" she tilted her head.

"Sweetheart," she rubbed his back. "There's no need "Maybe," he stroked her blonde tresses.
to cry."
She amended her counsel, "Then ya gotta tell him
Sully entered the living room, "What's wrong?" that ya love him, AN' you're sorry ya hurt his

"That's real good advice, honey," Sully heard his "He has good moments and bad," Sully stated. "See
son finally cease his crying. "Sounds like your Ma how nice he's playin' with Katie? That could change
got him calmed down." in an instant, and he'd burst into tears. He's gone
from not wantin' Michaela or me t' hold him t'
"Good," she reached to play with his beads. constantly clingin' t' us."

"Katie," his tone was serious. "I'm gonna take Josef "I see," Andrew was at a loss.
t' see Cloud Dancin'. Do ya think you could take
care o' your Ma while we're gone?" "I'm takin' him out t' see Cloud Dancing," the
mountain man informed him. "Maybe he can help."
"Well," she considered it. "I'll take care o' her, but
ya know she's gonna miss ya." "Away from his mother again?" the young
physician questioned.
"How 'bout you?" he tickled her side. "You gonna
miss me, too?" "He can't be around his Ma twenty-four hours a
day," Sully noted.
"Yep," she giggled. "Bran an' Matthew are gonna be
home soon, so ya better cheer up." "I realize that," Andrew commented. "However, at
this crucial stage in his readjustment, I'm not certain
Sully kissed her, "You did a real good job o' it would be advisable to separate them again."
cheerin' me up."
"Thanks for your advice," Sully was firm. "But I'm
************ takin' him t'morrow mornin'."

As the coach neared the homestead, Colleen ************

expressed her feelings to her husband, "Andrew, I'd
like us t' be near Colorado Springs again. Being in Michaela noticed her older daughter's quiet, "Have
this familiar setting again makes me realize how you and Andrew resolved what's bothering you?"
much I've missed it."
"Seems like something's always bothering us," the
"I see," he pulled the horse to a stop. young woman smiled. "We're talking anyway.
That's a start."
"Is there some way we can compromise?" she
implored. "Yes," Michaela dried the last plate.
"Communication is important."
He helped her down from the carriage, "It's worth
consideration, but please, let's not mention anything "It sure is good to be home," Colleen embraced her.
to your family?"
"And it's wonderful to have you here," Michaela
"All right," she nodded. smiled. "After what you experienced in England,
however, I wonder how our provincial little town
************ compares."

After dinner, Colleen helped her mother with the "It compares just fine," Colleen smiled. "What a
dishes as Matthew and Brian sat for a game of different life the Royal family leads though."
checkers. Sully and Andrew sat nearby watching
over Katie and Josef. Michaela sat at the kitchen table. "I can only
"How is he doing?" Andrew motioned toward the
little boy.

"Andrew and I visited Windsor Castle on a few "That's just it, Ma," Colleen lowered her voice.
occasions," she joined her mother. "Queen Victoria "He's married."
was very hospitable. I think she must have a million
grandchildren!" "And he behaves like that?" Michaela was shocked.

"A million?" Michaela felt herself lighten in mood "It upsets the Queen. That's for sure," the young
for the first time since their return home. woman observed.

"Well, she had nine children," Colleen continued to "And what of your medical studies there?" the
amuse her mother. "Her husband Prince Albert died mother asked.
in 1861, and the poor woman has been in mourning
ever since." Before Colleen could respond, Andrew appeared, "I
think it's time for us to return to the Chateau,
"Did you meet all of these grandchildren?" Colleen."
Michaela queried.
"A topic for tomorrow," Colleen smiled at her
"I met most of them, I think," she recounted. "There mother.
was one little girl, who I really liked. There was
something very special about her. Even the Queen ************
treated her that way."
Michaela stared blankly into her vanity mirror as
"Who was that?" Michaela was enthralled. she brushed her hair. From the bed, Sully watched
her, loving the smooth and graceful movements of
"Well, Ma, they give those royal kids four or five his wife. Finally, she completed her evening ritual,
names, but her's I do remember," Colleen joked. removed her robe and climbed silently into bed.
"Alix Victoria Helena Louise Beatrice, Princess of
Hesse-Darmstadt. She's only four years old." "Wanna talk about it?" he stroked her arm.

"Four years old, and she made quite an impression "I was thinking about your leaving with Josef
on you," Michaela patted her hand. tomorrow," she said.

"Oh, yes," Colleen's eyes gleamed. "Her mother "I hope ya ain't upset with me for...." he was
calls her 'Sunny.' She has the merriest disposition, interrupted.
always laughing, and a dimple in one cheek."
"I'm not upset with you, Sully," she stopped him.
Suddenly Michaela's eyes saddened. That could
have been a description of Josef. He sighed, "I know ya don't wanna be separated
from Josef."
Colleen realized the effect of her words and
returned to the subject, "Now, the Queen's oldest "Is that wrong of me?" she defended.
son, the Prince of Wales, is quite a source of
gossip." "'Course not," he ran his finger along her cheek.

"Oh?" Michaela raised an eyebrow. His touch instantly stirred her. She did not think it
possible at a moment like this. At a moment when
"The family calls him Bertie," the daughter went on. she was so overcome with concern for her little boy,
"He's only 35 years old and very much a lady's his father could by a mere touch, arouse her. She
man." felt ashamed at the reaction of her body, and a tear
formed in the corner of her eye.
Michaela presumed, "Well, I imagine he's the most
eligible bachelor in Europe."
"Please don't cry," he touched the moist drop. "You do?" she was amazed. "But our first time was
so magical."
"I'm afraid I can't help myself," she fought her
feelings. "Oh, it was," he began to caress her thigh. "But ya
know, things have only gotten better."
"I promise I won't keep him away long," he vowed.
"Indeed they have, Mr. Sully," she let down all
"I know you won't, Sully," she fought her feelings. reserve.
"I know that you only have his welfare in mind."
"Michaela," his voice made her heart skip a beat.
"Then why are ya cryin'?" he struggled to
understand. He pulled her so close, she could feel every contour
of his body. His need for her equaled her desire for
"Because of you," she lowered her eyes. him. Slowly, sensuously, they touched one another,
heightening each sensation, giving pleasure upon
"Me?" he was confused. pleasure. Her final touch caused him to nearly burst.

"What you do to me," she clarified. "Shhh," she stroked his hair. "Shall we?"

"I... I don't understand," his brow wrinkled. He "We shall," he could scarcely say the words.
pulled back a lock of her hair, "I don't mean t'...."
Their bodies entered into a union of incalculable
"No," she ran her finger along his lips. "What you delight. Rhythmically merging together, they were
do to me when you touch me." nearly blinded by the ecstasy of the experience. Her
hands held onto his back, inviting him further until
"Oh," he grinned. "Why's that make ya cry?" his body was spent of all energy.

She confided, "Because it's not appropriate for me She thought to herself, how could she have felt
to have... those kinds of feelings at a time like this." guilty for wanting Sully so much? The profound
effect he had on her body and soul was nothing
"Humm," he leaned closer. "I think it's only natural short of miraculous. It was this incredible energy
when we're this close." which had enabled them to conceive four children.

"But I shouldn't feel this way when Josef needs But it was more than procreation. It was the
me," her emotions were jumbled. overpowering sense of completeness she felt when
she gave herself totally to Sully. It was the way he
"Michaela," he whispered. "Josef's sleepin' right gave himself to her with such intensity and passion.
now. Besides, he's not the only one who needs ya." The more they gave, the more they received.

Her tears began to dry, "His father needs me, too?" Shortly after her marriage, Michaela had questioned
Dorothy about whether there might be something
"Even after all these years," he teased. wrong with her for so frequently wanting to be with
Sully. Her friend had assured her that it was
"Nearly seven years of marriage," she finally perfectly normal, but deep within herself, Michaela
permitted herself to relax. sensed that the bond she had with this man
transcended what most married people would ever
"I want ya even more now, than I did that first share.
time," he grinned.
Now, filled with the warmth of his love, she vowed
to never again permit herself to feel such culpability
for desiring her husband.
"I'm glad," she locked into his gaze. "Don't tell me ya didn't notice," Jake pointed to the
roof of the school house.
"About what?" he ran his hand up and down her
back. "Looks like one o' the Chateau's carriages up there,"
the bartender calmly stated. "Kind of a strange place
"I'm glad Josef's father needs me, too," she smiled. t' park it."

"He always will," he spoke of himself in the third "You have somethin' t' do with this?" Jake turned to
person. Hank.

She pulled herself against him, "Good night, Sully. I "Me?" he chuckled. "I got better things t' do than
love you." put that up there. 'Sides, even if I was crazy enough
t' wanna do it, I couldn't do it by myself."
He felt her relax in his arms and recited:
"Who's gonna help me get it down?" Jake eyed the
"What is better than wisdom? gathering.
And what is better than a good woman? "Wait!" Dorothy interjected. "I wanna get a drawin'
Nothing!" of it for The Gazette."

He assumed she had fallen asleep when she offered "I can see it now," Hank laughed. "Front page story
no guess as to the poet. in the paper. Headline: 'School Days or School
"Chaucer" he kissed the top of her head. "I love
you, too." ************

************ "What do you mean you can't find it?" Preston

Chapter 8 screamed at his front desk manager.
"It's missing, sir," the poor man cowered.
"Who ya think put it up there?" Horace joined the
throng of townsfolk gawking at the roof of the "Then send someone to find it!" he blustered.
school just after dawn.
"We still have the larger one," the man hoped to
"I think the better question is how'd they get it up calm him.
there?" Loren folded his arms.
"I SAID FIND IT!" the banker raged.
"I never saw the likes of it," Robert E shook his
head. "What's wrong?" Andrew approached.

"How we gonna get it down?" Horace asked. "This idiot has misplaced a carriage!" Preston
seethed at his employee. "If it's not found by noon,
"Teresa's gonna be mad as a hornet," Jake was he can pack his things and consider himself
flustered. unemployed."

"Miss Teresa?" Robert E thought about it. "What Colleen observed the exchange and spoke low to
about Preston?" her husband, "I still don't understand how you could
ever have worked for him."
Hank saw the crowd and approached, "What's goin'

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," he "Pwease come?" he implored.
shrugged. "Shall we have some breakfast?"
"Papa needs your help, Sweetheart," she forced a
************ smile. "If I come with you, that will spoil his
Michaela put on her bravest face for the sake of her
son, but her heart ached as she packed a travel bag Josef became silent, then stood up, "I help Papa."
for him. Descending the steps, she caught a glimpse
of her husband speaking to their children. Then she "That's my darling," she embraced him. "I'll wait
observed Josef, quietly sitting on the floor next to right here for you."
"Home," he looked about the room.
Sully had told her that it would be best for them to
be very matter-of-fact about the departure. She "Home," she rubbed his tummy and kissed his
resolved to use her calmest voice and hope that the cheek. "See you later?"
little boy would not fuss.
"'Kay," he kissed her.
Michaela handed Sully the small bag, "I believe this
will be sufficient for him." ************

He smiled, "Knowin' you, it'll be enough for a "I imagine that you would like to spend the day
week." with your mother," Andrew finished his breakfast.

She turned to glance at their son, "I'll speak with "Yes," she sighed. "Sully's taking Josef to see Cloud
him." Dancing today. Who knows how long they'll be
"No good-byes," he reminded her.
"I'm not so certain that Cloud Dancing can help
She knelt down beside the little boy, "How is Wolf him," he predicted.
doing this morning?"
"Why not?" she asked. "You've witnessed his
"Good," he ran his hand along the animal's fur. healing."

"Papa has a nice idea," she raised the topic. "Medicinal cures, yes," he agreed. "But Josef may
need some other type of help."
"What?" he looked up.
"Are you coming with me?" she invited.
"To go see one of your very favorite people," she
smiled. "Cloud Dancing." "If you don't mind, no," he smiled slightly. "I think
perhaps it would be better for you to visit your
"We go?" he recognized the name. mother without my being there."

"You and Papa, yes," she waited for his reaction. "Do you feel uncomfortable?" she speculated.

"You come, Mama? his blue eyes begged. "To tell you the truth, Colleen, I've always found
your mother to be a bit intimidating," he averted her
She leaned closer and whispered, "I think Papa gaze. "She opposed our marriage in the first place,
wants you to help him bring me a surprise, so I'd and...."
better stay here to wait for you."
"She came around," she reminded him.

"I know, and please understand," he mentioned. "I ************
have the utmost respect and admiration for
Michaela." "Loren," Jake stepped into Bray's Mercantile.
"Gotta tell ya somethin'."
"But you'd rather not come with me," she
concluded. "What is it?" he stepped closer.

"It will be good for the two of you to visit," he "Guess what I found behind the Gold Nugget," the
advised. "I'll join you for dinner." barber whispered.

************ "What?" he had no idea.

Sully held Josef close as the two rode along. The "Couple o' big wooden planks," Jake looked around.
familiar landscape gave the loving father a sense of
peace. Knowing he would soon be reunited with his "So?" he was still clueless.
Cheyenne brother was also a source of comfort. He
glanced down at the little boy, tucked in his saddle "So," Jake became impatient. "If ya take them
and supported between his arms. Under normal planks an' put 'em so far apart, lean 'em up against
circumstances, Josef would have been full of the school...."
questions and wonder as they journeyed along.
"You could push the carriage up there," Loren
"Ya okay, Joe?" Sully caressed his son's cheek. nodded. "So ya think that proves Hank did it?"

"Yep," he looked up at his father. "We spise "Sure looks like it t' me," Jake responded. "Had
Mama?" some help, I reckon."

"Surprise her?" he hesitated. "Ah... yea. We sure "So now what?" Loren shrugged.
"So, now we give him a taste o' his own medicine,"
Sully felt the child lean back against him and kissed Jake grinned.
the top of his head. "I love you, Josef."
He made no reply, but clasped his father's hand.
Andrew decided to spend the day traveling around
The gesture filled Sully's heart. He knew this would the outskirts of Colorado Springs. He had forgotten
work. It had to work. Then he spotted Cloud the breathtaking view of Pike's Peak.
Dancing and speeded up the gait of the horse.
"No wonder Colleen loves it here," he said to
"My brother," the Cheyenne medicine man greeted himself.
As he rode along the Old Post Road, he saw a
Cloud Dancing observed Josef, quietly clinging to familiar face.
his father, "The little one is in need of my
assistance." "Dr. Cook," Glenn Varley smiled. "Is it really you?"

"He was real affected by bein' away from us so "Yes," Andrew smiled shyly.
long," Sully explained.
"It's good t' see ya," the farmer tipped his hat. "Are
"Come," Cloud Dancing pointed. "We shall make ya back t' stay?"
things ready for his healing."

"Just visiting Dr. Quinn and her family," the young "We go home, Papa?" the child became anxious.
doctor replied.
"Not yet, big boy," Sully hugged him. "We got a lot
"I never did thank ya enough for what you an' Dr. t' learn."
Mike did for me an' my wife," he stated. "We got a
healthy little girl, thanks t' you." ************

"Dr. Quinn delivered the baby," Andrew deferred. Michaela and Colleen heard a ruckus overhead.

"While you kept me calm," Glenn chuckled. "Katie!" Michaela called. "What are you doing up
"Means a lot t' folks around here when people do there?"
somethin' like that."
"Just playin'," came the reply.
"You're more than welcome," Andrew
acknowledged. "What was that noise?" she queried.

"Well," he nodded. "Good seein' ya. I best be on my "I gotta ask ya somethin'," the little girl's voice grew
way." closer as she came down the steps.

"Nice to see you, too, Mr. Varley," Andrew spurred Michaela smiled at Colleen, "She's taken lately to
his horse onward. getting into my clothes and trying them on."

************ "She wants to imitate you, Ma," Colleen smiled.

Cloud Dancing and Sully sat on the ground. "Or grow up more quickly than her father and I
Surrounding them was a grove of trees, and nearby would...." she stopped suddenly when she saw what
was a meandering creek. Josef sat tucked between the little girl was wearing.
his father's legs, listening but not reacting to the
words of the Cheyenne medicine man. Over her own dress, Katie had put on her mother's
negligee with its suggestively low cut neckline.
Cloud Dancing's eyes brightened as he leaned close Michaela began to turn red as Colleen chuckled.
to softly speak, "Josef, all living things, whether
they have two legs, four legs or the plants of the "Mama," Katie put her hands on her hips. "I really
earth.... all have life, and all were given a spirit by like this dress, but I think they left somethin' out up
the Creator. here."

Sully tried to gauge the response of his son. "Um...." Michaela attempted to compose herself.
"Yes, Sweetheart. That's why I keep it in the back
Cloud Dancing added, "Children have a joyful of the drawer. What were you doing in there?"
energy. That is why plants for melancholy are
picked by children, in order that these children's "Just lookin'," she replied. "Maybe if ya wear a big
lives and joy become part of the plant that is necklace, it could cover up this empty part."
picked." He paused for effect, then continued, "All
must live together, respecting the balance of life and "That's a wonderful suggestion," Michaela smiled
passing on to new generations valuable lessons nervously.
about how to be a guardian of the world in which
they live." "Did ya ever wear this someplace?" the little girl
"Do ya understand, Joe?" Sully lifted his son to
gaze into his eyes. "You gotta take care o' all livin' "Well... ah...." the mother hesitated.
things 'cause you're part o' everythin' on the earth."
Katie lowered the straps and stepped out of it, "I Sully looked on with love as his best friend
don't think Poppy would like ya to." counseled his son. He found it altogether fitting that
the man who had once given him back his spirit
Colleen's laughter increased as Michaela's shade of would be the one to lead Josef out of the dark place
red became more pronounced. he was in.

"What's so funny?" Katie smiled at her sister. Could Dancing spoke tenderly, "Josef, do you know
where you came from?"
"Home," he answered.
"We're gonna get even t'night," Jake looked at the
assembled men. The medicine man smiled, "Do you know who
made you?"
"What are we gonna do?" Horace asked. "I don't
wanna be out late. My bunion tells me it's gonna Josef pondered it a moment, then replied, "Mama
rain." an' Papa?"

"I told ya," Jake rolled his eyes. "We're gonna teach Cloud Dancing pointed to his chest, "And inside of
Hank a lesson for what he pulled at the school. you, your spirit... where does it come from?"

"Why don't you simply inform Hank that you know Josef scratched his head, then shrugged, "Don'
he did it?" the Reverend contributed. "Two wrongs know."
don't make a right."
The Cheyenne softly began his education, "We
"Inform Hank that we know he did it?" Jake come from the Creator, who helps us in our life
mocked. "First off, he'd deny it. Second, he's gonna journey. The Creator can take any form, human or
keep it up 'til we pay him back in kind." animal."

Robert E attempted to reason, "I don't know if this Josef looked up, "Cweator Mama?"
is such a good idea."
He smiled, "The Creator may be our mother or
"Look," Jake tilted back his hat. "For this t' work, I father, our grandmother or grandfather. He can even
need all o' ya t' help." be our friend."

"Even me?" the minister was surprised. Josef absorbed the words carefully.

"Yea," Jake allowed. "By keepin' quiet about what Cloud Dancing resumed the lesson, "We must listen
we're doin'." and watch very carefully to learn what the Creator
teaches us. When I was a boy, there was an old man
************ of our tribe who had gained so much knowledge
Chapter 9 about things, I used to sit and listen to him, thinking
************ I would like to be like him."

As Dusk was falling on their clearing in the woods, "Like Papa," Josef pointed.
Cloud Dancing built a fire. Preparation for Josef's
healing required Sully and Cloud Dancing to fast, Sully smiled.
but the child was fed. The little boy even seemed
slightly more outgoing after eating, venturing closer "This old man could even understand the dogs when
to permit the medicine man to hold him. they would bark," Cloud Dancing informed him.

Josef's eyes widened, "Woh?" "And we should return to the Chateau," Andrew
stood. "Thank you for your hospitality, Michaela."
"Yes, the wolf and all animals," Cloud Dancing
nodded. "Animals give us messages that can protect "You're family," she replied. "I love having you."
the community. But we must listen without fear."
"Mama," Katie stood. "Maybe Colleen could fix
In the distance, the faint sound of a mountain lion your dress."
was heard, prompting Josef to jump up and run to
his father. "Did you rip your dress?" Andrew innocently
Protectively, Sully embraced him and kissed his
cheek, "It's okay, Joe." "It's a long story," Colleen tapped her husband's
arm. "Let's go. 'Night Ma. Katie."
"See? The mountain lion speaks to us ," Cloud
Dancing told him. "Look, Josef. Look around you. They embraced, and the Cooks departed.
The plants, the animals tell of a storm that is
coming." "Mama," Katie approached her mother. "Are ya
okay? Poppy said I need t' take care o' ya."
"Tunder?" Josef's brow wrinkled.
She lifted her daughter, "I'm fine, thank you. But we
"Yes," Cloud Dancing told him. "There will be need to have a little talk about your getting into
thunder and lightning." drawers."

"Home, Papa," the child clutched his father's jacket. "I figured somethin' was on your mind," the child
anticipated an impending lecture.
"The creatures of the earth have given us this
warning so that we might prepare for it and not be ************
frightened," Cloud Dancing patted the little boy's
hand. "The rain will bring nourishment to the "Josef," Sully smiled at the little boy's attempts to
earth." help them build a lodge. "You're doin' real good."

************ "We hide, Papa?" the child wondered.

"Dinner was delicious, Colleen," Michaela "No," he knelt down. "This'll keep us dry when the
complimented her daughter. rain starts."

"My wife is a great cook," Andrew wiped the corner "And we shall use it later for the sweat lodge
of his mouth on his napkin. "You must have taught ceremony," Cloud Dancing revealed.
her well, Michaela."
They finished the structure just as the rains began.
Michaela smiled, "I believe her real mother had the Safe and warm inside, Josef yawned.
greater influence in that department."
"The little one is sleepy," Cloud Dancing noted.
"Storm's comin'," Brian announced.
"He got a brief nap on our way here," Sully stroked
Matthew looked out the window, "We better secure the child's head. "But he ain't been sleepin' real
the animals." good. He wakes up with nightmares."

"Okay," Brian followed his brother out the door. "Josef," the medicine man held his gaze. "Tell me
about your dreams."

Josef suddenly rotated toward his father's chest and "Yep," she remembered. "Sometimes you're
rubbed his eyes. doctorin' Poppy."

"Tell your Cheyenne father," Sully gently guided "Well," Michaela cleared her throat. "The point is,
him to look at Cloud Dancing. there are some things that are private."

"Mama go 'way," his little voice trembled. "Papa go "Private?" Katie repeated.
"The older you get, the more you'll appreciate
"I see," said Cloud Dancing. "This frightens you." privacy," Michaela pointed out. "There are some
things that we don't want others to know about or
"Tell him how ya feel, Joe," Sully encouraged. see."

"I sad," Josef responded. "Scared." "Like a secret?" she compared.

"You are a special child," the medicine man reached "Yes," Michaela nodded. "Rather like a secret."
out for him.
"I don't like secrets," the little girl recalled her
Josef looked up to his father. Sully nodded, and father's surprise party for Michaela.
Josef tentatively approached Cloud Dancing.
"Sweetheart," Michaela sighed. "It's important to
"Children have a unique bond with older people," respect other people's wish for privacy."
he cradled Josef. "You are a link to the future, and
we must pay special attention to your dreams." "But why can't I look at your clothes, Mama?" Katie
"You are welcome to look at my clothes, my
Katie contritely lay in bed awaiting her mother's darling," she touched her nose playfully. "But out of
arrival. When Michaela entered the nursery, she courtesy, it's important that you tell me what you're
glanced momentarily at her son's empty crib. doing and obtain my permission first."

"I miss Joey, too," the little girl looked up. "That takes away the fun of explorin'," Katie
"Your Daddy and Cloud Dancing will take good
care of him," her statement was more wishful "You sound like your father," Michaela smiled.
thinking. "Say your prayers now."

"Was I bad, Mama?" Katie spoke what was on her ************

"Jacob," Teresa finished feeding Maria. "Where
"Bad?" she was puzzled. have you been?"

"For gettin' int' your clothes," the child played with "Ah..." he fumbled for an excuse. "Just out takin' a
the edge of her blanket. walk."

"No, Katie, not bad," Michaela comforted her. "In the rain?" she doubted.
"But.... do you know how we tell you to knock
before coming into our bedroom?" He picked up their daughter, "How's this pretty little

The five month old infant gurgled and grinned at "Father," she reached out to touch him.
her father.
"I'm here," he smiled. "Your son will be all right."
"What's she doin' up?" he caressed the baby's dark
hair. "You know about Josef, Father?" she was surprised.

"She was frightened by the storm," Teresa replied. "Of course," he smiled and stroked his beard. "I
know everything about you. Thank you for naming
************ him after me."

"Papa!" Josef covered his ears at the loud clap of "I miss you so much," she could feel his image
thunder. fading.

"It's okay," Sully encircled his son in his arms. "I'm always with you," he touched her hand.
"That's just the storm lettin' us know where it is so
we don't go out." Michaela's entire being tingled, a sensation that
instantly jolted her awake.
"Pwease, Papa," he buried his head in his father's
chest and began to sob. "Want Mama." "Father!" she looked around the room.

Sully looked toward his friend, his expression Somewhat embarrassed for speaking his name
reflecting concern and frustration. aloud, she lay back again. The dream gave her an
odd sense of warmth and calm. It was if her father
"All will be well, my friend," Cloud Dancing's had spoken directly to her. In her newly relaxed
words were comforting. "The Spirits will hear his state, she was able to fall into a deep sleep.
Sully stroked his son's head, speaking low, "It's
okay, Joe. Papa's here. You're gonna be all right." "Andrew," Colleen tapped her husband's arm.

************ "Mmmm?" he awoke. "Something wrong?"

Michaela settled into bed, and picked up her latest "I've been thinking about our decision," she told
medical journal. Unable to concentrate, she rolled him.
onto her side and stroked the empty pillow beside
her. "And," he rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, Sully," she sighed. "I think I've come up with a compromise, if you're
willing to listen," she stated.
She closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift. Soon,
she was asleep. "I am," he grew more alert.

Then the dream came. It had been many years since "Denver," she said simply.
she dreamed about her father. He was dressed all in
white. They were in his office. She looked around "Denver?" he was curious.
the familiar room, filled with the same sense of awe
and love that she always experienced in her father's "What if we began a practice in Denver?" she
presence. clarified.

"Mike," his strong voice echoed in her mind. He paused, "It's worthy of consideration."

"You could have your city practice, and I could be Horace rounded the corner and immediately felt
near my family," she shared her logic. "But I must uncomfortable.
tell you, Andrew, my preference is to call on
patients in the outskirts of the city. I don't want Hank noticed, "How'd they rook you int' this?"
"Int' what?" Horace tried to stay calm.
He raised his hand, "I understand."
"There's a reason why my whole buildin's soaped
"So, what do you think?" her brown eyes widened. up," he shot back. "Whoever done it's gonna be
damn sorry."
"I think it's a good compromise," he put his arms
around her. ************

************ "Sully," Cloud Dancing spoke softly. "It is time."

Hank Lawson finished buttoning his vest as he The mountain man awoke. Spooned against him
stepped toward the door of his saloon. Outside, the was his sleeping son. Josef had cried most of the
morning sun reflected on the pools of water from night. Cried for his mother. Cried to go home. It
the previous night's storm. Then he noticed his tugged at Sully's heart. But now, today, he felt
windows. They were all white. He stepped onto the hopeful that there would be a true breakthrough. He
front walk of the Gold Nugget. White everywhere. prayed that the sweat lodge ceremony would give
him back the happy little boy who was the joy of his
"What the hell?" he thought he was dreaming. family.

He walked into the street and looked up. On the ************

roof of his establishment was a horse trough, from
which overflowed millions of soap bubbles. Katie knocked on her mother's door, "Mama."

Jake approached him, "Give the place a bath, did "Come in," Michaela rolled over to look at the
ya?" clock.

Hank turned quickly, "This your idea of a joke?" The child climbed up onto the bed, "Bran's up."

"Me?" Jake feigned ignorance. "Why'd ya think "Is he now?" she arranged a lock of her daughter's
that?" blonde hair.

"Someone's responsible for this mess," the "Did ya sleep good?" Katie snuggled closer.
barkeeper put his hands on his hips. "An' when I
find him...." "I did," the mother embraced her. "And you?"

"Mornin', Hank," Loren called. "I sorta miss Joey," she smiled. "It was real quiet."

"You know who done this?" he shouted back. "I know what you mean," Michaela kissed her.
"Let's go make breakfast for Brian, shall we?
"What's all the fuss?" Dorothy opened the door of
The Gazette. "My land! What happened?" "Yep," the child slid out of bed.

"That's what I'd like 't know," Hank grew angrier by ************
the second.

With Josef awake, Cloud Dancing spoke to the Then he placed a leaf in the little boy's hands, "The
father and son, "All living creatures have souls and plants bring healing and strength to our bodies.
communicate with each other. When Josef has his They, too, are always with you."
dreams, the Spirits are speaking to him. It is the
duty of his family and his friends to help him find Next he included some animal hair, "This is the fur
the meaning of the dreams and to guide him along of the wolf. The Spirits speak to you through him.
the journey of life. The wolf is of good nature. He will make you brave.
You must listen to him."
"Help?" Josef pointed to the medicine man.
"Woh," Josef repeated.
"I will help you," he smiled. "So will your father."
"Your name will be Ho'neoxhaaestse," the
Sully felt the tension in his son's body lessen a bit, Cheyenne spoke. "Brave Wolf."
"We're gonna have a special ceremony t' help ya,
Joe." Sully felt a lump in his throat, "Brave Wolf."

"Cemony?" he attempted. "Do not be afraid of your dreams, little one," Cloud
Dancing's voice was firm. "The Spirits sent them to
To initiate the rite, they shed themselves of their remind you of those who love you, not to take them
clothing. Cloud Dancing began to position hot rocks away from you. You are part of them.... part of
in a depression at the center of the ground within everyone and everything around you, and all are
the lodge. He threw water onto them to create the within you."
steam. Josef flinched at the hissing sound.
Sully looked on as a remarkable transformation
"Shhh," Sully assured him. "It's okay." began to occur in his son. He no longer cowered
and trembled. He stood straight and proud.
Cloud Dancing began to chant. Josef was
mesmerized by his voice. Josef held up his cupped hands and looked carefully
at the contents placed there by Cloud Dancing,
Sully related tenderly to his son what was "Bwave Woh."
happening, "He is calling upon the spirits of our
grandfathers. He is asking the Great Spirit to hear "Yes, Brave Wolf," the medicine man pointed to his
our prayers." heart. "Learn all that you can. The hopes of many
are in you."
As they continued, beads of perspiration formed on
their bodies. Sully held his little boy close, wiping "Papa," Josef ran to his father.
the moisture from his eyes.
Sully could not contain the overwhelming emotion
Finally, Cloud Dancing extended his arms and he felt. He embraced his son and began to sway
summoned Josef. The child willingly went to him. back and forth holding him securely in his arms.

"Josef," he began. "You are one with all around Closing his eyes at the stinging tears of joy, he
you. Take this dirt into your hands." softly prayed, "Thank you grandfathers for healing
Brave Wolf."
The child cupped his hands together, and the
medicine man placed some soil in his palms. "We go home, Papa?" Josef leaned his head against
his father's shoulder.
"This is Mother Earth," he explained. "She is with
you wherever you journey." "We go home," Sully gazed at Cloud Dancing, his
heart full of gratitude.

************ "Hank!" she stopped him. "I would like to begin.
First, I'm going to administer some chloroform
"Dr. Mike," Horace stood at the homestead door. to...."

"Horace," she opened it wider. "Won't you come "No need," he sighed. "I can take it."
"How did this happen?" she began to disinfect the
"Can't," his eyes were wide. "I come t' tell ya, they area.
need ya in town."
"God, Michaela!" he suddenly shouted in pain. "Ya,
"Has someone been hurt?" she asked. tryin' t' kill me?"

"Hank," the telegrapher nervously replied. "He got "I thought you said you could take it?" she removed
shot in... a delicate area with some buckshot." the first pellet and plunked it into a basin. "That's
"What?" she was surprised.
"How many more?" he cringed.
"In his behind area," he felt uncomfortable.
"There appears to be perhaps a dozen," she
"Is there something wrong with you, too?" she estimated.
"Maybe ya oughta knock me out, then," he began to
"First time I been here since it happened," he peered perspire.
"If you talk, it will keep your mind off of it," she
Then she realized he was referring to his babysitting removed another.
Katie on the night she was kidnapped.
"Talk?" he rolled his eyes. "Why d' women always
"I'll get my bag and be right there," she informed wanna talk?"
"Why do men try to avoid it?" she countered as a
************ third piece of lead was removed.
Chapter 10
************ "All right, already," he sighed. "What do ya wanna
talk about?"
Uncomfortably lying on his stomach, Hank lifted
his head from the examining table, "Maybe ya "As I asked earlier," she retrieved another. "How
oughta let Andrew do this, Michaela." did this happen?"

"I can assure you, I'm perfectly capable of removing ************

them," she arranged a sheet around him.
"I knew nothing good could come of this,"
"I know ya can do it. It's just...." he hesitated. "It's Reverend Johnson leaned against his cane as he
the location that's makin' me nervous." spoke to the group outside the Clinic.

"I've seen this.... area on patients before," she "It was Hank's fault for startin' it," Jake excused.
"Who knew it'd lead t' this?" Loren folded his arms.
Hank couldn't resist, "Just make sure ya don't get
too close t' my...." "I say, he deserved it," Preston snapped.

"He didn't deserve you shootin' him," Robert E "We don't know how long they'll be away,
accused. Sweetheart," Michaela went to her.

"I thought he was an animal," the banker said. "There," Katie pointed.

"He was prowlin' around in the alley behind your Then Michaela saw, as well. The figures of her
bank lookin' for soap boxes," Jake raised his voice. husband and little boy becoming clearer in the faint
"Most animals in town don't stand over six feet tall light of dusk.
an' have blonde hair."
"They're home!" Michaela rushed to the door.
"It was an accident," the Reverend hoped to calm
tempers. "But I hope this teaches you that an eye for The entire family gathered on the porch with
eye...." Michaela speeding down the steps to meet Sully.

"I know," Jake cut him off. He pulled up beside her and gently handed down
their sleeping son.
Colleen and Andrew arrived at the Clinic and joined
the group. "Sully?" her voice was hopeful.

"We just heard what happened," Andrew "He's gonna be okay," he smiled and dismounted
dismounted his horse. his horse.

"Maybe ya oughta get in there," Jake recommended. Encircling them in his arms, he kissed her, "Sure is
good t' be home."
"Does Michaela need help?" the young physician
reached for his medical bag. Josef opened his eyes and at first was uncertain of
where he was, "We home?"
"Prob'ly would make things more comfortable for
Hank," Robert E predicted. "You're home, my darling," Michaela hugged him.

************ "Mama," he grinned. "We spise ya?"

"Andrew, Colleen, I want to thank you for your "Surprise," Sully clarified. "It's all he talked about
assistance today," Michaela sat at the dinner table on the way back. Suprisin' his Ma."
with her family. "I hope that this battle of practical
jokes is finally over." "Yes, Josef," she kissed him. "I'm delightfully
Matthew laughed, "Time will tell, but it sure was
funny watchin' them try t' outdo each other." The family gathered around to welcome home the
little boy.
"Mama," Katie requested. "May I be excused?"
Sully noticed that Katie had stepped back, and he
"You've hardly touched your meal," she felt her knelt down beside her, "I sure could use a kiss."
forehead. "Are you feeling all right?"
She threw her arms around his neck, "I missed ya,
"Yep," Katie walked to the window and sat. Poppy."

"Lookin' for somethin', Katie?" Brian turned. "I missed my sweet girl, too," he lifted her up. "Did
ya take care o' your Ma?"
"Poppy an' Joey are comin' home," she stated.

"I sorta got int' some trouble," she confessed. Colleen stood and looked at her husband,
"What'd ya do?" he brushed back her hair.
He joined her, "Colleen and I have decided to make
"I found somethin' in Mama's drawer," Katie our home in Denver. We're going to practice
elaborated. "She said it was private." medicine there."

"It's not good t' get int' things that don't belong t' ya, "Denver!" Michaela was overjoyed. "That's
Kates," he advised. wonderful news!"

"Mama told me," she looked down. "I just thought "Andrew's going to work primarily in the city,"
you oughta know, too, Poppy, in case ya open that Colleen described. "But... I want to be like Ma."
drawer an' find it like I did." She cast an admiring glance at Michaela, "I'm going
to visit the areas outside of town."
"Thanks for the warnin', he grinned. "Let's go inside
now. I'm starvin'." Michaela was elated, "I'm so proud of you,
"Thanks, Ma," she rushed to embrace her.
Between bites of dinner, Sully rapidly described
what had happened on their journey. Michaela ************
smiled and listened attentively, all the while
keeping her eye on Josef. No longer clinging to his As they bathed the children, Michaela described the
mother or father, the little boy romped round the practical joke war that had taken place in Sully's
room, playing, giggling, teasing his sister, and absence.
periodically petting Wolf.
"What's a practical joke?" Katie listened attentively.
"Josef," she beckoned him.
"It's a trick to make someone laugh," Michaela
Obediently, he rushed to her and smiled, "Mama?" defined.

She lifted him, "Time for a bath, young man. I "Can I practical joke?" Katie requested.
know your father did not give you one."
"Better not, Kates," Sully rubbed her damp hair
"We sweat," Josef grinned. with a towel. "Sometimes, the joke goes too far.
That's how Mr. Lawson got hurt."
"Do you know how happy I am to see that smile?"
Michaela kissed his cheek. Katie suddenly giggled, realizing that her brother
had tickled her, "Joey."
"Love, Mama," he kissed her back.
He darted away from her to hide.
Colleen cleared her throat, "Before Andrew and I
return to the Chateau, we'd like to tell you "It's good to have him back," Michaela smiled.
"Even if he tickles me?" Katie put her hands on her
Michaela's heart sank, fearing her daughter would hips.
announce their impending departure for
Philadelphia. "Don't you like for your brother to make you
laugh?" Michaela smiled.

"He could take it too far, Mama," the little girl tilted "I'll have t' find out how t' say 'Most Beautiful Little
her head to get the water from her ear. Girl in the Whole World,'" Sully kissed her.

"Josef," Sully could not find him. "That's too long a name, Poppy," she was serious.

"Where is he?" Michaela went to help him. "I'll ask Cloud Dancin' for somethin'' shorter then,"
he sat on the edge of the bed to tuck her in.
"Here," Sully finally found him beside Wolf.
"Come on, Brave Wolf." ************

"We sweep, Papa?" he spoke. "I'm so relieved, Sully," Michaela embraced him in
the privacy of their bedroom.
"You sleep up in your crib," Sully raised him up to
kiss his tummy. "Wolf sleeps down here." "I know," he swallowed hard. "Ya should've seen
how good Cloud Dancin' was with Josef. Durin' the
"What did you call him?" Michaela overheard their sweat lodge ceremony, when he called on the spirits
exchange. of the the grandfathers, Josef stared payin' real close
"Brave Wolf," Sully handed the child to his mother.
"Cloud Dancing gave him his Cheyenne name." "Grandfather," she was reminded of her dream.

"Do you have a Cheyenne name, Poppy?" Katie "What?" he removed his beads.
was interested.
"Sully, do you know how Cloud Dancing taught us
"Yep," he lifted her and headed up the steps. the significance of our dreams?" she unbutton her
"What is it?" Katie asked.
"Yep," he removed his shirt.
"Ho'neohtseohtslstse," he spoke in Cheyenne.
"Josef's grandfather, my father, visited me in a
"You never told me that before," Michaela followed dream last night," she related. "He told me that our
them up with Josef. "What does it mean?" son would be all right."

"Wandering Wolf," he answered. "Your Pa's watchin' over you an' the children," he
told her.
"So I have two wolves on my hands, do I?"
Michaela teased. "I know," she acknowledged.

"Three," Katie counted. "Papa, Joey an' Wolf." "Cloud Dancin' says that there will be times when
Then she thought about it further. "Do you have a Josef might retreat back int' his shell," Sully
Cheyenne name, too, Mama?" cautioned. "But it'll happen less frequently. We just
gotta be patient and guide him on his life's journey."
Sully spoke with pride, "She was given her name by
the great Cheyenne leader Black Kettle. He called "I saw that spark in him again tonight," she smiled.
her 'Medicine Woman.'"
"Katie told me she got int' trouble for findin'
"Good name," Katie made herself comfortable somethin' in your drawer," he suddenly thought of
under her covers. "When can I get my name?" her confession to him on the front steps.

"Sully," she blushed. "She found my negligee."

"She did?" he chuckled. As Sully began, she drove him to distraction by
caressing and kissing him in the places that she
"Yes," she shook her head. "She thought it was knew would stir his desire. But onward he tried:
defective with a sizable part missing."
"My heart is like a singing bird
Sully stifled a laugh. Whose next is in a watered shoot;
My heart is like an apple tree
"She didn't think you would want me to wear Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit...."
something like that," she raised an eyebrow.
He paused to catch his breath.
"Too bad I wasn't here t' tell her what I really
think," he pulled her close. "You're makin' this hard t' finish," he clasped her
"Thank you, Sully," her tone changed. "Thank you
for bringing back our little boy." "Do go on," she returned to her loving touches.

"Those kids are our treasures," he touched her chin. "My heart is like a rainbow shell
"I'd go through anythin' t' bring them back home t' That paddles in a halcyon sea;
us." My heart is gladder than all these
Because my love has come to me...."
"I know you would," she kissed his finger. Then she
caressed the hair on his chest, "Wandering Wolf." His pulse had reached a dizzying speed.

"That was before I met you," he was becoming "Was that Shelley?" she stopped for the moment.
aroused at her gesture. "I don't wanna wander
anymore." "Christina Rossetti," he swallowed hard.

He lifted her and carried her to their bed. Plying "You seem a bit distracted," she knew she had him.
kisses to her neck and shoulders, he lightly ran his
palms across her. Goose bumps appeared on her "Michaela," his body ached for her. "I think ya
skin. Michaela arched her head back and quivered. stayed awake just fine that time."

Continuing his movements, Sully positioned "It's amazing what one can do when energized by
himself beside her. love," she curled back his hair from his temple.

"Perhaps," her voice faltered from the longing he "Oh, I'm energized," he repositioned her to receive
stirred. "Perhaps, you should be called Wandering his love.
"Well, then?" she invited.
"Ya like where my hand's wanderin'?" he grinned.
Their banter ended as they totally gave in to their
"Very much," she cupped his face. "I love you so passionate yearning. Awash with the love and
much." warmth of one another, they conveyed their
fulfillment to each other.
He cleared his throat, "Ya know, the last time I
recited some poetry to ya, ya fell asleep." "By the way..." he kissed her tenderly.

"I promise to stay wide awake this time," she kissed "Yes?" she felt his heart beat against hers.
"I love you, too," he grinned.



German born Carl Schurz (1829-1906) has been By the way, Mrs. Carl Schurz (Margaretha Meyer),
called the "greatest American of German birth." who immigrated to America with her husband in
Fleeing Germany after the Revolution of 1848, he 1852, holds quite a distinction, as well. In Germany,
settled initially in Wisconsin, where became a she had been a student of Friedrich Froebel, the
leader of the anti-slavery movement. After founder of the kindergarten. In 1856, Margaretha
supporting Lincoln in the election of 1860, the established a school at Watertown, WI, for the
president named him minister to Spain. He returned young German speaking children of immigrants.
to America during the Civil War and distinguished This school was the first kindergarten in the United
himself as a brigadier general in the Union Army. States.

After the War, Schurz established the Westliche Colleen related the story to Michaela of meeting the
Post, a German language newspaper in St. Louis, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, Alix Victoria
MO. It soon became a powerful influence in the Helena Louise Beatrice, or "Sunny" as she was
West. In 1869, he entered the United States Senate, affectionately called by her mother. Little Alix grew
representing Missouri. Although a Republican, he up to marry the Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, last of
soon led the opposition against the measures of the Romanov rulers. She converted from her native
President Grant and declined his support of the Lutheran religion and changed her name to marry
President in the election of 1872. the monarch. History knows her as Empress
President Rutherford B. Hayes appointed him
secretary of the Interior in 1877, a post he held for Nicholas and Alexandra were among the most
four years. As secretary, he argued for a fair tragic figures in Russian history. In 1918, they were
treatment of the Indians and installed a civil-service murdered along with their five children (Olga,
merit system in his department. Later, he became Tatiana, Marie, Anastasia and Alexis) by the
editor of the New York Evening Post and chief Bolsheviks. Only recently were their remains
editorial writer for Harper's Weekly. discovered and given proper burial. Until this
discovery, controversy surrounded the identity of a
Those who visit Manhattan may even recognize his woman who claimed to be Nicholas and
name because of the park which bears his name. Alexandra's youngest daughter Anastasia. DNA
Carl Schurz Park overlooks the waters of Hell's studies verified that among the bones discovered
Gate on the East River in the Yorkville section. were those of Anastasia. However, this gives rise to
Schurz is also honored by Karl Bitter's statue a new mystery. The remains of daughter Marie and
located at Morningside Drive and 116th Street. son Alexis are still missing.


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